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The Stuntman

Page 24

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Belinda, are you okay? Blake? How’s the face? I saw what happened but not with you guys.”

  The words had gushed out of him, and before either of them had a chance to answer Josh had his arms around Belinda and was hugging her tightly.

  “I was so worried about you, and you too, Blake,” he continued, leaving Belinda to hug his boss. “I’ve made some coffee, and boiled some water for tea if you want.”

  “Take a deep breath,” Blake smiled. “We’re both okay. Better than okay. Everything went well.”

  “Almost everything,” Belinda corrected him.

  “I want to hear every detail,” Josh declared as they began walking up the steps into the house.

  “Tomorrow,” Blake promised. “Could you do me a favor and grab Belinda’s suitcase. It’s in the back of the SUV.”

  “Yeah, sure, of course, anything you need.”

  “Where is everyone? There are no cars here.”

  “The agents packed up the equipment and left, except for Dean and Brian. I think they’ve been waiting for you. I’ll go grab that suitcase.”

  With his arm around Belinda’s shoulder, Blake headed into the house and directly to the bar, where he found Dean and Brian sitting on barstools drinking beer.

  “Hey, it’s the man of the hour, or I should say, the couple of the hour,” Dean proclaimed. “Of all the people to nail Nicolai Brovinski, it had to be you. I had all those agents up there, and it was you.”

  “Didn’t I say you’d be glad he went?” Brian laughed.

  “It’s just how it worked out,” Blake said shrugging his shoulders. “A beer, that’s exactly what I need.”

  “We just wanted to stick around long enough to thank you, and to say goodnight,” Dean said. “What happened tonight was a major coup, and it was all because of you, little lady. You put the pieces together, and realized that Barrett was in trouble.”

  “More than that,” Brian added. “You didn’t just put the pieces together like Dean said, you wanted to do something, and wow, you did.”

  “You should also know they didn’t have a chance to destroy anything, so we’ve got shitloads of stuff. Laptops, paperwork, film of people coming and going from the house. It’s going to take months to sort through it.”

  “It’s all a bit unbelievable,” Belinda said quietly, “and I don’t know why, but I’m suddenly feeling kind of shaky.”

  “That happens, it will pass,” Brian assured her. “We’re going to head out, but we want to take you guys out to dinner soon, and you too Josh,” he said spotting Josh who was just walking in.

  “We’d enjoy that,” Blake said, “and thanks for everything. I’m going to say goodnight now, and take this girl up to bed.”

  “Sorry,” Belinda frowned. “I’m feeling really strange.”

  “You don’t need to apologize for anything,” Dean declared.

  They shook hands, said their goodbyes, but as Blake passed Josh he paused.

  “Stick around, I’ll be down in a few minutes,” he said quietly.

  “Sure, Boss.”

  A short time later Belinda was sitting in bed with the pillows propped up behind her, and Blake was perched on the edge of the mattress.

  “Feeling better?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m a bit nauseous, and sort of dizzy. What about you?”

  “Me? Never better,” he grinned. “You need to relax, you’ve been through such an ordeal. I’m going to pop downstairs and talk to Josh for five minutes, then come back up and take a shower, get all this stuff of my face. I’ve worn camouflage makeup plenty of times, but it’s the first time I’ve worn it for real. It was wild.”

  “You look sexy like that,” she winked. “When you wash it off make sure you don’t get that dressing wet.”

  “Yes, nurse,” he smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

  He kissed her on the cheek then left the room, and as she watched him disappear, a long, heavy yawn washed over her, and slipping under the sheets she let her eyes close.

  Downstairs, Blake found Josh in the bar. The beer Blake had started was still sitting on the counter, but Josh had cleared up after the Dean and Brian.

  “I’m so glad you’re back,” Josh said as Blake sat down on a bar stool.

