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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

Page 14

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay inside?” I frown at his angry words, who does he think he is telling me to do anything?


  “So?” Why does he look so perplexed? “This could have turned out very differently.” He states.

  “But it didn’t.” I state turning, Sam has made her way inside just in time to miss Hawk’s anger. I feel his hand on my upper arm stopping me.

  “Onix, you can’t place yourself in danger like that.” I turn looking at him.

  “You were here Hawk; I am safe when you are around.” He grunts angrily and then let’s go of my arm and walks away. I know that he worries about me, but he needs to know that I have a mind of my own and I will not be told what to do.

  HAWK 18

  “Do you need help with that?” Frost asks as he comes to stand behind me, I bring the axe down on the branch cutting it with one swipe.

  “No”. I mutter.

  “You sure?” I turn and look at Frost as he leans against the tree, looking like he’s thinking of staying something. “If you don’t stop soon, I won’t have anything to chop.” Frost usually comes out here and chops wood when he has something on his mind, guess I am taking up his playground. I rub the perspiration off my forehead with my arm and glare at him. “Why aren’t you with your woman?”

  “She makes me so mad; she listens to nothing I fucking say.” I throw the axe down, “if those fuckers had started shooting, she could have been shot, she has no sense of safety.” Frost stands against the tree his arms crossed; a brow raised.

  “Maybe she will leave soon.” I glare at him.

  “Why the fuck would you say that, I don’t want her to fucking leave.” I run my fingers through my hair, “ and that’s another thing, she hasn’t said yet what she is planning to do. It is making me lose my shit.”

  “Have you asked her?” He asks.

  “I don’t want to push her; she has just gone through everything with her sister, I don’t want to force her to make a decision that she feels forced.”

  “Speak to her.” He mutters and then he is turning and walking away, I shake my head at his advice, but I know that he is right. Not knowing what she is doing has my anger at a peak, I can’t stay here without her, but I can’t stay away from here for long either. I hate this fucking situation; I just want to be with her here.

  Making my way down to the lake I divest of my clothes before walking into the water, I don’t know how long I have been out in the water when I feel Onix presence. What the fuck is she doing here, walking through the woods when it is getting dark is dangerous.

  Looking towards shore I freeze when I see her divesting of her clothes, looking around I see if there is anyone else around but don’t find anyone. Damn woman doesn’t think, I start swimming towards shore, trying to get there before she gets completely naked. I am walking out when she divests her underwear.

  “What the fuck Onix, anyone can see you.” I pick her up hurrying towards the water.

  “You’re such a caveman.” She mutters as she folds her arms around my neck.

  “The prospects are in the forest guarding the property, you don’t know if they are out there seeing you.” I mutter.

  “You know what I have come to realize?” she murmurs.

  “What?” I mutter.

  “You worry too much.” Then suddenly she is using her feet against my legs and pulling back, diving backwards before I know what she is doing.

  “Onix,” I mutter, “Damn woman.” I dive swimming towards where I sense her, but she tries to swim away. I have warned her not to try to run away from me and swimming is the same as running. My hand wraps around her ankle pulling her towards me, my other hand moves up her body until I have it wrapped around her waist. When her body is flush to mine, I kick up to the surface.

  “You are going to make me old before my years.” I grunt.

  “I have never asked you,” I see her surprised look, “do you get old, and how old do you get?” I shake my head at her question.

  “I age the same as you, I’m more difficult to die but I can die just like everyone else.” I see her bite her bottom lip, “Okay, spill it.”

  “Well seeing as we are talking about it, how do women that are with you have children?” At her question I frown, what is she asking me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well is it human, or pups?” I’m sure the surprise on my face must be comical because my mouth is open in surprise. She thinks that women would give birth to pups, and then I can’t help myself. I throw back my head and roar with laughter.

  “Yeah, yeah I know. Dakota had the same reaction, but I thought I would just confirm.” At her disgruntled look I try to stop the laughter but the thought of that happening has me grinning broadly.

  “You are nuts.” I say lowering my head to kiss her.

  “Wait, if you start kissing me then we don’t talk.” I raise a brow, she wants to talk? The thought doesn’t really please me as talking is never good.

  “We can talk after.” I murmur, lowering my mouth, I am about to kiss her neck, but she pulls my head back with both her hands.

  “Talk first.” She states with a scowl, which has me grunting.

  “Okay,” I brace myself because I’m pretty sure I know what she wants to talk about.

  “When I came looking for Linda, I had no idea what I would find, I have a life back home. I have a job that I worked hard to get, an apartment that I have called home for a while.” My stomach tightens at her statement, this is what I didn’t want to hear, she is going to tell me that she is going back home.

  I knew this would happen, but I couldn’t decide on what I would do if that happened. “My whole life has been one of fighting for what is right, of fighting for those that can’t help themselves. I haven’t told you this, but I think you should know.” I want to tell her that it is fine that she doesn’t have to go into detail when I see the sadness in her eyes.

