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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

Page 8

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Yeah, and I don’t blame him. The fucker nearly killed him.” I open the door and step in, I can hear Frost and King talking and I can smell fear. Walking down the corridor we enter the last door on the left to find Dave sitting on a wooden chair, someone has punched him as he is slightly bent forward even though his arms are tied behind his back.

  “You can start,” King says to me, which has Dave opening his eyes and looking around at all of us.

  “I’m not telling you fuckers nothing,” he yells, spitting which falls short of any of us.

  “And I’m thinking you are going to sing like a hummingbird,” I mutter as I approach, “this is how it’s going to work, I’m going to ask you a question and every time you don’t answer you will feel the brunt of my anger.” He grunts in anger and looks down.

  “I will start with an easy one, I am looking for a woman.” I see him tense which tells me that he has stories to tell. “Her name is Linda and she was hanging around with Jericho,” he frowns, but his muscles start to relax which is a bad sign as it tells me that he might not know where she is now. “Where is she now?”

  “How the hell should I know, ask Jericho.” He mutters.

  “How long hasn’t she been around?” He glares at me but doesn’t say anything which has me punching him in the stomach. His breath whooshes out, and I see him struggling to find his breath. When he is once again breathing normally, I ask again. “How long?”

  “How the fuck should I know, one day she was there then she wasn’t.” He mutters glaring at me.

  “More or less how long did you realize she wasn’t there?” He shrugs, I pull back my arm to punch him again, but he quickly answers.

  “Don’t know man, maybe two weeks.” I bend forward looking at him in the eye.

  “Where is she now?” At my question he shrugs.

  “I’ve told you, I don’t know,” I punch him again, I think he is telling the truth and he doesn’t know but he will be able to give me something that I can use. “Fuck,” he gasps when he has caught his breath again. “I don’t fucking know.”

  “Who would know?” He shakes his head which has me slapping him across the head, “Who?”

  “Don’t know man, try one of the fluffs from the club,” I see when he has remembered something as his eyes widen slightly, “Trina, yes, try Trina they friends.” I got what I wanted.

  I look over my shoulder at King to see if he wants me to carry on questioning him, but he shakes his head. Frost steps forward taking my place and I can see the fucker tensing again, “We will carry on playing Hawk’s game, what do you think?” I step back next to Hunter watching as Frost walks around Dave.

  “We know that a couple of months back you shot at Fang, what we want to know is why?” Frost asks, because of his moody persona he is a scary fucker to watch and I can tell by Dave’s reaction that he is scared.

  “Because I can.” Dave says sarcastically, daring Frost which is a bad idea. Frost grabs Dave’s hair pulling his head back and then he is punching him hard in the gut. Because his head is stretched back, it is more difficult for him to catch a breath which has him starting to slip into unconsciousness, and then Frost lets go of his head and the air rushes back into his lungs which has him sputtering and coughing trying to breath normally.


  “I was told to okay,” he mutters breathlessly.

  “By whom?” Frost asks quietly.

  “Jackson, I was told to wait there until someone came for the camera.” That means that they weren’t targeting Fang, it could have been any of us. It was just Fang’s bad luck that he went there that day.

  “Tell us about where you are keeping the women and children that you kidnap before transporting them.” At Frost's question Dave tenses up like a poker which tells us that he knows exactly what we are after.

  “Fuck off, I have answered enough of your questions. If you want to ki. . .” Before he can finish Frost has punched him again. This time he gags, vomiting down the front of himself. Frost steps back, crossing his arms as he waits. He is the most patient out of all of us, I have seen him sitting still for hours when we are on a stakeout. I look over at King and incline my head for him to know that I will be leaving now. He nods and then his eyes move back to Dave, stepping out of the room I start making my way down the hall when the door opens to the outside and Fang walks in.

  “Is he talking?” He asks with a scowl, Fang has the hottest temper among us, if anyone has the misfortune of igniting it then they must be prepared to face the consequences.

