Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series)

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Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) Page 6

by Alicia Rae

  I could hear the wheels turning in her head. Now, she would not give up until she had her shopping spree, and no one could top Brooke in shopping. The woman was an unstoppable force of nature. And I could prove it because I’d seen her closet. It was large enough to be a small bedroom.

  “Sure, just let me know when. Take care,” I said.

  “You, too.”

  After I hung up with Brooke, I decided to keep writing. I had surpassed this week’s goal for writing, and I was feeling very accomplished today. I wished every day could be like this.

  My phone rang just as I was proofreading my writing for the day.


  “Hello, beautiful. What are you up to?”

  “Just finishing up a very productive work day.” I put away my laptop and went into the living room.

  “That’s great to hear. I hope you took a break to eat.”

  I could hear him shuffling something around. Then, I heard what sounded like a car door closing.

  “Actually, I’m starved. I’m thinking it’s a movie-and-pizza kind of night…maybe even pasta. How did all your work go today?”

  “It went a lot better than I had planned. I hadn’t expected them to accept my lowball offer for a building,” he answered proudly.

  I heard him murmur something to another gentleman. I wondered what he was doing. Why didn’t he just wait to call me after he got back to his hotel room?

  “That’s wonderful news for you. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. I’m very pleased with the way things went. I like to have eggs in different baskets, so to speak, and this one was shaky for some time. Abbey worked really hard on this deal for the past few months, so I’m very proud of her.”

  I could hear the admiration in his voice as he spoke fondly of his sister.

  “So, she did all the hard work! I should have known better.” I shook my head. “I take back my congratulations and reserve it for the hard worker,” I said teasingly.

  Just then, someone knocked on my door. I casually opened it to see Kyle holding pizza in one hand and his phone to his ear in the other. He smiled, and—wow—it was breathtaking. I smiled back and stepped aside, so he could come into the small foyer.

  “So…I guess I should take my pizza home with me since you’re an Indian giver.” He grinned as he hung up the phone. “Unless you would like to congratulate me again.” He paused for added effect. “And I’ll take a kiss for an apology.” His devilish grin widened.

  I licked my lips while I debated my options, and I decided to be brave. I leaned forward on my toes, wrapped my hand around the side of his neck with my thumb skimming across his defined jaw, and kissed him feverishly.

  I vaguely heard something hit the tiled floor as he crushed my body to his. Further deepening the kiss, his dominant tongue stroked mine as his whole body emitted power and strength, but he was tender and sweet, too. As I sucked his tongue into my mouth, an unfathomable growl vibrated from his chest. When I released it, he lightly bit my lower lip.

  My breathing was completely erratic as he pulled back. Holy shit! I tried very hard to steady my breathing and tame my body’s wild, erotic response to this man, a man I barely knew.

  “Christ, Lily,” he said hoarsely, his expression darkening. “That was…the best welcome back ever.” Leaning his body into mine, he seductively whispered, “The things I want to do to you.”

  I made my decision. My body wanted him. I was twenty-four years old, and it was about time my body had chosen someone, so my mind decided to be bold. “So then, do them,” I challenged. Anticipation burned deep in my stomach.

  His eyes studied me for a moment before he spoke. “Are you sure, Lily? I don’t want to push you, but fuck, I am aching to be inside you.” His hands squeezed on my waist, struggling for restraint.

  My body shuddered with sensations I had never felt before. Need…I felt pure need for this man to take me. “I’m sure,” I said confidently.

  Kyle’s eyes flared with passion as he grabbed my behind and picked me up. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist and sank my fingers into the depths of his hair. He kissed me leisurely as he carried me into the living room and turned down the hallway, unmistakably looking for my bedroom.

  His slow kisses started the tingles in my stomach as he crossed the threshold into my room. He laid me gently on the bed as he kneeled over me. He lifted my shirt and bra over my head before removing his own shirt in one swift move.

  Kyle’s lips found my breast, licking and sucking my nipple into his mouth, and I quivered. He then assaulted my other breast in the same way as the first. I arched into him, absorbing each and every sensation. He kissed his way down to my navel, and then he moved slowly to my hips, placing soft kisses on each side.

  I pulled his face back up to mine and kissed him on the lips as he grabbed my waist. He rocked his erection up against my sex, making my head fall back on a low moan. His hands came to each side of my jaw, wrapping around the nape of my neck, and he tipped my head forward until I was gazing straight into his brownish-green eyes. My chest clenched at the emotions burning through his eyes.

  I ran my hands up and down his firm chest, feeling each curve beneath my palms. Needing to kiss him, I placed small pecks along the length of his jaw as I reached for his pants. Slowly, I undid the button and the zipper. Kyle shucked off his pants the rest of the way and then removed mine just as quickly.

  He began to kiss his way up my thigh. “So sweet,” he murmured against my skin.

  His mouth and hands were everywhere, assaulting and overpowering each one of my senses. More…my body wanted more of him. After he removed my panties, he let his gaze roam up and down the length of me, taking in my bare skin.

