Book Read Free

Of Love

Page 2

by Sean Michael

  She chuckled. “I thought that’s what we were doing?” Then she patted his shoulder. “You’ve already done the hard work. You’ve picked your surrogate, you’ve both filled out all the paperwork and signed the contract. All that’s left is for the doctor to take your contribution and, indeed, invent babies.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. I just leave it in the cabinet deal?”

  “No, you bring this one to me. The doctor is waiting on it. Are you coming back this afternoon for the insemination?”

  “No. No, she’s bringing her husband. This is her second time doing it, so I want her to be comfortable.”

  “Well, then you just bring me the container and let us handle the rest of it.” She offered him what he assumed was supposed to be an encouraging smile and left him alone in the little room.

  Right. Right, what was he doing? Building a family, that was what. He had time, money, and he wanted to have a baby. There wasn’t anything wrong with that, right? Right.

  Not that any of these girly magazines were likely to help him proceed with that. What they needed was a running magazine with Dex on the cover. Now that would be jerk-off material.

  Kent was going to see Dex this afternoon. Get to watch the long-legged guy climb a rock. Or a wall. Whatever. His cock started paying attention to his thoughts.

  Maybe this wouldn’t be awful. He just needed to think about the possibilities.

  He’d bet watching Dex climb above him would give him the perfect view of Dex’s ass. That was a possibility. Dex. That tight little ass. Pitching. Catching. He liked this idea.

  His cock pushed at his zipper and he opened his pants, touched himself as he let the images flash through his mind. He closed his eyes, forced himself to ignore his surroundings, ignore the smells of antiseptic.

  He bet Dex would smell good, all sweaty and manly. Yeah. He could see it, that ripped belly, the way the sweat would slide down the creases left by the muscles. He got his hand around his cock, started tugging.

  He already knew Dex tasted good, but he’d really get to know that flavor when they kissed again, when they kissed longer. He did love a long, slow seduction. He rubbed his fingers over the slit in the tip of his prick. It made him feel good, knowing Dex hadn’t wanted a one-off quickie but wanted to take his time, keep seeing Kent.

  God, he hoped he was going to be able to shoot into a cup.

  If Dex was here to help… he could imagine that big, firm hand wrapped around his cock. Helping him aim. Stroking him. Whispering dirty things into his ear.

  Oh, he’d have to see if Dex was a talker. He liked that. He liked it a lot. And Dex had a great voice.

  His balls started to ache, encouraged by the thought of what Dex might say to him. Sucking. Fucking. Moans and promises and low whispers. He could hear and feel it now like Dex was actually here with him.

  “Want to learn all about you.” He whispered the words, and that was enough, he grabbed the cup and spent. Okay. That was odd.

  The image of Dex lingered, along with the ghostly sensation of Dex holding him. He almost expected to find Dex in the room with him, but he was alone.

  He zipped up, put the lid on the cup, the cup in the bag, and washed his hands. He just shot in a cup to see if he could make a baby. And after he dropped it off with the nurse, he was going to go get ready for his date. How crazy was that? Totally.

  It was also perfect.

  He couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Three

  DEX LET Kent into his condo. He was actually eager to show off his place. It wasn’t nearly as big as Kent’s, but it was clean and neat. He had a tiny, cozy living room separated from the kitchenette by a bar, a bathroom with a huge shower stall, his bedroom, and his workout room.

  He and Kent were both rosy-cheeked from working out on the rock wall. It had been quite the challenge but so much fun.

  He found himself grinning at Kent as he closed the door. “You want the five-cent tour?”

  “You know it, especially if there’s a cold drink at the end. That was fun but hot!”

  “We’ll grab some Gatorade out of the fridge on our way through the kitchen.” He led Kent down the hall to give him a quick peek at the bedroom and workout room first. They could end up in the kitchen so he could get Kent that drink and start supper at the same time.

  “Oh, I like the windows. You have a killer view.” Kent admired everything, lit up and excited.

