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Wrecked (Axle Alley Vipers)

Page 8

by Sherilee Gray

  She spun around to face Cole, planting her hands on her hips. “Oh. My. God. I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “Did you want him to kiss you?”

  That deep, growly, ravaged voice lifted goose bumps on her skin. “Well…no, but I…”

  His nostrils flared. “Did you ask him to stop?”

  “Yes, I did, but I was going to…”

  “What?” he snarled. “What were you going to do?”

  Holy shit. She’d wanted to get Cole’s attention, but this wasn’t what she’d had in mind. The man was furious. Like red eyes and puffing smoke from nostrils angry.

  Dragging her to bed was most definitely the last thing on his mind. He looked like he wanted to strangle her.

  She sucked in a pained breath, realizing in that moment it didn’t matter what she did, she couldn’t win this. He’d never give in to his feelings for her. He wouldn’t allow himself to have her, would fight their connection tooth and nail. And goddammit, it hurt. She didn’t get it. Was he trying to be noble? Did it have something to do with his friendship with her brother? Or was it something else entirely?

  She forced down the pain and focused on the only emotion she could handle right then. Anger. “You have some nerve storming over here and interfering like this. I don’t need another goddamn big brother. One sticking his nose in where it’s not wanted is bad enough. So back the hell off.”

  Then she spun around and marched up the steps to her house, unlocked the door, and slammed it shut behind her.

  The second she was inside, she ran to the bathroom, fighting back the emotion threatening to spill over, and yanked on the tap. Her face was still wet from Gerald’s slithery tongue and—she gagged—she could smell the seafood bisque he’d had as his main course. “Gross.” She scrubbed her face with soap, then grabbing her toothbrush, loaded it up with toothpaste and brushed her teeth hard enough to remove the enamel.

  Where did Cole get off, acting like that? He didn’t want her, or wouldn’t allow himself to, so what? Now no one else could have her, either? Not that she wanted Gerald, but that was beside the point.

  She rinsed and spat, then glanced up at the mirror, taking in her flushed face and wild hair. “Crap. No wonder Cole got the wrong idea.” She looked like someone had roughed her up, and not in a good way.

  Grabbing a towel, she dried her face—and jumped a foot in the air when the front door crashed open, followed by a familiar, uneven gait coming down the hall. She poked her head around the bathroom door, and Cole’s gaze locked on her as he strode forward, eyes still wild, mouth tight, chest heaving.

  “What are you doing? You can’t just barge in here like that.” Heat hit her face when she got a good look at him. The man looked fierce, like whatever control he’d called on outside had gone, poof, completely vanished. In fact, his expression could only be described as savage. Like he had every intention of taking a bite out of her.

  She backed up, and he kept coming, right into her tiny bathroom. Her butt hit the vanity at her back, and he crowded in. She searched his face, and what she saw made her knees weak and her heart pound.


  He held none of it back, and the sight stole her breath.

  His hands landed on her hips, and he lifted her off her feet like she weighed nothing, planting her ass on the counter. His fingers flexed, digging into her flesh, and he sucked in a rough breath.

  Oh good Lord.

  Then his hands moved, sliding down over her thighs to her knees. He held her gaze while he did this, like he was waiting for her to protest, like he expected her to tell him to stop. If she could get her mouth to work, instead of hanging open like one of those sideshow clowns, she certainly wouldn’t be protesting. Oh, hell no.

  The muscle in his jaw jumped as he slowly spread her legs wide, wide enough that his hips could fill the space between them. Then he growled. A deep sound that vibrated through his chest. “I’m not your fucking brother.”

  Chapter Nine

  Cole’s hips were nestled between Piper’s thighs. Her big baby blues trained on him. This was all kinds of wrong. But there was not a hope in hell of stopping. Nothing could move him from this spot, not until he’d had another taste of her.

  He’d seen her with that fucker, his hands on her, and he snapped, his control snapped, and there was no getting it back.