  “You are utterly beautiful, Lily. You take my breath away.”

  I lowered his head back to mine. He began to lick, bite, and suckle on my mouth until I was gasping for breath again. His hand reached between us, and his thumb started running slow circles over my clit, making my pulse quicken more and more with each and every stroke. When his finger slowly entered my body, we both groaned together.

  “You’re so tight, Lily, and so wet. I can’t wait to be inside you, filling you.”

  “Ahh,” was all I could mumble.

  His finger and thumb stroked in unison, and then he added pressure to my front wall, making me cry out. My body writhed beneath him as a powerful charge ran through my body.

  “Let go, Lily,” he encouraged.

  “It’s so intense. How do I let go?” I panted. “What do I do?” As I twisted beneath him, I was hoping he would tell me how to release the pressure.

  His fingers stopped.

  No! My body protested.

  “You’ve never had an orgasm before?” he asked, bewildered.

  “Uh…no,” I said. Shit! Oh shit! I guess I should have told him that before now. Oh, and by the way, I’ve never had sex before either.

  “Lily…that sounded like a loaded answer.” He took a deep breath. “Please talk to me before I lose my mind over here,” he pleaded. He laid his hand across my thigh in encouragement.

  “I’ve never done this before…any of this.” I gestured with my hand, my heart beating uncontrollably. “I’m a…virgin.” There...I said it.

  He quickly sat back on his knees and looked at me. First, he seemed confused, and then his face went slightly angry. “How the fuck is that possible?” he asked, struggling with emotions that burned in his eyes.

  That was cold water to my libido. I turned my head to find something to shield my body with, and I felt…I felt too many emotions to figure them out. I just needed…space.

  Kyle instantly recognized his wrongdoing, and his gaze immediately softened, filling with regret. He turned onto his back and wrapped me in his arms, drawing me close. My breasts brushed along his chest. After he pulled a small throw to lightly cover my backside, he began to stroke my cheek softly.

  “I’m so sorry, Lily. That’s not what I meant. Wh
at I meant was, how are you still a virgin? How old are you? I guess I didn’t realize how young you are. Just please…please explain more.” He looked like he was in pain from hurting my feelings.

  I sighed heavily. I didn’t know where to begin or what to say. “I’m twenty-four. In high school and the beginning of college, I was very focused on school and my family, so I didn’t really have time to date. Plus, my overly protective cousins chased all the boys away.”

  Kyle smiled, obviously in agreement with my cousins.

  “And then, bad things happened. I just didn’t have time to think about it much. So many other things were on my mind. My body has never been attracted to someone until…until you,” I said apprehensively.

  I could see his mind churning, taking in everything I’d said.

  “Thank you for telling me,” he whispered before leaning forward to kiss my lips gently. “I’m sorry. I should have asked more questions before I let things get this far. I knew you were different, the romantic type, so to speak, and I should have stuck to wooing you first,” he said with a soft chuckle.

  I accepted his apology, and we were quiet for a moment, each processing our own thoughts, as he rubbed his hand up and down my back. My breasts were still pressed into his chest as I closed my eyes, reveling in the feel of his hands on my skin. It didn’t take long for my body to start humming again. His touch just seemed to have that affect on me.

  I rose up on my knees to straddle his waist. I bent forward to run kisses along his jaw and neck, and then I slowly moved to his ear. I leisurely licked his earlobe, and his muscles contracted beneath me as he groaned in my ear.

  “Shit…Lily, I want things to be perfect. If this is too soon, then I want to wait.”

  He tried to continue as I kept placing tender kisses down his throat.

  “I don’t want to rush you, but if you continue that, I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back much longer. You make me lose control.” His breathing was becoming heavy again, and a small shudder rippled through him as he kept stroking my back affectionately.

  I gave him a seductive smile, pleased that I could affect him, too, and it gave me the confidence to be bolder. I arched my back and lowered my hips to brush my sex along his long, hard erection. His skin was so soft and inviting that I couldn’t hold back my moan of desire for him.

  Before I could blink, he wrapped his right leg around mine, flipped me on my back, and had me pinned beneath him with wicked heat in his eyes.

  Damn…that was freaking hot! My body was aching in anticipation for what was to come.

  “As you wish, Lily. I will make love to you. Please tell me if I’m too rough. I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice was low and raw as his eyes scorched into mine.

  His kisses started out gentle and sweet but quickly deepened as his hands roamed my body. My fingers found his hair and tugged gently, making him groan into my mouth. Kyle used his knee to spread my legs farther apart as his thumb started rubbing my clit in slow, small circles. When his hot mouth closed over my nipple, I gasped and firmly gripped his biceps as I clung to his body.

  “You have the most perfect breasts, so soft and round. I won’t ever get enough of these.”

  He pushed one finger inside, grazing a sweet, rough spot along my front wall, until he swiftly found the perfect rhythm and pressure. My breathing quickly turned erratic as my legs started to squirm and become rigid.

