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Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Cara E Holt

  I shake my heads fervently. “It’s too high.” I hiss at him in a quiet voice, not wanting the soldiers to hear me. “No way am I crossing that.” I tell him firmly. Everyone ahead of us if a third over the bridge and they must have realised we are not following as they stop and wait for us. Lorcen chuckles to himself and then trots back to my side and holds out his arms.

  “Come on over.” He comes in closer and putting an arm around my waist hoists me off Swiftwing and into his lap in front of him. He keeps one arm securely around my waist and holds his reigns with the other. He whispers softly into my ear. “Close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to.” I nod and squeeze my eyes tightly shut and push my head into the crook of his arm. I hear him tell one of our guards to take Swiftwing’s reigns and then we move forward and I squeeze my eyes tighter still. I can hear and feel the movement of the unicorns as we make our way across the large stone bridge.

  “You can open them now.” Lorcen tells me and I very slowly and apprehensively open one eye and then the other to find that we are indeed on the other side and the said scary bridge is behind us now. Before us stands a large and grand stone archway that is carved with images of eleven faces and stags. Beyond the archway is the elven castle in all its glory. We move through the archway and enter into a stone courtyard where everyone begins to dismount. Lorcen casually swings down from Aralt and then lifts me down from Swiftwing. Vartan then leads us inside the castle. We wind down various large grand corridors until we eventually come to a stop before to large grey stone doors. We enter the room which turns out to be very large grand hall with beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and lighting the room. At the other end of this impressive hall are two figures sitting on thrones with two other people on either side of them. We reach them and Lorcen drops into a bow and I follow suit and drop into a curtsy.

  “Your highness. Please allow me to introduce my mate Princess Ebony.” I want to chuckle when he calls ne a princess but refrain from doing so as it probably would not go down very well. The king stands and beckons with his hand for us to stand. He is a formidable- looking fellow with a strong nose and angular jaw. His eyes are almost amber in colour and on his forehead in gold, which I can’t tell if it is painted on or tattooed on is what I would describe as a tree. I can see the subtle differences between elven and fae now. Their eyes are smaller and more angular, their ears are bigger though still pointed and I have discovered during our journey here, through throwing question at Lorcen, that they do not have wings. He stands and walks down the few steps to where we are standing and he holds out his hand so I place mine in his and he kisses it. His amber eyes observe me with intrigue.

  “Welcome to our realm princess.”

  I smile politely. “Thank you. It is an honour to be here.” It is hard to sound posh when you are a northern girl.

  The elven king steps back and gestures to the lady who had been sitting beside him. “My queen – Nelaeryn.”

  To say his wife was beautiful would be somewhat of an understatement. Think Charlize Theron. Her blonde perfect hair frames her small perfectly structured face. Chestnut brown eyes are framed by long lashes. She comes forward and smiles warmly at me before offering her hand to Lorcen.

  “This is my daughter the princess Darunia and her husband Elmar.” He gestures to the two standing on either side of their thrones and they come forward and greet us. Galaeron and Nelaeryn look nowhere old enough to be this girl’s parents but this is something that I am still growing used to after my short time in the fae realm. Darunia gives Lorcen a big grin and he warmly returns her smile and it is clear they are friends.

  “We were a little surprised by your request for an audience.” Elmar states his cold eyes resting on me.

  “I apologise for the intrusion but I bring news that could not wait and that has consequences for us all.” Lorcen explains.

  Galaeron looks at us expectantly so Lorcen continues. “You will no doubt be aware of events recently concerning my brother.” They all nod in response. “My brother now has he Dagda cauldron in his possession.”

  I see Nelaeryn still and go pale. “Has it been activated?”

  “No it has not been activated. He needs the blood of a Tuatha to do that.”

  Galaeron nods, his eyes falling on me making me shift my feet awkwardly. “It must feel strange knowing your blood hold the power to awaken a beast and destroy realms.”

  I don’t quite know how to respond to him and open my mouth but close it again and look helplessly at Lorcen.

