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Shadow of a Doubt

Page 1

by Kristine Williams

  by Kristine Williams

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  Part 1

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  Jim checked his watch again as he parked next to the building that housed Blair's basement office. He was early, but hoped to find his partner so they could have a talk, then he'd take Blair out to eat, and let him pick the place. The next couple of weeks weren't going to be easy, for either of them, but they'd get through it. It was early evening, just after 5:00, but for a Monday, the campus was nearly deserted. Jim entered the building at the far side, and had to walk to the end to reach the staircase that would take him to the artifact storage room that served as Blair's office. He unconsciously hurried past the door marked "Professor M. Kinyon", just in case. As kind and intelligent as the woman was, Jim didn't want to stand in the hallway for the amount of time it would take just to exchange greetings with her. He hurried past her office without incident and started down the staircase that wound around and down until it reached the building's basement. Blair's office door was open, but he knocked as he stepped inside.


  "Jim?" Blair's voice answered from opposite a wall of book-laden shelves. "Am I late?"

  "No, Chief, I'm early." Jim walked around the shelves and found Blair at his desk, surrounded by paper, as usual. "Just thought I might as well come here as anywhere." He pulled up a chair and sat down, glancing at the papers strewn about the desk. "Go ahead and finish up, I'll wait."

  Blair shrugged and took off his glasses, setting them down on a pile of folders. "Not much left to do. I've got the tests ready, just have to give them all week, and grade them next week. How did your meeting with Simon go?"

  Jim nodded, and glanced around the office, making sure they were alone. His meeting with Simon was the reason he had come to pick Blair up early, and was also the reason he'd had to turn a couple of his cases over to Mike Jenkins, so he'd have more free time. "Fine," he replied, having changed his mind about how best to bring up the subject. "How about dinner? My treat."

  Blair laughed for a second, then looked suspiciously at Jim. "What's up?"

  Jim shook his head. "What makes you think something's up? Come on," Jim stood and slapped Blair lightly on the arm. "I'll take you to that Greek place you like."

  Blair grabbed his jacket quickly and followed Jim out the door, apparently choosing not to question his good fortune any further. They drove the four blocks down to Hadi's, a Greek campus hot spot that Jim had grown to like since meeting the younger man. He kept the conversation light, asking his partner about his day, and explaining what little happened at the Precinct that he had missed. He found these days, when Blair had too much work at the University to come into work with him, to be somehow disjointed. It was finals week, so after Blair administered some tests, and they got past the trial, things would get back to normal for awhile. After their dinners arrived, Jim knew it was time to get serious.

  "So, Jim, what is the real reason we're here?" Blair inquired, looking Jim in the eyes.

  Should have known. "You and I have a meeting tomorrow morning with Assistant DA Sanchez," Jim said, stabbing his fork into a piece of lamb. "Brackett's trial has been moved up, Chief. You're going to have to testify this week." Jim held Blair's eyes as long as he could, noting the fear that flashed across them. "I know this is sudden, but the judge moved his calendar up." The words were slowly sinking in, making an impact on Blair's expressive face.

  "I guess it's about time, huh?" Blair attempted levity, shrugging and playing with his fork in the salad.

  "Listen, I know this isn't anyone's idea of a good time, but there's nothing to worry about," Jim said, watching Blair. "It's no different from any of the other cases you've watched go to court. We just get up there, give some testimony, and it's over."

  Blair nodded, but he was watching his salad instead of Jim. "Yeah, only this time I have to go up there." He glanced up, then looked around for a second.

  "And I'll be with you," Jim replied. He knew this wouldn't be easy. "Sandburg, there's nothing to be afraid of. We'll talk to Beverly tomorrow. She's going to fill us in, and tell you what to expect. Then, you go on the stand once, maybe twice, tell them exactly what happened, and it's over." Jim paused, trying to get Blair to look him in the eye. When he finally did, Jim continued. "I'll be right there, and they'll call me up, too. This is just the final step, Chief. Then Brackett's out of everyone's hair for good. Okay? Lee Brackett's going to jail for the rest of his life, partner. I assure you."

