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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

Page 16

by BWWM Club

  He wanted her, so much. He had never wanted any woman this way. He brought his head down and kissed her deeply as he tugged on the V of her robe exposing her perfect cleavage to him. He pulled away and balanced his weight on one hand as he pulled the robe belt, pulling it away. He parted the robe and looked down at her before he began kissing her chest. She thrust her chest upwards into his face as he kissed the tops of her breasts. His hand was digging into her folds making her moan softly. She opened her eyes when she felt a hand slip under to undo the knot that held her bra top up. She laid back down and undid the clasp behind her neck so that he could pull down the top exposing her breasts to him.

  “Shit…you’re perfect,” he said before he filled his mouth with her breasts. Her hands were in his hair and she was moaning her pleasure as he sucked and licked her. She gasped when she felt him pull away from one breast to take in the other one.

  Angelina’s breath was coming harder when he pulled his head away from her better than perfect breasts. He looked up at her and brought himself up. He pulled the towel from his waist and pressed his pelvis against hers. She moaned softly and closed her eyes again. Her already distended clit was pressing hard against his engorged cock.

  He kissed her neck and then ran his tongue to the other side of her neck before he pulled away again. He knelt in between her legs and pulled down her bikini bottoms before he pushed off his own swim suit.

  She gasped when she saw how engorged he really was. She immediately got worried. After such a long time, that cock would feel like tearing into her all over again. She looked into his eyes as he caressed her full breasts before he caressed her thighs slowly.

  He brought his head down and began kissing one of her thighs slowly working his way to her core. His cock twitched when he became aware of her scent. He brought his head down and suddenly took her clit in his mouth. She gasped loudly and moaned as he ran his tongue over her clit. She moaned and writhed when she felt her insides getting treacherously close to her edge.

  “Do you…do you have…have you got a condom?” she was struggling to get her words out thanks to his tongue flicking . He pulled away and reached for the top drawer of the night stand. She watched him as he bit the tip and tore off the film covering before he rolled the latex on his massive cock.

  Her heart was beating hard against her chest as he began working himself into her. She had an arm secured around his shoulders as he sunk into the folds of her flesh, deeper and deeper until he felt his base against her. She was a perfect fit. A perfect, perfect fit. He began moving in her and filling his hand with her breast. He gasped when she flipped him over, ignoring the pain in her hip when she did. She looked down at him as she began sliding up and down his cock.

  “Oh God, Angie…” he groaned as she slid down on him. It felt like the first time in years he was having this feeling. He raised his head up and took her nipple into his mouth. She was going up and down his cock like she didn’t have an injury. He was not sure how long she could keep this up but however long she was willing to go, he was going to take it. He would meet her every downward stroke with a thrust slamming against her.

  When she slowed down, he knew that she had ridden him to her limit. He slipped an arm around her waist and flipped her around getting her back against the bed. She felt heavenly around his cock. He looked down at her as she wrapped her arms around him. He began pushing deeper into her as her head rolled to one side. Her curls were all over his soft pillow as he pushed himself deeper and deeper still.

  It was all she could take. She suddenly let out a moan of pleasure as she came all around him. Her grip tightened around his shoulders as he held her waist, steadying his hips to thrust into her as far as he could. She was shaking when she suddenly felt all of him exploding all around her. He buried his head in her neck and moaned as he unravelled all around and inside her. She had been everything he had imagined and fantasized. He had been reduced to a trembling mass of muscle on top of her.

  “Adrian,” she moaned when she felt him dislodge out of her.

  “Angie,” he mumbled as he laid next to her. He looked at her as she shivered. He brought her into his arms and held her until her body quieted down. He was looking at her as she purred with each breath. “Water?” he asked as he looked at her. “Your skin is hotter than a hot pan.” She looked up at him and suddenly came to her senses.

  “Oh god…Adrian. This…this was a mistake…” she started as she pulled away from him. She climbed off the bed and looked around for the robe.

  “Angie…this was no mistake and you know it,” Adrian said as he looked at her. She held the robe up to her breasts and shook her head confused. Adrian climbed off the bed and looked at her.

  “My God, Adrian. Could you cover up?” she asked shielding her eyes with one hand.

  Adrian frowned.

  “Really? You are shy after what just happened? I mean I was balls deep inside you,” he said and she turned around running out as fast as she could. Adrian couldn’t help but smile. She was covering up the wrong part of her body. In her confused frenzy, she forgot that her ass was totally exposed to him and her limpy run only made it worse. He put on a bathrobe and followed her to the guest room.

  He stood outside the door as she got dressed. “Angie, you are not leaving.” His words made her turn around and look at the slightly ajar door. She shook her head as she pulled on her top and then walked to the door. She pulled it open and looked at him.

  “Is that right?” she asked almost angrily. “And why is that?”

