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Wrecked (Axle Alley Vipers)

Page 9

by Sherilee Gray

  She blinked up at him. “Um…”

  “Condom, baby, now.” He couldn’t stop, and rubbed against her. They both groaned.

  “I don’t…ah, I don’t have any.”

  He stilled. “What?”

  “I don’t have any.” She tightened her legs around him like she thought he’d leave.

  Like fuck.

  “You on the pill?”

  “No. What about your apartment?” The hope in her eyes tore him to shreds.

  “No,” he growled.

  Jesus motherfucking Christ.

  He didn’t have condoms. He hadn’t needed them. His hips thrust against hers because he couldn’t stop himself, his need to be with her was all-consuming.

  She gripped him tighter. “God don’t stop. Just…keep moving.”

  Yeah, there was no way he was stopping now. He couldn’t make love to her how he wanted, but they could both get off this way. Hell, he was ready to explode. Gritting his teeth, he slid against her, holding back his orgasm through sheer determination. Piper reached up and cupped his face, pulling him down for another kiss, the sweetest, sexiest kiss he’d ever had in his life. Then a second later, she was coming again, spasming against the underside of his cock. “Ah, fuck.”

  He wanted, needed…

  Lifting up onto his knees, he fisted his erection and pumped hard and fast. He was mindless at this point, nothing but animal lust, driven to this point by the woman beneath him, watching while he stroked himself. Her gaze locked on his dick, and having her eyes on him…fuck.

  “Gonna come on all that beautiful, smooth skin.” He continued pumping his cock, hissing when he exploded, firing hot and hard across Piper’s creamy flesh, until he’d emptied his balls all over her soft belly and breasts.

  He came down on top of her, not giving a shit about the mess, just needing to be close to her, to feel her against him. Breathing heavily, he took in her strawberry scent, now mixed with sex. He wanted to bathe in it, never let her go. Never lose this feeling. Her hands came up, running over his back, soothing him. Like she knew he was hanging on by a thread.

  “I’m glad you came over tonight,” she whispered.

  Those words, as simple as they were, hit hard. It was like a light switched on in his head, shining a spotlight on all the darkness residing there. Not only what he was, what he’d done, but why he shouldn’t be here. He was obsessed with the woman beneath him. Jesus, he’d jacked off watching her through his window and told her about it. Came all over her, for fuck’s sake. A night with her was as good as feeding the beast, the addiction, gorging on the only thing it craved.

  She should be throwing him out of her bed. Why the hell wasn’t she?

  What he’d done to her, still wanted to do to her… The things he’d said? Disgust with himself, with the way he’d treated her, washed over him. Piper, of all people, deserved better than this. Still, his cock, which was nestled against her curves, was readying for round two.

  He rolled his hips, because he had to. It was like he had no control over his own mind and body—and let’s face it, he’d just proven that he didn’t.

  Piper whimpered, fingers digging into his lower back.

  Stop this. Now.

  Jesus, he was rubbing up against her like a rutting animal. What was wrong with him? He had to get a handle on it.

  This was a mistake.

  Piper deserved so much more. So much more than him. Allowing himself to have her, taking a piece of happiness for himself with Piper, forced guilt to pump through his veins. How could he take pleasure, feel joy, when Kate and Davey were suffering every damn day because of him?

  Reluctantly, he rolled to his back, but Piper followed, pressing her soft warm body into his side.

  What have I done?

  He scrubbed his hands over his face, tried to ignore how good she felt, how perfectly she fit against him. She slid her hand around his waist, arm resting across his stomach, and nestled in closer. Then she laid her head on his chest. Shit, her soft hair felt like velvet against his skin, her warm breath tickling, lifting gooseflesh every time she exhaled.

  His dick was hot and hard against his stomach. He’d barely had an erection in months, and now his cock wanted to make up for lost time with the only woman who could affect him like this. The one woman he couldn’t allow himself to have again.

  But even now, knowing what he’d done was wrong, for so many reasons… Knowing that he’d betrayed his friend and tainted this perfect, amazing woman with the darkness inside him…

  He couldn’t regret it.

  He could never wish it hadn’t happened.

  Chapter Ten

  Piper woke when the bed shifted beside her. It was still dark, and a glance at the clock told her she’d only drifted off a short time ago.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.” Cole’s voice cut through the shadows and, though she’d already had three orgasms, caused some very nice tingles between her thighs. She still couldn’t believe what happened between them, that he’d finally given in.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, his back to her.

  “Are you leaving?”

  He grabbed his shorts off the floor. “Yeah, I should go.” He turned to her, reaching out to gently cup the side of her face, sliding the pad of his thumb over her cheek. His dark gaze followed the movement, intense, focused—lost. “Let you get some sleep.” An emotion she couldn’t name flashed through his eyes, then he dropped his hand.

  Her stomach tightened. He was withdrawing, pulling away after the most mind-blowing sexual experience of her life. She didn’t want that. Didn’t want him to regret what happened.