  Blair nodded, then took a deep breath and seemed to perk up a little. "Yeah, you're right. Just gotta get through this week, and it'll all be over, right?"

  "Right." Jim watched as Blair ate his first bite of salad. He'd known this would happen, and he had done his best to keep his own attitude light and casual. But, after what Brackett had done, Jim knew any time his name was mentioned, Blair would retreat just a little. He was going to have to keep a close watch on his partner, make sure he didn't fall into an emotional backdraft he couldn't climb out of.

  "One thing I don't understand." Blair set the tip of his fork back into the salad bowl and twirled it idly, looking up at Jim. "What's he using for a defense? I mean, why is there even a trial?"

  Jim finished chewing his lamb and shrugged a little, glancing around. "I'm not sure, exactly. But you know the rules, Chief, everyone gets their chance in court."

  Blair raised his eyebrows as he nodded, staring at something a million miles away. A minute passed, and he seemed to bring himself back to the conversation. "What do you mean, not sure exactly?"

  "I mean, I'm not sure exactly," Jim replied. Maybe he should have waited until they were home? Blair wasn't eating much, exhibiting the same reaction to stress that Jim tended to display. But he had to make his partner understand, this was just another part of the process. "We know he knows about my Sentinel abilities, and he knows no one else does. He may use that to damage my credibility as a witness." He saw another flash of fear race across Blair's face, and hurried to defuse it. "But, that's only a guess. Besides, we can put him away based on what he did to you, and the murder of Delaney and his dealer. There was nothing unusual about that case, Chief."

  "But no one saw him do that."

  "We still have Kostov," Jim replied. "He's been in FBI custody this whole time, waiting for the trial before he's deported. Testifying against Brackett was one of the contingencies he agreed to." Blair raised his eyebrows again and nodded slowly, as if trying to force himself to believe it. "Just hang in there, buddy. It will all be over soon."

  "Yeah, thanks, Jim." Blair nodded and tried to pull himself back from wherever it was he had drifted. "So, when do we do all of this?"

  "Tomorrow morning we'll talk to Sanchez. She'll let us know the details. Don't worry, our testimony will work around your schedule at the University. Simon gave my caseload to Jenkins for the next few days, so we can concentrate on this and get it over with."

  "Yeah? That's great."

  Jim nodded and went back to eating, watching Blair as he did the same, but with less appetite. They'd get through this. Tomorrow, they'd meet with the DA, find out what was happening and when, and take it all one step at a time. Blair could handle it. He had never been on the stand before, but Jim would make sure he knew he wasn't alone. Blair was the victim here. They both were.

  They finished dinner while making small talk about the upcoming tests Blair was giving during the week. Jim never had a problem keeping an interest in any conversation, and with Blair's storytelling ability, he had no trouble paying attention, and keeping his partner from drifting back to the trial. By the time they left the restaurant, Blair's spirits seemed genuinely lifted. Jim knew that would be temporary, but every little bit helped. They drove home in silence, lis
tening to the Santana tape Jim preferred. When they reached the loft, and were both sitting on the couch, Blair's mood changed again.

  "Jim, I don't understand. Brackett stole a canister of the Ebola virus. He tried to highjack a plane. Then, he escaped from prison. What do they need my testimony for? Isn't that enough to get him back into jail?"

  Jim shook his head and set down the cup of tea Blair had made. "I don't know exactly, that's what the DA will explain tomorrow. All I know is, the CIA had their hands in that case, and it very well might not be relevant in this one."


  "Meaning, the lawyers won't be allowed to bring it up." Jim held out his hands in an effort to explain. "Each case has to stand alone, they're separate things. That doesn't matter, though. We've got him on what he did to you, and the murder of Delaney. Plus, another attempted kidnaping, and a hundred other charges when he pulled that stunt at the warehouse."

  "Yeah, but I've seen plenty of these sure-fire cases go bad, Jim."

  "I know, Chief, I know. But you're going to have to trust me on this one. It's going to be okay." Jim knew, better than anyone, how easily a sure-fire case could go horribly wrong in court. But he also knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Brackett was never going to get his hands on Blair again. "What about your tests, when do you have to give them?" Maybe focusing on something he could control would give Blair something to hold onto.

