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Tempest And The Warrior (Unearthly World Book Book 7)

Page 15

by C. L. Scholey

  “But you don’t talk. You grunt, eat, and sleep. You’re too tired to fart let alone make conversation.”

  Braylon chuckled. “That might be a good thing, Mom. I’ve been around when he let one rip and my shield came up.”

  Tempest could feel her anger rise. “I want out. Today.”

  “Later.” Cy snarled and they left.

  “No, not later,” she muttered under her breath. “Now.”

  Tempest marched to the window and stepped through the glass. She had strolled the backyard without Cy’s knowledge, but this time she went to the fence looking way up. It was at least twenty feet high. There was no way to climb it. She had a thought. Gazing at the tree whose vines were trailing at her heels, she spoke.

  “I want over the fence. Will you help me?”

  The large vine rose and waved back and forth as though undecided. Making a swing, it lowered. Tempest sat down and was lifted into the air. She was positive she heard small whispers. The trees appeared to be arguing with the one holding her. Cy never heard them or their ramblings. She wondered at that. Maybe that was part of her power. Or she was nuts. Tempest shrugged.

  The vine lowered her to the ground on the other side. Tempest’s feet shuffled wondering where to begin and which direction would be best to satisfy her curiosity. Before she could move, a creature appeared, sniffing and snorting the air. It stopped when they gazed at each other. For a second, it stood undecided. The being was almost her height, long red shaggy fur hung in layers. Snot ran down its nose.

  A bangor.

  They continued to study one another. A tingle of fear crept up her spine when the creature displayed sharp teeth with no intention of leaving. It began to edge toward her. The being yelped when the toy ship appeared and zapped the creature’s behind. The bangor howled as it was pummeled with bright flashes of light. The ship meant business. The creature took off. Tempest stood smugly.

  “See, I can defend myself out here.”

  The ship disappeared. Tempest set out enjoying her freedom without fear. Cy’s planet was curiously different. The colors were unique and breathtaking. Wicked pastels hung in the air with bright sunlight shimmering through to warm her. Many tall trees with vines studied her. They moved and weaved toward her, but none seemed compelled to touch her. She heard the occasional whisper, caught a few small words. The trees were more than alive; they were living entities. No wonder they were curious.

  Tempest avoided the ponds after she drew close to one and watched as scum lifted, angling toward her. She jumped back as the toy ship appeared and threw the scum against a tree. There was a wave of excitement as though the mass was a treat. The tree played with its new toy. The scum raced across the branches but was captured, released, captured. The ship disappeared.

  Further into the jungle-like setting, she roamed until she realized she was lost. A row of quiet creepy vultures stared at her. The area was void of any sound. She walked a wide path that was more a split between the jungle. Across from the area she walked, it was darker, fuller. The trees were quiet. Her breath came faster. A rustle from a mound of bushes stopped her in her tracks. Tempest swallowed hard when four Zargonnii females approached.

  Chapter 14

  Tempest watched the Zargonnii females warily. She had never encountered females such as these. Massively muscled, the tallest stood at least nine feet. White flowing hair trailed to the ground. Teeth jagged, the women were regal, proud, fierce, and curious. None wore clothing; they had no breasts. Cy mentioned they were only endowed when nursing. Their feminine parts were covered in hair as was the rest of their bodies. Their womanly curves left no doubt as to their sex. The muscle mass on each made her jaw slack.

  Cy fought these? He’s nuts.

  Another thought occurred that Cy had injured a female. None appeared very friendly. One was glaring at her in a hostile way. She wondered if they were here to hurt her because she was Cy’s mate. It was like being surrounded by hyenas. She never should have argued with Cy; she should have stayed at home and waited for him. Now she was not only lost but in danger.

  A female reached for her, gripping her arm. It hurt, and Tempest involuntarily cried out. The female released her as the toy ship appeared with a sharp smack to her wrists. The female swung at the ship crashing it against a tree. In mid-air, the flying pieces slowed to a stop then raced to reassemble.

