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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

Page 15

by Huffert, Barbara

  “Look at me, Brett. I’m just a cop. Granted a good cop but that’s it. I didn’t have the courage to try to make it into the FBI so I’m stuck doing the next best thing. You and Jordan blow into town and, within a year, have it by the balls. Hell yes, I’m proud of him, of both of you. You’re still quite the duo, the silver-tongued devil and his demon scriptwriter. You’ll never cease to amaze me even though you both intimidate me.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell him, Shane? And you’re wrong by the way. Jordan is the brains behind us. I’m just the one with the pretty words, not that he couldn’t come up with them himself. I wouldn’t have made it through some of my classes without him. You know, most of the time I thought you hated me. Wait, that’s too harsh. Let’s say didn’t approve of me. I had to stick with Jordan. He’s the best friend there is and I was afraid he’d get into real trouble, trying to get your attention.

  “I guess I see your point but why couldn’t you have just once talked to Jordan like this? We always thought you were so tough, so confident, so in control of everything around you with your take-charge, don’t-mess-with-me attitude. If you’d ever let us see just a little bit of uncertainty…”

  “Thanks to you I understand that now. Jordan always stopped you from saying anything.”

  Brett nodded.

  “This Kiley, she’s the one?”

  “Absolutely. Get to know her. They’ve been circling each other for months. I wasn’t totally convinced at first so I decided to wait and see. Dee, Kiley’s friend from the restaurant, told me that Jordan is the only guy who’s ever made her blush. Two words from him and her composure flies right out the window. I think, if she gives him a chance, they really will be perfect together.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. She must be completely the opposite of her cousin.”

  “Yeah what’s the story there? Last night, you seemed to honestly dislike her.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. She’s just aggravating. The woman has no common sense when it comes to that damn camera of hers. Care to tell me what she’s doing next so I can make sure I’m somewhere else?”

  “Now that I’m not blowing off steam, I remember that it’s not my place. But what I can tell you is that it’s out of town so you don’t have to worry.”

  “For now. If Jordan and Kiley do get married we’re going to cross paths more than I want to.”

  “Hmm, you seem awfully annoyed at the prospect of being in the company of a very hot female.” Brett eyed him speculatively.

  “I am annoyed. Every time I see her it gets worse. There’s no reason for it really.”

  “Well you’d better figure it out and get over it. Your brother is on his way to claiming Kiley for the whole nine yards and there’s no way in hell I’m letting you be a black cloud.”

  “Calm down, Brett. You showed me how wrong I was so I’m going to do better in the future. And I’m sure you’ll give me a nudge if I step out of line again.” Shane glanced at the clock. “By the way, you might want to get dressed. Alyssa’ll be here soon. We thought we could go over to Jordan’s together. Things haven’t changed just because you finally spoke your mind. If Jordan heard that you said you’d leave the morning open for family and wait to stop by in the afternoon, he’d be very hurt.”

  “Why? Jordan knows that I think you treat me like I’m intruding where I don’t belong. He’s always insisted that I’m wrong though. I guess I am.” He stood. “Shane, it means a lot that you came over and said all that. I hope you’re planning to do the same with Jordan.”

  “There’s a lot I need to make up for.”

  “He won’t see it like that. Say what you have to say and then do better in the future. Now I’m going to go grab a quick shower. Can I trust you to be cordial if Alyssa shows up before I’m back?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you sure these jeans look okay? Not too tight?” Kiley asked as she handed Jordan the last of their breakfast dishes.

  “Do they feel tight?” Jordan thought they were perfect.

  “No. I guess I’m not used to them anymore. I don’t really wear jeans since I stopped dressing like I was in middle school for my mom.”

  “Maybe it’s time you started again. Like when you know I’ll be around since I don’t mind admitting how much trouble I’m having keeping my hands off that fine ass of yours.” He grinned wickedly.

  Grinning in return, she stated, “No one said you had to.”

  “Stop tormenting me. The inquisition will be here too soon for us to get into that one now. Shane will kick down the door if we don’t answer immediately.” His hand brushed her denim-clad cheek. “Why don’t you come downstairs and let me show you my office? You can think of me there while you’re working.”

  “Jordan! Oh no! I’ve got to go! I’m late and I forgot—” She was frantic.

  “Kiley, calm down. I called Henry last night to tell him that Alyssa was fine and it was all a misunderstanding. I also said that something you ate disagreed with you and we were missing the game. He made me promise to take care of you and decided that you’re off today. He said if you showed up he’d send you right back home.” When she gave him a questioning look, he added, “When I spoke to him I had no way of knowing how you’d feel this morning. Besides, we both know Shane and Alyssa wouldn’t let you being at work keep them from questioning us. I figured it was better all around to stay put today.”

  “You’re a nice man, Jordan McKade.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll call him later and let him know I’m okay.” She followed him downstairs. “So this is where you do all your money magic.”

