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No One Is Awake To See and Other Revealing Tales

Page 5

by Jessica Tang Von Harper

  “Jesus, Chloe… you’re so fucking hot!” John said enthusiastically as he pressed his hands against her chest. “Your tits feel incredible!”

  Chloe didn’t trust herself to speak, lost in the overstimulation of her body. She stood with her palms pressed against the wall, shoulders back, patiently letting John take his time massaging her breasts. She lifted her head, gazing at the moon while John ducked his head to suck on her nipple. Marty, Tricia and Ben started to talk about New Zealand, which made the setting even more surreal.

  Lights flashed on the wall across the street as another car pulled into the Food Mart’s parking lot. Nobody else seemed concerned so Chloe wasn’t either. The corner of the building blocked them from being seen from the parking lot, and the area where they stood wasn’t well lit. After a few minutes, the car drove away. By then, Marty was taking his turn squeezing her breasts.

  It surprised her a little that Marty would take a turn, since he and Tricia had been a couple for so long and she was standing right there. But Tricia didn’t seem to mind, and in fact, after only a few minutes Marty stepped aside and Tricia took his place in front of Chloe. The auburn-haired girl grinned widely as she reached for Chloe’s breasts with her small hands.

  Although Tricia was the fourth person to have her hands on Chloe’s breasts, the fact that she was a girl took Chloe to a new level of excitement. She had enough experience with guys that she took it as a given that they were interested in her breasts, and given the opportunity would happily feel her up. But to stand naked and allow a girl to play with her body seemed like a very submissive act. Chloe was acutely aware of the contrast between herself and Tricia: both female, but one clothed, the other completely naked; one touching, the other being touched.

  John and Marty hadn’t dared to touch her between her legs, but Tricia gleefully reached down and cupped Chloe’s pussy. Chloe had no doubt that Tricia could feel the evidence of Chloe’s arousal against her palm. “I guess it’s not so tough a dare to do after all, huh, Chloe?” Tricia murmured as her fingers explored between Chloe’s wet labia. Chloe inhaled sharply, rising up on her toes as Tricia fingered her. It made her even crazier to know that John, Marty and Ben were watching.

  Tricia leaned forward, touching her forehead to Chloe’s. She giggled and Chloe couldn’t help but giggle as well. She could smell the pot on the slim girl’s breath, and thought for a moment that they might kiss. But Tricia just swayed against her, as if they were slow dancing.

  “Did you bring any with you?” Chloe murmured. “Maybe I could have a hit?”

  “No.” Tricia giggled again. “It’s all at Marty’s house. You two want to come over?”

  “And I’ll be naked, right?”

  “Of course!”

  Chloe grinned. “Better not. Actually, I better get home before I get caught. I mean, caught for real.”

  “Yeah. You’re probably right.” Tricia pulled away, turning toward John and Marty. “Let’s walk back,” she told them. “We’ll let these two finish having their fun.”

  Marty and John both gave Chloe lingering glances, and she guessed they’d hoped for another turn fondling her, maybe a chance to put a finger in her pussy the way Tricia had. But both of them reluctantly nodded. Chloe made it up to both of them by hugging them goodbye, and she could feel their hands gleefully sliding over her bare flesh as she embraced them.

  “Good night!” Ben called back to the three as he and Chloe walked back into the neighborhood. Chloe could hear the three voices laughing in the distance long after they were out of sight, and she wondered if they talked about her, and what they said.

  “Do you think they’ll tell anyone?” she asked.

  “Those three? No way.”

  “Really? You think they’ll keep it to themselves?”


  Chloe tugged on her hair. “How can you be sure?

  “They went along with it pretty quickly, right? It’s the way people are. The ones who can’t handle what they see, they’re the ones who blab about it to everyone they know. But those three, they barely blinked an eye. I think they like the idea that their lives are so interesting that they have friends who play games where the woman is outside naked with a collar around her neck. If they brag about it, like a bunch of little kids who just saw their first R movie, it makes their lives seem less interesting. People like them, they like to think this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Like it’s not even worth talking about. So they don’t.”