  A brilliant red light shone in one of the little ship’s windows. Tempest had never seen the ship do that before. The glow matched the red of the Zargonnii eyes deflecting the attack when she tried to burn the object. A battle of wits ensued, and the female stumbled back when the ship fired a blast of bright green light from another window. The female who had grabbed Tempest was hit with another lightning zap; the hair at her hip caught fire before she snuffed it out. No doubt a warning.

  “What the hell?” A female growled.

  Tempest understood her. “That’s my toy.”

  The females stared at her. “Your toy?”

  “I don’t have any control over it. The ship appears when I’m uncertain.” Scared shitless.

  “You don’t need to fear us. I’m sorry I hurt you. I haven’t been around human females and was unaware how delicate you are.” Something in her tone warned Tempest she wasn’t being entirely truthful.

  The largest one was speaking. Tempest was about to argue about being delicate but decided against it. With these females, it would be a moot point. The ship was hovering between Tempest and the one who grabbed her. The Zargonnii was gazing at the object with interest.

  “You encountered the Angano?”

  “Yes. My name is Tempest.”

  “I am Tama. Cy injured me years ago during our Holiday.”

  Tempest nodded. They must want revenge. “Cy told me what he had done. It pains his heart every day. He misses the scent of his mother. He told me he thought she was dead all his life. She never left the pod area for him to catch her scent. He realizes now she was too injured.”

  “How can you be with a warrior who would injure a female to agony?” Tama was growling.

  “Cy saved me and my son. He has never hurt either of us. He’s had years to come to terms with his hurt. I’m so sorry you were injured. I know the damages other women have suffered by being beaten.”

  Tama roared and Tempest cringed. “Beaten? You speak of human females. I’m a Zargonnii female. Dominance is my life. Cy took everything from me when he hurt me. Do you know what it’s like not to want to mate yet want a child?”

  Tempest heard the agony in her tone. Cy thought she would have gone on to Holiday, to have an offspring while he was certain he never would. Tama’s hunched stance was unlike the other tall proud females. Tama was emotionally injured. Afraid and angry, she was hurting.

  “No, I don’t know what you’re feeling. But I know a warrior who fights for control every second when he is intimate, yes intimate, caring, loving. Because of what Cy did to you, he battles within every day. Cy never wants to hurt anyone again, no female will suffer because of him. He knows you hate him and he knows you have the right. Cy hates himself. You don’t feel his inner anguish. Only you and he know the burden of the emotions you share. He knows he can never Holiday, but he doesn’t want to. There will never be a situation where a Zargonnii female will be cautious of him. Each Holiday we will go to Cobra. I know in my heart even if Cy didn’t have me, he would never touch any of you. There is too much shame he feels. He only wants to scent his mother and be home.”

  Tama strode around her. The toy ship remained between them, ducking and weaving then finally flying into her to stop her physically. Tama resisted until finally she stopped when a hard blow sent her backward. The ship was strong. So were Tempest’s emotions. She knew Cy could burn her to ashes with a look. She knew Tama could as well.

  “It wouldn’t take much to kill you.” Tama had her fists balled, her chest was heaving in her seething emotions.

  Another female gasped. “Tama, you go too far.”

sp; “He left me in the jungle broken and bleeding. I stumbled home to my mother, now she’s gone and I have nothing, no one.” The words were torn from Tama.

  “It was Cy, not this human female.”

  The other females were nodding and another spoke. “You said we must make certain she isn’t being abused. You didn’t say you wanted revenge. It is clear she is fine. I’ll have no part in hurting something so small. She is the size of my oldest daughter who is too young for the Holiday. Think before you act, Tama. I won’t fight you for a human female. I love you. But you will be an outcast if you harm Cy’s female. An innocent. You would take any hope of grandchildren from Cy’s mother. A heinous act.”

  “He took any chance of offspring from me,” Tama wailed.

  “Then your quarrel is with Cy.” The adamant female left taking the two others with her.

  Tama growled, her rage oozing from her shaking body. “Now he has turned my friends against me.”

  “What happened to you was horrifying. I don’t understand your customs of why you battle. In a battle, one side wins. Have you battled and won?” Tempest asked.