  “Because I invited you here for lunch and I already cooked. So you are damn well going to eat,” Adrian said a little too coolly. “Plus, you need to wash off that chlorine,” he added as he walked off. Angie tried walking as fast as he was but she couldn’t thanks to her limp. He walked back to the bedroom and stood against the door so that she could catch up. “I would feel much better if you got back in bed. The pressure you put on that hip is already too much for it,” he said as he took her hand and held her waist, holding her steady as she walked back to the bed.


  Even though lunch was delicious, it was as awkward as ever. She hated herself for being so weak around Adrian and she also hated the way he was bossy with her. Even her hard ass grandmother had never been this hard on her. He had actually made sure that she took that shower. He actually stood in the shower with her.

  When he pulled up in front of her apartment building later that day, she was more angry with herself than she was at him. She looked at him when she got out of the car.

  “How did you even know where I live?”

  “When I am interested in someone Angie, I make it my business to know every single little detail about them. I’ll be here to take you for breakfast tomorrow morning. That should be enough time for you to think about my proposition.” Adrian gave her a card. “My cell is on there. I’ll call you. Have a lovely day Angie,” he said before he drove off leaving her confused.

  She never said she wanted to see him again, ever. She shook her head and walked into her building, her cheeks still flushed. She hated that she could not help but think of Adrian’s hands on her body. She walked into her apartment and exhaled loudly as she threw her bag on the counter. She had just kicked her shoes off when she heard a knock on her door. She opened it and rolled her eyes when she saw Olivia standing there holding shopping bags.

  “It’s Saturday Olivia. I’m sure you and Alex have some kind of plans for Pete’s sake,” Angelina said.

  “We do but later on. That’s why I went shopping,” she said holding up her bags.

  “But you have been holding out on me. I just saw you being dropped off in a very lovely Buick. Who was he?” she asked as she looked at Angelina who shook her head.

  “Honestly I don’t want to talk about it,” she said.

  “Why? Did you accidentally sleep with him on the first date?” Olivia asked as she sat down. Angelina sighed when she realized she didn’t have anything to say. Oliv
ia gasped. “You slept with a man on your first date…wait, did you go out last night and are just coming in? Did I just see you doing the walk of shame?” The excitement in Olivia’s voice was obvious.

  “Okay one question at a time please,” Angelina said.

  “Okay, did you go out last night and if yes, with who?” Olivia asked.

  “You mean with whom…and no, last night I was indoors watching season four of Downtown Abbey,” Angelina said a little proudly.

  “So the guy…” Olivia started.

  “He called me this morning and asked me to his place. We had lunch, swam in his pool and that’s that,” Angelina said quickly.

  “So, you didn’t get laid?” Olivia asked.

  “Well, yes I did if you must know but that is none of your business. Besides, it might have been a one off thing,” Angelina said sitting down next to her.

  “Whoa, that bad huh?” Olivia asked sympathetically.

  “Actually no. He might be the best sex I ever had but…it’s just complicated. That’s all,” Angelina was trying to explain without divulging too much information.

  “But I have to ask. Which guy is this? The only guy you’ve met lately is that Forbes guy, Adrian Corday,” Olivia pointed out.

  “Forbes?” Angelina raised an eyebrow over the other.

  “He is some kind of billionaire, isn’t he?” Olivia said matter of factly. Angelina smiled and shook her head. “So, if it’s not him...wait,” Olivia’s excitement was back. “It is him, isn’t it?” she asked as she looked at her best friend’s red cheeks.

  “Olivia I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Oh we are talking about it. You finally go out on a date with someone, a hot someone if I must add and you have just decided not to see him again? Based on what?” Olivia asked as she looked at her. Angelina ran her fingers through her curls.

  “He offered me a job,” Angelina said as she looked at Olivia. “At a gallery down town. He called it Parisian or something.”

  “Was that before or after you decided to do the naked dance of the birds and the bees?” Olivia asked.

  “Before,” Angelina said rolling her eyes.

  “So?” Olivia couldn’t understand why Angelina would pass off a chance at doing something she loved. “You love art. Art is like your better half.”

  “I know but…” she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

  Olivia’s eyes grew wide.

  “You like billionaire art guy, don’t you?” she asked grinning widely. Angelina shook her head again. She never realized that liking someone would be so darn hard.

  “I can’t be involved with someone I work for and since the involvement issue has already sailed, I cannot take that job,” Angelina explained as she looked at Olivia.

  “I can’t help you out there sweetie but at some point you are going to have to face him and tell him you won’t take the job, you know.”

  Angelina knew Olivia was right and the point she was talking about was the very next day. She took a long deep breath.

  “Just so you know, this is hands down the worst weekend of my life,” she said but her loins were betraying her. She was dying to have more of him at that very moment.

  Chapter 5

  When Adrian called her the next day, Angelina felt the need to ignore it…and she did. But she knew it was a bad idea an hour later when she heard a knock on her front door. She was still in her pajamas when she walked to the front door.

  “Of course you came here,” she thought to herself when she looked through the peephole. She opened the door and looked at a smiling Adrian.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that question?” he asked as he looked at her. She rolled her eyes and stepped aside for him to get in. “Don’t do that.”

  She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “Don’t do what?”

