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Page 4

by Michelle Hoppe

  “I have to agree with you.”

  They both finished their meal while talking. Mary figured it was time to push forward and see if he would take the bait or not. “I guess I’ll head home, then. Thanks for everything, Eugene. I hope you have a great life.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Well, yes. You’re not interested in me, so I don’t see much point in spending a lot of time talking about Joe.”


  “It’s okay, Eugene. I understand I don’t rev your engine. I’m fine with that.” She stood up to leave.

  “Mary, don’t leave. Please. Let’s pretend this is our first date. We can take a walk along the pier and watch the sun set.”

  Mare, if you leave I’m going to climb out of your head and punch you.

  Stop. I have no plans to leave.

  “I’d like that.”

  After paying for their meal, Eugene took Mary’s hand and they walked along the wharf. There were lots of tourists in town, as always. Trying to have a conversation was impossible, so Mary just enjoyed the touch of his hand holding hers. When they reached the park, the sun was just dipping below the horizon, painting the sky in pink hues.

  Chapter 5

  Eugene found himself enjoying Mary’s company. She was witty, funny, and surprised him when she agreed to take this walk. Her admission that she found him attractive also surprised him. He’d purposely chosen a less-than-appealing body to avoid just this type of problem, yet here was a pretty woman admitting her desire to be with him. I’ll never understand what makes women tick.

  He found a bench hidden among several trees and with Mary’s hand still held tightly in his, led her over and sat down, pulling her gently down beside him. “The sunset is beautiful.”

  “This is my favorite time of day. The crowds are gone, the boats have docked for the night, and the breeze off the bay cools down the air. I love this city.”

  He looked into her eyes. They were a beautiful shade of green and went well with her auburn, shoulder-length hair. “I’d have to agree. San Francisco is a beautiful place.”

  Mary moved closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She smelled wonderful. Eugene felt his body respond to her softness. Putting his arm around her waist, he pulled her closer and rested his face against her head. Darkness closed in around them. The deserted park, the concealed bench, all lent a romantic quality to the moment. “This is nice.”

  “Hmm, yes it is.”

  He felt her head move, her face turning to bring their lips closer. Before Eugene could gather his wits, Mary kissed him. Her lips were wet, her tongue licking over his. Placing his hand on her cheek, Eugene leaned in to return her kiss. His tongue pushed into her mouth, sliding over her teeth to glide along the inside of her cheek.

  Mary’s tongue tangled with his, a slow dance of thrusts and spins, twirling around his. Her hands moved to his neck, her fingers rubbing up and down, massaging as her mouth melded with his. The last time he’d held a woman in his arms was ages ago, yet it all came back in a tidal wave of sensations and need. The gentle pressure of her breasts pushed into his chest and his cock pressed hard against his pants in response. Shifting his weight slightly, Eugene filed his plan to restore true love in the dark recesses of his mind, locked the drawer, and surrendered to the moment. He lifted Mary onto his lap, never releasing her lips, and cradled her in his arms.

  He heard a soft moan of pleasure escape from deep in her throat, her tongue sliding out of his mouth and trailing over his face to his ear. Her teeth nibbled gently, her tongue darting in and out, driving him nuts. Eugene kissed her shoulder, moving his hand up the back of her blouse to find her bra. With little effort, he released the clasp and moved his hand along her back, pulling the bra loose from her skin. His exploration continued until his fingers connected with the soft flesh of her breast. As he stroked her nipple, his lips trailed over her shoulder, licking along its length.

  Mary released his ear, leaning away from his body, her fingers moving from his neck to undo the buttons of her blouse, pulling it away from her body. Eugene lowered his mouth to her breast, at the same time lifting her higher in his arms. His tongue licked over the tip before he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her head fell back and her moans vibrated around them. “Yes, oh yes.”

  Turned on by her acceptance of his touch, Eugene continued to pull her nipple in and out of his mouth, sucking harder. Mary continued to push her breast tight against his face, the sound of her pleasure music to his ears. Without releasing her nipple, he felt for the hem of her skirt, and, sliding his hand up her leg, discovered she was wearing a g-string thong. There was nothing to stop him from slipping his fingers between her legs and seeking the entrance to her pussy.

