Book Read Free

Of Love

Page 3

by Sean Michael

  “I have lots of time, and I don’t spend seven hours a day working out.”

  Oh, zing!

  Dex couldn’t deny it. “Guilty as charged.”

  Kent cackled, that big bird sound ringing out, and Dex kissed him, hard. He loved the way Kent’s laughter filled his mouth. It was like sharing that happiness in the best way, and the kisses felt like bubbles, like cotton candy, like all of the sweet things.

  He could learn to need this, very easily.

  Dex stroked Kent’s cheek, fingers rubbing against the barely there stubble.

  “Need to shave, huh?” Kent said.

  “I like it. It makes me think things.” Like feeling that stubble against more sensitive parts.

  Kent chuckled softly, nuzzling again. “I bet I know what you’re thinking….”

  He refused to blush. Refused to. “You do, do you?”

  “Mm-hmm. I bet it’s naughty.”

  “You haven’t known me long enough to read my mind.” But wasn’t that a cute thought?

  “No? I’m insightful. Everyone says so.”

  “Yeah? So what was I thinking?” Because he wanted to hear the words from Kent’s mouth. That would be hot as hell.

  Kent grinned. “You were thinking how hot it would be to feel that stubble on your inner thighs, on your sac.” He paused. “On your shaft.”

  Dex groaned as his cock went fully hard. “Damn, you’re good.”

  “Insightful.” Kent rubbed their cheeks together again.

  “Sexy,” he countered, breathing Kent in.

  “Happy.” His ear was nibbled.

  “Yeah, you are. I like that about you.” That and the way Kent was making him wriggle in delight.

  Kent licked and lapped around his ear, teasing him, giving him tiny bites. A shiver moved through Dex, and he turned his head slightly so he could return the favor.

  “Oh.” Kent’s single sound was hungry. Wanton.

  Groaning, Dex licked again, tasting Kent’s skin. Meanwhile, Kent found the hot spot under his ear, licking it and blowing a stream of air across it.

  That had him shivering again, groaning. “Fuck!”

  “Oh, that’s good. Right there.” Kent licked again, tracing a lazy circle over his skin.

  “Uh-huh. Found me out.” Dex’s eyes dropped closed.

  Kent’s hands trailed over his arms, his belly, but really it was that hot tongue that he focused on. Kent knew how to work a sweet spot when he found it, and Dex moaned for him, body thrumming. Then Kent started tracing around the outside of his nipple in time with the movements of his tongue.

  “Damn, Kent. Making me so hard.”

  “Good.” Kent scraped his teeth across Dex’s skin, careful not to mark.

  “You want… you want to move this to the bedroom?” Dex asked.

  “Are you comfortable with that?”

  “I am. I’ve been forcing myself to take things slowly, but… it’s not what I want.” Dex wanted a whole lot more, and he didn’t really want to wait a whole long time. Besides, they were going camping together, right? Sharing a tent? No way was he going to be able to keep his hands to himself in those close quarters.

  “No?” Kent grinned at him. “I’d love to spend some time doing the horizontal mambo.”

  “Horizontal mambo… I like that.” Dex stood and held out his hand. “Let’s dance.”

  “Yes.” Kent reached for him, moving right into the curve of his body.

  Dex moved gently, swaying in place with Kent. God, this man was sexy. Dex couldn’t remember anyone ever drawing his attention more.

  Kent rocked against him, body moving sure and steady. Dex didn’t think they were going to make it to the bedroom. And frankly, he didn’t care.

  “You make me ache, man. Gonna leave a spot on my jeans,” murmured Kent.

  “Ditto.” Grinning, Dex brought their mouths together, kissed Kent, and rubbed some more.

  Kent’s hand was flat against his back, and he could feel every single finger, hot against him.

  He tried to keep them moving toward the bedroom, he really did. But damn, he kept getting distracted over and over again. Finally, he pushed Kent up against the wall, rubbing more eagerly as their kiss deepened. Kent made him dizzy, made him want to touch and taste and forget the world existed outside of this place right here where the two of them touched.

  Grabbing hold of Kent’s cheeks, Dex tilted the man’s head, moaning into their kisses. Kent responded by tugging his T-shirt from his waistband. He nodded, eager for the feeling of Kent’s fingers on his skin.

