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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

Page 9

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Are you in pain?”

  “Onix.” My name comes out in a growl and then his arms are sliding around my waist and he is pulling me against him, his lips swoop down over mine. This kiss is all consuming, possessive I give back to him what he is offering. My focus is on Hawk, everything around me disappears. I can hear someone talking but my senses are on overdrive, Hawk is conquering my mind, my body, my very soul, for the life of me I can’t concentrate when he touches me.

  When he finally pulls away, my breathing is ragged, his eyes are still shining with an inner light that is eerie, my eyes lower to his bite and I see the angry skin around the bite. Teeth marks clearly visible, bruising already in evidence. Leaning forward I kiss the wound surprised at my actions but following my instincts.

  His hand comes up to the back of my head, grabbing my hair he pulls my head back gently. “Mine.” He states loud and clear for all to hear. The men once again howl which has the hair on the back of my neck rising. Why not be his, at least until I have to leave, I have never felt this all-consuming, overpowering sense of togetherness like I do with Hawk and I know that it’s because of being his mate and even though I was sceptical at first I can’t deny what I am feeling.

  Raising my hands to his cheeks I pull down his head until he is kissing me again. “Well I think it’s time we left these two love birds alone or we’re going to see more than we bargained for.” I hear Dixon say with a laugh, Hawk’s arm comes around my waist and he is pulling me flush against his body. I can feel his erection against my stomach.

  “Or maybe we should throw them in the lake to cool down.” Dash teases which has Hawk break the kiss and glare at the men and then he surprises me by suddenly placing his hands under my ass and lifting me. My legs entwine around his hips before I can think of what he is doing we are walking towards the water. I hear the shouts and laughter of the men and then I gasp as the water sloshes around us.

  “Hawk.” I gasp.

  “Just forget everything Onix, just go with your instincts.” Hawk whispers against my neck as his lips hover over my bite and then he is kissing it, sending ripples through my body like the ripples of the water that surround us. Closing my eyes, I clear every thought from my head and just feel, feeling his lips on my skin, his hands on my back, my legs around his hips.

  “You are mine.” He murmurs.

  Yes, I think I am. He raises his head an intense look in his eyes, when he kisses me again it is gentle his arms wrap around me hugging me close. It is an action of protectiveness; I have never felt safer than I feel right now in this man’s arms in the middle of the woods in a lake surrounded by shifters. I don’t know how long we stay like that in the water, me wrapped around him and him hugging me close, but when Hawk starts making his way back to shore I realize that we must have been in the water for quite some time as most of the men have gone and only Hunter, Dakota and Dash are waiting for us.

  “Have fun?” Dash asks with a wink as I loosen my legs from around his hips and let them slide until my feet are touching the ground. I see Hunter is hugging Dakota against his chest, her head buried against his neck.

  “How about you get dressed, my woman has seen enough of you for one day.” Hunter mutters which has Dash grinning.

  “Yeah, it’s starting to become monotonous. I can undress too if you want to see perfection.” Dash teases which has Dakota and I laughing but I notice that Hunter and Hawk both glare at him.

  “No, it’s okay Dash thank you; I believe if I see any more perfection for one night, I might go squint.” He grins at my teasing.

  “Yip, wouldn’t want you girls to regret what you are missing.” He quips.

  “In your dream’s asshole.” Hawk mutters as he pulls up his jeans, and then he is bending down to pick up his t-shirt. I look around for my boots, smiling when Dash hands them to me.

  “Thanks Dash.” I murmur as I pull them on.

  “No problem, made sure there was nothing hiding in them.” At his reply, my head snaps up to look at him which has him roaring with laughter. “You in the woods, near water at night.”

  “Thanks for the warning, I will make sure to keep my boots on.” I’m terrified of snakes, the thought that one could have snuck into my boot has me shivering in disgust.

  “We are having a party tonight, have you ever been to a MC party?” Dakota asks.

  “No,” but I have heard a lot about them, if anything Linda said is true, they can be wild.

  “These parties can get wild. I want you to stay close to me.” Hawk says as he takes my hand. Dash has started making his way back to the house, Hunter and Dakota right behind them. Hawk guides me through the woods the closer we get to the club the sound of music gets louder.

  “But my clothes are dripping wet” I state, looking down at my t-shirt that is hugging my body and my jeans.

  “I will get you something to put on when we get to the house.” Dakota says

  I see that the parking lot is filled with bikes, loud music is blaring, and I can see men and women talking and laughing as we approach. The women are scantily dressed, and the men are all hardened bikers, there are men from different clubs as I can see the names on their kuttes, but I don’t see any with the Hades MC kutte.

  “You have other clubs at your parties?” I ask as I look up at Hawk.

  “We are not at war with them, the only club that we don’t allow in our compound is the Hades MC.” Hawk says as he guides me among some of the people. Some call out greetings as we walk past but none stop us until we get inside.

  “Hawk!” a blonde woman calls as she rushes towards us, but Dash conveniently lifts her around the waist and twirls her around before setting her down on her feet. He then lowers his head and whispers in her ear before kissing her neck.

