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Tempest And The Warrior (Unearthly World Book Book 7)

Page 8

by C. L. Scholey

  * * * *

  Emotions raced through Tempest she never expected to feel again. She was being rejected, betrayed. No that wasn’t entirely true. Cy was being honest. He only promised not to abandon them. She wanted him and made a point of telling him. Did she want him or need him? Maybe it was both. He was everything she thought he would be.

  When he plunged into her, she was scared to death. She’d never had a larger man, male. His muscles rippled under her touch, his power was phenomenal. His roar was earth shattering. But he took control. When the scare passed, she began to wonder if the Angano had altered her. Cy didn’t go sailing backward in her sudden fear. The toy ship didn’t appear. The earth didn’t move, well actually, it did sort of.

  Tempest watched him battle for control, for her sake, and win. He explained their rituals. The brutality. He only pinned her too hard once them immediately compensated for it. His cock was massive, but she was ready. Tempest sighed. She expected too much. She waited three years for someone to come along. Was she only waiting for a hero? All that time, she kept her son safe until even she was at a loss. No one could have done better. Until Cy came. Cy was a warrior, he was honorable. He didn’t force her into sex, she practically threw herself at him. Cy did his best to make love when he never had in his life. Cy was right. No commitments until they knew what would happen.

  At a small pond, they stopped. Tempest stripped and walked into the water to wash. Cy didn’t enter but stayed close. She knew if he joined her, they would have sex, and she wouldn’t stop him. Tremors hit every nerve thinking about how amazing every inch of him was. The red hue crept up her cheeks burning her with embarrassment.

  And he says my body calls to his.

  Her boobs may as well be bells and her pussy a whistle. Her frustration built. She wouldn’t mind having him again. She groaned. It was best they get back to Braylon. Tempest rose from the pleasure of being soaked. She needed a good drenching. The shower on the ship was pitiful. A large stall with misty drops of warm rain and heat.

  Cy settled his gaze onto her and she dried, then dressed. His fists were clenched and she wondered what he was thinking. The ship became her only thought. She needed to get back.

  Tempest was so confused with her thoughts she wasn’t watching where she was going and collided with a gray mass almost stumbling. Tempest shrieked, then quieted while tossing the hair from her eyes. The Tonan pulled her close and inhaled.

  “I didn’t imagine it. I caught your scent and thought I’d gone insane.”

  “Grey,” Tempest whispered.

  The Tonan shield dropped. Grey gazed at her. “My ship crashed. I survived but no one came.”

  “It’s been three years.”

  Grey cupped her cheek. The touch awakened her need for him. She learned from him a Tonan could secrete a calming drug through sweat glands. The feel wasn’t unpleasant but added to her confusion. She had just been with Cy. She didn’t need Grey. Grey leaned to kiss her but she drew back. A horrific bellow was heard and Cy smashed into Grey. All three went flying. The Tonan shield went up and the pair battled. Tempest scurried away on her hands and knees and crouched beside a tree.

  The warriors smashed repeatedly into one another. Each bounced off diamond rocks and massive trees. Grey sailed into a flower that spit moldy berries at him coating him. Enraged, Grey roared; he was met with Cy’s shattering response. Tempest put her hands to her ears. Grey’s talons slid across Cy’s chest. The Tonan would have shredded a lesser warrior. Not a drop of blood was spilled. Cy took both hammering fists, jumped up, and brought them down onto Grey’s head until Grey’s shield faltered.

  Hit after hit, Cy was unstoppable. The beast was unleashed and Tempest realized the control Cy mastered when with her. Tempest had never seen so much rage. She could tell Cy meant to kill Grey. As Grey fell, Tempest jumped up and stood before him, arms outstretched. Her gasps rattled her chest. Her hands shook. She was afraid she couldn’t stop Cy.

  “You won, Cy. Enough. Enough.”

  Cy stood still as her teeth clacked, the sound of a wooden roller coaster. He growled, snapped, and snarled then paced.

  “He’s a filthy Tonan. You have no idea what he’s capable of.”

  “Murder?” Grey asked, he ran a hand over his head. “Like you plan on killing me?”