  “Nooo,” she screamed. “I can’t Holiday.”

  “You’re afraid to be hurt.” Tempest was saddened for her. Now she understood. If Tama couldn’t Holiday she would grow old and die without the male warrior’s essence, or a child. She would never have a coveted daughter.

  Tama reached for Tempest, but the toy ship smashed into her chest sending her stumbling back.

  Tempest stood mouth gaping, wide-eyed. She wanted to apologize, but she realized only the ship was keeping her from death or injury.

  “Cy shouldn’t have the son he always wanted and a coveted female daughter. You will give him both. I would never harm the boy, but you shouldn’t be allowed here,” Tama bellowed. “I will stop you from giving him the female offspring that should be mine.”

  “Your fight is with me.”

  Both spun to see Cy and Titus. Tama wailed. Tempest could see the female’s fear. Tempest filled with relief and raced to Cy who was in battle mode, fists balled. He pulled Tempest behind him. Tama hissed undecided, and then lunged at Cy. Titus grabbed Tempest and pulled her away.

  Tempest felt her tears fall as Tama beat at Cy. She was much larger, but Cy didn’t move, nor did he strike. He stood still as his body was pummeled. Tempest screamed when the female drew blood. Cy did nothing. A blow to his mouth split his lip. Tempest struggled harder; she screamed louder. The toy ship was oddly quiet.

  “Enough.” Came a bellow of rage.

  An old Zargonnii female ran at Tama knocking her down. Tama jumped up. Cy tried to get between the females but the older one was unstoppable. Blow after blow was delivered until Tama remained on her ass.

  “You are not allowed to kill my son or his mate. You will not take my grandchildren from me. I suffered for years and years. It’s time the suffering stopped.”

  “Mother,” Cy whispered.

  Again, Tempest was gaping. Mother? She was fantastic. Formidable. Beautiful in her glory, as her long white hair whipped around her. Her legs spread, chest heaving, she would take on the devil himself and win. One devastated look from Tama and all knew the battle was over. There was nothing as deadly as a female protecting her child.

  “Go back to the pod, Tama. The next Holiday you will go out, and I will watch to make certain there is no injury. You will have your daughter. I promise you.”

  “But it’s a mother or sisters who protect. I have neither,” Tama sounded amazed.

  “I will act as your mother. You cannot kill your new brother.”

  Tama rose to her feet. The female was bewildered. She nodded and left. Cy’s mother smiled at him. She touched Tempest on the cheek. The behemoth was a mountain of curves and beauty.

  “You will be welcome to visit the female pod area to show me your daughter. You will be safe. All know you are my daughter. My scent will be with you. My son understands nothing of our language. Please explain what happened. I am pleased to have you here. Thank you for giving me my son back. I too have seen the boy and love him. He may have a Tonan shield, but tell him his new grandmother watches over him. Our warriors think we know nothing of what’s occurring. We know, we just think our offspring are more important.” She winked.

  Tempest had the feeling Cy’s mother and the other females knew a lot more than the warriors gave them credit for. “Thank you.”

  A last longing glance at Cy made Tempest’s eyes tear. Cy took his mother’s hand for a second. Their fingers drifted apart. Her eyes blazed on each of Cy’s wounds, cauterizing them. The regal female disappeared into the jungle. Tempest looked from Cy to Titus. She explained what happened and what was said.

  “Never a boring moment.”

  “I wonder how my mother knew I was being attacked.” Cy said.

  “Your toy ship is gone, Tempest,” Titus said.

  Tempest gazed around. She frowned. “I guess I figured with two huge ass warriors around I was safe enough.”

  She began to stroll ahead of the warriors knowing they would catch up. Her mind was still trying to wrap around what just occurred.

  “Your mate said we have huge asses.” She heard Titus grumble.

  “Have you looked in a mirror lately?” Cy replied.

  “Your ass is bigger,” Titus said.

  “Seriously? Did you just check out my ass?”


  Tempest howled with laughter.

  * * * *

  Tempest stepped through the glass material into their living room, Cy followed. His heart still hammered from the encounter. He expelled a huge breath when she was safely inside their home. She glanced around.