  He looked down between their bodies. His chest was bare, and Piper’s small hands rested against his sides, not pushing him away. No, she’d curled her fingers, digging them into the muscle, holding him to her.

  The sexy, knee-length yellow dress she wore—that with all her soft blond hair made her look like fucking sunshine—was bunched up around her hips, giving him a glimpse of her pale pink underwear. He dropped his gaze to her tattoo, now on full display. It had tormented him since he’d first seen a hint of it, wondering what it looked like, how far it went. A red rose surrounded by leaves and thorns. It wrapped around her upper thigh and disappeared beneath the flimsy fabric of her panties.


  He could see the design clearly, could see where it started and finished on her hip, because the fabric covering her wasn’t lace or cotton but something else completely, it was sheer, the kind you could see right through. His iron-hard cock throbbed, tenting the hell out of his shorts.

  Fascinated, he watched as he slid his palm back up her smooth, rounded thigh—her pale skin beneath his darker, rougher hand—up to her dress, gently pushing it higher. Giving him a better view.

  He brushed his thumb over the vibrant ink, and she sucked in a startled breath. Cole dragged his gaze from his hand, from between her legs.

  Jesus, so beautiful. He’d expected to see horror on her face, anger, instead he saw heat. Molten fucking heat, and it was aimed at him.

  Her lower lip was swollen and glistening from where she’d been biting it, eyes so full of need he nearly exploded in his goddamn shorts. Holding her gaze, he ground against her, letting her feel just how hot and hard he was for her. “If you don’t tell me to stop, right now, I’m going to fuck you, sweet girl. So hard you’ll feel me for days.”

  Her fingers flexed against his sides, digging deeper, making him groan. But then she shook her head. No.

  It shouldn’t have been a surprise. But her rejection still cut like a blade. “I need to hear you say it, tell me no.” He needed it from her lips. No way could he walk, not without hearing her say it out loud. Maybe then he could finally let the idea of her go.

  But instead of pushing him away, her thighs tightened, pressing into his hips, and she shook her head again. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  A harsh breath rushed from between his lips at her huskily spoken words. “No?”

  She stared up at him, blond hair framing her lovely face. “No.”

  Was this really happening? This beautiful, sexy, sweet woman, a woman he had no right to touch, was actually offering herself to him? No way could he walk away. Not now. Not now that he was finally between her thighs, the scent of her arousal wrapped around him.

  God, he’d wanted her for so long.

  Watching her, testing her, he lightly skimmed his hand up her inner thigh and gently cupped her through that maddeningly sheer fabric. Shit. Heat radiated off her, and she was wet, really fucking wet. He could feel just how much she wanted him and could barely believe it. He dragged a finger along her pretty little slit, watching the muscles in her thighs tense.

  She moaned and wriggled her ass, trying to get closer.

  “You want more, sweet girl?”


  He couldn’t think straight, couldn’t think past giving Piper what she wanted, what she needed. Pleasuring the woman in front of him was the only thing that filled his head. Everything else, all the reasons why this was a monumentally stupid idea seemed so distant, so out of reach he could barely remember why
he hadn’t allowed himself to have her in the first place. The only thing that mattered in that moment was Piper.

  Sliding a finger down the side of her panties, he tore through the fabric easily. She gasped but didn’t pull away. Instead, she spread wider for him, asking for more, giving him permission to take what he wanted.

  She had no idea. No damn idea how dangerous that was. Because he wanted it all.

  He ran his finger along her bare cleft. The woman was scalding hot, drenched—and for tonight—all his.

  “So fucking pretty.” He looked into her hooded, lust-dazed eyes. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted the taste of you on my tongue? How many times I’ve imagined what it would feel like to have you under my mouth? How I’ve fantasized about owning this”—he cupped her more firmly between her thighs—“corrupting it, until you love all the dirty things I want to do to you, until you’re begging me for it?”

  Her breathing became harder, faster, and she shook her head. “You’ve fantasized about me?”