  Cy stood, feet braced, snarling. “Stay away from my female.”

  “Your female?” Grey laughed. “She was mine first. I saved her and her little man cub. I had every intention of going back for them until I was shot out of the sky, by Zargonniis no less.” Grey glanced at Tempest. “That’s right. It was his kind who forced you into exile by leaving me stranded.”

  Cy took a deep breath. “If it was my kind, it wasn’t me personally. And there is a war going on. Your kind killed the female’s planet Earth. Your kind annihilated every Castian female. Your kind joined with the Gorgano. The list of heinous crimes goes on.”

  Grey rose to his feet. “Well, it wasn’t me personally.” His tone dripped sarcasm.

  “You were on the vessel to take unsuspecting females into slavery and death to their children,” Cy bellowed.

  “I spared two. What brings you out here, Zargonnii? I saw the alien vessel. Since when does your race travel alone or in the company of the Angano?”

  “I would never travel with an Angano,” Cy bellowed.

  “I touched the blood of an Angano. That must be what you sense, Grey,” Tempest said. She turned to Cy. “We must make sure Braylon is on the ship and not wandering.”

  “The spaceship won’t let anyone in.”

  “How do you know that?” Grey hissed. “If the Angano show, they’ll open their own vessel and kill him.”

  Cy smirked at him. “That’s not the vessel I was talking about. Now get out of here.”

  “I’ll leave, but I won’t be far. If the Angano come calling, and I bet they will, I’m the only one who can save Tempest and her son. We’ll see who’s left standing.”

  Grey strode off. Tempest went to Cy. Scowling, she gazed up at him. “Since when am I your female? You made it clear when we reach your planet you’re giving me away, like an unwanted puppy.”

  She turned and marched away. Cy followed close on her heels. “That Tonan is bad news. If he thinks you’re mated he’ll stay away.”

  “Ha. You don’t know Grey. In fact, I’m surprised he didn’t build a ship while he was here.”

  “So now he’s your hero?”

  “Now I know what happened to him. He didn’t abandon us. He was shot down by your kind.”

  “But not by me. Will you judge one species by an act of war? If my kind knew of your existence they would have come for you.”

  “How was I supposed to know what other aliens were out there? And who was friendly? Grey told me all kinds of horror stories.”

  “That’s what a Tonan does. They manipulate you with a word or a touch.”

  Tempest stiffened. She did react when Grey touched her. He could calm her in an instant. Cy’s touch made her crazy. Even now, his close proximity was a strain to her emotions. His lips were wagging with words and all she wanted to do was kiss him.

  They stood arguing outside the alien vessel. Tempest reminded him he was the one who wanted things to stay unchanged until they were faced with the Angano. She stood staring hard with her arms across her chest. Cy slouched. He wasn’t a warrior who could admit defeat, but he warred with himself, not her. He opened the door that appeared to have scratch marks. Tempest wondered if Grey had tried to break in. No wonder her suspected powers didn’t help her, she must have left them here with her son. Braylon was sleeping on the bed, the toy ship hovered close. Cy was right. Nothing could penetrate the alien vessel while her love kept Braylon safe.

  The pair went to sit outside in the brilliant sunlight. “Tell me about your planet,” Tempest asked.



  “My home is the most beautiful planet in the galaxy. The sky is a rainbow lit up o
n display. Creatures roam free. There is no famine. No currency. No poverty. The air is pure and sweet. Our homes are impenetrable. The food is delicious, the storms breathtaking, but you must never go in the water.”

  “How do you wash?”

  “In our homes we have showers. Hmm, maybe you better stay out of the showers. Something can be figured out, we wouldn’t want your skin to be ripped off. And watch out for the trees, some have vines that creep and can hold you captive, not to hurt, they’re so curious.”

  He had a far-off dreamy quality about him while she was ready to run for her life.

  “So I can never bathe and the trees are creepy?” she asked.

  “The humans there enjoy my planet. The warriors, their mates keep them safe.”

  “Well, what about Braylon? You said your females will have nothing to do with males unless it’s to breed. If they battle you I bet they’re not small.”