  “How do you know? You just met them…” Chloe still felt reassured by his words.

  “College is full of people like them.” He grinned. “I’m sure they’ve had a threesome once or twice. Maybe they’re on their way home to make a Tricia sandwich.”

  Chloe laughed. “Oh my god!”

  “You don’t think so?”

  “No! Marty and Tricia have been together since forever.”

  “And you don’t think she sometimes has a little John for dessert?”


  “I bet she does.”

  Chloe just laughed. She was glad that they were headed back to her house. Even though she still had a few blocks to go, the other houses were quiet, the streets were empty and she felt a reckless comfort with her nudity. She had been caught now by four people, and nothing bad had happened. Maybe it really was true. Anyone who would care was fast asleep, and anyone who was awake didn’t care.

  Ben stopped in front of a white house with a flawlessly landscaped front yard. A gradual slope of green grass led up towards a craftsman style house surrounded by flourishing flower beds. “This seems like a good place,” he said.

  “A good place for what?”

  His only answer was to step in close to her, wrapping her in his arms. He leaned in close to kiss her, and she accepted his kiss eagerly. His hands slid down her back to squeeze her bare ass.

  He reached down and scooped her up, lifting her in his arms. Still kissing her, he carried her onto the lawn, and lowered her to the grass. Chloe lay naked, looking up at the night sky and the bright moon overhead. She stretched her arms out to the side, enjoying the tickle of the short grass against her bare skin.

  Ben knelt in front of her and caught her ankles. He lifted them in the air as he walked on his knees towards her. Chloe let her legs part like scissor blades. He slid his hands down the bottom of her legs to her upper thighs as he leaned against her, and Chloe felt her body rolling up towards her upper back, her hips rising off the ground. She hadn’t seen Ben free his cock from his pants, but suddenly it was there, pressing between her legs.

  Chloe whimpered in anticipation, her body yearning for him to finally enter her. She wanted to seize him and roll him over onto his back, straddle him and sink down onto his throbbing erection. But she forced herself to endure this final torment, these last few seconds of delay, lying naked where any of her neighbors could see her, waiting eagerly to be fucked.

  She closed her eyes as the head of his cock pressed against her pussy. He leaned forward slowly and she gasped, the steady pressure parting her labia and allowing him to enter. Bit by bit, his thick cock filled her, until finally he was all the way in. He slid out a few inches and pushed in again.

  He leaned over her breasts, kissing and sucking on her nipples as his shaft moved inside her. He found a rhythm, and she matched it, pushing up against him, meeting his thrusts. Her long legs splayed to the side as she writhed in the grass, possessed by a feverish desire to have him as deep inside her as he could go.

  He continued his slow rhythm, taking his time, and Chloe felt a ball of pleasure forming between her legs, growing larger with every thrust. Everything felt so right. The grass underneath her. The night air surrounding her. The glow of the nearby streetlight which seemed to grant her bare skin an aura. Ben’s weight on top of her, his shadow crossing over her, the feel of his cock inside her. His touch made her delirious, and she wanted to clinch her body around his and rub every inch of her skin against him.
  A car drove past. It didn’t slow, didn’t notice them making love on that square of green lawn. It just kept driving. Even if the car had slowed down to watch them, Chloe wouldn’t have been able to stop. She was past the point of caring about anything other than the fierce joining of their bodies.

  The orgasm burst inside her, flooding through her like a thunderstorm, and Chloe threw her head back, lost in it. Her body trembled underneath Ben’s. Every touch was electric, every movement was ecstasy. At that moment, it was all worth it, the whole night, because it had led to this indescribable feeling.

  She hovered in a fugue state, dimly aware that Ben was erupting inside her, spraying her insides with his cum. She hugged her body against his, feeling the pulse of him deep in her pelvis, feeling it slow and finally stop. Her cheek pressed against his cheek; hers smooth and soft, his rough with emerging stubble.