  "Um...In the afternoon, except Friday," Blair replied. He was sitting in a corner of the couch, rubbing his forehead tiredly. "I think I'll turn in." He set down his cup but made no move to get up.

  "You going to be okay with this?"

  Blair shook his head, sighing as he slowly got up. "No."


  "No, Jim, it's okay." Blair waved a hand at him as he stood in front of the couch. "I'll be okay, as long as..."

  "I'll be there, too. So will Simon," Jim replied.

  Blair nodded and turned towards his room. "Thanks Jim."

  "Goodnight." Jim stayed on the couch, listening to his partner in the bathroom, then in his own room. He stayed there until he heard the rhythmic breathing and steady heartbeat of a sleeper, then turned in himself. Blair hadn't had a nightmare in weeks, maybe it was even a month or so now, but Jim expected one tonight. From upstairs, directly above his housemate's room, Jim could tune into his breathing pattern without effort and set his own mental sensitivity to be alerted at the slightest change.

  The jury had fallen silent, as if they left the room, one by one, and there was no one left but Brackett. Lee Brackett, standing before the Judge, smiling. Blair was in the Judge's chair, and Jim in the witness stand. There was a gun in Brackett's hand, and he was bringing it up slowly, smiling all the while.

  "Which one shall it be?" he asked, pointing the gun first at Blair, then at Jim. "Who wants to go first?"

  Blair lunged over the desk at Brackett, crashing into him and sending them both to the floor. Jim scrambled to get out of the witness box, but he couldn't get free of the seat. By the time he was up, Brackett and Blair were standing in front of him. There was a gun pressed into Blair's chest, and a second gun in Blair's hand, pointed at Jim.

  "Sandburg, what are you doing?"

  "He trusted you, Ellison." Brackett smiled, cocking the gun and pressing it harder into Blair's chest.

  Blair cocked his gun as well, aiming at Jim's chest while looking into his eyes. Jim watched as his partner began to squeeze the trigger of the gun. In his eyes was a mixture of fear and hate, but which emotion was directed at Jim, he didn't know. He just knew it was going to end. Him, Blair, was all going to end, here and now. But if Blair shot him, then Brackett would kill Blair...He had to do something.

  It was too late, Jim heard the explosion as he lunged forward. "Blair!" Jim rushed forward, and found himself sitting up in bed, his heart racing as the sheets slid down his chest. He glanced around quickly, taking note of the barest sign of sunrise coming through the glass. Tuning in to his partner below him, Jim heard the still-sleeping pattern of easy breathing. Had he shouted out loud? If he had, at least Blair hadn't heard. Jim looked at the clock as he rubbed his face, pushing the last of the vision from his mind. 6:30. If he got up now, he could take a hot shower, and there might be time for the tank to reload before Blair got up. He really was going to have to think about getting a larger hot water tank one of these days.

  Jim got out of bed and quietly padded down the stairs in bare feet. The bathroom was right across the hall from Blair's room, but with both doors shut, Jim knew his housemate would sleep through any noise he made. Still, he kept the shower quick, hoping to save some hot water. The dream had taken him totally by surprise, and left him with an uneasy feeling. Last time he had a dream like that, it ended with him shooting Blair in the chest, after having aimed for Brackett. But this time...what had it meant? Did Blair not trust Jim to take care of matters when it came to Lee Brackett? Or did Jim have his own doubts?, it wasn't a good idea to over-analyze these things. A nightmare was just that, a nightmare. Nothing more. When he got out and started to towel himself off, Jim made another auditory check on Blair. This time, instead of a sleep pattern from the bedroom, Jim found him in the kitchen, his breathing and heartbeat coupled with the sound and smell of coffee brewing. Jim picked up his watch from the counter and checked it as he put it on. 6:55. They'd have time for breakfast before heading in to see Beverly.

  "Hey, Chief." Jim greeted Blair as he passed the kitchen. His partner looked tired. A look that was perpetuated by the hair that kept falling in front of his face.