  “I’ve got you.” Kent’s fingers trailed around his belly.

  “You sure do.” He pushed into Kent’s touch.

  Kent pulled his shirt up and off, then gave him another fierce kiss. Dex returned the favor, tugging Kent’s shirt up until they had to break apart again to pull his shirt over his head. He took a long moment to draw in a couple of breaths and really look at Kent, at the slender body, the gentle six-pack. Damn. And also yum.

  Kent pinked. “You’re stunning. That’s whoa intimidating.”

  “I work out for a living, remember? Besides, you’re not so bad yourself. Not bad at all.” He reached for Kent’s belly, tracing his abs.

  Kent moaned and leaned into his fingers, begging for attention. Dropping to his knees and ignoring the needy ache in his balls, he started tracing Kent’s abs with his tongue.

  “Oh God.” Kent touched his hair, fingers almost pulling, almost tugging.

  He fucked Kent’s navel with his tongue, groaning as Kent’s fingers pulled harder at him.

  “Want to taste you.” Dex was down here after all.

  Kent made this amazing noise—part cry, part moan, part encouragement.

  Dex took his time opening Kent’s pants. He’d like to have said it was to tease Kent, but really, his fingers were trembling more than a little, his excitement high.

  “You’re so fine, so delicious.” Kent stroked his temples, almost petting him.

  He placed a thank-you kiss on Kent’s skin, just above the tiny curls that he’d revealed when he opened the man’s jeans. Breathing in deeply, he pulled out Kent’s cock. It was hot and hard in his hand, and the scent of good, clean male filled his senses. Kent was heavy, thick, and cut. The head was flared, a single drop of clear fluid waiting for him to taste. He flicked at it with his tongue, groaning as the flavor filled his mouth. This was what Kent tasted like. He could get used to it. No, he could get used to wanting it.

  Kent shivered for him, thighs spreading for balance.

  “You taste good,” he told Kent, running his nose down one side of Kent’s cock, then up the other. Moaning, he added, “Smell so good too.”

  Kent stared down like he was the most erotic man Kent had ever seen.

  Smiling up at Kent, he licked at the tip of the man’s cock again. Then he turned his full attention to the fat prick, letting the head spread his lips open. Heat. Salt. Kent. Tiny motions spread his lips, but Kent was being careful, gentle with him. He pulled more of Kent in, increasing his suction to show his new lover that he wasn’t fragile, that he was on his knees because he loved sucking cock and wanted to make Kent feel good.

  “I…. Damn, honey.” Kent finished the sentence with a moan.

  Humming, Dex kept sucking as he started bobbing his head. He went down on Kent, then pulled back, nearly off, before taking more in again. Kent’s hips began to move, pushing a little bit harder now, a bit faster. He wrapped his hands around them, tugging Kent in deeper and swallowing around the hard tip.

  Kent stilled, went up on tiptoe. He bobbed furiously, wanting to make Kent come.

  “I…. Honey….” Oh, that was a warning if he’d ever heard one.

  He pulled harder, swallowing every time Kent’s cock moved into his throat. His lips parted even farther as Kent’s prick swelled, then shot for him. His mouth and throat filled, and he swallowed over and over, some of it dribbling out of his mouth and along his chin.

h God. Honey. I. Wow.”

  Dex took his time letting go, enjoying the feeling of Kent’s cock on his tongue. Kent’s head was down, eyes closed, lips open. He kissed the top of Kent’s pubes again, before rising up, leaning against Kent, and panting.

  Kent pushed one hand into Dex’s workout pants, fingers wrapping around his prick, measuring him from base to tip.

  “Fuck!” Dex closed his eyes, mouth searching blindly for Kent’s.

  Kent kissed him, tongue-fucking his lips. Pleasure shot between his mouth and his cock in a loop.

  It surprised him that Kent’s fingers were callused, rough. It felt good, those imperfections sliding along his cock. He’d expected silk, soft. Not a working man’s hands.

  “Don’t stop,” he begged, hips pushing his cock along Kent’s palm.

  “Won’t. Promise.” The words were simple, but he believed them.