  “Yeah, he has just started to blabber about where they keep the women and children,” I place my hand on his shoulder and look him in the eye, “we might get enough info from him to close down another of their stay overs if not more. Be patient, he also told us that you weren’t the target, he was to shoot anyone that went to the camera.”

  I can see Fang processing the information as his body relaxes slightly. “I won’t interfere,” he mutters and then he is stepping away from me and making his way down the corridor to the questioning room.

  I shake my head as I think of Fang not interfering, with his hot temper I won’t give him half an hour before King is sending him out of there. Stepping outside I raise my head, taking a deep breath. I smell everything around me, including Onix and Dakota that are in the woods to the south but instead of heading their way I make my way to the comms room.

  “How’s it going in there?” Goliath asks when he sees me.

  “He’s singing like a bird,” I state as I approach Gunner, “I need you to find one of the blossoms at the Hades MC, her name is Trina.” Gunner raises a brow at me.

  “Is that all you have, is Trina?” He asks, “not going to be easy, and it more than likely isn’t even her name.”

  “Apparently she was friends with my woman’s sister.” Gunner scratches his jaw as he looks at me with a frown.

  “I will look at all the intel we have on the woman that we have photos of at the club and see if any of them are called Trina, or trinity or something like that. Give me an hour.” He says as he looks back at his laptop.

  “We are not going out again today,” I state, which tells him that he has the rest of the day to try and find her.

  “Yeah, I forgot, it’s your Initiation,” Gunner says and then he is grinning, “how does it feel to be shackled to one woman only.” I shrug as even if I wanted to I couldn’t answer him, I want to say that it is fucking amazing but at the moment it isn’t, everything in me is calling to her and all she is doing is trying to run away.

  “Yeah, doesn’t look too promising. I think I will stick to the single life.” He states as he gets back to what he was working on.

  “I got that information on their father that you were looking for,” Goliath says as he points towards his screen. Approaching I take a seat next to him and start reading what is there, it says that he was accused of rape of three minors. “Here.” Goliath says as he points to a section on the screen.

  “The fucker was released three weeks ago?” I ask, my anger rising at the injustice of the system. I know that he did his time, but that son of a bitch destroyed the life of three minor girls and now he is just let loose into society.

  He will more than likely be up to his tricks again and more girls will be hurt, they should have castrated the fucker. I continue reading until I reach the names of his victims, I expel a breath of relief as I see that Onix’s name is not on there. I see that Linda was the fuckers first victim, how can anyone do that to their own child?

  “I think I need to pay him a visit.” I know that Onix must have known about what her Dad was doing to Linda, maybe that is why she is so driven to find Linda as a feeling of guilt for what she went through and what Onix was spared. If he had touched Onix in any way I would have skinned him alive, and to hell with the consequences.

  “I’ll come with you,” Gunner says from where he is sitting. “I can’t stand fuckers that think they can pick on the weak.”

nbsp; “Well let me find Linda first and then we can go pay him a visit.” I will have to go without Onix knowing as I don’t want her to face the bastard ever again.

  “I found something,” Gunner states, “one of the Blossoms is called Cristina, she has been with them for just over six months.” I look over at the big screen where Gunner is displaying an image of the women I am looking for. Her dyed blond hair limp and lifeless, her face bruised, signs of the treatment that women receive at the hands on the Hades MC.

  “Is she staying at their compound or does she live in town?” I ask looking over my shoulder at Gunner.

  “She stays in Town, will send you the address.”

  “Hopefully, she knows where Linda is,” I mutter as I stand, “well let me go find Onix, I need to let her know what to expect tonight.” What I don’t tell them is that I feel an emptiness within myself that I know she can fill with her witty presence.

  Heading out of the comms room I make my way towards where I sensed her last, I am still a distance away when I see one of the prospects keeping an eye on them. When he sees me, he nods and then turns and leaves. Since the attack from the Hades MC a few months ago where they kidnapped three of the Blossoms, one of them Sam and then killed two of them and would have killed Sam if we hadn’t retrieved her when we did but she was in a bad shape that we have ordered the prospects to keep an eye from a distance on any of the women at the club.