  “Ebony is well protected. My brother will not get to her.”

  “Yes. I hear even the seelie prince is providing protection.” Galearon replies and I can’t tell from the tone of his voice whether he is trying to goad Lorcen or merely stating fact. I suspect it is the first one.

  “Blaine understands the importance of us all working together against a common enemy.” Lorcen replies calmly.

  Galearon sits back down and observes us. “So you come for our support?”

  “We do.”

  He nods again and his eyes fall back on me. “Tell me princess. Will your demon family rally to the cause?”

  I don’t like the way he says demon like it is something filthy but I keep my face calm and smile. “I haven’t had chance to discuss recent events with my father yet but I am sure he will offer his full support.”

  He smirks in response to my answer which does nothing but adds to my growing dislike of this man.

  Elmar steps forward and his eyes remain on me as they have for most of this exchange. “Of course if the Tuatha princess did not exist then the cauldron and your brother would cease to be a problem. Is that not so?”

  I scowl at him and I feel Lorcen’s magic rumble around us, his eyes bore into Elmars and I don’t think I have ever seen him look so furious. “I do hope you are not threatening my mate Elmar because that would have dire consequences for you that I can assure.” His voice is laced with promise.

  Elmar smiles a calculating smile. I wouldn’t trust this guy as far as I could throw him. “Why of course not, I am merely stating what many others must be thinking.”

  “Ebony Is prophesised to be the one who will save all our worlds and bring about a peace we have not seen for centuries.” Lorcen replies his fist clenched and his jaw set.

  Elmar shrugs. “If you believe in prophecies. I prefer to work with cold hard facts.” Nelaeryn places a hand on Elmar’s shoulder and I see her give him a warning look.

  “My husband and I will of course provide military support should it be needed.” She looks to her husband who nods.

  “Well.” Says Darunia smiling awkwardly, “now that we have that out of the way, you must accept our hospitality and stay for a while.”

  Lorcen smiles warmly at her. This girl is possibly the only nice one out of this bad bunch. “We can only stay a short while. Ebony needs to return to her family.”

  “Enough time for a drink and food though hey.” She smiles hopefully and we both nod.

  Lorcen looks around the hall. “Where is that brother of yours by the way?”

  “Ah he should be back shortly and he will be thrilled to see you and of the chance to meet your mate.” She grins at me and I blush. “Come let us go somewhere less formal. Mother, Father we will see you later. Elmar your company is not required.” She gives her husband a cold stare and he merely smiles coldly in response to her and stalks out of the room.

  Chapter Seventeen.

  We leave the tense atmosphere of the hall and head off through the castle, winding through corridor after corridor.

  Darunia looks at me a slight flush to her check. “I must apologise for my family. My family remember too much of the past and the previous tense relationships between our realms.”

  “Oh you don’t need to apologise.” I try to reassure her but she just chuckles in response.

  “Yes I do and as for that ass my husband, ignore him, I try to.” She rolls her eyes and I must look at her
with shock written across my face because she laughs again. “WE don’t have soul marks here Ebony. We marry for military and magic gain. Marriages of alliance and all that.”

  “Oh I see.” I’m not sure how to respond to her. “So you do not love your husband?”

  Darunia sniggers. “Love that cold unfeeling man you saw in there?! No there is no love in our marriage. Beside he prefers to keep my mother’s bed warm.”

  I gasp and stop still and look at Lorcen in shock who just smiles at me. “Darunia you are shocking my mate into silence.”

  Darunia looks at my shocked face and laughs. “Honestly Lorcen you should have punched him in the face for what he said in there.” She tells him, shaking a fist in the air. Lorcen’s lips curl in response.

  “Trust me it crossed my mind.” Her admits to her. She holds onto my arm as she guides us through the castle. Drustan and our guards still follow behind us.

