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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

Page 16

by Huffert, Barbara

  “Which is exactly why we are going to do this.” Jordan and Brett grinned like small children at Christmas.

  “I changed my mind. I don’t want to know any of this now,” Shane announced.

  “Trust us, Shane. This one is honestly brilliant,” Jordan said seriously as they reached the kitchen. “Ladies, can we join you?”

  “Sure, everything all right?” Kiley smiled, letting him know that she and Alyssa were fine.

  “Great.” Jordan sat next to her and took her hand. “Sweet, we need to talk about Winslow.”

  “I know.”

  “You should have gone for a blood test last night but there may still be some traces—” Shane began.

  “For what purpose?” Jordan interrupted. “We know Kiley was drugged. We know Winslow did it. We also know there is no way to prove it.”

  An uncomfortable silence stretched as the brothers eyed each other. Finally, Shane nodded. “Brett indicated you know his background.” After Jordan told them everything, Shane said, “Okay that gives me something to go on. I’ll see who I can get—”

  “No, Shane,” Jordan interrupted again. “This is something I will take care of.”

  “Jordan, be reasonable!”

  “No, you be reasonable. We need to know what he’s up to and why he tried to use Kiley as a distraction. I have a better chance of uncovering that than you do.”

  “And how do you propose to do that?” Instead of answering, Jordan raised an eyebrow. “All right, what if he takes off?”

  “I’ll know. And I’ll stop him.”

  “Jordan, maybe you should let Shane handle this,” Brett suggested. He trailed off when he saw the look on his friend’s face.

  Kiley hated the tension growing in the room. Squeezing Jordan’s hand to get his attention, she asked, “Jordan, what did you mean he was using me as a distraction?”

  “Sugar-coated or straight-forward?” he asked gently.

  “Brutally honest,” she answered.

  After studying her face, Jordan explained. “He intended to offer you to Samuels to use in whatever way he wanted.”

  Kiley gasped. “But I wouldn’t have…”

  “Think about it. You couldn’t talk for the first hour at least. Could you have fought someone off if you’d needed to?”

  “You can’t be serious!” Alyssa exclaimed.

  “I’m afraid he’s probably right,” Shane said grimly.

  “Obviously Winslow didn’t bother to find out who he was dealing with. Samuels is a very dedicated family man. He’s been married to the same woman since high school and all indications say he never strays.”

  “Jordan, why do you know that?” Shane scowled. “I thought you were legit.”

  “You, of all people, should know that I am. Every aspect of every deal has been and always will be one hundred percent clean. But that doesn’t mean I’m not aware of the rest of the financial community.”

  “Financial community,” Shane repeated with disbelief.

  Jordan shrugged. “Hey, every aspect has its place.”

  “That doesn’t mean you should get involved—”

  “Damn it, Shane, think! I interrupted their meeting. I snatched Kiley away from Winslow right under their noses. That means I’m involved whether I want to be or not.” Jordan let his words sink in. “Winslow was using someone I care for very deeply and I can’t ignore that. I won’t ignore that. He’s made this personal. I’m going to find out what he’s trying to get away with and then I’m going to deal with it.”

  “How?” Shane demanded.

  “Depends on what it is.”

  “Jordan,” Brett tried to interject but Jordan stopped him with a look.

  “Wait a minute,” Alyssa spoke up. “This Samuels guy…”

  “Is a very dangerous man to cross,” Jordan stated. “And Winslow’s stupidity may be fatal.”

  “Surely you’re exaggerating.” Alyssa stopped when Shane shook his head.

  “Then you have to stay out of it,” Kiley pleaded.

  “I can’t, don’t you see? I claimed you and took you out of the bar. I disrupted Winslow’s scheme, which puts me in this.”

  “What about me?” Kiley asked softly.

  Jordan reached out and caressed her cheek, not caring that they had an audience. “I’ll keep you safe. Nothing else will happen to you.”

  “I think you’re wrong here, Jordan.” Shane drew their attention. “You should let us handle this.”