  The three prospects that we have at the moment are also shifters therefore they are stronger and faster than any Hades that might want to attack again. “They are all hot as hell, aren’t they?” I hear Onix say which has me stopping in my tracks.

  Who the fuck is she talking about? My anger rises as I think that my woman finds my brothers attractive.

  “Oh yes and wait until tonight at the Initiation.” Dakota says which has me raising my brow, does Hunter know that his woman finds the rest of the brothers hot as they put it. “And Hawk will more than likely be naked, Hunter was.”

  “No disrespect to Hunter but I think Hawk is scorching hot, the man just needs to come near me, and I can feel my temperature rising.” At Onix’s confession my anger diminishes slightly but the fact that she finds the others attractive still doesn’t bode well with me.

  “I know, when I met Hunter, I couldn’t believe the way he made me feel and I thought it would diminish with time, but you know what, all it has done is grow stronger.”

  “You say that Hawk will be naked, why is that?” I start making my way towards the two women, better interrupt Dakota before she lets it slip that this is the last bind between the two mates or Onix might not want to attend. Even though it does solidify our bond it doesn’t change the fact that we are meant to be or that we are already bound.

  “Well, I don’t know if it will be the same with Hawk but when. . .”

  “Ladies” I say, interrupting Dakota as I approach, both glance back from where they are sitting on a fallen tree facing the lake.

  “Are you guys done?” Dakota asks as I jump over the fallen tree and come to stand before both women. I see Dakota glancing behind her again before she looks back at me.

  “No, Hunter is still there but they will be coming down later.”

  “Hunter said the initiation will be here, I’m not sure if I’m in the right spot but the view is great from here.” Dakota says as she waves her hand towards the lake.

  “Here is fine.” I say as I catch Onix’s eye

  “It is beautiful here, and so peaceful,” she murmurs with a smile as she looks towards the water again. “Can you swim in the lake?” The image of her naked walking into the water has me instantly hard.

  “Of course, I usually come and swim here quite often,” Dakota says, and then she glares playfully at me, “don’t go telling Hunter, he doesn’t want me swimming here by myself.” I shake my head and grin at her subterfuge. She doesn’t know that the prospects will be watching over her either way, and more than likely Hunter knows that she is coming here to swim, but I’m not going to be the one to shatter her ploy.

  Looking at Onix I see her grinning at Dakota, “I can bring you tomorrow night for a swim if you like, the weather is hot enough that the water will be warm.” Her eyes snap to me and then she is nodding.

  “I would love that,” I know that if I am still not touching her by then it will be torture to be close to her when she is nearly naked and not be able to make love to her, but to see her pleasure at the idea pleases me.

  ONIX 11

  Hawk, Dakota and I have been sitting here by the Lake for at least an hour when the men start joining us. “Is there space for me?” Hunter quips as he joins us.

  “Naa, you will have to sit on the ground,” Dakota teases and then squeals as Hunter picks her up suddenly. “Hunter!” He takes her seat, placing her on his lap.

  “Looks like there is space for me after all.” I laugh at the two of them as they continue quibbling, I wonder if I give in to this pull that I feel towards Hawk if we will have a relationship similar to Hunter and Dakota’s. What the hell are you thinking Onix? You have worked your butt off and now because of a hot body and steamy sex you are willing to throw it all away? I berate myself. I hope we find Linda soon because I feel my self-control slipping every hour that I am with Hawk.

  “Good, everyone is here,” King says as he approaches, Fang is next to him and by the scowl on his face it doesn’t seem like he’s in a good mood. Up till now everyone has been friendly except for Frost but Dakota told me that ever since she met him that he has always been like that. “We will walk down to the water’s edge.” King says and proceeds to make his way there.

  I look up at Hawk as he stands, “do I go?” I ask and see him smile as he holds out his hand.

