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Tempest And The Warrior (Unearthly World Book Book 7)

Page 7

by C. L. Scholey

  Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all.

  The inhabitants scattered before the ship landed, no doubt seeing it hurtling from the sky. While onboard, Cy was about to race for Tempest and Braylon before the vessel crashed onto the surface, but at the last moment, the ship leveled off. Cy wondered if it had to do with Tempest and her new powers.

  Braylon was struggling in his arms. “I’m not two, put me down,” he demanded.

  Cy released him and lowered Tempest to her feet. He could snatch her up in a heartbeat if need be. As Braylon walked, the toy spaceship followed, hovering closely. Tempest stayed near her son. She went to a brilliantly colored flower taller than she was. The purple head of the flower leaned down. Startled at first, she allowed Cy to nudge her forward, keeping close. The plant was harmless but huge.

  “The flower wants you to smell it,” he said.

  Tempest gazed at him in surprise then stepped toward the beckoning plant. She inhaled what Cy knew was a pleasant fragrance. A delighted smile split her features. Cy’s heart jumped, she was beautiful when she smiled. Her hand, once injured, lifted. Cy was happy to see there was no hint of bruising.

  “I can smell plums,” Tempest said in wonder. “What a beautiful plant this is.”


  Pleased, the flower dropped a round purple piece of fruit in her hand, a gift for her praise. Tempest lifted the object to her lips and with a nod from Cy, she tasted the offering. Her smile deepened. Cy knew she would appreciate the gift.

  High above their heads a shadow formed. What looked to be a whale swam across the sky. Both Tempest and Braylon were motionless as the creature passed hundreds of feet above.

  “Is that alive?” Braylon asked.

  “I don’t know, but I try to avoid them during take-off and re-entry. There are a few that roam the skies,” Cy said.

  A flock of clouds swam by next in the shape of jellyfish. The tentacles glistened a gold light. Sparks flew when the tips made contact with one another. Cy wondered if that was why the rain sizzled his skin. He made a mental note never to allow Tempest or Braylon outside in a storm.

  Small bald chicken-like dinosaurs came looking, curious. The tiny creatures had teeny hooves. Their beaks were short, their small squawks announced their presence. Cy made friends with them before, feeding them, never hunting. They were harmless. More importantly, they were toothless. One bumped against Braylon’s pants. The boy reached down to pet it. The creature was in heaven with the attention.

  “Are there people here?” Tempest asked. Her eyes widened as Braylon sat and was swarmed. The boy was giggling as the beings used their heads to rub along his skin.

  “Ugliest cat things ever,” Braylon said smiling, his delight apparent.

  “There is a race of some sort of aliens. I’ve caught glimpses but they’re afraid of me. Smaller than me but taller than you,” Cy said.

  “Are they dangerous?”


  They better not be or I’ll fucking kill every one of them. Cy gave his head a shake wondering where the hell that thought came from.

  “That mountain shines like a diamond,” she said pointing.

  “It is a diamond. Every mountain and rock here is diamond. We can make a fortress in the closest hill. The substance is hard; maybe it will be able to keep the Angano out of your thoughts.”

  “Maybe,” she muttered.

  Cy took Braylon by the hand. “I need you to keep watch on the ship while your mother and I go look through the mountain.”

  “But,” Tempest spluttered.

  “He’ll be fine.”

  Tempest was still sputtering as Cy led Braylon to the vessel, the toy ship followed.

  “So, I’m being babysat by a toy?” he wailed and stomped his feet.

  “Not any toy,” Cy said. “A destructive super-powered machine. Plus, when your mother isn’t around, the replicator might have a few choice things for you to eat.”

  Braylon seemed tempted. Food was a driving force behind the boy, not that Cy could blame him after going so long without. Cy whispered ice cream was so much better with caramel sauce and sprinkles. And as the Zargonnii’s replicators were given a larger selection when uploaded, Cy’s was included. He wondered aloud in a whisper if Braylon had heard of cotton candy or popcorn. Braylon dove for the ship and the door slid into place. Cy chuckled as he took Tempest by the hand.