  Mary shifted her body, allowing one leg to slide off his, opening her body to his probing. Eugene slid a finger inside her pussy, connecting with her warm juices. His thumb strummed over her clit as he started a slow, sensual, dance. His finger slid in, then out as his thumb circled her clit. Her hips pushed up into him as his mouth continued to feast at her breast.


  Mary felt him shift so her back was against his chest, his legs holding her own open, and then his hand moved to her nipples, squeezing one and then the other as his fingers continued to dip in and out of her pussy, lubricated by the warm, freely flowing juices. Eugene increased the tempo of his thrusts, using two fingers to slide deep inside her before pulling free to run over her clit. Again and again, he played her body, her moans increasing to a crescendo.

  She felt the orgasm start deep inside, rolling closer to the surface. Her nerves tingled and her breath came in short, shallow gasps. He was driving her closer to the edge, his fingers pumping faster, and she could feel his swollen cock pressing hard into her back. “God, I’m so close,” she hissed.

  “Come for me,” his voice was deep, his hand dancing on her nipples, pulling, rolling, twisting, as his fingers continued to thrust deep into her pussy. She felt his finger push up, striking the nub of her G-spot, pushing hard, and the orgasm swept over her. Trying to control her screams of pleasure, Mary pressed her hips up, driving his finger hard into her folds. Waves of cum flowed, running down the crack of her ass as her hips pumped in time to his fingers. Her body shuddered with release.

  “Yes, yes,” she yelled.

  “Again, Mary. Come again.”

  Eugene continued to push against her G-spot, rolling the nub of her clit with his thumb, pressing hard, releasing, only to press again. Mary’s stomach contracted, her pussy muscles grabbing tight as his finger pushed against the knot of her G-spot. Heat ignited her insides as a second orgasm surged to the surface. Her cries of pleasure rolled over the park, carried away on the cool evening breeze.

  His fingers slipped from between her legs, his hands shifting her body again until she lay sideways on his lap. His lips covered hers, drinking in the moans still escaping from deep inside her chest.

  Mary relaxed against him. “Eugene.”

  Pulling free of her lips, he looked down into her eyes. “Yes?”

  * * * *

  “Okay! Hold the phone.” Zeus turned away from the vision pool, addressing Hera.

  “What?” Hera wanted to laugh at the expression on Zeus’ face, but didn’t.

  “I thought Cupid was supposed to hook this girl up with another man, not screw her brains out in the park.”

  “Hera and I tweaked the plan. Just a little.” God admitted.

  “This looks like more than a little tweaking, Sir.”

  “I have to agree with Zeus on this one. Exactly what are we trying to accomplish?” Ra-Atum looked at Hera, waiting for her to explain.

  “All right, everyone wait just a second. Before we get bogged down in discussing the plan, you must admit, Cupid was pretty damn smooth.” God looked questioningly around the table, waiting for someone to confirm his thought.

  “I’ll agree he performed nicely,” Plato offered.

  “Oh come off it, you stuff
ed shirt. He knocked her socks off.” Hera was getting a little tired of Plato trying to diss everything the council wanted to do.

  “Let’s try to keep the name calling to a minimum, shall we?” Juno chimed in. “Hera, can you just explain what’s going on? Why is Cupid…um, I think the proper word is…fucking that girl?”

  “Because, my dear Juno, unless Cupid re-experiences love for himself, there is no way he will ever truly understand its joys and sorrows. I honestly believe the problem hasn’t been his arrows. It’s been his aim. Cupid no longer understands love, so he wouldn’t know it if it came right up and slapped him on the face. Hopefully, Mary can reignite the fire in his heart.”

  “Well, I don’t know about his heart, but she sure has his cock burning with need.”

  “For the love of Pete, Plato, could you please be less vulgar?”

  “Why, madam? What we just witnessed isn’t love, it’s lust.”

  Hera was getting a little exasperated. “Lust is the precursor to love. Unless there are a lot of hormones and testosterone flying around, most relationships don’t get off the ground.”