  He took another kiss, breathless and sloppy. Sucking Kent off had kept him diamond hard, and now he was raring to go, racing toward the finish line. He’d never had a hand job that felt so good.

  Kent started focusing on the tip of his cock, the zing of pleasure almost too much. He grunted and bit at Kent’s lower lip, his whole body jerking.

  “Yeah. That’s good.” Kent never let up, not at all.

  Dex nodded, beyond words now. Almost shocked at how good it was.

  Kent covered his lips in another kiss, tongue pushing in, adding to his pleasure. He wriggled his hips a touch, and that was just perfect. He just needed a bit more, just something…. Kent’s thumb dug into his slit, and that was it, that little sting.

  He cried out, hips punching forward as he shot hard.

  “Oh yeah. There you go. There you go, honey.”

  Dex nodded, leaning their foreheads together again.

  “Mmm.” Kent’s touch gentled, drawing his pleasure out.

  He shuddered, breathing hard. “You’re something else, Kent.”

  “Just a gay man that’s totally into sex.”

  “Is there any man who isn’t?” Kent sure did make it fucking good.

  Kent shrugged. “Don’t know. Never met him.”

  And he was laughing again. “God, Kent. Being with you is a fucking joy.”

  Kent laughed with him, kissed his nose playfully.

  “Come on. I’ve got come-legs. Better go find my bed.”

  “Come-legs. I love it.” Kent wrapped an arm around him, supporting his backside. “Which way?”

  “Two steps and to the left.” Dex had to laugh at himself. “We were almost there.”

  “Go, team us!”

  God, Kent cracked him up.

  They managed to make it to the bed, which he’d sort of made today, so he pulled the comforter back, and they landed on his mattress together. They were mostly undressed at this point, kicking off pants and socks, wiggling together. Then they were finally totally naked, close and pressed up tight together.

  It felt intimate and good.

  “This okay, honey?” Kent asked.

  “Yeah. Yeah, it really is.”

  That first time sharing a bed awkwardness was missing. Just totally not there. Weird.

  Kent stroked his hair, the back of his neck. He hummed happily at the touches, his own fingers finding Kent’s spine and moving along it.

  “You’re something else, honey.” Kent pressed a kiss to his collarbone, caressed him.

  “Ditto.” He rubbed their noses.

  Kent looked at him. “Still want to go camping?”

  “Shit yes. I just want to make sure we have a decent camping bed with us, though.”

  Kent’s laugh rang out. “No rocky humping for us?”

  “Rocky humping.” He shook his head. “No. Sylvester Stallone never did anything for me.”

  Kent’s continued laughter was a joy to hear. “No? He has a great hairdresser.”

  “Are you into hair?” Dex was in trouble if that was the case. His was utilitarian. It was easy to just wash and go, easy to get in and out of the water with it as short as he had it.

  “Into hair like do I want to rub it on things, like in a sexy way?” Kent looked a little freaked, to be honest, wide-eyed. “Are there people that are into that?”

  “I meant into guys who have great hair, running your fingers through it.”

  Kent seemed to think, just quiet for a minute, then shook his head. “No. I don’t really think that’s me.”

  “I was just wondering. Because of the hairdresser comment.” This was the most bizarre post-sex conversation he’d ever had.

  “I think I was just trying to be clever. How’s that working out for me?” Kent asked.

  Dex started laughing. “Oh thank God, because I thought I was losing it.”

  They laughed together, just like they were old friends. He stayed close, enjoying being with Kent. He didn’t feel like he needed to be Mr. Smooth or Mr. Sexy. He could just be himself. Which was handy. He wasn’t good at being anyone else.

  “Tell me you’ll stay a while.” He didn’t want to have to see Kent to the door.

  “How do you feel about waffles?” Kent asked.

  “They make a great breakfast.” Though not one Dex indulged in very often.

  “I’ll have you know, I order a fabulous breakfast.”

  “Yeah? I’d love to see that.” There was a lot he’d love to see Kent do.

  “It’s a deal. Nudge me when you’re hungry.”

  “You got it.”

  Kent was staying the night. Fucking A. Dex grinned and tugged Kent closer. This worked. This so worked for him.