  “Josh, I have to tell you how impressed I am with you,’ Blake began. “The way you handled yourself when the FBI was here, how supportive you were to me, and how much you helped Belinda, you were incredible. I’m going to give you a bonus and a raise—”

  “Boss, you don’t need—”

  “Josh, you deserve it. You handled yourself with poise and maturity. I’m not sure I would have been so cool in the same circumstances when I was your age.”

  “Wow, thanks, Blake.”

  “If you ever need anything from me, you only have to ask. I owe you.”

  “Oh man, now I’m feeling embarrassed,” Josh said blushing.

  “It’s okay. A dose of embarrassment never hurt anyone. You’re welcome to leave, or stay, whatever you want to do.”

  “If it’s okay with you I think I’ll take off. Some of the guys called me and they’re at a bar on Topanga.”

  “Here,” Blake said pulling a one-hundred dollar bill from his wallet. “Take a cab, and have a few drinks on me.”

  “Seriously? Wow, thanks, Blake.”

  “I’ll probably be back at work soon, but until I am, take a break.”

  “Cool. The surf’s supposed to be up tomorrow.”

  “Enjoy yourself,” Blake said downing the last of his beer.

  Slipping from the stool, Blake headed up the stairs and back into his bedroom, and when he walked in the door he found Belinda had fallen asleep.

  I’m sure you are absolutely zonked. What an amazing woman you are.

  Moving into the bathroom he turned on the shower, then gazed at his reflection in the mirror. His bruising had turned yellow, there was still some puffiness at the site of the gash, and though he looked much better he found it puzzling that Dean had allowed him to be part of the operation.

  “It must have been Belinda, it must have been about her,” he muttered, and doing his best to avoid water on his wound, he stepped into the shower and washed himself off.

  A few minutes later he climbed into bed and turned out the light. Belinda stirred slightly, then rolling on to her side she cuddled against him.

  “Blake,” she whispered, “will you please make love to me?”

  “You’re tired, you should rest.”

  “I need you,” she murmured.

  The feel of her warm, luscious body and her plaintive request was enough to beckon his cock, and shifting on to his side he tenderly kissed her.

  “Blake,” she whispered, “I’m so glad I’m here with you.”

  Traveling his lips to her breasts he sucked gently, then slid his fingers between her legs. She moaned and wriggled, and as his thumb rubbed her needy clit she let out a whimpering cry.

  “Take me, please, take me,”

  Pulling a condom from his bedside table, he ripped open the packet and quickly slipped it into place, then kneeling between her legs he clutched her hips, pulled her into his pelvis, and guided himself home.

  “Thank you,” she moaned.

  He stroked her slowly, relishing the feel of her hot wetness and the sight of her body underneath him, then leaning forward he grabbed her wrists, and pinning them on either side of her head he increased the pace of his thrusts.

  “Yes, Blake, yes, please,” she moaned as his pumping became increasingly fervent.


  “Yes, yes!”

  Seemingly taken over by a frenzied spirit she thrashed below him, and as her orgasm was about to break, she took a deep breath, arched her back, and squeezed her eyes shut. Knowing the signs he dropped his head to her breasts, sucking hungrily, and listened to her wail of pleasure as her dam broke.

  He could feel her pussy pulsing, and seconds later his head lifted from her chest, and his heavy groan f
illed the room as his cock erupted, jerking out its release.

  Not wanting to leave her, he reached for a tissue, and using it to remove the condom he let it slip to the floor, then stretching out beside her, he pulled up the bedcovers and pulled her into his arms.

  “My brave, precious, Belinda,” he purred.

  “Blake, my hero,” she sighed.


  To ensure her safety the FBI insisted that Belinda remain out of sight until they gave the all clear, so the days that followed the raid on George Barrett’s estate, Belinda stayed at Blake’s home. The FBI also leaked information to the media. Newspaper articles publicizing the arrest of Nicolai Brovinski, talked about an unnamed woman, an American citizen, found in the Barrett house, and how her connection to the international underworld boss was being investigated. To give the story credence, a female FBI agent bearing a resemblance to Belinda, was seen numerous times being led around in handcuffs at FBI headquarters.