  “Normally our females are larger and stronger than our males.”

  “That brings me back to Braylon.”

  “He will have the protection of your mate.”


  “Yes, forever, he has to be watched over the rest of his life.” Cy jumped up when Grey came into view, hands splayed, shield down. “Go on tell her about the child-eating bangor and murdering cyron. And the flesh-eating scum in their ponds and lakes. Braylon loves to swim; the first time he tries, he’ll be bones, dead. He can never take a walk alone; neither can you for that matter.”

  “You’re trying to frighten her.” Cy growled.

  “Did I lie?” Grey spun in a tight circle. “No tail.”


  Braylon stood in the mouth of the alien vessel’s entrance and rubbed at his sleepy eyes. Mouth gaping, he looked at the Tonan. A whirlwind of emotion crossed the child’s features. Tempest could see Braylon was torn between racing to Grey or wanting to hurt him. Indecision stopped the boy in his tracks. Grey dropped to a knee with his arms out.

  “I was here, man cub, alone on this planet. I was coming back for you and your mother. I was shot down by a Zargonnii vessel and crash-landed. They didn’t bother to see if I lived. I’ve been as trapped as you. I would have told them about you and your mother, but I was left to be in exile. I swear this wasn’t my fault. Go ahead and look, no tail, no lie. You and your mother have been always on my mind. It made me half-crazy worrying about you.”

  Braylon gazed up at Cy, his lips quivered. The hurt shone from unshed tears. Grey was calling to him, coaxing him. Tempest could see the warrior really had missed the child. Had he missed me? Braylon could resist no longer and raced to Grey. Cy stumbled as though hit with a blow. Grey ruffled Braylon’s long hair when he captured the boy and stood.

  “You got big, man cub,” he said with affection.

  Braylon looked so small held to Grey’s chest. Grey always did ooze power. Tempest gazed from one warrior to the other. Her heart hammering. One had saved them, the other swore he was coming back for them. Tempest was lost. Her emotions were in an upheaval. Cy stood clenching and unclenching his fists. Suddenly the toy spaceship was zipping in Grey’s face. Spinning, whirling, lights flickered. Grey set Braylon on his feet and swatted the toy, missing it as it ducked.

  “What the hell?” Grey demanded. Cy was now smug with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Come on,” Braylon demanded to the toy. He held out his hands. The ship instead flew a foot over his head.

  Grey studied the object and cast a glance to Tempest. She shrugged. There must be a part of her that was hurt and angry. Confusion overwhelmed her and she was suddenly exhausted. Whatever it was the ship seemed—pissed.

  “I have no control over the toy,” she said.

  “Are you going away again?” Braylon asked Grey.

  “No. This is a nice planet. We can stay here until the war is over.” Grey was gazing at Tempest as he spoke.

  “There could be an Angano invasion,” Cy said though gnashed teeth.

  “So obviously the safest place for a lone female and her child is on a planet with a warrior who can’t mind battle? This is how you keep them safe?”

  “I can’t bring the Angano to my people,” Cy growled.

  “How do you know you have people left? How long have you been out here? And why are you alone in an enemy vessel? The Zargonnii are a tight knit community. You must have done something heinous to be kicked out.”

  Cy went red. “I have never led females into a life of slavery.”

  “I heard the Castians saved the humans even before I was shot down. It’s been years.” Grey knelt and placed his hands onto Braylon’s shoulders. “Before I left, I promised you I would be back. I’m sorry I was shot down. I’m not leaving you or your mother to fight alone against the Angano. The Zargonnii will be useless.”

  “I’m building a trap,” Cy said snarling.

  Grey rose and shot him a disdainful gaze. “This should be interesting.”

  Cy strode toward him. Tempest stepped between them again. She took Braylon by the hand to head toward the ship. The toy vessel followed. Braylon was reluctant to go inside and dragged his hand from hers stopping them. Cy and Grey were facing off again.

  “There will be no fighting around my son.”

  Grey smiled. “Maybe man cub can bring me out a bowl of ice cream.”

  “Sure.” Braylon seemed delighted by the idea. Years ago, the pair would sit and eat ice cream. Grey in very small amounts.

