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Blood-Red Tear

Page 23

by Donna Flynn

  A loud growl filled the air and Paul appeared by my side, ripping the skier off and slamming him to the ground before helping me sit up, cradling me against his chest, careful not to hit my arm that hung uselessly at my side.

  “Katie, I’m here. It’s alright,” he said as I whimpered in his arms.

  I heard Beth explain to Orin that it was a lucky thing they had also been skiing when they heard the ruckus and came to see what had happened, but he did not look convinced. In fact, he looked rather upset that Paul had taken over my care and wouldn’t allow him near me. Normally I would have argued with my brother, but the pain radiating down my arm was excruciating and I felt slightly disoriented. Thankfully, the paramedics were quick to arrive and offer their aid.

  “She needs to have that shoulder x-rayed. We’ll take her over to the hospital. One of you can ride with her, but the rest of you will have to meet us there,” one of the paramedics explained to my brother.

  Paul insisted since he was my brother he would go with me in the ambulance. I could see Orin was not happy to let me go without him, but Beth told him to follow her to the hospital and I was loaded into the ambulance with my brother at my side.

  Once at the hospital, they took me to a small curtained room where the nurses helped me undress and place on a gown, then helped me into a bed and asked a lot of questions. After taking my temperature, blood pressure, and getting my personal information they left us alone to wait.

  We waited for a very long time for the doctor to come see me and Paul began pacing the room, calling my parents over and over, cursing as their voicemail picked up time and time again. A commotion outside of the curtain that offered very little privacy from the rest of the hospital had me looking up, to see Aidan pulling it aside and striding to my side.

  “Aidan?” I said, swallowing hard, unable to believe he was standing there before me.

  “Katie, you really have to stop scaring me like this.” He glanced down at my arm, which was swollen and turning a multitude of colors, and winced. Gently, he rested his hand against my cheek, staring into my eyes, allowing me a glimpse of the agony he felt at seeing me hurt. The familiar tingle between us sparked, reminding me once again how very much I loved him, and despite wanting to yell at him and ask him how he could have abandoned me for so long, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, confused by how quickly he had gotten to a ski resort that was at least an hour from my home and thousands of miles from his home in Scotland.

  “I was nearby when Paul called me and told me what had happened. We will discuss her being here later,” he said to Paul. The look he gave me brother was not a pleasant one, and I knew he was going be getting a lecture later about letting me get hurt under his watch. Having Aidan angry at you was never a good thing, and to my surprise I actually felt sorry for him.

  “What did the doctor have to say?” he asked Paul.

  “The doctor hasn’t been in yet,” my brother told him, looking for all the world like he would rather be swallowed whole than tell him that news.

  “They have let her sit here when she is obviously in pain?” Aidan bit out angrily. “This is not acceptable.” He walked out, but came back a few minutes later with a doctor following close behind. The man looked dazed and I was sure Aidan had used some kind of compulsion to get his immediate attention, but I was in too much pain to raise any objection.

  “Let’s take a look and see what the damage is,” the man said. He examined my shoulder, and I could not suppress the cry of pain as he moved it slightly back and forth. Paul held an enraged Aidan back from interfering with the exam, reminding him the doctor was trying to aid me, not cause me harm.

  “We need x-rays to confirm it, but I would suspect a broken collarbone and a possible fracture in her forearm.” He walked out of the door barking orders, and not long after an intern came into the room to take me to x-ray.

  It was busy in the radiation department and it was a good hour before they wheeled me back to the room where Aidan and Paul waited, both looking peeved at the time it had taken. A young nurse with long, blonde hair and boobs that were barely contained in her scrubs came through the curtain, pausing in surprise as she took in the two gorgeous men beside me.

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you had anyone in here with you,” she said, staring at Aidan with a flirtatious smile. He didn’t return her smile and didn’t even look in her direction as she sashayed toward the bed, swinging her hips suggestively in a much slower motion than she had entered the room with. “So, who are these big handsome men you brought with you?” she asked as she handed me a cup of pills and a bottle of water.

  I rolled my eyes at her see-through attempts to flirt with Aidan, jealousy racing through me. “Oh, that’s my brother Paul and this,” I squeezed Aidan’s hand and smiled up at him adoringly, “this is my boyfriend, Aidan.”

  “Oh,” she said looking disappointed. “Well, if you need anything just hit the call button.” After that she practically ran out of the room and I couldn’t help but grin.

  “Boyfriend?” Aidan asked.

  “Yeah, well, she needed to be taught a lesson,” I told him with a satisfied smile.

  “And what lesson is that?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Just let it go,” I told himm embarrassed I had acted with such jealousy in front of him.

  He leaned down close and whispered in my ear. “Just so we are clear, I am not your boyfriend.” I felt the smile slip from my face. “That title doesn’t even begin to cover what I am too you,” he told me, his breath tickling my ear, his finger moving slowly, seductively over my palm.

  I swallowed hard and looked at my brother, who had turned away but was clenching his hands, and knew it wasn’t the time to question him about exactly what he thought he was to me. Thankfully, the doctor came through the curtain and confirmed the broken collarbone but announced that there was no fracture in my arm.