  Dex loved Kent’s enthusiasm. The man really threw himself into life, and Dex appreciated that bone-deep. A lot of the guys on the circuit didn’t have time for anything but training for the big race days, but Dex appreciated a little variety. Man could not live on racing alone. Of course, in the beginning, he’d been one of those narrow-focused runners himself. Time and experience had proved to him that you burnt out if all you did was race.

  “The view’s the best part. And the big windows.” He was only on the second floor of the three-story building, but he looked out onto a park, nothing but trees and grass and flowers.

  “How often do you run?” Kent asked. “Every day?”

  “Every second day. I swim on opposite days and either go out biking or do it on the stationary every day.” He started pulling vegetables out of the fridge.

  “Wow. That’s impressive.”

  “It’s what I do.” He had sponsors and shit even. Between that and the apps, he was putting away a good nest egg and doing what he loved. “Eventually I’ll have to give it up.”

  “Why? I mean, I get that being a competitive athlete is for the young, but they have age brackets, don’t they?”

  Dex nodded. He knew, but thirty was barreling down on him, and he was feeling it. In his head anyway.

  “Well, then. You don’t have to worry, right?”

  “Ask again after my birthday.” He gave Kent a grin. Putting the cutting board on the bar, he started dicing up vegetables.

  “When’s your birthday? What’s your sign? And can I help?”

  “Naw, you’re my guest. My birthday is in a month. I think I’m a Libra?”

  “I’m an Aquarian. Valentine’s Day.”

  “Your birthday is Valentine’s Day?” He wasn’t sure if that was cool or annoying. “That’ll be hard to forget.”

  “It is what it is. I didn’t request it.”

  That had him laughing. “What day would be your birthday if you could request it?” He dumped the vegetables in a pan and turned on the burner. Then he got the water going.

  “Oh…. Oh, like April or—no! October. Wouldn’t being a Halloween baby rock?”

  Dex chuckled. “I’ve kind of always wanted to have February 29 as my birthday. I’d only be seven and a half that way.”

  “Yeah, but then… very few birthday parties.”

  Dex shrugged. “I never had that many growing up anyway.”

  “No? I had one every year. I love birthdays.”

  “Cool. My mom didn’t have a lot of money. You get to a certain age, and you say you just want to go to the movies with her or something because you get it, you know?”

  “My folks were solidly middle class. Totally normal. Mom made a cake, there were probably balloons.”

  “Single mom, money was always a struggle. She loved the hell out of me, though, and didn’t even blink when I came out.” They just weren’t very close. He thought she’d been kind of relieved when he’d left home, not having to worry about him anymore.

  “My folks knew before I did. They’re totally unconcerned about my sexuality, except for in that ‘eww, my baby has sex’ way.”

  Dex laughed. “Please, I was a virgin birth.”

  “Yeah. My parents had sex two times. Me and Kari. That’s it.”

  “There you go.”

  He put the pasta in the water now that it was boiling. “You mind if we don’t have meat with our pasta?” There were eight hundred different vegetables after all.

  “I’m easy. I like eating food.”

  “Good, good. I love food too. And the training m
eans I can eat a lot.”

  “I have the metabolism of a three-year-old,” Kent admitted.

  “I bet you eat as much candy as a three-year-old too.” There was just something about Kent that said carefree and happy and, yeah, candy loving.

  “Oh man. I can go for days on nothing but. I love sweet and tart.”

  “I’ll remember that.” There was a new candy store on Washington that did candy bouquets. It would be fun to have someone to buy one for. Maybe if they had another date.

  Kent beamed at him, eyes twinkling. “Have I said thank you for introducing me to rock climbing?”

  “No, you have not. Do you have any special way of doing it in mind?” He waggled his eyebrows, but the truth was he really wanted a kiss.

  “I do. It involves putting my lips on yours.”

  Dex put his knife down and came around to the other side of the bar. “You were saying?”

  “I was saying thank you, and hey, I really want to kiss you again.”

  “You’re welcome and you should.” He leaned in.

  Kent’s hand was on his chest, fingers stroking lightly, almost petting him as their lips met. It felt damn good, both the touch of hand and of lips. Smooth and soft, Kent’s skin moved against his, and it made him warm.