  “Sure, Shane. You’ll drag Kiley in for a blood test that may or may not show anything. You’ll take statements from all of us that say we suspect she was drugged and part of some illegal plot. Winslow will say she came on to him and willingly accompanied him and she was already stoned when he picked her up. I bet you won’t find any witnesses who can identify the men Winslow met other than us. I’m sure there’ll be no evidence that you can find connecting Winslow to Samuels. I’m equally sure that Bo will deny any knowledge of anything. He’ll say he was having a beer and the others just happened to sit down with him. And while you’re doing this you’ll be subjecting Kiley to all sorts of unpleasant and accusing questions and innuendoes about her character and willing participation. You’ll waste a lot of time and effort, not to mention manpower and end up with nothing but dead ends. You know I’m right. Admit it.”

  “Is he, Shane?” Kiley broke the silence that followed.

  “Well?” Alyssa asked when he didn’t respond.

  Finally, Shane nodded. “Unfortunately.”

  “So he’ll get away with it,” Kiley concluded.

  “Not if Shane stays out of it,” Jordan emphasized.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Kiley told him.

  “I’ll be fine if I have the freedom to do what I need to do,” he assured her.

  “I don’t like it,” Shane scowled.

  “There’s really no other option. Look, I’m not asking for your approval. And I promise to call you if I need you.”

  “You’ll tell me before you do anything?” Shane tried.

  “If I can.” Jordan wouldn’t promise something he wasn’t sure he could do. “There may not be time but if there is, I’ll tell you.”

  “I guess I have to accept that for now. Just be careful, okay?”

  “You better take care of my cousin,” Alyssa growled.

  “Lyss!” Kiley exclaimed.

  “It’s okay,” Jordan stopped her. “Alyssa, you have my word. As long as I live I will do everything and anything I can to keep Kiley safe and happy.” Without breaking eye contact with Alyssa, he raised Kiley’s hand and kissed it.

  “I think that’s our cue to leave.” Brett stood and pulled keys from his pocket. “Kiley, your car’s at home.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Last night when Jordan got your ticket from your purse, he gave me your keys.”

  “I thought it would avoid questions if it wasn’t still there in the morning,” Jordan explained.

  “Oh. Good idea. Thanks, Brett.” Kiley was amazed.

  “Well, I guess we’ll be going then. When will you be home?” Alyssa wondered.

  “Um,” Kiley hesitated, “I don’t know. I’ll probably stay here for a few days.”

  “Ah. Well. Okay then.” Alyssa had clearly expected Kiley to leave with her.

  Brett shamelessly grinned at both of them and whistled. “It’s about time!”

  Alyssa was so uncomfortable that Shane came to her rescue. “Come on, Campini. Let’s go before you say something stupid.” When she glared, he added, “You can yell at me in the car. It’ll make you feel better. Jordan, remember what I said. Kiley, I’m sure I’ll see you again.”

  “Have fun, kids!” Brett called as he followed them down the stairs.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I don’t think your cousin likes me,” Jordan observed once they were alone.

  “She doesn’t know you yet.” Kiley turned to face him. “I like you enough for both of us.”r />
  “It would be nicer for you if she liked me too. Did she mention that she and my brother have bumped into each other before?”

  “Yes but I don’t want to talk about them or anything else right now.” She put her other hand on top of theirs, still linked on the table.

  “Hmm, what do you want to do?”

  “Touch you.” She blushed.

  “You sure? It’ll change things. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop with just once. I don’t know if I’ll be able to let you go,” he told her seriously.

  “I expect things to change and I don’t want you to let go of me.” She moved closer. “I’m going to kiss you now.” Kiley leaned forward and touched her lips to his. “Jordan,” she sighed.

  With a groan, Jordan pulled her to him. Their lips parted and Kiley tentatively prodded her tongue into his mouth. When he drew it more fully in, she wondered if he was savoring her taste as she was his. They were finally kissing but she was still frustrated. Sitting at the table prevented her from being as close to Jordan as she wanted to be. She resented the temporary interruption but knew it would be worth it. Hating to anyway, Kiley eased out of the kiss. “Come with me,” she whispered, standing, tugging his hand.