  After the things he’d said to her, the things they’d done, no way would she let him just walk away and pretend it didn’t happen. She was still naked but didn’t try to cover herself as she slid out from under the blanket. Cole had made it more than clear he liked the way she looked, and if parading around butt naked would stop him from feeling guilty, or dissolve whatever doubts he had weighing on him, then she’d use it to her full advantage.

  She walked around to the other side of the bed, and as she neared, he stilled, shoulders straightening, back going stiff.

  Still, he didn’t turn to face her.

  You can do this, Piper.

  She’d wanted him for so long, and for now, maybe only tonight, she had him in her bed. As much as he might try to deny it, she knew he still wanted her, too. So she pushed her doubts to the back of her mind and moved in close, until she was standing right in front of him.

  He was looking down, shorts hanging from his fingers. She watched his wide shoulders lift, chest expanding as he drew in a deep breath.


  He tilted his head, looking up at her. Shadows concealed part of his face, but they didn’t hide the way his nostrils flared, or the way his lips parted when he released a rough exhale.

  His heavy cock jutted from his body, hard and long, making her mouth water. “You don’t need to leave,” she whispered.


  She stepped between his spread knees, and threading her fingers through his dark hair, tipped his head back farther. Surprisingly, he didn’t fight it. Those expressive eyes locked on hers, molten hot, utterly fierce. He was breathing heavily, chest pumping. The man was affected. And seeing just how much blew her away, spurred her on.

  Whatever happened next would happen because he chose it to. The man oozed dominance and control. And right now he was making no attempt to conceal that side of himself. It was there in the masculine line of his jaw, the stubborn set to his lips.

  And shit, that magnificent cock straining between his legs.

  A delicious tingle slid across the surface of her skin. “Stay.”

  He wrapped his fingers around her wrists, brought them down to her sides, and pinned them there. “Sw
eet girl…” He cleared his throat, lids dropping for a second, thick lashes resting on his cheeks. She shivered at the name, reminded of the way he’d said it while he’d moved above her. He stared up at her, a look of what could only be described as desperation on his face. “This was…amazing. The best, but, Pipe… It was a mistake. If Deke found out…”

  Mistake? Okay, that hurt. A lot. “How would he?”

  “Piper.” His voice was a soft rasp, lifting the hairs on her arms. “You’re…you’re special to me.” His fingers flexed around her wrists, and he swallowed, Adam’s apple sliding up and down his throat. “Important. I don’t…I don’t want to hurt you…”

  She was starting to feel desperate herself. “You won’t. You said yourself it was amazing. Why stop when we both want it?”

  “Because this…what we’re doing, it’s not a good idea.”

  He was wrong. Why couldn’t he see that? “Please, stay,” she whispered. “Just, please, don’t go. Not yet.”

  The muscle in his jaw jumped, and he released her wrists. “Piper… Shit.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I want to stay, sweetheart, you have no idea how much. But I can’t…I can’t give you more than this. I’m not capable of more, not now.” One of his hands went to his injured knee, the action an unconscious one. “You don’t deserve that. You of all people deserve more than casual, more than just sex, especially from me, but that’s all I have to give.”

  Unhappiness twisted low in her belly. She wanted to ask him why, but she got the feeling if she pushed he’d be up and out the door in a heartbeat. There was no point in lying to herself. If that’s all he thought he could give her right now, she’d take it.

  She skimmed her fingers over his abs, down to his erection, and wrapped her fingers around him. “What if that’s what I want?”

  He sucked in a ragged breath. “Jesus.”

  She caressed his satiny, hard length. “I can do casual.”

  His vibrant blue eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. “Piper…”

  “Tell me you don’t want me.”

  He stared at her, so much going on behind that heavy gaze, so many emotions. She didn’t want that, didn’t want him to overthink things. She especially didn’t want him to walk out her front door with regret in his heart. “You can’t, can you?” She refused to feel guilty for what they’d done. There was no reason to. Yes, Cole was her brother’s friend, but when Deke decided to pursue Alex, he certainly hadn’t consulted her and Rusty. That shared history between her brother and best friend only made their relationship stronger. They were all adults. What happened between her and Cole was nobody else’s business.

  He didn’t answer, but he hadn’t made a move to leave, either. She kept her eyes locked with his and dropped to her knees. A storm swirled in the depths of his eyes, but he didn’t look away, didn’t push her away or ask her to stop.

  Wrapping both hands around his erection, she leaned in and swiped her tongue across the swollen head. He hissed, then made a deep sound that caused the ache between her thighs to intensify. His eyes went impossibly dark and intense. The doubt that had been there moments ago dissolved under a haze of lust. Yes!

  He slid a hand around to the back of her head, massaging, the action gentle, tender. “Shit, Piper. I think I’ll die if you put your mouth on me.” His fingers moved restlessly, threading through her hair. “But I’ll fucking die if you don’t.”

  She fought a triumphant grin, even as his words, the feeling he’d put behind them, hit her in the chest with the force of a Cadillac Fleetwood dropped from a great height. It looked, for now at least, like he’d forgotten all the reasons he thought this was a bad idea. She planned to keep it that way and concentrated on making this the best blow job she’d ever given. Running the tip of her tongue around the ridge, she teased him. She didn’t take him fully into her mouth, not yet, and moved down the underside of his hard length, kissing, sucking, and licking on the way to his balls.