  “Okay, so what happens next?” Juno wasn’t interested in discussing the anatomy of lust and love. She simply wanted to know where this was all supposed to go.

  “This is simple, people. Mary has the hots for our boy Eugene. Eugene has discovered he has the hots for Mary. With a little help from me, their relationship will bloom into a budding romance and hopefully end in true love.”

  “And what, might I ask, is going to happen when Mary finds out Eugene is really Cupid and has to leave?” Juno looked a little worried.

  “Who says he has to leave?” God inquired.

  “You can’t honestly think Cupid is going to fall head over heels in love with Mary, and choose to stay on earth and remain human?”

  “Actually, I don’t see the harm in it, Juno. Maybe fifty or sixty years living on planet earth will be good for him. Besides, I never said we had to restore true love to the entire planet before Valentine’s Day.”

  “But, Sir…”

  “No buts. This is a done deal and I, for one, think Hera is right. Let’s see how the boy does before we get all excited about him enjoying the pleasure of the flesh.” God’s tone left little room for further discussion.

  Juno glanced around at the others watching events in the park. “Fine. I’ll withhold further comment until we see where this goes.”

  “That’s good, because I don’t think we can stop her.” Hera pointed back at the vision pool.

  * * * *

  Mary snuggled against Eugene’s chest. “That was wonderful.”

  “Yes, it was. And I want to continue exploring, but I think we need a more private location.”

  With a lot of effort, Mary sat up, pulling the ends of her blouse over her exposed breasts as she did. “How far is it to your apartment?”

  “Four blocks. We can leave your car in the garage for the night, if you don’t mind walking.”

  “As long as you promise to make me come until dawn, I don’t mind at all.” Mary wanted to see his body. Four blocks wasn’t a very long walk and the sooner they started the faster she could undress him.

  Wowza! That was some orgasm.

  The voice was back.

  Mary just smiled. She wasn’t interested in any conversation that didn’t include the words “get naked”.

  You sure this is a good idea?

  Mary still didn’t answer.

  Mare, are you listening to me? Do you think going to his apartment is a good idea?

  Knowing she’d get no peace until she answered the questions, Mary answered.

  Well unless you want me to tear his clothes off here in the park, yeah.

  That’s not what I meant, Mare, and I think you know it.

  What, now you’re going to get prudish on me?

  Perish the thought, sweetie. I just want to make sure you know what you’re doing before you jump in with both feet. Naked!

  Tell you what. You go back to sleep and if I need you, I’ll dial two-one-one—talk to a voice. Now go away.

  Sure, Mare. If you think you can handle him.


  Okay, don’t get your panties in a twist, I’m leaving.


  Mary straightened her skirt as she stood. Her blouse once again buttoned neatly, she took Eugene’s offered arm and they set off for his apartment.

  Once he’d unlocked the door and allowed her to enter, she saw that he’d done a great job of decorating the small place. Live plants flourished in every window and the wall colors were bright and cheery. Moving from room to room, she explored while Eugene went into “gentleman” mode and rummaged in the kitchen for sodas and a snack.

  When she arrived at the bedroom, she was delighted to see he had a large bed and tons of pillows.

  This will do nicely. Snacks my ass. I’m hungry, and it isn’t for food.

  She sat on the bench at the end of the bed and kicked off her sandals, removed her blouse and skirt, before moving to the closet to find something to wear. She slipped into one of Eugene’s shirts, fastening only the middle button, and walked back to the kitchen.

  Eugene had set glasses, soda, and some chips on the table. His back was to the doorway as he rummaged through cabinets looking for something. She entered the room and took a seat, lifting her leg up and planting her foot on the edge of her chair. With breasts barely concealed by the shirt and her pussy exposed by the position of her foot, Mary waited for Eugene to notice her.

  She didn’t have long to wait. Eugene turned from the counter, a stack of napkins in his hand. The napkins slipped from his fingers, falling in slow motion to the floor, as his eyes focused on the opening between her legs. Mary laughed.

  “You like?”