  “I do enjoy kissing you, honey,” Kent said quietly.

  “Ditto. Can we do it again?” But just one more because his food was on the stove, and he knew if he wasn’t careful, he’d forget to do anything else but kiss Kent.

  “Mmm. Yes, please.”

  Kent was addictive, like a ball of energetic joy. Dex liked him. A lot.

  This time, Dex let his tongue tease its way along Kent’s lower lip before pressing his lips against Kent’s, a little harder than before.

  Kent smiled against his lips. “Mmm. Hungry.”

  Oh, right. Food. Nodding, Dex stepped back, then took another step before turning and going back to stir his vegetables. He added a bit of stock to the pot, deglazing it and turning the vegetables into a sauce for the pasta.

  “Mmm. Smells amazing.” Kent came into the kitchen to stand behind him, hands on Dex’s hips.

  Oh damn. That felt good. He let himself lean back, just a touch. Solid, warm—Kent felt amazing to him. He took a bit of the vegetables and sauce on a spoon and held it up to Kent over his shoulder.

  “How’s it tasting?” Dex asked.

  “Mmm. Needs a hint of salt.”

  Trusting Kent to know his own taste, Dex put a couple pinches more salt in. Then he tasted it himself, nodding. “You were right, because that’s perfect.”

  “Yay. Where are the plates? I’ll grab them.”

  “Cupboard next to the fridge.” He pointed with his ladle.

  “You got it.” Kent bounced wherever he walked. It was not only adorable, but it made that gorgeous little ass move in the most enticing way.

  “Are you always so happy?” Dex had to ask.

  “Yeah. Yeah, for the most part. I can get in a black mood, but it doesn’t last long, you know? I’m pretty stable.”

  “That’s awesome.” For so many people stable meant kind of average, not happy like Kent was. “Healthy.”

  “Lucky. I’m a hugely lucky person, and I know it.”

  “I like your attitude, Kent.” The man was a ray of sunshine, honestly.

  The pasta was ready, and Dex drained it and put it in the pan with the vegetables and sauce. He added some parm and some fresh basil, and that was that. “Voila, we’re ready. We can eat at the bar here or in the living room.”

  “The bar is fine. I don’t stand on ceremony.”

  “Cool. We can retire to the living room with our dessert after.”

  “Perfect.” They settled with their pasta, both of them eating happily.

  “So how’s the hula-hooping going?” Dex asked.

  “Good. Good, I’ve been practicing.”

  “Fantastic. I haven’t.” He grinned. “Maybe I need another lesson.” The last one had been fun and full of potential for naughtiness that they hadn’t indulged in.

  “Oh, I have mine in the car!”

  Why was he not surprised? “Then you can take another shot at teaching me after supper.” Dex liked getting some form of exercise in after eating.

  “Man, I hope my core is up to it.”

  Dex didn’t think that was going to be a problem. “I was thinking a hands-on demonstration—as in your hands on me, guiding me through the moves.”

  “Oh?” He loved how Kent’s eyes lit up. “I could get behind that.”

  “That’s what I was hoping.” His cock took a little interest in the conversation, just enough to feel good.

  “So, are you a dancer?” Kent asked.

  “Me? As in waltz and salsa and shit?” He shook his head. “I can shake my butt well enough.”

  “I mean more like making love on a dance floor to music. Wiggling madly.”

  “Oh, I can wiggle. Madly or not.” He was all smiles, Kent simply making him happy.

  “Me too. I love dancing. I mean, I don’t know if I’d say I was good at it, but I sure have fun.”

  “We’ll have to go dancing for our next date, then. Well, if you know of a good place for it,” Dex added.

  “I totally do. There’s this amazing dance club over on the west side. It’s not a bar, just dancing. I sometimes go on Thursday nights.”

  “That sounds great.” A whole week. He hoped they could have another date in between this one and the next.

  Kent slurped up a noodle. “You got plans for the weekend?”

  Dex was fascinated by what Kent was doing to his food. “I was hoping to be busy with this guy I met who makes me want to be a noodle.”