  “Who was that?” I ask as Hawk guides me through the crowd to a table at the back where most of the Wolverine MC men are sitting.

  “No one special,” he mutters, which has me frowning. If it wasn’t for Dash intercepting the woman I wonder if she would have thrown herself at Hawk. “I need to get Onix a kutte.” Hawk states to the men as he pulls out a chair for me.

  “I will organize it,” Dixon states, “I need to get a tag put on mine.”

  “I don’t really need one, but thanks.” The men all look at me with different expressions on their face.

  “You don’t want everyone to know that you are part of the Wolverine MC?” Blue asks, “Why, do we embarrass you?” At his question I gasp, I had never thought that they would see it like that.

  “Of course not, I just didn’t see the reason for wearing one,” I state.

  “If you don’t wear a kutte no one knows that you are under our protection, that you are Hawk’s. That can cause problems because none of us will allow anything to happen to you.” King states.

  I guess there is a lot that I need to understand about bikers, “That’s fine then, I didn’t understand before the reason for it.” I feel Hawk’s arm around my shoulders as he leans forward and kisses my neck.

  “Do you have parties often?” I ask as I turn my head towards him.

  “No, not often at all but when we do everyone comes.” He leans closer his lips near mine, “when we party, we make it count.” And then he is kissing me with a passionate all-consuming kiss that has my toes curling in my boots.

  “Hey boys!” Hawk raises his head glancing behind him at the greeting.

  “Haven’t seen you in a while Jasper, where have you been?” Fang asks from where he is sitting next to King. Jasper shrugs as he comes to stand between Hunter and Hawk.

  “Was in for a couple of months, my old lady’s ex decided he wanted to take her kid away but he’s a no-good son of a bitch so I paid him a visit to see if I could change his mind. You know how it is?” He shrugs “anyway the fucker had me arrested only came out a week ago.”

  “What happened to your old lady and her kid?” Goliath asks as he places his beer on the table.

  “We have her out of his rada
r, the fucker is abusive but he’s making waves.” He shrugs as he takes a sip of his beer.

  “Why doesn’t’ she place a restraining order against him, then you can acquire evidence that he’s abusive. If she has been to the hospital previously because of his mistreat or the child has been mistreated in any way and you have photos or medical records, then you can stop him from seeing the child.” I state which has Jasper looking at me in surprise.

  “We are bikers, no lawyer wants to work with us, and no judge will give us preference.” What the hell is he talking about, there should be no preference when it comes to justice.

  “I will help you, if you have medical records or photos of any beatings that he might have given then you have a case.”

  “Onix,” Hawk says in a warning tone, but I ignore him.

  “You a lawyer?” The man asks with raised brows.


  “Thank you, I will see what she can get, and I will be back,” he states with a big smile on his face. A man that is standing a couple of feet away calls him which has him glancing back and then nodding. “I have to go, but thank you, I will be in touch.” He excuses himself and then he is leaving. When I turn my head, I encounter the men’s eyes trained on me.


  “Can you help him?” Hawk asks.

  “If he has evidence of them being mistreated by the man then yes,” I state.

  “Guess you just got your first client.” Dixon says with a wink as he stands, what? I look up at Hawk’s face and see the smile on his face. No, that isn’t what I did, is it?

  HAWK 12

  “So, who is this woman again that we are here to see?” Onix asks as she looks up at the run-down building. Trina’s address has led us to the lower part of town, there is a man laying on the ground outside clearly passed out. Shouting coming from somewhere in one of the apartments and filth all over.

  “Her name is Trina, apparently her and your sister were friends.” I see Onix looking around, a sad look on her face. “You will stay here with Dash; I won’t be long.”

  “I want to come inside with you.” She says as her eyes snap back to me.

  “No, you are staying here with Dash.” I can see that she’s about to argue but it won’t avail her of anything because I will not take her, if for some reason her sister is in that apartment, I don’t want her to see in what state she will be in. Women like Trina are used to responding to men with a forceful personality, I don’t want Onix with me if I must mount fear in her so that she can confide in me. “Don’t argue, because you will not be coming in with me. She will not talk if you are there,” she glares at me but then nods.

  Looking over at Dash I get his nod, then I am turning and making my way to the entrance Hunter falls into step with me. “The smell here is overpowering.” Hunter mutters as we push open the door to the building finding trash all over the floor. Climbing the stairs, we make our way to the apartment which is Trina’s. Approaching the door, I can hear noise coming from inside which tells me that someone is there.

  Hunter knocks and then stands to the side; we hear what sounds like stumbling and then a woman swearing before the door is thrown open. “Trina?” I ask.

  “Who’s asking?” A strung-out blond is leaning against the door jamb; her hair is pulled back in a ponytail which shows off her gaunt bony cheeks. I see her blood shot eyes traveling from my face to my kutte and then she tenses as her eyes shoot back up to mine.

  “I think you have the wrong place,” she mutters and is about to slam the door, but my hand is flat on the door and I thrust it back which has her stumbling back. “Hey, what do you think you are doing? Get out of here or I’ll call the cops!” She says angrily.