  Without answering, Eugene strode over to her, lifted her into his arms and walked to the bedroom. He climbed on the bed, tearing the shirt away from her body, the button snapping off and flying across the room. His lips descended on her breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth. Mary draped her arms around his neck and pushed her hips up into his. She could feel the bulge of his cock pressed tight against the zipper, and after stroking his neck a couple of times, allowed her fingers to trail down his sides to rest on the waistband of his slacks. Her fingers worked quickly to undo the hook and pull down the zipper. Pushing them down, she managed to get his pants over his hips, but with his mouth sucking her breast, she was unable to go further.

  Mary pulled her nipple free from his mouth and rolled sideways. Eugene rolled with her, until she was sitting on his chest. She placed her hands in the middle of his chest and pulled her knees up to straddle him. Scooting down, she pulled his pants off and tossed them on the floor. She slid her fingers inside the legs of his boxers, tickling along his inner thigh, until her hands cupped his balls. His throbbing penis strained to break free of the fabric covering it. With one hand she gripped his silken shaft and helped it through the slit in his shorts, then lowered her head and sucked his rod between her lips.

  Eugene moaned at this first contact from her mouth, and she rolled her tongue around his cock in response. Hands still cradling his balls, she pumped up and down with her head, sucking in on the upward pull, holding his cock tight with her cheek muscles, then releasing her muscles to slide his thick shaft deep into her mouth. With each movement, his balls got harder and his moans of pleasure increased.

  Releasing his balls, Mary gripped the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down his legs. Tossing them on the floor, she returned her attention to making him squirm. She wrapped her hand around the base of his penis, feeding it into her mouth as she increased the tempo of her sucking. Running her tongue along the length of his cock, she sucked hard before pulling her mouth almost free, then slid her hand up to start over again. Eugene’s hips pumped in time to her rhythm and his hands clenched the bedspread at his sides. “You’re going to—make me come—if you—don’t stop!” his words erupted in several shor
t bursts.

  She sucked hard on his cock, pulling it as deep in her mouth as she could and stopped. Holding his thick length hostage, Mary placed her hands at his waist and with deliberate, slow movements, dragged her nails down the sides of his ass cheeks and thighs as she allowed her teeth to lightly scrape up his cock while she released it.

  Eugene bucked on the bed, a yell of pleasure bouncing off the walls. “Holy shit!”

  Mary laughed. “Bet you’re glad I didn’t go home with Joe.”

  Eugene growled, pulled her body down on his, and rolled. Mary was now pinned under his weight. “Don’t even go there.”

  “But, Eugene, sweetheart…” Mary didn’t get to finish her thought. Eugene’s mouth clamped on hers and his knee pressed between her thighs, spreading her legs open. Shifting his body slightly, he positioned his cock at her opening and drove home. Mary slammed her hips up to meet his thrust.

  His penis hit hard and deep and Mary matched his movements, her hips pumping up as his pulsing rod drove down. “I’m the only man you need to think about anymore, Mary. My cock buried deep in your pussy and my mouth sucking your nipples. Only me!”

  She felt the honey start flowing, his words ringing in her ears. “Yes, oh yes.”

  Eugene’s hips continued to pump faster. Mary’s muscles contracted against his penis on every downward thrust, trying to hold it deep against the nub of her G-spot. Each time he pulled out, her muscles fought to keep him in place. “Again,” she moaned.

  With his body positioned over hers, his legs out straight, and his arms locked tight next to her shoulders, Eugene did push-ups. His hips and thighs were the only part of his body moving, up and down, driving his cock hard past her clit, hitting the walls deep in her pussy. “Soon you will tremble with delight. Climaxes will sweep you over the edge of ecstasy and still I’ll play your body.”

  Mary gripped the sheets in her hands, thrilled by the tone of command in his voice as his cock slammed into her again and again. The heat climbed and perspiration covered her skin like morning dew on grass. Ragged breaths escaped her lungs in long, loud, sighs of pleasure. Her head arched back against the mattress, her hips pushed up to await the next plunge of his cock. The waves rolled over her body, cum releasing from deep inside, providing lubricant for his penis. Her body shuddered, the throes of orgasm making it impossible to breathe. She sucked in air, opened her mouth, and screamed.


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