  “Later,” Tempest said. “I’m tired.”

  Catching her son’s hand again, she took him into the ship. She was grateful when Cy followed. As Cy closed the ship, she watched Grey standing there. Her emotions were as raw and confused as before.

  Chapter 7

  As much as Cy despised Grey, the four of them worked on strategies to aid them if the Angano came. Grey wasn’t susceptible to an attack when shielded. They had yet to learn the extent of Tempest’s powers. She displayed few and when she did, it was done through the toy spaceship and only when agitated.

  Braylon was neither happier with either warrior nor sad. He confided to Tempest who in turn told both Cy and Grey. The boy had almost forgotten Grey but remembered the hurt feelings from when he was younger. The sleepless nights, the times his mother cried. The fear of the beasts. The child had done his share of sobbing against his mother’s shoulder. Cy wished they had been found sooner. Tempest’s recollections hurt his heart.

  There were many times Grey would appear with Braylon riding his shoulders. The pair would be laughing about something. They shared fond memories of their time on the other planet. Grey took the boy swimming often. Grey also cast long glances at Tempest making her squirm and turn red. Cy didn’t understand the horrible jealousy that filled him when Grey was around. He planned to give the female and her son up. He had to.

  But not to a filthy Tonan.

  The Zargonnii females may reject his right to her and the boy. They might be furious if he were to return with a family when he should remain in exile. But his trespasses weren’t Tempest or Braylon’s fault. For a moment, he grew angry wondering if he would have to pay for what he did forever while the female he injured was free to have as many children as she liked. The female could Holiday, Cy never would again.

  The fault is yours.

  Cy wanted to roar but held his temper. The way Grey talked of Cy’s planet made Cy take another look at how wonderful he thought it was. To humans it was deadly, to Cy it was home. Grey added to his frustration. The Tonan could twist his words into truths. His emotions were boiling with his thoughts.

  Cy flexed his muscles as he set a huge slab of diamond into place. It would crush an Angano if it wasn’t careful. All of the diamond was alike, the piece should remain undetected. As he shoved the massive piece higher, Braylon raced around the corner. The boy stumbled and Cy tried to reach for him but his arms were full. The slab slipped and toppled over. Cy bellowed. Tempest screamed as the boy dropped but the slab hovered over him harmlessl
y. Braylon scooted out from under it followed by the toy spaceship.

  Tempest raced to him. The slab dropped, smashing to the ground. She held the boy by his cheeks and kissed him. Cy thought he would have heart failure.

  “Looks like you’re getting stronger,” Grey said.

  “I’m so grateful it didn’t kill him. I didn’t think; I just wanted the wall to stop.”

  “It did,” Cy said.

  “Mom, you’re awesome!” Braylon exclaimed.

  “How about we find somewhere safe for you to stay?” Tempest suggested.

  “I’ll take him to the ship. He should have some lunch,” Grey volunteered. “You should too, Tempest.” His longing gaze made Cy tremble with fury.

  “I’ll be along in a little while,” she replied and Cy exhaled the breath he didn’t know he was holding.

  The toy ship hovered close to Braylon when Grey lifted the boy to his shoulders. Cy scowled as they left. Every chance Grey had he became the doting father. He was glad the toy followed. He didn’t trust Grey. Then Cy realized he and Tempest were alone. He placed his hand on her shoulder and to his surprise she dove head first into his chest sobbing.

  * * * *

  “He could have been killed,” she wailed.

  “You saved him.”

  “I’m so worried about the Angano coming. Grey says they’re merciless. He says they’ll kill Braylon the second they find him. That they’ll explode my mind or make me do horrible things. Grey said they might be capable of making me kill my own child.”

  “He spends too much time telling you what to fear. He wants you to think he’s your savior. But he isn’t and neither am I. You saved your son not us.”

  “But I do it through a toy,” she howled.

  “What does it matter how you do it as long as you do? You told me yourself the safest place is on a ship. You crave safety. Females are ruled by their emotions. You think you can’t be strong so you compromise in your heart and have that toy follow him everywhere because you can’t.”


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