  “I tried to fight it. But you haven’t made it easy, have you, Piper? This week, you’ve tormented me, day after goddamn day. Parading around barely dressed, showing off your sexy curves. Making me burn for you, making me hard for you. Making me so fucking desperate for you I could barely think straight.”

  He couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth, but he could no more control that than he could the demand of his cock, desperate to sink inside her. “Do you want that, Piper? Do you want me to show you the fantasies that keep me awake at night, straining and so fucking hard? Until I have no choice but to close my eyes and imagine you riding my cock while I fuck my hand, imagining it’s you wrapped around me instead of my fist?” He pushed a finger inside her tight heat, and she cried out, undulating those soft, round hips, desperate for more.

  “Cole, please?”

  “Please what?” Her arousal coated his fingers, thighs gripping him tighter.

  “I-I need…”


  “God, yes. More.”

  Her hair was wild around her shoulders, her beautiful face flushed. He was helpless against her, couldn’t fight this if his life depended on it. He’d die a happy man.

  Sliding his finger out, he pushed back in, adding a second. “You’re so fucking tight, so ready, aren’t you?”

  She didn’t answer, instead letting out a moan as he thrust deep. He had to see all of her, wanted to free her breasts, taste her pert nipples. Fisting her dress in his free hand, he dragged it up, and she lifted her arms for him. He pulled it over her head and flung it aside. “Shit.”

  Her large breasts were encased in the same sheer fabric as her destroyed panties, and he could see her nipples clear through the cups, small and tight.

  “Take off the bra.” He wanted her in his mouth, wanted to suck and lick her, taste her skin. She reached back and released the clasp, letting her breasts bounce free.

  Jesus Christ.

  Leaning in, he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked gently, loving the way her muscles spasmed around his fingers with every pull. She was close, so close. Curling his fingers, he rubbed against the bundle of nerves deep inside her and sucked harder. She fisted his hair, holding him close, tugging on the strands while her hips worked frantically against his hand.

  “Cole. Ahhh…”

  Then she broke apart, shattered. Her cries echoing in the small space. He watched her, his gaze eating her up hungrily as she came. The way the sweet agony of it made her even more beautiful, when he thought that was impossible. The way her breasts swelled and her pink nipples grew darker. The way her belly quivered and her muscles tensed.

  Her inner walls clutched and released his fingers repeatedly, and he continued to fuck her with them until the last tremor moved through her perfect body.

  Her eyes eventually blinked open, and she stared up at him. “Holy shit.”

  A grin tugged at his lips. “I’m not finished yet.” Then he went down to his knees in front of her, ignoring the way his leg protested.

  He had one night with Piper, because that’s all it could be. He was too far gone to stop this now, so he planned to have her in all the ways he’d dreamed about. And right now, he wanted his mouth on her.

  His face was level with her belly, soft and rounded, and he couldn’t stop from leaning in, nuzzling her, kissing her. She stiffened for a split second, but then relaxed and threaded her fingers through his hair.

  Piper hadn’t always been as confident about her body as she seemed now. He’d spent enough time with the Wests over the years to know that. She’d felt inferior to her sister and Alex when she’d had no damn reason to.

  He lifted his head and looked up at her. “You’re so beautiful, Piper. This body, fuck, you’re a man’s wet dream. You’re my wet dream.”

  She bit her lip, eyes bright. “Am I?”

  “When you were outside, painting your windows, I fucking lost it. I didn’t want anyone else looking at you. Jesus, you were turning me inside out, seeing you like that, so hot and sexy. But you knew that, didn’t you, sweet girl? You pushed, tested my self-control on purpose?”

  She shook her head no, blond waves bouncing around her face, but her blazing cheeks gave her away.

  Gripping her thighs, he squeezed. “I’m going to make you pay for teasing me like that, for making me so hard all fucking week.” He looked down at her exposed flesh and leaned in, dragging his tongue through her center. He’d imagined many times what she’d taste like, and he’d been right, she was sweet, like everything else that was Piper.