  "Morning." Blair yawned at the end of the word. "Hot water?"

  "Should be. Did you sleep okay?" Blair had pushed the hair from his face, but it didn't dissipate the look Jim had seen.

  "Yeah, I guess," Blair nodded. "I'm gonna hit the shower, then I'll start breakfast." He passed Jim and started down the short hallway.

  "I can manage breakfast this morning, Chief."

  Blair turned in front of the bathroom door and shook his head. "No, Jim, it's okay. I'll do it."

  "What, you don't like my eggs?" Jim asked, smiling to off-set the mock indignation in his voice.

  Blair returned the smile and shook his head. "No, man, I just need to keep things normal, okay?"

  Jim nodded, "Okay." He understood. Blair nodded again and stepped into the bathroom as Jim turned to go up to his own room and get dressed. If Blair thought it would be easier to pretend it was just another morning, then Jim could play along. For as long as it lasted.

  * * *

  Blair shut the water off and stood there for a moment, happy to have ended a shower after Jim with warm water. He often felt guilty using the hot water all the time, but he just normally got up first. Except when something was up, and Jim was getting up before him on purpose for one reason or another. Usually in order to help Blair through the latest crisis. God, he had to stop doing this. He had to stop relying on Jim to pull him up when things got rough. He had never leaned on anyone before, why was he doing it now? Sure, before meeting Jim, Blair had never been targeted by a serial killer, shot by an international terrorist, or even hit on the head. But that couldn't...what could that have to do with it? Okay, so they shared a little more than most male-bonding fishing trips gave the average two friends, but...that didn't give Blair the right to depend on Jim to help him through each and every emotional crisis he might have. What must Jim think of him? And did he think...Would Blair be there for him?

  The smell of coffee coming from the kitchen roused Blair from his thoughts, forcing him to step out of the shower and into a chilly bathroom. He hurried to towel off, then wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into the bedroom quickly to get some clothes on. Jim was still upstairs, getting dressed, so Blair checked the time. They had nearly an hour before their meeting with the DA. Blair was determined not to let Jim down. He'd go in there, follow his partner's lead, and just do exactly what he was told, answer every question, and it would all
be okay. After all, he wasn't the one on trial, Brackett was. And Jim was right, he hadn't really relied on his Sentinel abilities to catch him, it was pure, good old-fashioned detective work that netted Lee Brackett at the warehouse that day. Not like when Jim witnessed Tommy Juno kill his dear friend and undercover cop Danny Choy. That had been Blair's first, real experience with death...with murder. And Jim...Jim had reacted so...Danny's death had hit him so hard, Blair had never seen that before. He often wondered if Jim would feel the same way about him if anything like that happened. His grief had run so deep then, even his Sentinel abilities had been affected. Sometimes, remembering Jim's reaction, Blair felt almost...jealous.

  "Hey Sandburg, you making breakfast or what?" Jim called from the kitchen.

  Blair stirred. "Yeah, I'm coming." Jeez, how long had he been sitting there with just one sock on? "Sorry Jim." He shoved the other sock on and came out to the kitchen, accepting the cup of coffee Jim handed him, then pulled out some pans and eggs. They had an unwritten rule, to go along with many of Jim's written ones, that had Blair on permanent breakfast duty. It was a task he enjoyed. Making eggs and toast was an easy way to ease his way into the morning, and concentrate on something other than whatever might be bothering him, like this morning. Blair realized, as he was dishing up the eggs, just how careful Jim had been the night before when he broke the news about the trial. He also knew that he could be selfish sometimes, emotionally, and Jim didn't deserve that. Just what was it that made him so anxiety ridden, and Jim so...stable? Blair was constantly studying the older man, and could anticipate his reactions often, but he still couldn't apply them to his own reactive personality.

  "Hey, Jim, listen," Blair set the pan down and took a seat, looking at his eggs for a moment, then up to his partner. "About last night, I'm sorry if I was a little panicky."

  Jim shook his head, setting down the coffee cup he had just taken a drink from. "Don't worry about it, Chief, you'll be fine."


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