  “Well look who’s here.” A male voice booms from down the corridor and I look to see a young man our age walking towards us with a big grin on his face. Lorcen grins in response and sifts to him and the two have a ‘man’ hug, you know the type I mean where they strongly pat each other on the back and then playfully jab each other with a punch. This I presume is ‘the brother’. Unlike most of the few men I have seen in this realm his dark hair is cut short . Shaved at the side but longer on top. He has bright blue eyes and boasts the type of jawline a Gucci male model would be jealous of. He is in all a devilishly good looking guy. With his arm around Lorcen’s shoulder he gives me a warm and enquiring smile.

  “Well the rumours were rife that you’d landed yourself a beauty for a mate and they weren’t kidding.”

  Lorcen laughs and shakes his head. “Ebony this is Laeroth. Elven prince and a good friend of mine.”

  I smile shyly “Nice to meet you Laeroth.”

  He leans forward and kisses my cheek. “Please call me Roth.” He turns to Lorcen smiling. “She was worth the wait after all then?”

  Lorcen grins and looks at me. “She was.”

  Darunia laughs and leans into me. “Roth used to tease him something rotten that you would be fat and ugly.” I laugh with her.

  “Ah he had the last laugh though. My bride to be is also a beauty but sadly she has the personality of a snake. Spoilt and pampered.” He winks at me smiling. Clearly love between royal elven marriages is rare!

  “That is bad luck.” I reply, again not knowing how to respond.

  “Roth you are making my mate feel awkward.” Lorcen takes my hand in his and smiles at me.

  Roth laughs. “Just saying it like it is Lorcen. You have any pretty human friends you can set me up with Ebony?” He asks smiling.

  Lorcen rolls his eyes and looks at me. “Roth has a liking for human girls.”

  “I think you’d break my poor human friends’ hearts.” I laugh.

  He grins again and looks at Lorcen. “I like her.” Then he turns back to me. “We are going to get along great you and I.”

  We finally reach a room that houses some comfy looking armchairs and a small wooden table that is already laid out with drinks, fruit and some sort of pastry looking roll. There is a balcony that looks out from the high cliff top position onto the landscape around.

  We all take a seat and Darunia pours us all drinks. “So back to your single human friends.” Roth grins.

  Lorcen holds up a hand. “Don’t take him on Ebs. He gets more than his fair share of beautiful human girls. Roth is a regular at Elysium.” He tells me and my eyes fall curiously back on Roth.

  “Elysium in New York?” Lorcen nods in response.

  “What can I say. I like to party.” He takes a sip of his drink and leans back his hands resting behind his head. “Although it hasn’t been much fun lately. Kol has got all obsessed with some girl he saw in there the other week.”

  Darunia looks up from her drink at him surprised. “Kol? I can’t imagine him obsessed over any girl. He is a love them and leave them type.” She tells me winking. “That Demon can’t keep his attention on one girl for more than an hour or two.”

  I freeze when she says demon and well no it can’t be right? I mean it has to be a coincidence surely.

  Roth sighs and shakes his head. “Honestly I have never seen him like this. He has got it bad and over a Dae too?”

  “A Dae?” I ask curious as I haven’t heard of this before.

  “Half fae, half demon.” Lorcen tells me. I nod and try to keep my face normal. Could it be? Could this Kol he refers to be my demon? The one who invaded my dreams.

  Lorcen sits back in his seat my hand still in his. “I don’t think I have met this Kol have I?” Lorcen asks him.

  Roth shakes his head in response. “No you haven’t but you’d like him Lorc. He’s a great guy.” Roth looks over at me. “He is having his fun while he can as his father plans to marry him off to some girl he has never met.”

  Lorcen smiles and squeezes my hand. “Maybe he will get lucky like I did.”

  Darunia asks about Noah and conversation moves on thank goodness. So now I know the name of my demon. Kol. It kind of suits him. We eat lunch and I find out that Roth, Darunia and Lorcen became friends through frequenting clubs in the human realm. I find Roth’s eyes keep landing on mine and he studies me.

  “Have you been to Elysium Ebony?”

  I almost choke on a sip of my drink and Lorcen pats my back. “Once. Yes.”

  He smiles continuing to watch me closely. “When were you there?”