  Jordan seemed to understand her purpose. He followed without questioning her so Kiley decided he was curious to see where she would lead him. Just inside the living room, she stopped. Turning them so he was against the wall, Kiley then moved her hand to his head to guide his lips back to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself to him. It didn’t take Jordan long to wrap his arms around her and pull her in tighter.

  Soon their lips opened, their tongues tangled and the kiss deepened. Kiley moaned. She could feel Jordan’s pulse racing. She shifted so she was standing between his legs and instantly found that he was already hard. She pressed her hips against his and rubbed his bulge with her mound. She knew she was tormenting him shamelessly and was amazed by his self-control.

  Slowly, Kiley ended the kiss. “Jordan?” She looked deeply into his eyes and saw the same raw need that she felt. “Will you listen for a minute?”

  “Yes, Kiley.” He was clearly fighting not to reclaim her mouth.

  She moved her hands to his chest to prevent herself from pulling him back for another kiss. “Yesterday, even though I couldn’t talk, I could still think. I was terrified and panicked and I couldn’t do anything to help myself. I didn’t know what, exactly, was going to happen but I knew it would be awful and I wondered first, if I’d live through it and second, if I did, how would I survive afterward. I was petrified but I was also furious with myself. I thought I’d done something to make you mad and that, with the mess I was in, I’d never get the chance to straighten things out with you. I thought whatever happened to me would disgust you and I’d never see you again. Then you magically appeared next to me. As soon as I saw you, I felt safe. I could trust you with my life because I knew, mad or not, you’d make things okay somehow.” She put her hand on his mouth when he would have spoken.

  “You brought me here, opening your home and your life to me. In the middle of taking care of me you explained why you were angry that day. What I should have said then was that I wanted that kiss on the sidewalk to get out of control. I’ve fantasized plenty about you too.

  “You were so gentle and caring with me last night, just like I knew you would be. God Jordan, I wanted you so much when we were in the shower! The way you felt in my hands before you made me let go was so much better than I’d been dreaming it would be. My mind agreed with you when you wouldn’t let us make love last night. My heart and body didn’t even though I knew you were right. You were so hard and I was so excited by your reaction. I didn’t know it was possible to want someone as badly as I want you. And like you, I think that what’s between us will be more than sex.

  “I appreciate how difficult it was for you talk to me like you did. If anyone had ever suggested that I’d willingly touch myself while a man described us, that I’d let him watch while his words and my fingers made me come, I’d have insisted it would never, ever happen. But Jordan, it felt so right. Watching you watch me was so damn hot. Seeing your reaction really turned me on. The whole thing was so erotic. I’d do it again, anytime, just to see that look on your face.

  “Yes or no answer only please. Do you trust me?” she asked suddenly.

  “Yes,” he responded without hesitation, his features showing he wondered where she was going with this.

  “Will you let me do something?”

  “Yes.” His expression grew more curious.

  “Last night you told me that you wanted this to be special. When you described us, you said you’d be unable to take it as slowly the first time as you wanted to. I noticed how quickly you got hard again when we were going to bed. Yes or no, would you have more control the second time?”

  “Yes.” His look asked what she was thinking.

  “And you meant it when you said you’d let me touch you today?”


  “In that case, I’m going to show you what you skipped in your narration last night.” She began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “What are you up to?” Jordan helped by opening his cuffs.

  “Well,” she slid his shirt off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. “Take off your shoes please.” When he had, she unbuckled his belt. After she lowered his zipper, she declared, “I’m going to take the edge off for you first so that when the time comes, we can both savor this as we say we want to.” She carefully tugged his jeans and briefs down over his hips, trying not to drool when his erection sprang free. Kneeling in front of him, she said, “Step out please.”

  He did. “You’re not serious.”