  His weight lifted from her as he got to his knees. She watched him tuck his penis back into his pants. He stood, and she felt the tug of the leash as he held it in his hand. Had he put the leash down when he fucked her? Or had he been holding it the whole time? She hadn’t noticed.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “No,” she said, looking up at him, her legs carelessly open. “I still need to get dressed.”

  He chuckled and tugged at the leash. “No clothes yet. Come on, let’s get you home.”


  As they neared Chloe’s house, she could see the light still on in the kitchen window, although the shades were drawn. Along the side of the house, she could see the small, high window above the kitchen sink, which didn’t have a shade. She peered closer. From her angle, she could see the top of someone’s head.

  “Someone’s awake,” she said.


  “Someone’s awake. Someone’s standing at the kitchen sink. I think it’s Tony.”

  Ben followed her pointed finger. “I think you’re right. It’s Tony.” He saw her look of distress, and squeezed her shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’m sure he has no idea we’re out here. He probably thinks you’re asleep in your bed. Your bedroom door was closed.”

  “Why is he awake? Shouldn’t he be exhausted?” Chloe stood on her toes, trying to get a better look through the window.

  “It’ll be fine. I’ll go in and get him back upstairs to bed. You wait out here and I’ll come to get you when it’s safe.” He laughed when he saw the look Chloe was giving him. “Don’t worry. I won’t forget you. Just find a good place to hide out for a few minutes.”

  “You’re not going to tie me to the mailbox, right?” Chloe meant it as a joke, but she eyed him nervously

  “Do you want me to?” Ben asked. He smiled at her stunned expression and shook his head. “No, I don’t think I need to worry about you running off.” He handed her the end of the leash. “Be right back.”

  Chloe watched him walk to the front door. She quickly surveyed the front yard, and decided to crouch in a space between the hedge and a large pot containing a boxwood shrub. The hedge would hide her from the street, and the boxwood would hide her if Tony happened to look outside. She settled into her niche and waited.

  The crickets chirping around her silenced when she sat down, but after a minute or two they began to chirp again. Chloe peeked at the kitchen window, trying to see if she could get a hint of what was taking place inside, but she couldn’t see a thing. She sighed and leaned against the pot, wondering how long she would be stuck outside.

  In the distance, she could hear a car driving, and tried to imagine which streets it was taking. She could tell it was turning a corner, but couldn’t tell where, and soon the sound faded into the distance. A moment later, she heard another car, driving too fast, but this one was easy; it was definitely driving south on Addison Drive. It quickly drove too far south to hear.

  She heard another noise in the distance, a low rhythmic tapping. What could it be? She perked up, trying to tune her ears to decipher the strange sound. The wind making a branch knock against something? No, because the tapping was getting louder.

  All of a sudden, she knew what was making the tapping. Shoes. Footsteps. And they kept getting louder. Someone was walking her way.

  Chloe squeezed her legs against her body. Someone was walking down her block? Who could it be? She wriggled her body further into the niche. The hedge should completely hide her from the view of anyone on the sidewalk or in the street. The only way anyone could see her is if they leaned over the hedge and looked down.

  And why would they do that?

  The steps came louder and louder, and she could see a flash of movement pass the bottom of the hedge as someone walked by. Black pants, black shoes. Male shoes.

  Chloe didn’t want to move, didn’t even want to breathe. She tried to remain as quiet as she could. The footsteps had passed her hiding place, on their way to passing her house entirely. Whoever it was hadn’t noticed her at all.

  Chloe shifted, getting up on her knees. Slowly, she stretched up until she could peek over the edge of the hedge. She could see the back of the figure, walking up the street to the end of the cul-de-sac. Tall, lanky, blonde spiky hair. It was John.

  Chloe sank back down into her hiding place. John? Why was he here? Had he split off from Marty and Tricia? Was he looking for her and Ben?