  “Yes, you can stand between Hunter and,” he looks around and I see a frown on his face, “Frost.” He mutters. I see Frost looking back towards us from where he is standing and scowling, but he doesn’t say anything. Taking his hand, I stand and am about to pull my hand away, but he holds it firm as he starts making his way towards the group. Following I look around only to see the men pulling their shirts off.

  I catch Dakota’s eye and see her wink mischievously, which has me grinning, yip she was right, this is like being at a candy shop. “Whatever happens, don’t interfere.” Hawk states and then he is bending his head and kissing me lightly on the lips. Before I can react, he is walking away towards where King is. I lift my fingers and touch my tingling lips, whatever this is between the two of us sure has my hormones at attention.

  “Hey Frosty.” I greet as he comes to stand beside me, he glances at me and scowls just as I hear the men laugh.

  “Frosty?” Hunter quips, “I like that one.”

  “Fuck off.” Frost mutters, and then he is pulling off his t-shirt. When I look around, I see that everyone is standing in a circle around Hawk, their muscles shining as the Moon rises. All their t-shirts are off, and they are all barefoot.

  “Take off your shoes sweetheart,” Hunter says.

  When I’m finally bare foot King approaches Hawk his broad shoulders shining in the moonlight, his covered tattooed chest glistening, the flames of the fire that they have burning is in the centre of the circle, his muscles rippling with his movements “Hawk, is Onix your mate?” he asks.


  “Do you accept binding Onix to your wolf?”


  “Onix, is Hawk your mate?” King asks as he looks over at me, and at this moment I have no doubts at all that Hawk is my mate, but this can’t be, I can’t be with him, I have a life back home. “Onix.” King calls.

  “Yes,” what harm is there in confirming that what he says is true, I am still going to go back to my life.

  “You both have agreed that you are mates, the wolf bond will be welcome by you and by the pack.” With those words he throws back his head and howls which in turn has all the men howling too. Standing here between impressive men, that are howling just like wolves, has th
e hair on my body standing on end. I know that they are shifters, but I was hoping that maybe I was wrong.

  “Kneel.” King says in a low growl, his eyes shining a bright amber colour. Hawk kneels before him, his eyes downcast in respect. King steps up to him placing a hand on his forehead he bends over and bites him on his shoulder. Hawks hands are fisted on the ground and I can see how white his knuckles are which tells me that the bite must be painful. After a minute he stands up straight and then steps back. “Stand.” He says blood on his lips.

  Hawk stands his eyes trained on me; I see that his eyes too are shining a dark blue with flexes of a light blue that reflects with his movement. I can feel a burning in my shoulder and wonder why the bite is playing up now, but then I realize that Hawks bite is in the same exact position as the one he gave me, lifting my hand I rub at it and then gasp as my neck starts to burn just as Hawk throws back his head and growls deep in his throat.

  It is difficult to just stand here and not go to Hawk and help him; how can I just stand here when he is clearly in pain. The burn on my neck is painful, is it possible that I’m feeling his bite? That’s not possible, is it? “Onix.” Hawk calls in such a deep voice that I barely understand. Everyone goes quiet, I look at King and see him nod, I don’t think about anything except going to Hawk. I know that he’s in pain I can see by the tenseness of his muscles as they flex in the moonlight. His breathing is harsh as if he’s been running.

  Hawk keeps his eyes on me, boring as if into my soul. “Hawk.” I murmur when I’m but a step away from him. “Calm him.” King says as he inclines his head towards Hawk. I lift my hands placing it over his heart feeling the heat radiating from him. He is so hot it feels like he will combust at any moment, in reality I think he needs some water to cool him down.

  “Hawk.” I whisper feeling awkward as I stand here before all these men trying to calm Hawk when I don’t know how or even if he will calm by my touch he’s breathing seems to be calming, his heartbeat under my hand also seems to be calming. Is this actually working, am I calming him? His eyes are focused on me, it seems like he sees nothing else around him except me, I feel my heart racing at his nearness. I feel my skin burning with passion at his closeness.


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