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Tempest And The Warrior (Unearthly World Book Book 7)

Page 16

by C. L. Scholey

  “What a stunning boy,” Tempest said.

  “He’s also very powerful. Our young age differently than a human. He is equal to Braylon in age. Titus thinks he may one day lead all Zargonnii, both sexes. He understands any language he hears. The females don’t simply tolerate him, they adore him. He is the only male allowed near them and takes Brave to see her aunt. There isn’t a cyron that would dare challenge him. Bangor scream in fear when they see him.”

  Tempest smiled up at him. “You sound as proud of him as though he were yours.”

  Cy saddened for a moment. “I should have been here for his birth. I have many years to make up for. If Titus had been alone, he would have needed me to help raise him.”

  Tempest frowned. “But he has a mother.”

  For a second, Cy was confused. “I don’t blame the child’s mother, Tempest. I blame me. I lost out on that little warrior’s first years because of my actions.”

  “I’m sorry, Cy.”

  “Mom, can I go to Ryker’s for the afternoon?”

  Tempest frowned. “Doesn’t Ryker live on Bagron?”


  Suddenly, a Castian boy appeared. Tempest gasped. The boy’s black shield dropped. Ryker grinned at Tempest.

  “I’ll have him back after dinner,” the boy yelled. “Huck said Twain wants him to visit.”

  Zell, Braylon, and Ryker all held hands and disappeared. Tempest’s eyes were round as saucers. Cy picked her up and headed to the bedroom.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said as he laid her down.

  “They vanished, poofed into thin air,” she mumbled.

  “They do a lot of, um, poofing.”

  “I think if I were Zell or Ryker’s mother, I’d freak.”

  “I was told they’ve been doing that since they were tiny.”

  “Disappearing into thin air?”


  “That’s some skill.”

  “I’d kinda like to show you my skills.”

  “I’ve had enough of you disappearing on me.”

  “I don’t plan on going anywhere. I’ve been given the week off to show my mate around.”

  “A week?”

  “You’re stuck with me for seven entire days.”

  “What is there to do on your planet?”

  “I can think of something.”

  She gave him a cheeky grin. “Are there amusement parks, rides?”

  “I’ll give you a ride.”

  He flopped onto the bed beside her and pulled her onto his chest. A single black claw slid under her shirt to rip the material down in a lazy fashion. When her breasts sprung free, Tempest slid off him. She stripped as she walked away. She looked back at him.

  “I’m all sweaty after my walk. I think I’ll head to the bath pool. Wanna join me?”

  Cy jumped up and stripped while following her. The bath pool was a human compromise after Cy noticed the water bowl and cloth Tempest was using to wash with. Chagrinned he took a few moments to show her a bathing room she hadn’t noticed; neither had he until Titus informed him of its addition. Zargonnii showers were a pounding deluge for a reason. Killer pond scum couldn’t form in racing water. Any type of standing water was a danger. Pond scum wasn’t only deadly, it was sneaky.

  Tempest stood on the edge of a deep pool. The bathing room designed for humans was a recent addition to homes and a surprise to Cy. Titus and Zabbie made certain his home was equipped with one before he came home. The flick of a switch and water pounded down from three separate faucets. There was no way a human could stand under it. Once the pool was filled, the water stopped pounding but swirled and crashed down in warmed waves. A little rough for a small female but a better alternative.

  “I guess this body bidet is better than nothing,” Tempest said then smiled. “Like everything on this planet, it’s wild yet fitting.”

  Small white caps formed in the waves and continued to roll around the eight-foot pool splashing up under her breasts to make them jiggle. Cy dropped over the side to stand belly deep beside her. The sensation of his cock jerking underwater was an interesting experience. He twisted until he was pressed against Tempest. She gave him a cheeky grin.

  “Want me to hold that for you?”