  Kent’s cheeks went pink. “Yeah? You…. Do you like camping?”

  “I do actually. Especially if there’s a lake. There’s nothing quite like skinny dipping under the moonlight.”

  “We could go. I have a meeting tomorrow at ten, but then I’m free until Monday….”

  “I would love to go. I know a place only a couple hours out of town.” He wasn’t sure what equipment he had, but it sounded like Kent had some too, and they could go in together and buy what they were still missing between them.

  “Yeah? I have a tent, a stove.”

  “I’ve got camp chairs, a groundsheet, and sleeping bag.”

  “Cool. Can you arrange the site? We can grab groceries together.” Kent grinned at him, bright eyes dancing. “It’s amazing what you can learn from a guy while shopping.”

  “I can arrange the site—Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And now I’m going to feel self-conscious during the shopping.”

  Kent hooted like a giant bird. “Nonsense. We’ll have a ball. I haven’t been camping since last year.”

  “I don’t think I’ve been in closer to three.” Dex was getting excited now. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow before heading out?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, that works for me. Tell me that you like to have s’mores.”

  “It’s not camping if there’s no s’mores.” And he bet that went double for candy-loving Kent.

  “Oh yay! I totally agree.” Kent bounced in his chair, the act so young that it was easy to imagine him as a little boy getting a treat.

  Dex had been waffling about whether or not he should make a dessert for this evening, and he was really glad now that he had.

  “I haven’t had someone who wanted to go in a while. My sister used to go with me all the time, but she’s got four-year-old twins now.”

  “I bet you’re the fun uncle.”

  “You know it.” Kent winked. “I babysit a lot.”

  Better Kent than him. Dex laughed, though, like he knew Kent was expecting him to. Four-year-old twins did not sound like a barrel of laughs. In fact, it sounded like hell on earth.

  He took Kent’s plate, put it on top of his own, and put them both in the dishwasher along with their utensils. “Dessert now or later?”

  “Oh, later. I’m good.”

/>   “Cool. We should move to somewhere more comfortable, then.” He wanted to sit close for a bit before they got to the hula-hooping.

  “Works for me.” Kent brought their drinks, and they headed into the living room to the dark leather sofa.

  It was comfy, and they sat close enough that the cushions sort of pushed them together.

  “So, tell me everything about you.” Kent’s lips were so close.

  “I’m a fitness nut. Running, swimming, biking….”

  “Uh-huh. You like to use your body.”

  “I do. I like being fit, I like feeling good. I like movies or reading in the evenings. I was a brat as a child, but I think the rough edges have been mostly smoothed off.” Dex laughed at himself. “Okay, probably not that much of a brat, I tried not to make my mom crazy. It wasn’t like we got to spend a lot of time together, so I behaved when we did.”

  “My mom says I never grew up. I’m much maligned.” Kent pouted dramatically.

  “I’d say you grew up just enough.” Dex liked Kent’s playful side, his joyful outlook on life.

  “Oh, I was joking. I mean, Mom is too. We’re close.”

  “Yeah? That’s cool. And you said you had a sister? Is that your only sibling?”

  Dex was an only child. He wasn’t sure there ever had been a man in his mom’s life aside from his own deadbeat dad.

  “Yep. She’s a giant goofball. I adore her.”

  “Sort of like you, then?” He couldn’t help but tease.

  “Yes, except she’s in medicine, not software. She’s a pediatrician.”

  “And she had time to have kids too? I’m impressed.” He had the impression kids swallowed up all of your time.

  “Yeah. Yeah, she did. Do you like kids?”

  He shrugged. “I haven’t honestly had a lot to do with them.”

  “No? I love them. I think I said that I babysit a lot.”

  Yeah, yeah, Kent had.

  “It’s gotta be different when you’re related to them.” Dex figured it had to be, or people wouldn’t keep having them.

  “I guess? I have a goddaughter, Emma; she’s like my own.”

  Man, Kent had a busy life, a full life.

  “When do you get time to work?” Dex’s training took up a lot of his time; thankfully his apps had to do with said training.


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