  The fact that she could do that, could make him forget just from putting her mouth on him, was empowering and a complete turn-on.

  He gently fisted her hair, using it to lift her head, bringing her back where he wanted her. To the thick, swollen head of his cock. She stared up at him, darting her tongue out again, tasting the bead of pre-come forming there.

  His other hand was shaking when he wrapped his fist around his erection, holding it to her lips. “No more teasing, sweetheart.” Pleasure-pain sharpened his features. “Please, take it, Piper. Please suck me.”

  Oh God.

  She parted her lips and did as he asked, letting him slide inside her mouth, taking him as deep as she could. Hollowing her cheeks, she started sucking him, hard.

  “Jesus.” His hips bucked, lifting off the bed, sinking deeper. She loved the way he was fully in control while he lost it completely. Giving in to the pleasure she was giving him while he took what he wanted.

  She moved up and down his thick shaft, cupping his heavy balls in her hand, massaging and squeezing gently.

  He shuddered and groaned, low and long. “Gonna come, sweet girl. You don’t want me to fill your mouth, pull back.”

  She never swallowed, but she wanted to now, for Cole, and let him know by increasing her suction and speed.

  He hissed and tightened his grip on her hair, tilting her head back so her gaze crashed with his. “Look at me. I want to watch your face when I shoot into that sexy mouth.”

  His lids dropped to half-mast and he stilled, a low groan rumbling past his lips. He cursed, then he was coming, body shaking as he continued to slide that big cock in and out of her mouth.

  Her eyes watered, throat working as she swallowed as fast as she could. She didn’t let go, not until he finished, and only when he released her hair. His eyes glittered, watching her from lowered lids.

  Oh, dear Lord, the man is beautiful.

  She licked her lips but didn’t move from her spot between his legs. She was in no hurry to end the intimacy of the moment. Determined to hold on to it for as long as it lasted.

  Tenderness transformed his features as he cupped her jaw in his large, warm hand. Swiping the pad of his thumb across the corner of her mouth, he pressed it past her lips. “Suck,” he rasped.

  She covered his hand with hers and did as he asked, licking and sucking it clean.

  He made a needy sound, dark and low.

  She smiled up at him. “Now aren’t you glad you stayed?”

  He stared at her for several long seconds. “Yes.”

  He didn’t look glad. He looked troubled.

  “So…” She lifted to her knees, moved closer, so her breasts pressed against his hard stomach and chest, the crisp hairs tickling her oversensitive nipples. “…does that mean we’re doing this again?”

  He sucked in a shaky breath, and she held hers, waiting for him to answer. At this point she’d take whatever he had to give. This chemistry between them, it was like nothing she’d experienced before. She couldn’t walk away, not now. And she knew she wasn’t the only one feeling it.

  He traced her lower lip with his finger, eyes darkening, the tenderness still there, but that storm was back as well. “Fuck, Piper.” One of his hands slid around the side of her neck, his palm hot against her skin. His fingers flexed before he pulled her in closer. “Yeah, we’re doing this again.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Piper stepped out and took the seconds she had left, before she reached Alex and Deacon’s apartment, to put on her game face.

  She’d been summoned for lunch with Rusty and Alex. Usually, this would be a good thing. She loved spending time with them. Yeah, they worked together and saw each other nearly every day, but it wasn’t the same now that they weren’t living on Axle Alley anymore. She missed them. And after getting another goddamn message from that persistent creep Daniel Taylor from th
e real estate agency this morning, she was more than happy to get out of the house. If he showed up at her front door one more time, she might be tempted to beat the crap out of him with his own briefcase.

  But the morning after her night with Cole? Not a great idea. Both women were like bloodhounds. It’d only take one slip on her part for them to sniff something out. If that happened, she didn’t have a hope in hell. They’d nail her down and interrogate her until she spilled every last detail.

  That couldn’t happen.

  Cole definitely wouldn’t appreciate being cornered and grilled by her sister and Alex. And that’s what would happen if they found out.

  He’d left her in bed in the early hours. But not before he thoroughly kissed her, slid down her body, settling between her thighs, and brought her to a screaming orgasm with his tongue. After, he’d dressed, pressed his lips to the top of her head, and walked out the door.

  They’d agreed to a casual arrangement. But no promises were made for more than that. She had no idea when they’d be together again. If he’d come to her, or if he expected her to go to him.

  But she did know whatever happened between them was not for public consumption. She’d worked that much out on her own. Last night she’d convinced herself she didn’t care what Deke thought. But in the light of day she’d changed her mind. With how overprotective he could be, her brother finding out about their non-relationship would not be a good thing. Not for any of them. Not until she knew exactly where she and Cole were headed.

  If they were headed anywhere at all.

  She ignored the ache in the center of her chest accompanying that thought. Stop it, Piper. They’d only been together one night for God’s sake.

  One unforgettable, mind-blowing night. Her knees went a little weak, and her step faltered, remembering the way he’d lost control. The tender way he’d touched her. She released a shaky breath and squeezed her thighs together. Not an easy thing to do while walking.


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