  “Where’s Braylon?”

  “He’s made some friends. Titus’s son, Zell, and a Castian boy named Ryker. They’re out playing.”

  “Isn’t it dangerous for him to be out on your planet with other little boys?”

  “It’s dangerous for you to be out there with no one. You don’t have a shield.”

  “I have a toy ship. I was lonely. The boredom was overwhelming.”

  Cy turned her in his arms. “The other warriors are returning for duty. You met my mother and Tama. They didn’t Holiday, but my guess is the females have recovered. That means the cyrons have backed off.”

  “I saw a bangor. Creepy little things. Gross too.”

  Cy filled with concern. “You’re lucky it didn’t hurt you.”

  “I wasn’t alone.”

  “The toy ship. Wish you could figure that out.”

  “I think I have. It appears when I feel I’m in danger. I’m not in any danger, but I’m pretty sure Braylon may come home grouching about a babysitter now that I know he’s out there with only other children for company.”

  Cy chuckled. Then became serious. “You shouldn’t have left the safety of our home.”

  “I’m bored out of my skull.”

  “I’m sorry. I was so excited about finally putting my feet on my planet I couldn’t wait. Bringing you here wasn’t fair. I know what it’s like after a Holiday. So many warriors can hardly move. It’s the very young and the old we have to work with. Some of these new warriors are little more than babies in my opinion. They want to take on the world. They haven’t even had their first Holiday.”

  “Will Tama really Holiday next time?”

  “Yes. My mother is old, but as you can tell, she doesn’t lack for strength.”

  “She was happy to see you.”

  “I think she was happy to see both of us.”

  Cy cupped her chin and cheek. He gazed at his little mate. When he saw her with Tama, he panicked. It was Titus’s son Zell who told his father Tempest needed them. The boy had special powers but was tight-lipped about something only the females knew. Cy wondered if it had anything to do with the trees Tempest swore she heard whispering. Titus forbade his son from interfering unless Tempest was in danger. The Zargonnii females were fond of Zell. He was a unique boy. Titus was c
ertain he was destined for great things. The boy had chosen a mate; the little girl, Brave, was Citun’s daughter. Cy had met the girl briefly. The children were still too young to be together, but they were aware of each other. It was plain to see Zell was protective of the half-human girl.

  “It would have killed me if anything happened to you,” Cy said.

  “Why didn’t you take me with you?”

  “I tried to explain before. Females have a certain flavor a warrior can scent. A female gets inside our core, and we can’t function. All those young warriors and even a few old ones would have been useless if you came to headquarters. The only female allowed there was a child named Brave, too young to disrupt the warriors in any sexual way. As it was, the warriors were curious.

  “And Citun only brought her once. It’s disturbing to see powerful males making cutsie eyes at a little one. They all wanted to hold her, as though she were a toy. Now all the warriors want one. Citun eventually rolled his eyes and left after informing the lot of them she wasn’t a pet. After he said that, Blu and Finn were hysterical with laughter.”

  “Do you want a little girl?”

  Cy had been thinking about it. After seeing Brave, he knew beyond a doubt he did. He wondered what a mini Tempest would look like. The biggest bonus was he would be able to watch her grow up. Her first steps, her first smile. The idea made him all wiggly inside. Cy’s eyes rounded with the thought.

  Wiggly? Where the hell did that come from?

  “I hope we can have a child. I have Holidayed before. I have no offspring. None, in all these years if what Tama told you is true, and I have no doubt she wasn’t lying. When I never had the coveted child, part of me grew angry. I thought at least one of those females should have given me my son. Instead, they all got to keep their female children. Now I know I’ve never had any child. I must admit it’s a blow. If we don’t have any children, we will know whose fault it is since you have Braylon.”

  “We have Braylon.”

  “Mom,” was yelled from outside.

  Tempest peeked around Cy when he turned. Braylon was standing beside Zell. The boy was big for his age. Long black hair flowed down his back. His chest was bare of hair but he had the four vertical stripes of white fur across his arms. The little male’s eyes were a unique green color.


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