  Maybe he was hoping to get another glimpse of her nudity. Maybe another chance to feel it, too.

  She didn’t think he knew where she lived. He’d never been to her house, as far as she could remember. And he’d just walked right by it. Maybe he was wandering the streets randomly, hoping he’d find her and Ben somewhere. Now he was headed towards a dead end, which meant in a couple of minutes he was going to pass by again going the other direction.

  Chloe imagined standing and waiting for him to reappear. Or maybe walking out the front gate on her hands and knees, waiting for him on the sidewalk. She would tell him she was still pretending to be a dog. He’d smile. He’d ask her if she knew any tricks. He would command her to shake hands, and she would obediently take his hand. He’d ask her to roll over, and she’d get down and roll across the yard. He’d ask her to speak, and she would yip at him. He’d ask her to beg, and she would get down on her knees and beg him for a treat.

  And then maybe he’d give her that treat. She’d wait eagerly on her hands and knees and he would kneel down behind her and slide that treat right into her. He’d fuck her like a dog, right there on the sidewalk, holding her leash in his hand…

  She realized she could hear the sound of the footsteps again, heading in her direction, and Chloe shook herself out of her fantasy. She ducked her head and leaned towards the hedge, careful to avoid making the branches rustle. Through a small hole in the hedge, she could see the sidewalk. The footsteps passed by her hiding place, and she could see John’s dark pants pass by the hole. He kept going, walking towards the corner. Where would he go? Would he continue his search through the neighborhood? Or would some clue lead him back to her house? She didn’t want to stretch up and peek over the hedge until she’d given him a good amount of time to be on his way.

  The front door opened and Ben poked his head out. “Chloe!” he called in a low whisper.

  Chloe flinched. She carefully eased out of her hiding place and slowly rose until her eyes lifted over the top of the hedge. She could see the empty corner and was happy to see John was gone. She scurried over to the front door.

  “I told Tony I couldn’t sleep, so I went out in front to look up at the moon,” Ben said. “I think he believed me. He was pretty out of it. I walked with him upstairs, and he got into bed and went to sleep right away.”

  “John was here!” Chloe said as she hurried into the kitchen

  “What?” Ben closed the front door and locked it.

  “I saw John! He walked by the house, twice.”

  “Did he see you?” Ben started to undo the collar around her neck.

  “No… I was hiding.”

  Ben chuckled. “Out looki
ng for you, I’m sure. Probably hoped you’d be up for going a little farther.”

  “He didn’t see me at all.”

  “Well, if he doesn’t know where you live, he’s going to have a pretty hard time finding you now.” Ben ducked down and retrieved something from a drawer. It was her towel, the one she’d been wearing when she came downstairs. “You can wrap this around yourself if you want.”

  Chloe took the towel, wondering when Ben had stowed it in that drawer. She glanced at the table and noticed the coffee cups had been cleaned up as well. After a moment of hesitation, she wrapped the towel around herself. They walked around the downstairs turning off lights, finally flicking the hall light off before they walked upstairs.

  Chloe walked with Ben through the upstairs until they paused next to the upstairs bathroom. “I think I need to take another shower,” she told him.

  “That’s probably a good idea,” Ben said.

  Chloe leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. “Good night… sleep tight… sorry I kept you up so late.” She smiled up at him before stepping into the bathroom.

  Ben stepped in right behind her and closed the bathroom door. Chloe wasn’t sure why until he started to undress and she saw that he had another erection. At that moment, she knew she wasn’t going to bed anytime soon.


  Chloe woke up in her bed the next morning. She checked her clock. It was 10:56 AM. Ben was long gone, on a flight to New Zealand with her brother. Chloe looked at her window, blinking at the bright sunlight.

  She picked up her phone from the bedside table. An alert on the screen indicated that she had messages. She unlocked the phone and checked her account.

  She had four messages from Marianne, all asking her to text back when she finally woke up. The other message was from a number that she didn’t recognize. Chloe opened it.


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