  “Now that you mention it…”

  Tempest reached down and gripped him. A wave splashed against her and she fell forward. Cy pulled her to his chest, groaning when her hand found his shaft and tugged. Cy lifted her toward the middle of the pool where he stepped on a lever. Immediately, the water stopped crashing against them as it swept back. The couple were left standing, dripping in a circle as the water paraded around them. Tempest lowered to her knees and licked his cock. She pulled him into her mouth and sucked hard the way he liked, using the top of her teeth to graze over his hard flesh.

  Back and forth, she rocked while he groaned. Never in his wildest dreams did he think a female would ever give him this sexual delight. Human females held a party in their mouth. He gave in to his moans, wanting to roar. His eyes were open wide.

  The swirling water was making him dizzy, or it was Tempest. Round and round the water crashed never touching them. White caps hung in the air then collided into the next wave. Cy was mesmerized. He wondered if Tempest was; her sucking stopped. His breath grew ragged. Something wasn’t right. Cy wasn’t certain when Tempest disappeared. He was in a trance as the water plunged up over his head crashing onto him, startling him. He was drenched and searching the pool frantically for Tempest. He was terrified she’d drowned.

  “Tempest,” he bellowed. She was nowhere to be seen.

  Cy jumped from the water and flipped a switch. The pool drained immediately. Still no sign of Tempest. Cy raced through the house as he gathered his clothing. He howled her name and raced from his home at a dead run.

  Titus, I need Titus.

  Chapter 15

  Tempest was kneeling within a raging wall of water. She blinked, her mouth gaping, she wrinkled her nose. Cy was gone, and she knew this wasn’t the pool in their home. The stench surrounding her was pungent. The temperature was warmer though she shivered. She was at a loss as to what happened.


  Welcome human female.

  The words infiltrated her mind. Tempest rose to her feet conscious of being naked and surrounded by the enemy. She could tell numerous eyes were trained on her. A blush crept up her throat. Her fists balled instead of trying to cover herself.

  “Perverts,” she bellowed.

  Your lack of apparel doesn’t offend us but if you wish…

  Tempest was suddenly wearing baggy jeans and a T-shirt. “What do you want?”

  To study you. To kill you. Then dissect you to see your weaknesses.

  “Honesty is highly overrated,” she mumbled.

  We will start with torture.

  Tempest cringed and waited for an assault. A scream from behind the water wall startled her. The toy ship crashed through the barrier, sending the deluge everywhere around the room. The water became a weapon. Waves rose in an ominous fashion from floor to thirty-foot ceiling. The toy was pissed.

  “The cavalry is here.” Tempest was feeling very smug.

  This cannot happen.

  “Oh, but it can boys, or girls, whatever.” Tempest walked out watching as the water turned evil.

  Waves poured down an open mouth until an Angano exploded. Another’s wings became so water logged it was pinned to the floor. The toy ship spun slowly, bright lights flashing. Consoles were obliterated. She had never seen the toy so enraged. Tempest knew she had a temper.

  Go me. She chuckled.

  Tempest left the room, leaving the carnage. Her feet were bare, and the cold of the floor invaded her thoughts. Angano could fly, but she knew some had walked this path. Her skin detected the peculiar sensation and she wondered if she collected more DNA. The halls were eerily silent. Everything was high enough to accommodate the Angano wingspan. The walls were square, tunnel-like. She noted where she was headed ther
e were no doors; she could see beyond the walls.

  Outside, she stepped into a mist of rain then sauna conditions. A light drizzle like the one on the Angano vessel, followed by intense heat. Everywhere she looked was almost bare of any shrubbery, or foliage. There were no other beings of any type. The ground beneath her bare feet assaulted her, more DNA. Tempest shivered.

  She could almost taste the hate of these creatures as she heard words in her thoughts. They thought she was violating filth. The feeling was mutual, and they were enraged she conveyed her emotions to them. They were superior, and yet they knew she surpassed them. Desolate and consuming were her thoughts. The Angano hated any species. High mountains were ahead of her. Light permeated down. Dozens of holes in the walls housed the Angano. She could see them staring at her.

  Tempest could feel her heart pound. She heard the whispering. She sensed the fear. She wasn’t liking the situation any better as their words came to her.

  Invaded. Human female. How is this possible?