  “From an early age I learned that life wasn’t fair, that life isn’t always what it should be. The man that sired me and my sister.” I notice that she doesn’t call him father. “He was supposed to protect us, to be the one that is there against all outside evil, but that wasn’t the case with him. Instead he was abusive, he beat my mother and us and then he started molesting Linda.” A tear streaks down her cheek and I promise myself that no matter what happens I will go find the man and make him pay for all the pain he has made her suffer.

  “My mom went through hell to try to get rid of him, we had to hide so he wouldn’t find us. That is why Linda was the way she was, I always felt guilty.”

  “No Onix, it wasn’t your fault.” I state as I pull her tight against me and start making our way back to shore.

  “I know that, but I also know that Linda put herself in my place so he wouldn’t hurt me.” I sit down on the shore just where the water starts to recede, Onix between my legs facing the water. “Do you know how traumatic it was when he was prosecuted? Not just because of talking about everything that had been happening to us but also because of afterwards.” She leans her head back against my chest, my arms slide around her body keeping her safe in my embrace.

  “Somehow the kids at school found out, they unknowingly bullied us. That is why Linda got mixed up with the wrong crowd, they were rejects like us, they understood some of our pain. She never let me befriend any of them, keeping me safe from that side but she got dragged into the web of drugs at an early age.” She sighs and, in that sigh, I hear a decade of pain. “I asked her once, why she turned to drugs when mom and I were there, she said that the drugs just numbed the pain and that she didn’t have to face any of it with them.”

  “I’m sorry.” I murmur as I kiss the back of her head.

  “I had to tell you that part of my life so that way you know what makes me tick, I am someone that needs to be able to help those that can’t help themselves. I have the means to stop some of those assholes that think just because they can that they will
get away with hurting women and children.” I feel like there is a vice squeezing my heart.

  I understand her need to help, her need to try and make things better because that is what we try to do here every day. We fight for what we conceive to be right, we do not accept drugs in our town and we try to stop the trafficking that is done by The Hades MC, therefore I understand her better than she might think I do.

  “I promised myself that I would never let any man do to me what he did to my mother, to his daughters.” She turns her head looking back at me. “I think that is why I am so bad at taking orders, I understand that they could have potentially hurt us, but I have faith in you, but mainly I won't stand down when there is a man threatening me, I can’t, or I will not be true to my promise.” I nod, I understand her conviction and I know that I struggle with her strong will, her stubbornness but I realize that it helps her fight the demons that have plagued her all her life.

  “Hawk, you have changed my life in the little time that we have been together, you have brought the rebel heart that I once was back to me, you have shown me what tenderness is even in the midst of a war of turmoil. You have stood by me through one of the worst times of my life and you were understanding and caring.” She starts to shuffle until she has turned to the side and can see me more clearly.

  “Being here with you, with everyone that I have met has changed the way I see things. Has made me realize that I haven’t been living but merely existing. I know that I can be hard work sometimes, I can be argumentative and stubborn but one thing that I can also be is faithful to those that are true to me.” She looks at me and I can see a solemn look in her eyes, with everything she has said I’m not sure what she will do.

  “Hawk, I need to go back.” Everything around me seems to stop, how the fuck am I going to make this work if she isn’t here. I can’t live here if she isn’t here and I can’t live in a city without my pack. “but I want you to come with me, only until I sort all the things out there. I need to give notice at work, and I need to pack my furniture and get my car.” At first her words don’t make sense but then the realization that she wants to come and live here has a grin spread across my face.

  “I can’t let you go by yourself; it would drive me crazy so yes you vixen I will go back with you only until you have sorted everything out.” I lean forward taking her lips in a blistering kiss. “You did that on purpose didn’t you?” I murmur against her lips when I raise my head.

  “Did what?” She asks innocently.

  “You are going to have me on my toes all the time, aren’t you?” I growl playfully, after getting to know this woman these last couple of weeks I have come to realize that there is nothing more important than pleasing her. I always wondered about my mate, but I would never in a million years been able to guess at the fire that my woman has running within her veins. She has the soul of a fighter, a fighter of good. Onix will fit in here like she was born to this life.

  “I know I can be hard work sometimes, and I know that we will argue but I believe that we can work it out if we talk.”

  “Woman, you have turned my life upside down ever since the minute you drove up to the club. When I saw you, I swear everything around me stopped, all I could do was hear your heart, scent your fragrance, feel your energy. Since then I have felt our connection grow and solidify, when you were out of your mind with grief, I felt powerless, something that I have never felt before in my life. I wanted to be able to take your pain away, but I couldn’t, instead I learned to just be there for you and let you take from me whatever you needed.”

  I lift my hand stroking a strand of her hair behind her ear, “Onix, I thought that the minute I saw my mate I would be at peace, that I would live a life where nothing phased me, well you have shown me that I revel In the excitement of your teasing, of your rebellion. That I feel more alive than I have ever felt before in my life.”

  She smiles at those words, “and as you say, we will argue but we will also make up. I will be here for you Onix, I will stand by you no matter what but I will also be firm when need be, our life is one of danger sometimes and I cannot allow you to be placed in danger no matter how rebellious you are.” I kiss her forehead.