  “Hardly magic.” He waited until she noticed her picture. “Dee gave me that about a month after we met when she invited me over for dinner to meet Will. Once I noticed it in the living room, I kept sneaking out of the kitchen to look at it. Is it okay that I have it?”

  She nodded and continued to look around. “Five computer screens and three phones?”

  “Yep, just technology not magic. It’s really not all necessary but I get too annoyed if it takes too long to switch screens. And the phone behind my desk is a personal extension so I don’t have to remember to carry the cordless back and forth with me.”

  “Still it must be very exciting when everything’s turned on.”

  “Honestly, no. It’s a job, Kiley. I’m good at it and some days it’s interesting. Most of the time it’s just tedious.”

  “But you control all that money. Isn’t it thrilling to see it grow, knowing that you did it?”

  “I guess so. The best part is the small, personal accounts. Telling parents that they can afford to send their kids to college is better than moving millions for faceless corporate lackeys. Those are the ones who take life too seriously for all the wrong reasons.”

  “It sounds like you’re not particularly happy with what you do.”

  “I guess I’m happy overall. It’s not like this is all I’m ever going to do with my life.”

  “Oh? What else do you have planned?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe Brett and I will buy a radio station one of these days and I’ll have my own talk show.”

  Kiley laughed. “You’re so funny, Jordan. People don’t buy radio stations.”

  Jordan was facing the computer he’d flipped on so Kiley didn’t see the disappointment cross his face. “Right. I thought I’d bring Shane down here so you and Alyssa could talk privately.”

  “I wouldn’t mind if you stayed while I talk to her. You already know what I’m going to say.”

  “True. However she might mind and I want her to be able to open up with you. I could say the same for me and Shane. You know what I plan on saying too but I know he’ll have enough trouble being honest with me. He’d never let me say what I need to in front of you. Or at least not before he knows more about you than your name.”

  “I understand. We need to clear the air first. We’ll have plenty of time to spend en masse later.”

  “Ha! There it is!” Jordan exclai
med. “I probably shouldn’t show you this but I trust you.” He stepped aside. “Look.”

  “$1,002,079.37,” she read the figure on the screen.

  “This is Shane’s account. I’ll have to give him a printout of every transaction but even he should be pleased with this.”

  “Pleased! I’d be in shock. He must have given you a lot to start with.”


  “But there’s a million dollars!”

  “I said I was good at this.” He shrugged.

  “No wonder you have the reputation that you do. I’ve heard how cool and calm you are. I’d be confident too if I could do that.”

  “It’s just money, Kiley. It’s not such a big deal.”

  “I can barely balance my checkbook and you say generating a million dollars isn’t a big deal.”

  “Damn. I was counting on you to take care of our bills once we’re together,” he teased as they went back upstairs.

  “That’s a really bad idea. I wish they’d get here so we can get this over with.”

  “Not looking forward to confronting your cousin?”

  “That’s not it. The sooner they get here the sooner they’ll leave. In case you’re wondering, I remember last night. All of it. From the time I saw you walking toward me in that bar to the call you got just as I was falling asleep. Thinking about it, I must agree you were right not to let me touch you last night. But you did promise I could today. You haven’t changed your mind?”

  Kiley was standing very close to him. As she spoke, she placed her hands on his chest and was slowly sliding them upward to circle his neck when they heard the doorbell followed by Brett’s loud greeting.

  “Saved by the bell,” Jordan teased. “In the kitchen,” he called. “Kiley, just so you know, I will never change my mind on that one.” Her gasp told him she could see all the desire he was feeling.

  “Good morning, Kiley.” Brett kissed her cheek and whispered, “This look is even hotter than your green dress.”

  “You’re dressed,” Alyssa stated. “I stopped and got you some clothes but apparently that was unnecessary.”

  “Thanks, Alyssa. It was nice of you to think of it. Jordan arranged these for me last night.”

  “That explains it,” Brett muttered, helping himself to coffee.

  “Hi, I’m Shane. Since I don’t think last night counts, I’d like to say it’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too. And Lyssa, this is Jordan.”

  They chatted for a few minutes while Kiley assured them all that she was fine.

  Eventually, Jordan said, “Ladies, if you’ll excuse us? I’d like to show you something in my office, Shane. Coming, Brett?”

  “He seems nice enough,” Alyssa hedged after they left the room.

  “He’s extremely nice, Lyss. He’s good and kind and caring, not to mention gorgeous and I think I’m falling in love with him.”

  “Kiley! Are you sure those drugs didn’t do permanent damage?” Alyssa wanted to bite her tongue when she realized what she said. “Wait. That was unfair. I’m just really surprised. You’ve mentioned him a few times and his voice is as good as you said it was but you never implied it was serious between you.”

  “That’s because I’ve been keeping it to myself. I wasn’t ready to share yet.”

  “And I’m not at all attentive.”

  “Or forthcoming. How are your ribs?”

  “Fine. It wasn’t a big deal, Kiles. I didn’t want to worry you over nothing.”

  “I always worry as you well know. I shouldn’t have to hear that you were hurt from someone else.”