  Tempest didn’t know where to turn. She wanted to go home. A number of Angano were advancing. The toy ship appeared at her side and opened fire on one, incinerating it. The others stopped their approach.

  “Go ahead, mind battle a toy, fuckers,” she said and smirked.

  The Angano cried out and held their teeny ears. You will not invade our thoughts. You must die.

  Suddenly a massive black hole opened. Tempest was relieved to see Cy, Titus, and Cobra. She raced to Cy.

  Three Angano approached. We could kill all of you with a thought.

  “I doubt it.” Cy was watching the toy ship. A burst of a blue beam zapped an Angano, dropping it. A green force field separated the four from the Angano.

  “We know where you are now,” Cobra said. “If you come to our planet, we will come to yours. Leave all aliens in peace not pieces, or I will return. We will all return.”

  Take your female and go.

  “Sounds good to me.” Cy grabbed Tempest to his chest.

  They all entered the black hole. They walked onto Cobra’s vessel.

  Tempest breathed a sigh of relief. “That was spooky.”

  Cobra lowered his shield. “We were able to track you the second you were grabbed. An alarm sounded. It took us a bit. Guess you can take care of yourself, though.”

  Tempest gave them a wary smile and the toy ship vanished. “Do you think they’ll try again?”

  “They refuse to mind battle a human female,” Cobra said. “I don’t think they know what to make of you. You are connected to them. They’re unsure how you’ve been altered. I think for now you’re safe. We know where they are. If they attempt to steal anyone, we can crush them. They are better biding their time. It may be a number of years before they try and destroy worlds. They would be fools to try and kidnap you again.”

  Tempest turned to Cy. “Can we please go home?”

  “Zell and Ryker can take us,” Titus said.

  “Zell and Ryker? They should be with Braylon.”

  “Braylon is fine. He’s with Huck training. The two boys brought us here,” Cobra said.

  “Your entire vessel?”

  “Yes,” Titus said. He rocked on the balls of his heels a grin from ear to ear.

  Tempest shook her head. “Something tells me those two boys are going to be a formidable weapon.”

  “They already are,” Cobra said. “But I think they should be children for now. I’m hoping the Angano cool their heels for a long time.”

  * * * *

  Tempest studied the tree she and Cy were having a picnic under. So far, the vines were behaving. Tempest felt a little silly, but she voiced a threat anything sneaking up on them would get a toy space ship up the ass. A crunching sounded and Tempest watched Cy eat an entire piece of fried chicken, bone and all.

  “You’re only supposed to eat the meat.”

  “It’s good.”

  Tempest shook her head. Cy scooped up a massive spoonful of potato salad. “Mmm.”

  “Have you ever been on a picnic?”

  “Zell, Titus’s father, used to take us out into the woods so we could learn to defend ourselves. He would watch from a distance.”

  “Isn’t that dangerous?”

  “Yes and no. Titus still had his mother at the time. You’ve seen what they’re like.”


  Cy ate a cob of corn, snapping half off into his mouth. Tempest watched but said nothing. Internally, she was horrified as he munched then swallowed the entire thing. If Braylon were there, he’d be rolling on the ground laughing. Thankfully, he was at a sleepover with Zell. The boys were the best of friends. Tempest had become fond of Zell. She liked Ryker, but Zell was a sweet child if not emotionally advanced for his young years.

  “That was good,” Cy said. “What else do you do on a picnic?”

  Tempest knew what he had in mind. The sun was beginning to set, turning the pastel sky into a blaze of breathtaking beauty. She felt a small splat on her hand. It began to rain. She began to gather the plates and containers to put in her basket when Cy stopped her.

  A white blaze of lightning streaked across the sky. For a moment, everything was a dazzling sparkle. The tree vines coiled around the entire tree to cocoon it in safety. The foliage began to close. The rain came harder. Cy took her hand and led her deeper into the jungle. At a high mound, he stopped. Both were soaked.

  Cy muscled through a massive wooden door. It was dark inside until Cy found a lantern and blazed the wick with his eyes. Tempest gazed around. She imagined this was what a Zargonnii male child’s tree house would look like except in the ground.