  “He’ll be fine,” Cy said as Tempest dragged her feet. She finally sighed and gripped his hand tighter.

  Small diamond boulders littered the ground. As the sun caught each piece, they twinkled with the different light of the foliage. Tempest was clearly amazed, likening the phenomenon to the Aura Borealis. At two diamond boulders, they walked under a rainbow.

  Tempest smiled. “Well there really is a treasure at the end of a rainbow, diamonds.”

  At one large mound of diamonds, Cy scowled. He saw the creature blink. Two black eyes gazed at him and then Tempest. The inhabitants could blend in with their surroundings. They could curl into balls making them look like another diamond rock. Only their eyes were a solid ebony. This was a natural defense. They only needed to remain as still as possible with their eyes closed to avoid detection. Cy had tripped over one before. He’d knocked the wind out of the being.

  The being against the diamond closed its eyes, disappearing, and Cy relaxed. He was right; they were harmless. He could understand curiosity as long as Tempest and Braylon were left alone. He wasn’t sure of the beings’ abilities, but as a whole, they tended to be elusive.

  The mountain wasn’t as far as it looked. The massive cave opening drew a sharp breath from Tempest. She clutched his hand harder and followed him inside. She twisted her neck to gaze everywhere at once. Because of the brilliance of the diamond, foliage continued to grow within the mountain in certain areas where rain slipped between cracks. The creative colors curled with the stunning rock to add breathtaking scenery.

  “So much beauty.”

  Her whispered words filled his mind. When the male child was around, Cy could temper his thoughts. Children were never in sight during the Holiday. Cy had been fighting his urges ever since being around this female. Now her scent invaded him. The idea startled him. It gave him insight into how hard it would be on his planet when it came time to Holiday. The idea gave him pause. Titus might have to lock him away somewhere. The idea wasn’t pleasant.

  Tempest released his hand and moved away. Cy’s heart began to pound, the urge to snatch her back built. She’s getting away. No. This isn’t a Holiday. He battled to stay in control while alternating wanting to throw her to the ground. Cy reminded himself he wasn’t keeping her. She couldn’t battle him. The idea made him shake. There could be no battle, if he were to Holiday with her…he could never Holiday with her. She would be killed. If he hurt her he would destroy himself emotionally until he died of heart ache.

  I can do this. I’m calm, cool, collected.

  When she turned and smiled, he almost came unglued. She stepped forward and took his hand. No female willingly held a warrior’s hand. She is. The warmth of her skin made him grit his teeth. Tempest’s small hand pulled at him, not releasing, as she moved from place to place. There were times their bodies touched. A Zargonnii female would never allow him this small intimacy. The word intimacy was new to Cy. Dominate was a word he understood. He was already the dominant of the two; there was no dispute. Perhaps he couldn’t Holiday with her, but he could have her.

  I must have her.

  He realized too late he should have brought the child. What little control he had he was fast losing. His cock strained painfully against his material. He wanted the female. The idea filled his thoughts. Her female scent was intoxicating. Her fingers rubbed against his. Did Titus feel this? It was no wonder he kept his mate. I can’t keep Tempest. Soon, Cy was pulling her along. She followed willingly. Females don’t follow willingly. His thoughts were screaming in his head.

  Cy’s heart was pounding. The smaller
cave he led her to had replicated furs lining the floor. He had stayed here some nights, drawn to the beauty of the diamond walls. Tempest was far more appealing.

  “I think I’d sleep here, too, if I could,” Tempest said as she sat on the deep, black, thick fur.

  She had no idea the danger she was in. Her small fingers caressed the material. Would she caress him like that? Was it possible? He struggled to remember everything Titus ever told him about human females and their sexual desires. Mistake. Cy’s cock jumped. He was a warrior, he was male, and he hadn’t released his need in too long. His trembling increased. His nostrils flared to capture her scent. Bigger mistake.

  “Tempest,” his tone was an embarrassing high pitch.