  Two days after the raid Blake returned to work, and loathe to leave Belinda by herself he insisted Josh stay with her until any potential threat was behind them. He was happy to oblige, and during their leisurely hours Belinda taught Josh first-aid, and Josh reciprocated by teaching her some self-defense skills.

  Three days after she’d settled in, the house phone rang, and to her great joy it was George Barrett. They talked for over an hour, and continued their dialogue as the days ticked by.

  George confided his mistakes, explained how he’d allowed himself to become vulnerable to Brovinski through his own weaknesses, and repeated his promise that he would find a way to thank her and Blake for rescuing him.

  It was just over a week after the raid that the unnamed woman found at Barrett’s house was ‘released.’ Surrounded by the press, and with a scarf over her head, the female FBI agent was bustled into an SUV with tinted windows and driven away.

  Belinda was finally able to come out of hiding, and the first day of her freedom coincided with Blake’s leap from one shipping container to another. To celebrate he invited her to join him on the set to watch.

  Blake and the crew had been rehearsing the shot throughout the day, and it was the middle of the afternoon when she and Josh arrived. Walking towards the shooting location, shielding her eyes from the sun, she spotted Blake walking around on top of a container.

  “Where is he going to jump to?” she asked.

  “That orange container over there,” Josh answered.

  Following Josh’s pointed finger, her heart began to pump.

  “He can’t be serious,” she muttered. “He’ll never make it.”

  “It’s completely safe,” Josh assured her. “It’s carefully planned, and he has—”

  “Excuse me,” Belinda interrupted, “what about the wrinkle in the carpet? Nothing is completely safe. Walking across the street isn’t completely safe.”

  “Ah, right, point taken,” Josh replied.

  “I don’t like this,” she mumbled. “I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.”

  Spying her, Blake climbed down and jogged over to join her, but as he neared he could see she didn’t look very happy.

  “Hey, beautiful, this is your first day out. I thought you’d be beaming,” he said giving her a hug. “What’s wrong?”

  “Sorry, I am, I’m very happy to be here,” she replied holding him tightly. “It’s just...”

  “Just what?” he asked pulling back and studying her.

  “After everything we’ve been through, isn’t doing a stunt like this tempting fate?”

  “No, not really. I’ve been doing this my whole life.”

  “What if something goes wrong and you fall. You’ll land on concrete. You could kill yourself.”

  “I’ve done this gag many times, and I’ve never hit the ground,” he assured her.

  “Can’t you put an airbag there, or some padding or something? If you won’t do it for yourself, will you do it for me? Please?”

  “Look at you,” he said staring into her pleading brown eyes. “How can I say no? Let me see what I can do.”

  An hour later, thick forgiving pads were on the ground between the containers, and the shot was adjusted accordingly. Feeling somewhat better, but still unable to shake her fears, Belinda watched as Blake was fitted with the equipment that would propel him across the thirty-foot gap. When Blake jumped, the operator on the ground would push a button and send him flying across to the second container.

  “This is all timed out,” Josh explained. “As he leaps, Tim over there pushes a button and Blake is catapulted across.”

  “I know how it works,” she mumbled, “but it still seems crazy dangerous to me. At least the pads are there now.”

  “And he gave away the car gag. Sam Freeman was the one hit by that Taurus. That’s never an attractive thing to watch.”

  “I suppose I should be grateful for that,” she replied with a grim smile. “Josh, what’s he doing?”

  The shot was ready to go, and Blake was walking in a circle on top of the container.

  “That’s his ritual,” Josh explained. “We all have one.”

  “That’s what he does?” she murmured. “Huh, how strange.”

  “We all have our thing,” Josh remarked.

  “I can’t believe this is about to happen,” she muttered.

  “Yep, any second now.”

  Gripping Josh’s arm, she held her breath as she watched. People were yelling things she didn’t comprehend, then suddenly Blake was sprinting, then leaping, but to everyone’s horror he didn’t fly like a bird, he dropped like a huge rock.