  “I want us to always be able to talk to each other,” Onix says, “Hawk, I might do things that you don’t agree, some of my work has men angry with me,” My body tenses, they won't dare try to hurt her, I will tear their throats out. The fury and possessiveness that I feel for this one small woman has me surprised at the strength of my reactions to her. “I can see by your reaction that you might have a problem with that,” she raises her hand placing her finger over my lips when I am about to talk, “I understand that you will want to keep me safe, but Hawk you can’t stop me from doing my job it would be the same as me stopping you from going out to catch drug dealers.” I grunt in reply.

  “As long as you know that if someone threatens you then they will have to face me.” She nods, “also Onix, I promised you that I would find the person that did that to your sister, It might take some time as the cops finding the area where the fucker was hiding the bodies will have him more cautious, but I want you to know that no matter how long it takes I will find him and when I do he will pay for everything that he has done.” The sadness in her eyes has my stomach tightening.

  “I know you will, but I’m not going to let that drive my life. I want to build a happy life with you, not one with shadows. I will face whatever happens when it happens but until then I will concentrate on us and on my mission to help those that I can, and that will start with Charlotte and her daughter Aimee.”

  “I didn’t want to be responsible for manipulating your decisions, but King has spoken to the lawyers that we have worked with before and they are excited to speak to you.” I see her eyes open in surprise, “they don’t have anyone in their practice that works on what you do, but they are keen to branching.”

  “Are you serious?” she asks.

  “Yes, I’m serious,” I say with a smile, “also, King wants you to be our lawyer going forward and we know that your speciality isn’t what we sometimes need help with but we are thinking about the women that we find and the ones that are in The Hades MC clutches, they are going to need help and I don’t think there is anyone more specialized or better to help them then you.” She throws her arms around my neck pulling my head down towards her.

  “Oh Hawk, why didn’t you tell me?” With that she is kissing me, a kiss that has my body reacting. Her breasts are now flush with my chest rubbing against me driving me crazy.

  “We need to go to the house; anyone can see us here.” I haven’t scented anyone close but at any minute that could change.

  “Oh, I was hoping that we could try the lake,” she teases, “I mean, can you imagine the water moving around us as you move inside me? ” That is all it takes before I am standing with her once again in my arms and I am rushing into the water. Her laughter has me smiling, my woman is a little devil, but I love her. That thought has me pulling her tight against me as I thrust into her body, knowing that she is ready for me, her scent was driving me crazy while sitting on shore, to be able to bury myself deep in her body feels like home.

  “You make me feel so good.” She moans as she throws back her head, her neck and chest accessible to my lips to my touch. I thrust into her body building a rhythm, at the same time I made my way down her neck kissing, nibbling. I continue my ministrations moving down. I capture one plump nipple between my teeth, her beautiful breasts glistening as the moon shines down on the water. My hands grabbing her ass as I move faster, deeper building our passion to a peak of explosion.

  This woman in my arms can drive me crazy with passion, a passion that I have never felt before with anyone else. I have always known that a bond between mates is something to be revealed, but I had never thought that I would feel the way I do. Now that she has told me that she is staying with me has taken a weight off my shoulders, nothing else matters now except pleasing my mate.

>   “Hawk.” she moans as I thrust harder.

  “Is this what you wanted?” I tease, thrusting again. She opens her eyes, her fingers moving towards my hair, entwining she grips it tight and pulls just enough to send a fission of pain through my skull and down my body. “Fuck.” I mutter as I quicken the rhythm, every thought of teasing her is gone as my body pushes me to a pinnacle of passion.

  “Onix.” I grunt, feeling myself building to an orgasm of volcanic proportions. I feel her body tensing under my hands, her legs tightening around me, her breathing laboured, her heart racing.

  “Hawk, oh, oh” she moans, her eyes closed again as she rides the waves of her passion. I grunt as I explode deep in her body, my essence warming her insides, marking her as mine. We are both wrapped around each other as we bring our hearts and breathing under control.

  “I love you woman.” I murmur.

  “Wha. . . what?” She gasps her eyes opening in surprise.

  “I said that I love you.” I see her smile ,her eyes crinkling in the corners.

  “Oh, I knew that.” She murmurs as she shrugs.

  “Oh, you did, did you?” I ask with a raised brow, and then I am lifting her high and throwing her back where she splashes into the water. She comes up gasping, her hair covering her face. I quickly make my way towards shore seeing her looking around for me.

  “You’re going to pay for that!” She yells as she sees me on shore, I lean down picking up my t-shirt, I slip it on and then I am picking up my jeans just as she starts walking onto shore. The water running down her body has me hardening again, shit this woman can make a dead man smile. I drag my jeans up my legs just as she reaches me. “This is war buster.” She says, wiggling her finger at me which has me grinning.

  “Come on Vixen, I am getting hungry and dinner is being served, let’s go back up to the house before the others eat all the food.” I see her eyes open in surprise.

  “You can smell that the food is being served from here?” She asks as she looks towards where the club is. I pick up her t-shirt and hand it to her, looking around for her bra but I don’t see it anywhere.


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