  “I’m not naïve,” she said. “I can see what you want. I think I knew before you did.”

  “Yet you came.” There were no words to describe his surprise.

  “Grey and I never were together. He said it was too dangerous if we mated. Then he abandoned us. You came and when I touched the blood, you took responsibility. I know you won’t leave us. I’ve been alone with only my son for company for too long. Everything about you draws me to you. I’m not ashamed I want you.”

  “My urge to be with you is overpowering. Your words are all but killing me with my restraint.”

  “Can you make love?”

  “I’ve heard of your human expression. It’s an odd concept to a warrior.”

  “You must have been with other females?”

  Cy dropped beside her. “I hurt one. I never mated with her. I was banished. If I take you back I might be able to stay home.”

  “Then what will happen to Braylon and me?”

  “We need to find out if the Angano will come.”

  “So we may never make it to your planet?”

  “Maybe not.”

  “But you won’t abandon us?”


  Tempest began peeling off her clothing. Cy’s heart pounded in his chest. He balled his fists as every inch of her was bared to him. He could scent her arousal. His words caused her to want him. The idea was startling. The only thing a female Zargonnii wanted was a child. Cy wasn’t interested in children. He wanted Tempest. He reminded himself she was female and it had been so long since he had one.

  She lay naked before him. She was small, beautiful, her aroma heady. Round globes on her chest would indicate she were a nursing mother if she was a Zargonnii female. Cy knew human females kept their breasts once they formed. He never noticed how long and shapely her legs were. She was stunning.

  For a second he stared at her feet. Tiny toes wiggled hello. There was no small spatter of hair everywhere on her body. She was almost hairless. Cy would have to keep her close to keep her warm. Cy stood and kicked his boots off before dropping his form fitting pants allowing his cock to spring free. Tempest swallowed hard.

  “It’s been a long time,” she said. “You’re going to have to go easy.”


  How could he dare to make love when he never had before? His kind battled for dominance, they were aroused by the victory. Cy was aroused now. His cock strained for her. The tiny female watched him in anticipation. She wanted him. Tempest didn’t care he was dominant there was no desire to usurp his power.

  Shaking with his desire to control his needs he knelt and gripped her ankles and spread her feast before him. She didn’t lunge at his face, she didn’t scream in rage or growl. There was no hissing or wailing from the jungle of others who were in the midst of a Holiday. They were alone.

  “Tempest this isn’t my way.”

  “If you are expecting a brawl to break out, you’ll be disappointed,” she drawled.

  “We fight for dominance, it’s not meant to cause fear or pain. Not normally.”

  “I can’t fight you.”

  “I know, and I’m torn between delighted and disturbed.”

  “Are you just going to stare at my pussy?”

  “Our females don’t even speak our language.”

  “Lucky them. You talk too much.”

  “Every luscious inch of you is calling to me.”

  “If I tell my body to shut up, will you come closer? I feel like an open door.”

  Cy couldn’t stop the change, he entered battle mode. A warning growl escaped his lips. He heard her intake of breath as his cock grew bigger. Tempest stared at his engorged length, panting. There was the scent of fear. He had caused fear in females. It was a shameful act. A deep rumbling emerged from within his chest. He was to soothe her fears. The battle not begun was over. His head throbbed. He was every inch the dominant male.

  Something inside Cy slipped into place. He used to Holiday with anger. He was so filled with betrayal he wanted the fury of the battle. It was the same when he warred. Did he ever Holiday for the coveted child? There were never any children born to him as far as he knew. The battle for offspring was serious. Each side knowing they could win the ultimate prize. Cy raked his brains, he couldn’t remember battling for the want of a son. Weren’t there legends of a sterile Holiday if fought for the wrong reasons? There was only one reason he wanted this act, this lovemaking. The reason was Tempest.

  Lying carefully beside her he instinctively knew what he did was wrong so it must be right. He should be on top of her letting her feel his weight, his dominant power. She should be screaming and struggling, biting. Tempest was merely watching him. The pitch from his throat grew. The noise was right. It was the physical action he strove to control.