  He went to work efficiently, securing my arm so I was unable to move it, and patted my hand. “No moving this arm, young lady, it needs time to heal. I will give you a prescription for pain and you can go home tonight, but follow up with a local orthopedic physician in the next few days.”

  Aidan thanked him for his assistance, and he left us to fill out the necessary release paperwork.

  I called for Paul and he came to my side, looking down on me worriedly when I motioned him closer. “Will you tell Orin what happened and send him home?” I asked tiredly.

  “Sure, there is nothing better I would like than to tell him to get lost.”

  I frowned as he walked out, followed closely by Aidan, but the curtain did nothing to stop me from hearing their conversation in the hall.

  “Who is Orin?” Aidan demanded.

  “He’s the one who took her skiing, the one I told you about a few weeks ago,” Paul answered, not bothering to hide his disdain for Orin in the least.

  “Get rid of him. Katie needs to rest now.” I could hear the barely concealed anger in his voice, and I made a mental note to tell him later that it was not Orin’s fault I was hurt. I didn’t need him harassing Orin for something that was a simple accident.

  Aidan came back into the room and held my good hand while we waited for my release papers. I didn’t want to start an argument in the hospital so I didn’t say anything about Orin, figuring it was a conversation we could have another time. The nurse came in and gave him some paperwork; then he got my things together and took me home.

  The long drive back home was tense, to say the least. Aidan did not talk much, except to ask if I was okay and toss a blanket over me when I was chilled. I feel asleep halfway home and didn’t wake again until he was tucking me into my own bed.

  “Thank you for taking care of me,” I said as he paced next to me, clearly still upset about my accident. I could feel a lecture coming just as I could feel his anger growing, but still I was glad he was there with me.

  “What were you thinking? You are
always in trouble. What am I going to do with you?” He stopped pacing and came to my side looking down on me, clearly exasperated.

  “Well, you haven’t seen me since Halloween. You could kiss me and say hello before you lecture me,” I answered, more than a little peeved that he had not done so already.

  He leaned over, kissing me gently. “Hello,” he said gruffly.

  I frowned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Aidan, that was nice, but it wasn’t the kiss I expected after being separated for so long.” I wanted the kiss that curled my toes, that made me yearn for more. The one only he could provide.

  I saw the muscle in his jaw tick as he tried not to smile. “Well, let me try harder then.” He leaned over again and when his lips touched mine, I felt the familiar warm, tingle rising inside me. His lips were cool and firm as they moved over mine, and soon we were wrapped up in the desire-filled kiss, both of us lost in the joy we felt together.

  “Sorry,” I murmured when he pulled back suddenly, afraid I pushed him too far.

  “Your parents are coming,” he murmured in explanation, just as the door burst open and they rushed into the room, both looking frazzled.

  “Oh, honey, are you okay?” Mom came to my side, looking down at my arm with a grimace.

  It hurt like hell but I wasn’t going to tell her that. She would worry too much. “I’ll be alright, Mom. Don’t worry.”

  “How did this happen?” My father came to her side, his face filled with concern for me.

  “It was an accident,” I looked to Aidan, hoping to make him understand it wasn’t Orin’s fault I had gotten hurt. “Another skier lost control. He ran into me and my arm got tangled in his skis.” My arm was throbbing; pain radiated from my shoulder and down my arm. I looked to Aidan, mentally asked him for one of the pain pills the hospital had sent home. Before I could blink, he was handing me the pill and a cup of water, which I took gratefully.

  My father frowned as Aidan took the glass from me and helped me settle back against the pillows so I was more comfortable.

  My mother twisted her hands anxiously. “I’m sorry we weren’t at the hospital, honey.”

  “It’s okay, Mom. Paul and Aidan took good care of me.” Aidan took my hand in his, pressing a kiss to the palm. I stared up at him adoringly, wanting nothing more than to have him hold my hand every day of my life. He smiled and I knew he had heard my thoughts, which caused me to blush.

  “Will you be staying long, Aidan?” my father asked, his face taut, his hand clenching my mother’s.

  Aidan frowned. “No, I’m afraid I have to leave again very soon. I was tending to something of extreme importance when I got word of this. I left immediately to make sure Katie was alright, but I must get back soon.” He did not look at all happy at the thought of leaving me, but my father looked instantly relieved.

  My father looked at me with a sigh. “We will let you visit with Aidan then, since he will be leaving soon.” He emphasized the soon. “I will be back to check in on you and Paul is in the hall; just call if you need anything.” I knew he was only leaving us alone because Paul was in the hall keeping his eyes on us, and would call to him if he deemed necessary, but I said nothing. “I love you, honey” he whispered, kissing my cheek.

  “I know,” I said softly, wishing he could just trust me and stop making Aidan leave. “I love you too.”

  “I’ll check in on you in a little bit,” my mother said, hugging me awkwardly before walking out with my father, leaving me alone with Aidan, who watched them go with a sad expression.