  “Titus and I made this a very long time ago.”

  She could tell. The strewn furniture was her size, not warrior supersized. The walls were dirt as was the floor. The wooden door kept everything out.

  “If water is so dangerous, should we worry when it rains?” she asked.

  “Not as yet. Tomorrow there will be puddles, but the scum likes bigger ponds. Puddles dry up. If the puddle is close to a pond the scum might lie in wait for some unsuspecting creature.”


  “The sun will blaze tomorrow, and before you’re even awake, the puddles will dry.”

  “I’m soaked.”

  Cy fixed his gaze on her, warming her until every inch grew hot. Too hot. Tempest peeled her clothes off. She stood watching him. The furniture would never hold his massive frame. He was grinning at her and began to remove his clothes.

  “We were rudely interrupted last time.”

  “I remember.”

  With his proud cock jutting free, she dropped to her knees. She swore if the Angano kidnapped her again, the toy ship would go ninja on their asses. She wrapped her hands around his base and licked him. Working her way up, she slid her mouth over his tip. He was tall and her body rose and fell.

  Cy picked her up into his arms and settled her legs around his waist. The sheer strength of her warrior made her shiver. He impaled her as she moaned. His hands squeezed her ass as she was lifted then dropped. Tempest had no control. She clung tight as he bucked her into the air. She squealed when he took them outside to let the rain roll over their heat.

  Cy pushed her against a tree. A vine captured her wrists pulling her higher, freeing Cy’s hands. When a vine each spread a thigh, Cy gripped the trunk and plunged harder. The jungle was wild. Her warrior was wild. The storm increased with her breath.

  Tempest cried out her release. Cy continued to take her at his leisure. He built until he roared, and Tempest bit her lip as he began again. His mouth found her breasts and he pulled the globes close trying to suckle both nipples at once. A finger found her bud and worked her mercilessly.

  She screamed his name as her body shook. The wind whipped over them. This was her unearthly world. Her home. Her warrior was everything she imagined him to be. And Tempest loved her new life.

  Chapter 16

  The three boys were playing. It was an interesting sight: the
large half-Zargonnii, half-human male child Zell with his stunning good looks, Ryker the lanky Castian boy, and her son, Braylon with his gray shield. It was then Tempest noted on the ground off to the side a toy spaceship. She went to retrieve it.

  “Braylon is this your toy?” she asked. She hadn’t seen it in a while.

  Zell came over with a huge grin. “No, it’s mine.”

  Tempest knew the toy was the same as the one that had followed her until she was comfortable in her surroundings. Zell made no attempt to touch the ship.

  A prickling sensation overcame her, and a thought bubbled over. “It was you all along wasn’t it, Zell? You took care of us. From here? How? How did you know I even existed?”

  “I take care of all of my people. I knew when you touched the blood exactly where you were, who you were, and who you were with, because Cy made contact with your flesh. I’ve been searching for him. The Zargonnii owe you a great deal. You brought Cy home. Because of you, we know where the Angano are. You gave us Braylon and in time, you will give us another.”

  “You know I’m carrying? I haven’t even told Cy yet. I wasn’t positive.”

  There was a gleam in Zell’s eye. “Your son and I are going to be great friends.”

  “You and Braylon already are great friends.”

  “Yes, Braylon and I are, but I mean your new son. Like my father and Cy are friends, your new son and I will be the best of friends.”

  She could only gape with curiosity. Her new son?

  “But if it was you all along who was helping us then I have no real power. Nothing to offer the Zargonnii.”

  “The Angano are a shrewd being,” the boy said. “Finn discovered healing properties in their blood as well as a shield. The Angano never wanted to give you any power as the Gorgano had when fighting human females. You don’t have powers except through me. I can sense you when you need help. You can and have called in your mind to me. Your gift to us will be any child you have. Your children will carry the secrets of the Angano in your DNA. You can pass the Angano powers on to your offspring. You have no idea you are our greatest weapon.”


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