  Chapter Four

  CAMPING. HOW fun! Kent packed his gear—well, packed was a strong term, really. He grabbed the totes marked “camping” and loaded them in the SUV. Ta da. Which was perfect timing because Dex pulled up in his little smart car—they were taking Kent’s SUV out there. Far more practical once they left the city.

  Dex jumped out, grinning. “Hey.”

  “Hey, you!” He locked the door to his storage area down in the parking garage. “Perfect timing.”

  “Excellent.” Dex pulled out a large backpack and a tent from his little car and put them in the back of Kent’s SUV. Then Dex came over and grinned, bending for a kiss.

  He gave it easily. They’d had a lovely night together and a better breakfast, feeding each other before making love in the shower. He hadn’t really wanted to go home, but he’d known they would be back together that afternoon for their expedition.

  Moaning into the kiss, Dex grabbed his ass and pulled him close. “Mmm. I’ve been waiting to do that since you left.”

  “Yeah? You ready for three days alone?”

  “With you, yeah, totally.” Dex pushed Kent’s hair behind his ear. “Just you, me, and the great outdoors.”

  “Let’s go get goodies. Our camp site’s reserved, so we’re good to go.”

  “Let me guess, you want candy?” Dex grinned at him.

  “S’mores! And I love anything cooked outside.”

  Dex climbed into the passenger side of the SUV. “I’ll follow your lead.”

  “Oh, I want this to be good for both of us.” Everything they did let him learn something new about Dex.

  “It will be. I don’t have any foods that I have to have to make it a good camping trip, though.” Dex chuckled. “I have been known to subsist on nothing more than PowerBars and water.”

  “Oh man. No. No, I need coffee and bacon.” Kent liked to indulge himself.

  “We’re going to have to do a lot of hiking if were having bacon.” Dex sounded perfectly serious.

  “Bacon is necessary for life. You know that, right?” Kent got that Dex had to follow a diet for training and stuff, but it was bacon.

  “Maybe very rarely. It’s terrible for you. I mean I’m not a food Nazi or anything. I did have candied bacon after all—but… well, bacon is not good for you.”

  “I buy the nitrate free…,” Kent offered.

  Dex gave him a grin. “I’m not goin
g to begrudge you your bacon, babe. I am going to chase your sweet heinie up and down the hill because of it, though.”

  “Good thing I like to wander, huh?”

  “Yeah. Well, I don’t think we’d be compatible if you didn’t like to move.”

  Kent got that. He did. He liked to be busy; he just wasn’t the most disciplined man on earth.

  “And I’m not being judgy, honest. I just really like to be active, and it would be harder to do things together if you didn’t.”

  “I like to go too. I love being busy. Love it.”

  Dex smiled at him. “Yeah, I got that impression.”

  They pulled up in front of the Whole Foods around the corner from Kent’s place.

  “Mmm. I wonder if they have those amazing mashed potatoes today.” Kent loved their potatoes.

  “Are those campfire food?” Dex asked, eyes twinkling.

  “Nope. Those are a nummy precampfire snack.”

  Laughing, Dex got out and waited for him to grab his reusable bags.

  “I love Whole Foods. I love the weird cheeses and interesting beers.” He enjoyed poking around and seeing what all there was.

  “I like that they’ve got a lot of organic stuff. Some of the shit that gets put into so-called food is terrible.”

  “Yeah?” Kent didn’t really care. He just liked exploring.

  “Yeah. It’s just stuff we don’t need to be eating, you know? I’m not a zealot about it or anything.” Dex bumped their hips.

  “Cool. I like food, but I’m a total geek. Coffee and doughnuts.”

  “It’s a good look on you.”

  “It’s just me.” He was who he was.

  “I like just you an awful lot, Kent.” Dex threw a twenty-four pack of water in the cart.

  “Do you think we need more than that?” Kent asked. What if they got really dehydrated with all that hiking?

  “We can get a few.” Dex threw a couple more twenty-four packs in. “The site has water if we run out.”

  “Cool. Water is important and I worry.” Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, right?

  “It is. People have died because they didn’t have it.”

  “Yeah.” Kent grabbed another case, just because.

  Dex pointed to the marshmallows next. “I like s’mores, but I love roasted marshmallows even more.”


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