  “How did he know?”

  “Jordan knows people.” She went on to explain everything that he had said. “Now is there anything you’d like to tell me?”

  “Didn’t he already?”

  “No but he would have if I’d asked him to. We thought I should give you a chance first.”

  “It’s not definite yet. I’m still deciding.”


  “I’ve been invited to travel with a team of storm chasers.” Kiley stared. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. They’re really very careful.”

  “I see.”


  “Alyssa, I know the choice is yours. I don’t understand why you feel compelled to do this sort of thing but I’ve seen the results. I’ve never hidden that I wish you’d pick something safe to photograph. What were you going to do? Wait until the night before you left and call me to say something like you’ll be out of town for a few months, trying to find a tornado to get sucked up into so you can get exclusive photographs of Oz?”

  “I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

  “Oh come off it. You’re going and you’ve known it since they asked you. You know, if you told me then I would have had time to get used to the idea before you actually go.”

  “I’m really sorry. I know I’m not very considerate. I’m thoughtless and selfish. I really do try though. You know growing up we moved even more often than you did so I never had close friends. I learned to be independent. I guess old habits are hard to break. I’m sorry I take you for granted. You’ve been there all my life and most of the time I ignored you. But when I was old enough to go out on my own, I thought of you. I knew I wanted to be near where you were. That’s not an excuse but it’s true. Knowing you were out there, waiting to care about me if I showed up got me through some very lonely times when I was little. If I promise to treat you better, will you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. You treat me fine. I just want to be included more.”

  “I will try. In fact, I’ll start now. Do you remember when I was working on the gang bit there was that cop who gave me such a hard time?”

  “Shane,” Kiley deduced.

  “Yep. I thought I should tell you even though we agreed to try to get along. Now tell me about Jordan.”

  Downstairs, Shane repeated all the things he’d told Brett that morning. Jordan reacted as Brett predicted.

  “Tell me one thing,” Shane requested. “Are your sources inside the department?”

  “No,” Jordan answered.

  “For some reason I’m glad to hear it.”

  “Then that’s good. Now I really do have something to show you.” Jordan handed him the account summary he had printed out earlier. While Shane looked at it, Jordan nodded to Brett who instantly understood what it was.

  “Is this…this is…holy shit! Son of a bitch!” Shane looked back and forth between their matching grins. “Are you setting me up? Is this another prank?”

  “No, Shane. That is your balance as of 9:17 this morning.”

  “Damn Jordan, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Tell him the rest,” Brett urged.

  “You sure?” Jordan asked.

  “He’s speechless. You won’t get a more perfect opportunity.”

  “Good thinking,” Jordan agreed because Shane was truly stunned. “There was a day about a year ago when I stopped you just as you were going into court to sign some papers.” Shane nodded, indicating he remembered. “One of them was an authorization to form a partnership. You are part of JBS, Limited.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You, Brett and I are the major partners in an investment group. We’ve had a very good year.”

  “Jordan, I think this is too much all at once. First you tell me I have a million dollars and now I’m part of a successful investment group. What are we investing in?”

  “Nothing in particular at the moment. For now, we’re just making money. But we have a plan.”

  “A damn good plan.” Brett beamed. “And we’re getting closer to it being ready.”

  They waited for Shane to consider what they’d said. “I need some time to think about this. Would you be offended if I asked you to wait before you tell me about this plan? I’m having too much trouble accepting the million dollars.”

  “That’s fine. Let us know when you’re
ready and we’ll tell you all about it,” Jordan laughed.

  “A million dollars. Me.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. I did when Jordan told me about mine.” Brett chuckled at the expression of Shane’s face. “That’s right, I have one too. And Jordan has several.”

  “I’m a cop. I can’t have a million dollars.”

  “Sure you can, Shane. There’s no reason to tell people about it, is there? I just thought you might like to know.” Jordan shrugged.

  “I guess. I’m not sure.” Shane still sounded dazed. “You know we really have to talk about last night.”

  “I know but let’s go back up first.”

  “Think they’ve had enough time?” Brett asked.

  “Yeah but talk loud on the steps so they know we’re coming.” Jordan stopped in the doorway. “Shane, thanks for what you said today. In my opinion, you’re the best big brother a guy could have.”

  “And you, as always, are beyond spectacular. Brett, I wish you’d stepped in years ago. What would we do without you?” Shane draped an arm over each of them. “Have I said thank you for changing your lives and coming here?”

  “Don’t mention it,” Brett replied.

  “No thanks necessary. I think it’s turned out for the best,” Jordan added.

  Halfway up the stairs, Shane said, “About this plan, I don’t want specifics but should I be worried?”

  “Nope.” Jordan wondered how long it would be before his detective brother asked for details. “It’s truly excellent even if Kiley did laugh.”

  “She laughed?” Brett asked.

  “Mm but I mentioned it in an offhand way that sounded like a joke, not a fact. She said people don’t do this.”

  Shane groaned when Brett declared, “But we’re not people. We’re us.”


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