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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

Page 15

by BWWM Club

  “Need some help?” Angelina asked as she looked at him.

  Adrian looked at her as he paced a bowl of chopped fruit on the counter.

  “You are a guest in my home. I am obligated to serve you,” he said in a soft voice. The look he was giving her almost melted her. She looked at him as he served some fruit into the two bowls and then poured some yogurt over it. “My housekeeper made this in the morning hoping I would have it. I think she is quite religious,” he said as he handed her a spoon. She looked at him as she lifted a spoonful of yogurt soaked fruit to her mouth.

  “And why is that?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “You are the reason I am having breakfast,” he said. He looked at her and smiled. “Maybe asking you over was a good thing,” he added.

  She raised an eyebrow and looked at him. “Actually, you didn’t really ask me. The right word would be conjure.”

  “Conjure? Are you a spirit now?”

  “You know what I mean and I could have sworn you said pool party. Why are we the only people here?” she asked as she looked around.

  “I did use the word party but I could have very well been talking about a party for two,” he pointed out as she took another bite. She shook her head as she tasted the rich blend of strawberry and kiwi fruit in her mouth. She wanted to say something, anything but it was almost like she was tongue tied. “More fruit?” he asked after he took a spoonful of his own fruit.

  “I’m good, thanks,” she said. It was then that she noticed some steaks marinating in a casserole dish next to the sink. “So, Mr. Corday,” she started making him raise an eyebrow at her.

  “What are you trying to pull there, Angie? I thought we were already on first name basis,” he said. She took one last bite and looked up at him.

  “This question warrants the use of your surname.”

  “Color me intrigued.“ Adrian was now looking into her warm almond shaped eyes.

  “Why didn’t you tell me who you were from the word go?”

  “I didn’t think it was a factor. Besides, most people claim to know me inside out the minute they know who I am,” he explained. “And I liked you, I wanted you to get to know the real me without the tabloids and every other propaganda tailored by hungry journalists.” She smiled and leaned on the counter. “I do hope my efforts worked.”

  “Depends. Do the tabloids say that you have a big ego and you are kind of bossy?”

  “Damn that TMZ,” he said as he looked into her eyes.

  She suddenly felt her cheeks get red. She was too flushed. She could not continue looking into his eyes.

  “Can I…could I have some water please?” she asked in a low voice. Adrian looked at her for a long minute and then turned around to grab a bottle from the fridge.

  “What kind?” he asked.

  “Excuse me?” Angelina raised an eyebrow.

  “Mineral water, sparkling water, carbonated water.” He said looking at her. She wanted to laugh.

  “Restaurateur much?” she thought as she looked at him. “Mineral is just fine, though I would have taken good old tap water any day.” She rested her elbows on the counter.

  “Huh, most women usually go for sparkling water.”

  Angelina forced out a laugh.

  “I am not sure most women even know the difference between tap water and sparkling water. I don’t even know the difference myself,” she said as she took the bottle from Adrian. She sighed when his hand lingered, brushing against her own fingers.

  “So, are you going to join me for a swim first?” Adrian asked as he opened the oven and placed the casserole dish inside. He set the timer and looked at Angelina. “There’s a guest room down the hall. You can get changed there.” He led her out of the kitchen to the hallway. She could not help but look around the house as they walked. He had quite the number of collectibles. But the one that caught her eye was what seemed to be a mountain of beer bottles. “Here it is,” he said when they got to the guest room.

  “Thanks,” she said with a smile.

  “I’ll be waiting for you by the pool,” he said as she got into the room.

  “This room is almost as big as my living room and dining room combined,” she thought as she looked around. She put the bag down on the bed and took off her jeans and top. She felt strange getting undressed in a strange man’s house. “Maybe he is one of those weird guys who install hidden cameras in their houses,” she thought as she looked around. “Might as well give him a show.” She took off her panties and bra and went ahead to put on her swim suit. She took off her earrings and put her hair in a side braid before she wrapped a shawl around her hips. She slowly walked out of the room and somehow felt silly. “I should have packed a one piece suit,” she thought when she realized that this was the first time she was putting on the white number she had on. She made her way out to the pool and held her breath when she saw what Adrian had on: a black pair of boxer briefs that made her want to pounce on him. A smile played on her lips when she realized that she had been right about his perfectly toned body.

  “There you are,” Adrian said when he saw her. “And I must say, you look exceptional.” She smiled as she sat down next to him unsure of what she was supposed to say. She looked at his pool and sighed. If this was her house, she would probably never leave. It was perfect. He even had a little waterfall in there.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” Angelina said. Adrian reached for a tube of sunblock cream next to him and squeezed a generous amount. Angelina could not help but stare as he rubbed the lotion all over his abs and legs.

  “If you do me, I’ll do you,” Adrian said.

  “I beg your pardon?” she asked in surprise. He held out the sunblock cream. “Oh,” she said in a low voice, embarrassed. She took the lotion as he sat down with his back to her.

  “So, Angie. Tell me more about yourself,” he said. She squeezed the lotion onto her hand and began rubbing her hands together. Her fingers were trembling as she rubbed his back.