  “Really, you’re going to call the cops with those drugs on your table.” Hunter mutters as he closes the door behind him. I saw the three small packets of I’m guessing heroine on her table which I’m predicting are her private stash.

  “Look, I don’t want any problems.” She mutters.

  “Good, then you won’t mind answering some questions.” I say as I walk closer to her.

  “I’m not answering any of your questions, I don’t have anything to say.” She places her hands on her hips glaring at me. Walking up to her I see her flinch when I grab her thin upper arm, she won’t need much convincing before she’s talking.

  “I’m looking for someone, and I heard that you might know where she is.” She frowns and then she’s ripping her arm out of my grip which will more than likely leave a bruise on her arm.

  “I’m not anyone’s keeper.” She mutters as she goes to sit on a threadbare couch. Pulling out the photo of Linda that I have in the inside pocket of my kutte I turn it to show it to her.

  “Do you know this woman?” I see the recognition in her eyes before she glances down.

  “Nope, never saw her.” Walking towards the couch I place my knee on the couch leaning forward. I grab her jaw lifting her face so she can look at the photo again.

  “Strange because I heard that the two of you are tight,” She tries to move her head, but I tighten my hold on her jaw. “Where is she Trina?”

  “I don’t know,” she mutters, “she disappeared, most probably went back home.”

  “What do you mean she disappeared?” She glares at me.

  “You know, one minute she’s there then she’s not, disappeared.”

  “When was this?” She shrugs.

  “Her and Jericho had a fight, I know she was meeting up with someone else from the club, but I don’t know who it was,” her hand comes up and she scratches her arm, “this was over a week ago.”

  “Do you know where she could have gone?” Hunter asks from where he is standing near the door.

  “Back home, she was always talking about her mom and sister.” She says as she looks at Hunter.

  “Was there anyone else besides you that she was friends with?”

  “Naa, we weren’t friends we just helped each other out sometimes, and I don’t think she knew anyone else besides Jericho and the guys at the club. She did like to go to the peak sometimes, she said it gave her peace.” Letting go of her jaw I step back.

  “What peak is that?”

  “That old church just out of town, one of the guys took her there once. She said that at night you can see the whole town.” I know exactly where she’s talking about and that is in Hades territory, I don’t want to go sniffing around there with them knowing. Pulling out a couple of bills I hold them out to her.

  “If you ever want to get clean come find us.” I state before turning and making my way to the door. Hunter is already standing outside.

  “Why?” glancing back I frown, “Why would you help me?”

  “Because this isn’t a life, everyone deserves someone to help them sometime.” And then I am walking out and closing the door behind me.

  “We can’t go to the peak on the bikes, it’s too close to the Hades club,” Hunter says as we make our way downstairs and outside.

  “I know,” that’s why I’m thinking of going tonight, I’ll change no one will know I was there if I’m my wolf.

  “Tonight?” Hunter asks knowing what I am thinking.

  “Yes.” Onix’s back is to us but when she hears the door of the building she snaps around.

  “So?” She asks as I approach.

  “A Hades just rode past a couple of minutes ago.” Dash says as he gets on his bike.

  “Get on.” I say to Onix only to see her place her hands on her hips.

  “Tell me what happened!” She states.

  “When we are on our way, now get on!” I order.

  “Argh,” she mutters as she jams the helmet on her head, throwing her leg over the bike. She shifts closer to me placing her hands around my waist. Starting the bike, I follow Dash, Hunter riding to my right. “So, are you going to tell me?” She asks over the sound of the engine. I can see Hunter grinning from the corner of my eye.

  “She doesn’t know where your sister is now

  “Are you sure?” At her question I swear I could roll my eyes

  “Yes, I’m sure, but she told us of a place she liked to go. Apparently, she said it gave her peace.”

  “Are we going there now?”

  “No, it’s too close to the Hades Club. We are going there tonight, so they don’t know that we are looking around.”

  “Okay, what time are we going?”

  “No, you are not going. Dash, Hunter and I are going, you are going to be waiting at the Club.” I can feel her body tensing behind me. The party went on until the early hours of this morning. Onix fell asleep around four as she was leaning against me, I carried her upstairs to my room in the house and then went back down as we all stuck around until the last person left to make sure that no one sees anything they are not supposed to or goes where they are not supposed to go. When I went up it was past seven this morning and Onix was fast asleep.

  I wanted to wake her up, kissing her body awake but she looked so peaceful that I felt bad for waking her. “What do you mean I am not going? Are you going to start with that again?”

  “Our wolves are going; we are not going on the bikes.”

  “They don’t know that I’m with the Wolverine, I can go there, and they wouldn’t be the wiser.” My stomach knots at her suggestion, my heart starts to race. I break the bike brusquely which has it skidding slightly but I hold it upright, I hear Onix gasp, but I ignore it.

  When the bike has stopped, I twist around and glare at her, “If you ever place yourself in that kind of danger, I will lock you in the room after I have spanked some sense into you.” At my angry words I see the surprise on her face and then she glares back.

  “Listen here buster, you not the owner of me if I want to go up there and prance around naked, I will do so.” She states angrily.

  “Don’t push me Onix, you will not like the consequences!” My anger is raging at her disobedience.


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