  The large hand held to her face startled him. It was his hand, cupping her, drawing her nearer. If she were a Zargonnii female, she would be enraged the deed wasn’t done so she could get on her way and have a baby that would be either his or hers.

  “If you make love to me, I won’t break,” she whispered.

  “The only female I loved was my mother and she gave me away.”

  “Then let me keep you.”

  He couldn’t keep her. If the Angano showed and they lost their battle, keeping her would be a moot point. They were here now. If there was no later, what would it matter? Cy could keep her for now. If he could only have her for a little while, he would make every second count. When his cock bounced in anticipation, he knew he lost or won his battle. With a careful hand, he gathered her wrists. Teeth clenched, he pulled her arms high over her head. Once he was on top of her he roared.

  Tempest screamed when he plunged into her heat. Her back arched as though she thought to escape. There was no running from him. More of his weight pinned her. She was so small he pushed on his elbow to keep from crushing her. He pulled out and thrust harder. Her warmth engulfed him. Her insides were tight, wet, hot. His ache built.

  Wiggling beneath him, he realized Tempest wasn’t fighting him. She was trying to wrap her legs around his waist. No female had tried that before. She began to meet his demanding thrusts. She strained against the hand holding her wrists. He released her. Even if she beat at him, she wasn’t strong enough to cause any damage.

  Harder he pounded as she gasped for air. Tiny fingers gripped him to hold on. Cy grabbed the fur beneath him. His claws would shred her fine flesh. It dawned on him Tempest was no longer afraid, her moans and whimpers were calls to his body. He could bite a Zargonnii female but not Tempest. He increased his wild ride. Thundering into her.

  She whimpered for him to thrust harder. It was agony to be careful with a willing female beneath him wanting him for the sheer need. She groaned when he pumped faster. Her small cry of pain reached his ears and frustrated, he remembered something Titus had told him. He could still dominate on his back. With a twist he flipped them over. Tempest collapsed onto his chest but he didn’t have any weight on her small frame.

  As she pushed his chest to rise he gripped her hips and lifted her up plunging her down. He slipped from battle mode. His hands on her ass caressed her soft rump. He watched as his cock rose and fell and Tempest arched her back. From this position, he was in contr
ol. From any position, he was dominant. He wanted more.

  He reached for a breast. Zargonnii females only had breasts when nursing. A male never delighted in them when a warrior. With Tempest, he could. His hand kneaded and worked her firm flesh. He wondered for a second. He pulled her down and licked a nipple. If he was careful…

  His cock jumped when he pulled from her. He settled his lips over her breast and sucked hard. She gasped but allowed what he wished. The idea alone drove him to the brink. He was going to come. Cy shifted and flipped her onto her back plunging into her heat.

  Tempest cried out, shuddering and lay still. Cy tossed back his head and bellowed. He’d taken a female. He had done things he never dreamed of doing. His overwhelming need didn’t kill her. She was gazing at him as he fought to control his breathing. He traced her cheek with a finger. She was limp, but her ragged breaths were easing.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Stiff. Guess it’s a good thing I’m female when I say that, or you might fill with disturbing images.”

  Cy chuckled. “We should get back to Braylon.”

  As they dressed, Tempest touched his hand. “If we leave this place…”

  “Don’t. We can cross that bridge when we come to it.”


  “No but. Titus may not allow me to stay. He may not allow me to keep you.”

  Her features darkened. But her eyes spoke volumes, she was more than angry, she was hurt.

  “So that’s it? Whatever Titus wants? What about what I want?”

  “Do you want me, Tempest? Or do you need me?”

  Tempest stared at him open-mouthed. It was a fair question. His emotions were raw, too. For the first time in his life, Cy had made love. He had controlled every inch of himself. It had been agonizing bliss. Tempest had no idea what they would be in for if they did return to his planet. If he made no claim, she would be allowed entry. But he could see her sense of betrayal. She stormed past him, leaving the cave. Cy wanted to howl his frustration. What was he to do?


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