  “You pretty much know everything about me by now,” she said as her cold fingers ran all over his back.

  “Actually all I know is that you like hanging out at art museums which I find strange for a woman your age.” Angelina stopped rubbing his back and looked at him. She wished he would turn around and look at her.

  “A woman my age?” she echoed.

  “Yes, a woman your age is usually busy hanging out with her friends. I mean that’s what young career women do, right?” he asked.

  She resumed her rubbing and shrugged. What was she supposed to say? ‘I don’t hang out with my friends because they are all busy at their jobs and I’m tired of being given pitiful looks’?

  “I guess I’m just different,” she said.

  “Yes you are,” he said turning around. He held out his hand and looked at her. “My turn,” he said as she placed the lotion in her hand. She looked at him as he squeezed some lotion on to his hand. He got off his pool rest and knelt next to hers. She looked down at him as he began rubbing the lotion up one leg and then down the other. It had been so long since she’d had anyone touch her in any way. She felt a shiver go through her when he began rubbing the lotion on her tummy. He was staring into her eyes as he slowly rubbed her, working his way up until she could no longer hold his gaze. She looked away and he squeezed more lotion on his hand. “Turn around.” She swung her legs around and stepped on the ground before she turned around. The braid she had done earlier had already come undone. He brought a hand to her face and raked back the hair strands before he swept her hair off to one side of her face. He then rubbed his hands together before he began rubbing his hands all over her back, from her nape all the way down to her waist. She hated feeling aroused as he touched her. She turned around when he was done, her cheeks all flushed. “Now we’re both adequately protected from the sun,” he whispered as he looked at her.

  “Adequately protected,” she echoed in a whisper nodding.

  “Now since you seem bent
on holding out on me,” he started as he got up. “Would you like to join me for a dip?”

  She looked up at him as he held out his hand. She opened her mouth to answer but she couldn’t talk. She just nodded. She placed her hand in his and he pulled her to her feet before he tugged at the shawl making it come lose. He feasted his eyes on her before he led her to the pool. He stepped in first and she lingered a little. She hated the cold water shock she always got in pools.

  “Let me just test the water on my own. Dip my toe and everything.”

  “You are already ankle deep in the water Angie,” he laughed.

  “I know but…” she never got to finish that sentence. Adrian’s hands were suddenly on her waist and he lifted her into the water making her gasp loudly as she felt the cold water engulf her.

  “I always believe that the best way to do anything is to jump right in with both feet,” he said in a soft voice.

  “Wait, what about your steaks? Won’t they…?” she started asking before he shook his head.

  “Automatic timer. The oven will go off when the timer's does. Best fifteen hundred dollars I ever spent,” he said as he looked at her.

  “Fifteen hundred dollars? I got my stove and oven for three hundred bucks. Trust me, it works just as well,” Angelina pointed out.

  “Of course it does,” Adrian laughed.

  For the next few hours, she surprised herself at how much she opened up to him. They raced and talked and bonded. And all was well until he swam up to her and looked into her eyes.

  “I have a preposition for you,” he said as he looked at her.

  “What would that be?” she asked. He took a step forward as if he was not already close enough.

  “You are exactly what I need for a new gallery downtown,” he said with a smile.

  “I need a job and everything but what makes you so sure that I am exactly what you need?” she asked.

  “Talented, great charisma and you can tell the difference between a cheap imitation and a really good copy,” he shrugged. “I could really use someone like you at the Parisian Art Store,” he added. He looked at her and waited to hear her reply.

  “Maybe. I’ll let you know after lunch.”

  “That is the best answer I got all week,” he smiled. She smiled and shrugged. “So, I must ask, how exactly is a woman like you single?” he asked as he looked at her.

  “What makes you so sure I’m single?” she asked as she looked at him.

  The few hours she had spent with him had built her confidence a little too much and Adrian liked what he was seeing. He put his hands on her waist and looked into her eyes. Her lips were beckoning, almost too much. She gasped silently when he touched her.

  “If you were hooked, someone would be taking shots at me for being this close,” he said as he pulled her closer to him. She was too close to him for comfort. She could actually feel his pelvis pressing against her. She looked at him and suddenly felt uncomfortable. She pulled away from him and swam to one end of the pool before she climbed out of the pool. He followed suit and looked at her curvaceous body before he handed her a towel. He wrapped a towel around his waist and looked at her. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable there. It’s just that you are so damn….” She turned around and looked at him. She wanted to look at him as he concluded his sentence. “Beautiful,” he finally said.

  “This…this was a mistake,” she stuttered before she walked into the house as quickly as she could.

  “The marble…you need flip flops,” Adrian started before Angelina slipped on the sleek marble flooring. He rushed in but not quickly enough to catch her before she fell. He looked at her as she tried pulling herself up and then knelt next to her. She tried pulling away but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Stay still, Carter.” It was more of a command than a request. He looked at her and pulled the towel away exposing her hip to him. “You bumped this a little hard,” he said as he felt the area around her hip. She looked up at him and frowned every time he pressed her hip. “Some liniment will take care of that,” he said as he began picking her up.