  “BLAKE,” she screamed running towards him completely panicked.

  “FUCK!” Josh exclaimed running after her.

  As she neared the pads, Blake stood up, and shaking his head he started walking towards her.

  “My God, Blake,” she panted grabbing him by the arms, “are you all right?”

  “Fine,” he assured her, “it was a short fall, no problem. Hey Tim,” he called. “What the hell happened?”

  “The button failed,” Tim said grimly, walking briskly towards him.

  “The button failed?” Blake repeated.

  “Don’t know why yet, it just failed. Must be the contacts. In all my years, it’s a first.”

  “Blake,” Belinda said breathlessly, “if those pads...”

  Belinda’s voice trailed off, and as he put his arm around her could feel her trembling.

  “Figure it out, Tim,” he said. “Let me know. I’ll be in the trailer. Josh, bring Belinda some tea, would you?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Josh nodded.

  Holding her tightly, Blake walked with her across to his trailer, and as he did an epiphany suddenly rattled through his soul. Walking inside he took her in his arms, held her tightly, then sat her down on the couch.

  “Blake, I—”

  “Belinda,” he interrupted, “I need you to listen to me.”

  “That was so—”

  “Shush,” he said firmly. “Be quiet and listen. You were right.”


  “You were right. That’s the second wrinkle in the carpet in a very short time. The first one could well have saved your life, I don’t know, but it was fortuitous. This one, it’s something else,” he said solemnly. “If you hadn’t insisted on those pads I’d be in trouble right now. I’ve been in this business a long time, and I’ve been lucky. The ball has always bounced into my hands and I’ve kept going, but now... hmm... how do I explain what I want to say? I still believe in my rabbit’s foot, but my life is changing, has changed, because of you. What just happened, it’s made me feel differently about things.”

  “Blake,” she murmured, “what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I love you too much to keep pushing the envelope. I’m going to talk to Harry about Carnivore and take this whole acting thing seriously. I’ll finish my commitment to this film, but once it’s over, no more being hit by cars, no more anything
that carries a high risk.”

  “Really?” she breathed.

  “Really. Like I said, you were right. I’m not interested in tempting fate anymore. I can feel it, it’s time.”

  The tears of relief and love spilled down her cheeks, tears he kissed away as his own began to threaten, but a perfectly-timed knock on the door broke the moment. Josh entered carrying three paper cups of tea and some muffins, and placing the cardboard tray on the table he handed a cup to Belinda, then to Blake.

  “Blake, here’s to your rabbit’s foot,” he declared, “and Belinda, here’s to your uncanny instinct.”

  “I don’t think it was instinct,” she said softly. “It was just worry for the man that I love.”

  * * *

  That night, after they’d returned home and had a light dinner, Blake disappeared into his study, and Belinda settled in the bar in front of the fire with the television on. A short while later he returned holding a small, black notebook.

  “Would you mind turning off the television?”

  “Sure,” she smiled looking across at him.

  “Do you know what this is?” he asked waving the notebook in the air as she turned off the set.

  A fluttering of butterflies told her exactly what it was, but she shook her head.

  “Um, no, not really.”

  “I think you do,” he said firmly, slowly walking towards her, “but I’ll tell you anyway. It’s the notebook. Do you remember the notebook?”

  “The one you use to keep track of my, uh, crimes?”

  “Yes, that’s the one.”

  “Why do you have it?”

  “I think, my lovely Belinda, it’s time I brought you up to date.”

  “I, uh, don’t know what to say?”

  “I believe, yes, Sir, would be appropriate.”

  “Oh, yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  “Up to the bedroom, clothes off, hands around the bedpost. I’m going to introduce you to my flogger, and then...”

  “And then?”

  “And then, you’ll find out.”

  A little while later, her bottom burning from the black tongues that had landed with a hot, thudding sting, she found herself laying on the wood slab coffee table in the living room, her body wrapped in leather straps.


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