  I sighed, hating that I was the cause of their argument. I knew they loved and respected him as their prince, but the anger and fear I felt from my father when Aidan was around me now was heartbreaking. “Are you and Dad ever going to get past this?” I asked, concerned that the two men I loved most in the world were so at odds.

  Aidan nodded. “In time. You just worry about feeling better, okay?”

  “Alright,” I murmured. “So what were you doing when you had to leave?”

  “Nothing that concerns you, so do not worry.” The tip of his finger slid gently over my lips. and he sighed as he noted the time on the clock next to the bed. “I need to leave soon.”

  “Well, by all means don’t let me keep you,” I replied, sulkily aggravated he had to go so soon.

  He frowned, unused to my being so flippant. “Believe me. I do not want to leave you. It pains me to walk away when you are in such misery, but I really am tending to something of great import, and your father is still not ready to relent about my being here with you.”

  “I’m sorry. Of course you must see to your duties. I just don’t know how much longer I can deal with the emptiness every time you leave.” Tears filled my eyes and he pulled me close.

  “That is why I have stayed away, so you wouldn’t have to go through this every time we parted. Please believe me, this is excruciating for me too, but I will be back.” He kissed me then and as our lips touched, nothing but that moment mattered.

  With a low growl he pulled reluctantly away. “Please take care of yourself, and know that I too am missing you every moment of every day we are apart.” He stood and kissed the palm of my hand then was gone, leaving an all too-familiar ache in my heart and a feeling of loss that brought tears to my eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The days passed with aching slowness after Aidan left. Things pretty much returned to normal after my accident: I went back to school, hung out with my friends, and went out often with Orin. On the outside everything seemed idyllic, but inside I was slowly dying. Never had I been more confident that Aidan was the one for me. Seeing him again brought back the familiar rush of emotion that only he could stir in me, and it refused to subside even after he was gone. He consumed my thoughts day and night, and often I found myself lost in memories of our all- too-brief time together.

  If Orin noticed my thoughts were sometimes far away when we were together, or that I wasn’t as into our relationship as he was, he never said a word. He was attentive, sweet, and went out of his way to please me, seemingly the perfect guy, and I should have been over the moon he wanted to date me. But it was Aidan I wanted. His kiss I craved, and his embrace I longed for, so even though I felt a strange pull toward Orin, it was Aidan who held my heart in his hands.


  Despite my revelation about my feelings for Aidan, I found myself going out often with Orin. It seemed I just couldn’t say no to him. When he looked at me with his big glass-green eyes, all of my reasons for saying no fled and I found myself agreeing. He seemed content with everything until he told me one night as he dropped me at home that he was going home for Christmas break. I completely understood his need to see family and friends at such an important time of year, but he seemed hesitant to leave.

  “Maybe I should change my plans,” he told me. “I feel like when I’m gone something will change between us.”

  “You will only be gone for two weeks, do not be silly” I told him, swatting his arm playfully before he pulled me into his arms and kissed me harder and with more intensity than usual, as if trying to burn it into my memory.

  “Two weeks without you will be far too long,” he assured me. “Promise me you will not find another guy to take my place.”

  There was the opening I had been waiting for. Now was the time to tell him that there was someone else, but I couldn’t find the words when he stared at me with his mesmerizing gaze.

  “Katie, it’s late,” Paul called from the front door.

  “I better go,” I said taking a step back.

  “Yeah, see you in a few weeks,” he said sadly, then got in his car and drove away as I watched from the front stoop.

  “Good riddance,” Paul said from the doorway behind me.

  “What is your problem, Paul?” I demanded. “You don’t want me with Aidan, you don’t want me to date Orin. What exactly is it you want, for me to be miserable and alone?”

…I…” He looked shocked by outburst but I was beyond caring.

  “Well, guess what, Paul, I am miserable! I spend every day thinking about Aidan, missing him, and wishing we were together, but because none of you trust me to know how I feel, I can’t be with him. Imagine how you would feel if Beth were gone and you couldn’t see her, then put yourself in my place.”

  “Your situation is different than mine,” he snapped.

  “Why, because, I’m too young to know my own mind?” I demanded. He opened his mouth to argue but I was done. “Whether you believe it or not, I love Aidan with all of my heart. Being with Orin makes it bearable to be apart from him, so screw you if you don’t get that. I don’t need your overbearing and arrogant attitude making me any unhappier than I already am!” He watched in shocked silence as I stormed up the stairs to my room. When I made it there, I slammed the door behind me for good measure and slid to the floor, holding my head in my hands and wondering why everything had to be so hard.


  With Orin gone, I was restless and bored. Time seemed to pass very slowly and with my arm still recovering from my ski accident, I didn’t really feel much like hanging out or doing anything. Jess begged and pleaded with me to go out with them a few times and I relented, but mostly I stayed at the house, watching movies I had already seen a hundred times because it took very little active participation on my part.

  Horrifying dreams continued to haunt me at night and often I awoke scraped, bruised: unable to explain it to myself and scared to tell my parents. The only thing that kept me sane were the frequent visits from Chris and Jess, who came often to keep me company, but I could not even confide in them either, so despite being surrounded by people, I was alone, very afraid, and vulnerable.


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