  “What are you doing?” she asked looking at him.

  “Taking care of your recklessness,” he said. “Put your arm around my neck.” She did as he asked and he carried her to another room of the house. She thought it was the master bedroom but given the size of this house, every room could have very well been a master bedroom.

  “Wait here,” he said when he laid her down on the bed. She watched as he walked to the bathroom and then came back holding a bottle of liniment. “This will hurt,” he said as he looked down at her. Angelina looked at him and held the spokes of the bed hard as he began rubbing the liniment into her hip. She groaned and gasped as he rubbed the already swelling mound. She couldn’t help when a tear rolled down one cheek. It seemed like forever before he finally stopped. He went back to the bathroom and came back with a hot towel that he pressed against her hip. “I’m sorry. I hate to see you hurting,” he said as he looked at her.

  “Thanks, I guess.”

  “Don’t worry, the pain will die down in a couple of hours.”

  “What, you are a doctor now?” she asked as she looked at him. She was a little angry at him for all the pain he had just put her through even though it was her fault she fell.

  “Not really but I did serve two years as a paramedic in the good state of New York,” he said.

  Angelina was smiling.

  “I can totally picture you in uniform and I must say , you are hot,” she thought as she looked at him.

  “I’ll get you a bathrobe. There is no way you are going back into the pool with that hip,” he said as he walked to the bathroom. All she did was watch him as he walked away.

  “Why am I pushing him away, yet I am so damn attracted to him?” She wondered as he came back holding a fluffy white robe. She was like butter in his hands as he helped her into the robe.

  Chapter 4

  Angelina was getting five star treatment with Adrian. He didn’t even let her get off the bed to go eat. In his own medical opinion, pressure on her hip would only make it harder for it to heal. He had gone to the trouble of serving them in bed, going completely out to even put the wine he had offered her earlier in an ice bucket. He sat on the edge of the bed and slowly parted the robe exposing her thigh.

  “What are you doing?” Angelina asked as he looked at her injured hip.

  “I’m checking on you, making sure I don’t need to call Dr. Marquez,” he said as he gently ran his fingers on her bruised skin.

  “Dr. Marquez?” she asked.

  “My doctor,” he said as he looked at her. “He makes house calls, thank God.” She nodded and looked down at the food which he had placed on the floor. It was the only other thing she could look at without giving away the fact that she was blushing, again. “So, what do you have to say about my proposition?” he asked. She shook her head and he held the side of her face. She felt a chill go down her spine. She wanted to pull his hand away but she couldn’t. “And you also didn’t answer me about being single,” he was dangerously close to her. She looked into his dark eyes and she could almost see it, his dark obsession.

  “I don’t think that is any of your business,” she whispered looking into Adrian’s beckoning darkly obsessive eyes.

  “Then this is also none of your business,” he said as he leaned to kiss her. She wanted to move back but something in her body was screaming for her to stay put and wait for him to claim her in one glorifying kiss. And he did. It was a little feathery kiss, but it struck her like a lightning bolt. He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. “I must say, Angie, I don’t usually come on to women this strong,” he said as he touched her chin with his thumb.

  “Really? And what changed today?” Angelina asked in a low voice.

  “Something about you just begs for it,” he whispered as he leaned over again and kissed her softly.

  “You don’t look like the kind of man who would give in to a
beggar,” she said in a whisper. He was breathing against her mouth.

  “Some things are worth begging for Angie,” he said before he kissed her again. She held her breath when she felt his tongue flicking against her lips. He kept on, waiting for her to pull away or even try to whimper her protest but he had nothing to work with. She was fully accepting him, even angling her head so that his tongue could go wherever it wanted and everywhere she let it. It was like her body was begging for his. She gasped against his lips when he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She instinctively put her arm around his neck and shivered against him. She moaned and the tightness in his pants made her realize that his body was more than appreciative of how she was kissing him. He held the back of her head, his fingers in her damp hair when she moaned her pleasure. He pulled away from her and sighed as his eyes roamed her body. Even covered up underneath the robe, she was still the most beautiful woman he knew.

  “Lunch,” she whispered against his skin.

  “There is a reason microwaves were invented,” he said before he pressed into her body again and she pressed back. His hands were roaming all over her, careful not to touch any part of her that would rouse her desire. She held him as her nipples pressed hard against the bra of her swim suit begging to be set free. She brought a hand up and held the back of his neck making him do the same. He forced more of his tongue into her mouth and she moaned when their tongues danced in her mouth. She suddenly tackled him, making him fall next to her on the bed. He looked at her and smiled.

  “Damn, Angie,” he breathed as he reached for her neck to kiss her again. She was moaning and breathing hard. She would have given anything to be on top of him but her hip was her Achilles’ heel. He knelt on the bed and pulled her down to the center of the bed before he got on top of her.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” he said as he balanced himself on his elbows. Angie didn’t know what happened but suddenly it was as if the top part of her body and the bottom part were no longer in cahoots. She spread her legs allowing him to settle in between them. She looked up at him as he looked down at the V of her robe.


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