  Lorcen shrugs “Oh about two weeks ago or so. I needed to see Magnus about some rumours of illegal fae activities. “She had a great time. Her and Megan and Mel hardly left the dancefloor all night.” My smiles drops at the mention of Mels name and guilt washes over me. I had smiled and laughed a lot today, for most of the day I had forgotten and I had no right to forget.

  Lorcen smacks himself in the forehead. “I’m sorry.” He tells me and I give him a sad smile in response.

  “It’s okay, really it is.”

  Roth and Darunia look from one of us to the other clearly not having a clue what just happened.

  “Ebony’s friend Mel died in a tragic accident just the other week.” He explains to them and I swallow back a lump in my throat. They both mumble how sorry they are for my loss and I thank them.

  “We need to get back.” Lorcen announces standing and I follow him up out of my chair.

  “We should all arrange a night out together soon.” Darunia suggests and I smile and nod. I can imagine she would be good fun on a night out. Lorcen agrees and say we will arrange something soon. He knows that I am not ready for nights out yet, it’ still all too raw for me yet.

  We walk back along the corridors and Roth falls instep beside me while Lorcen and Darunia walk slightly ahead of us. We make general chat and then he drops the bomb.

  “So I take it Lorcen doesn’t know you have a demon visiting your dreams?”

  I stop in my steps and look ahead to check to see if Lorcen heard.

  “No he does not.” I reply shakily. “He has no need to know. There is nothing going on. I can assure you. I love my mate.”

  Roth looks at me. “I can see that you do. It hit me when we were sat there before. He has gone on and on about this Dae with blue eyes and hair as black as the night. It was too much of a coincidence.”

  I touch his arm and give him a pleading look. “Please convince him to stop looking for me.”

  Roth pats my arm where it sits on his and gives me a sympathetic smile. “I’ll try but I don’t think I will succeed, he is determined to find you.”

  I let out a shaky sigh. “Thank you.”

  Two hours later I am on the sofa beside my brother checking he has everything he needs. It’s such a relief to have him home and recovering. We could have very easily lost him that night and it scares the hell out of me.

  “Ebs will you stop fussing.” He laughs. “I’m fine, just sit and relax.”

  “Sorry.” I tell him b
iting my lip. “I’m being a fuss pot aren’t I?”

  He laughs. “You think?” He asks and I know full well that is exactly what he is thinking right now. I elbow him playfully in the arm. “I have enough with mum fussing over me.”

  I nod and hold my hands up in defeat. “Is Taylor coming over?”

  “Yeah she should be here soon.” He replies looking at his watch. He nudges my leg with his good one. “How are you doing are kid?”

  I know he’s referring to Mel. I give him a sad smile and fiddle with the sleeve of my top something I do when I am nervous or uncomfortable. “I’m okay. Taking it a day at a time you know.”

  Scott sighs and pats my hand. “I just want you to know I’m here for you sis, always will be.”

  I smile. “I know. I’m so glad you are okay. You can be a pain in my ass at times but well.”

  Scott laughs and runs a hand through his short blonde hair. “I’m a tough northern boy Ebs. It takes more than a concrete roof collapsing on me to keep me down.”

  We both laugh again. “Thank you by the way, you know for being there for Blaine.”

  I shrug. “It was nothing.”

  We both turn back towards the TV then and the emotional mushy moment between us is over. The relief I feel at having him here beside me is immense. I can’t help wonder though how much longer before Lucifer strikes again and when he does how many of those I loved would I lose then? I refuse to lose anyone else.

  Chapter Eighteen.

  Over the next two weeks my training intensifies. By day I attend school like the normal human girl that I appear to be and every night I train and practise my magic. It is exhausting but necessary. On Sundays I visit Mel’s grave. I sit beside her headstone and chat to her, I tell her what is happening at school and share with her what the others are all up to. I miss her, deeply. I’m never on my own though. Even now as I sit by her grave chatting to her Drustan stands a small distance away, alert and watching over me. I am on edge most of the time because I know the time is drawing near for me to make my sacrifice.


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