  He groaned and looked back up at her, licking his lips. “Do you know what I did after I walked away from you, when I left you painting your windows?”

  “No,” she whispered, voice husky, sexy.

  “I watched you out the window while I stroked my cock. Just seeing you like that had me wound so damn tight, I’d had no choice but to jerk off till I came so hard I was seeing stars.” He didn’t know what he expected her to say to his confession. Didn’t know if it would disgust her or not, but right then he needed her to know what she did to him.

  But Piper wasn’t disgusted, and he watched, fucking mesmerized, as she spread her legs wider and shimmied her ass closer to the edge. Her body shook with pent-up hunger. The woman was turned on by what he’d said, it was written all over her face.


  “Yeah?” His voice was shot to shit, even more so than usual.

  “Put your mouth on me…please?”

  Fuck. Standing, he slid his hands under her ass, lifting her off the counter, and backed her out of the small room. Her bedroom was directly across hall, so he kept going until they reached her bed. “On your back, baby.”

  She crawled on the mattress and lay back. Giving him the most spectacular view he’d ever seen. Laid out for him, like the best gift he’d ever gotten, but she was already unwrapped and ready to play with.

  She lifted up on her elbows and looked down at him, eyes wide.

  His cock was so hard he could hammer in a nail with it, balls so tight all he could think about was emptying them inside her. He shoved his shorts down, and his cock slapped against his stomach when he straightened.


  He stood there for a few seconds, letting her take him in, letting her get used to the scars on his body. If she had a problem with the way he looked, he’d rather know now. He hadn’t been with a woman since before the accident, hadn’t wanted to. But Piper didn’t seem offended. No, her gaze roved over his body hungrily, locking on his dick. She licked her lips.


  He climbed onto the bed, between her thighs, and groaned at how wet and swollen she was, how ready. “Fuck, baby.” Nipping the inside of her knee, he worked his way up to her quivering sex, and didn’t mess around. No, he fucking devoured her.

  Her hand came
down on the back of his head, holding him to her as he tasted her, tracing her inner lips before doing what he really wanted and pushed inside, fucking her with his tongue. It wasn’t long before she was shaking and moaning, begging for him to let her come.

  Pressing down on her inner thighs, he held her open, at his mercy, and sucked hard on her stiff little clit. She came for him again, and he sucked and licked her until she stopped trembling under his mouth.

  He lifted up, took her in, heart squeezing in his chest, gut in knots. He couldn’t believe this was actually happening, that he was with Piper. That she actually wanted him.

  Dealing with what he’d done, trying to get his life back on track after the accident, he was tapped out, had nothing to offer her. The way he was now, broken inside and out, he could never make her happy.

  She deserved more than half a man.

  He could never, would never, burden her with what remained of the guy she once knew, with what he’d become. And he sure as fuck didn’t deserve that kind of happiness.

  No, he couldn’t keep her, not in the way he’d always dreamed. She would never wear his ring. They would never have a family or grow old together.

  But tonight, for one night, he could pretend.

  Tonight, she was his.

  He smoothed his hand up her thigh. Her body was coated in a fine sheen of sweat, beautiful breasts jiggling with every labored breath.


  He crawled up her body and looked down at her. She stared right back, licking her lips, and he realized he hadn’t kissed her yet. He needed to kiss her. Now. Sliding a hand over her hair, he brought his mouth down on hers. Her lips were soft and warm, pliant under his. She opened for him, flicking her tongue across his, tasting herself on him, learning how damn sweet she was. He squeezed his eyes shut, memorizing every damn moment, kissing her hard and deep, the way he needed to.

  Her legs wrapped around his hips, and his cock was right there. He flexed his hips, sliding his dick between her drenched folds. Fuck, he could so easily come from just that. He tore his mouth from hers. “Condom, Piper.”


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