  “Roll your eyes at me. I saw that just in case you thought I didn’t.” He walked into the apartment and made his way to her living room.

  “What? I can’t do as I wish in my own house?” she asked almost angrily as she closed the door.

  “On the contrary, you can do whatever you want. Just don’t roll your eyes at me,” he said in a low voice. She walked to the living room and looked at him. “It gets me a little…riled up.”

  “So what, are you some strange sadistic man like one of those BDSM freaks?” she asked. He looked at her and rubbed his chin with his finger. “What? Did I say something funny Mr. Corday?” her voice was sarcastic.

  “I am very much into the B and D. S and M is a little too much weird for me to handle,” Adrian said.

  She looked at him and shook her head. She was not sure that was a part of him she wanted to know about. That was way too much information. She walked to the kitchen and got the coffee started.

  “Would you like some coffee?” That was the first thing she said without sounding condescending. She grabbed two cups from the cabinet without waiting for his approval.

  “That would be lovely. No sugar, a dash of milk.” She turned around and grabbed a packet of milk and a can of whipped cream. “What is that for?” he asked as he looked at the can of whipped cream.

  “I like my coffee a certain way,” she said as she put some sugar in one cup. She looked up and shrugged. “Why are you here, Adrian?”

  Adrian took a seat in one of the stools in front of her counter. “You wouldn’t pick my calls.”

  “That’s because you once told me that you don’t take no for an answer and I for one did not want to get into this,” she said as she waved her hand at him and then at her. “Whatever this is, over the phone.”

  “Why don’t you want to work at the Parisian? Have you even had a look at the home page?” he asked.

  “I didn’t see the need to,” she shook her head. She turned around and got the coffee pot. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He tapped on the screen and put the phone down on the counter. “What is this?” she asked.

  “That’s the Parisian home page,” he said in a low voice.

  She poured the coffee in the two cups and then poured some milk in his cup before she did the same for her cup. She stirred hers and then topped it up with a generous amount of whipped cream.

  “That looks great,” he said with a smile.

  “You should try it. Java Hut will lose a customer as soon as you do,” she said waving the can in his face. He looked into her eyes and then leaned forward. He was so close she could smell him. The familiar Armani Prive Cuir Noir Intense scent she had come to know so well while working with various high end art collectors.

  “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll take the cream if you look at the Parisian page,” he said in a low voice. She looked into his eyes for a long minute before she sprayed a generous amount of cream on his coffee. He was looking at her as he lifted the cup to his lips. “Dear God, that is fabulous,” he said under his breath. A smile played on her lips as she looked at the phone he had placed on the counter. She was looking at him as he took yet another sip. It was so obvious that her simple drink was tingling his senses.

  “Well a deal’s a deal,” she thought as she picked up the phone. She looked at the page and for the first time in a long time, she felt like she was realizing once more why she fell in love with art. The Parisian did not only have the high end sellers in the art world but it also had the simple up and coming artists with a keen eye for detail. She looked up from the phone screen and into Adrian’s eyes. “It’s like I am making love to the art or better, the art is making love to my eyes,” she thought. She was now scrolling through the pages looking at the various pieces on display. This was exactly where she wanted to work. She put the phone down and looked at Adrian. She wanted to scream yes! A big loud resounding yes. But somehow, whatever words her brain was forming were not being translated to her lips. “This looks really good Adrian but I just can’t.” Adrian took another sip of his coffee.<
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  “I can’t really understand why you are so adamant in saying no. I know you want this. I can see it in your eyes.”

  She put the phone down and looked at him.

  “I really appreciate the fact that you have offered this job to me Adrian. I really do, but we slept together, Adrian. That fact in itself is a conflict of interest,” she explained.

  Adrian raised an eyebrow and looked at her as she took a long sip.

  “So are you saying that giving yourself to me was a mistake?” he asked.

  She shook her head and rubbed her temple. She wanted to say no but she just couldn’t bring herself to it. “Yes. Because now I cannot say yes to my dream job.”

  “Let me get this straight, Angie. The only reason you are saying no is because I own it?” he asked.

  “No, the reason I am declining your offer is because you are my potential boss and we slept together,” she finally said as she looked into his eyes. “I can’t work for a boss that I have fraternized with, Adrian.”

  “Damn it Angie, who said anything about fraternizing? I want to fuck you over and over until you scream to the world that you are mine,” he said.

  “Excuse you?” Angelina’s eyes grew wide. “I think you meant to think that last bit.”

  He smiled and put the cup down.

  “It’s real simple Carter. If the fact that I had you is the only reason you are declining my offer then, I am no longer the owner. I can make that happen you know,” he said in a low voice.

  “Are we on the same page? Are we even in the same book here?” she took a sip of her coffee, looking at him over the rim of her cup.

  “Thanks for the coffee. My lawyers will be in touch.” He was walking towards the door. She followed him quickly and looked at him as he opened the door.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I want to hand over the ownership of the gallery to you if that’s the only way that I’ll get you to accept.”


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