  “I’m very serious, Jordan.” She slowly raised her gaze, pausing at his impressive shaft before meeting his eyes. She cupped his balls when she stood, staring as if daring him to stop her.

  At her touch, he grew even harder. “Kiley,” Jordan gasped, not pulling away. “I sort of planned on your pleasure first.” He leaned back against the wall when she applied pressure to his chest, pleading with his eyes.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get to me.” Her hand roamed across his chest. “I want us to share as much pleasure as possible, in as many ways as possible.” She nuzzled his neck, letting him feel her breath as she whispered “Let me do this. I want to. The thought of it excites me so much.”

  He caught her face in his hands so she had to look at him. “Aren’t you going to take off your clothes too?”

  “Will you keep your hands to yourself?”


  “Then my clothes will have to wait.” She was still caressing his balls, delaying her first contact with his cock.

  “How about half of them if I promise to try as hard as possible to control myself?” He covered her face with little kisses. “Please,” he whispered against her lips.

  “You’ll let me do whatever I want?”

  “Yes.” He kissed her gently.

  Kiley moved her hand to the base of his erection when he raised his head. Holding his gaze, she circled it and drew her hand slowly to the tip where she briefly rubbed it with her thumb. “Okay,” she said before stepping back to pull her sweater over her head. She shed her jeans just as quickly.

  Jordan gave an appreciative whistle. “Wow!” His eyes feasted on the sight of her, dressed only in a swatch of white lace that could barely be called panties and a matching bra so thin that it was practically transparent. If she moved too quickly, her breasts would spill over the top. Her nipples were very close to peaking over the edge anyway, even though she was standing still. “Remind me to say thank you.”

  “Where, exactly, did these clothes come from, Jordan?” Kiley turned so he could see the back that revealed at least half of her cheeks. She thought the suggestion of covering might actually be better.

  Jordan groaned, telling Kiley he liked what he saw. “The couple I mentioned who can now afford to send their child t
o college? They own a boutique. This is on their way home so they said they didn’t mind dropping something off.”

  Instead of embarrassing her as she thought it would, Jordan’s devouring gaze made her feel sexy. “What did you ask them to bring?”

  “Just something casual to hold you over. I said I had a friend who wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t be going home. I explained that I wanted you to be comfortable. I checked your clothes for sizes after our shower.”

  “I think I’d like to thank them in person sometime. For putting that look on your face,” she said honestly. “I’d also like to see what else they have. You make me feel like I should have more things this feminine.”

  “You’re killing me.” Jordan reached out and waited for her to take his hands, leaving her in total control. “And I absolutely assure you that I will be available any time you want to model lingerie.”

  “I’ll take you up on that.” Kiley stepped closer, guiding his hands to her waist before sliding hers up his arms. He was leaning on the wall with his feet far enough away so that they were face to face. She was standing between his legs so she was able to catch the tip of his shaft between her thighs. Kiley moved her hips back and forth, rubbing over him with only the thin strip of fabric as a barrier. “Can you feel how you excite me?” she asked just before she claimed his lips.

  Jordan moaned into her mouth. His hands tightened possessively as he held her against him. Kiley shifted to brush her stiffened nipples over his. She was overwhelmed as she kissed him even more hungrily, her mouth demanding. His hips moved, urging her to glide along him. If she didn’t rein herself in, she’d forget what she had intended because it wouldn’t take much more for her to come so she made them both stop. Kiley ended the kiss, shifting her mouth to his neck and discovered he tasted as good as he smelled. She forced herself to step slightly away, creating a space between them.

  Jordan leaned his head back against the wall and drew in a sharp breath when she trailed her lips down his chest. The same instant her tongue flicked his nipple, her hands skimmed his sides, ending with his throbbing hard-on firmly in her grasp.

  Unable to resist, Jordan’s hands left Kiley’s waist, seeking to explore her while she was touching him. “Jordan, you promised.” She looked into his face, her eyes huge and filled with desire. “You have two choices. Either you put your hands behind your back and keep them there or I put my clothes back on.”


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