  It was intense, so intense.

  My insides trembled with need as that tingle started from deep within my muscles again. The burn intensified in my belly, and then it started to upsurge, spreading in outward waves. As my muscles began to tighten, his name left my mouth on a plea.

  “Don’t think. Just feel,” he breathed roughly.

  He leaned his head down, replacing his thumb with his lips, and he sucked my clit into his mouth, lightly grazing his teeth over it. That took me over the edge. I cried out in ecstasy as my muscles convulsed. My senses were on complete overload, and I tipped over the edge.

  Kyle gave me a moment to even my breathing and clear my blurred vision. I blinked in pure bliss.

  “That was…wow,” I panted.

  He trailed kisses up my thigh to my hipbone, and then he lifted his head to search my eyes. “Are you sure, Lily? If not, we can stop now and wait until you’re ready.” Kyle’s expression was serious and full of understanding.

  “Yes, Kyle. I’m ready.” Although I hadn’t known him for long, it didn’t change the fact that, for some reason, it just felt right. I was where I was supposed to be, and he was the person I wanted to be with. “Make love to me.”

  Leaning over, he grabbed his pants off the floor, and after ripping open a condom, he sheathed himself.

  I reached up to grab his face, holding on to his firm cheekbones. His dark eyes bore into mine with a sweet tenderness that went to my bones. My heart tightened at the emotions running across his face. I took a hold of his lips and gently kissed them, pulling his bottom lip into my mouth, as he poised his body at my entrance. When he started to slowly push in, my body tensed in response. He lowered his hand and began to stimulate my sensitive clit again in steady measured circles.

  “You’re so wet, Lily. I love that your body is so ready for me.”

  My body immediately hummed at the sensation, and he worked his way in a little farther. He rotated rubbing circles as he inched his way in and out, trying to be as gentle as possible. My insides stretched as he continued to fill me one inch at a time.

  “Are you okay? You’re so tight,” Kyle said in a raw voice. He stopped and checked my face for discomfort as he caressed my cheek.

  “Yes, I’m okay. Just pressure but so many good sensations, too,” I reassured him.

  Kyle continued to move back and forth. As he fully seated himself inside me, my eyebrows pinched. He immediately paused to give me time to adjust. I felt so full.

  “Are you ready for me to move?” His voice was gentle.

  I nodded as the pain receded, and I decided to move my hips to make him start again. Discomfort was replaced with pleasure that I could feel deep within my muscles. I was overcome with the feelings this man was awakening in me as I stared into his eyes and felt his body against mine. I felt as though he could touch my soul. There were no words to describe our connection or the intensity of emotions coursing between our eyes and our bodies.

  “My beautiful Lily…” he breathed tenderly. “You are mine.”

  The pressure within me increased, building and stimulating. It was powerful and overwhelming and delicious. The sensations were exquisite. I could feel each stroke, back and forth, all the way down to my toes.

  My breathing became ragged as that deep tingle continued to climb and build. My body purred for more just as Kyle grabbed my hips, angling me, so he was hitting a sensitive spot along the front. I tightened my hands into fists, clutching the sheets, as the build-up increased higher than the one before. Kyle’s breathing was rough and unsteady as his eyes fervently looked into the depths of mine.

  I groaned his name and brought his body closer, needing to touch him again. I held on tightly while his thrusts persistently pounded into me over and over, burying him deeper each time.

  I cried out again as my orgasm rocked me. Kyle closed his lips over mine, swallowing my cries, as he found his own release. He pressed his nose into my head and let out a deep satisfied sigh as he slowly lowered his body to mine, careful not to crush me.

  “Christ, Lily,” he said, catching his breath.

  I could feel his heart pounding against my chest. Kyle shifted his body to lie on his side. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my back to snuggle against his chest until our breathing became shallow. Feeling our naked skin against each other had me sighing at the warm feeling. I felt like I was precious and loved.

  The tip of his finger started to deliberately trace each part of my tattoo. I feared what was coming.

  “What does this script on your back mean?”

; I did not want to have this conversation. I knew where these questions would lead, but he was not one of those people who I could defer.

  I sighed. “The first part means, ‘We only part to meet again,’ and the second part means, ‘Always in my heart.’” It had three birds flying above the two scriptures, and the entire tattoo was centered between my shoulder blades.

  His fingers lightly brushed over the tattooed area on my back. “I’m assuming the three birds represent your mom, dad, and sister?” he asked in a very gentle voice.

  I shut my eyes, and a slight tremble rocked through me. “Yes,” I breathed.

  Kyle rotated me in his arms while still keeping me close. “What happened?” His hand softly caressed my cheek. “Talk to me, Lily…I need you to let me in…”

  My breathing hitched as thoughts rushed into my mind. Do I want him to know? Would he still want me if he knew my family was gone because of me? I wasn’t sure if it was him or the way he made me feel, but I found the strength to speak. Here goes…

  “It was a car accident that happened almost three years ago, and I was driving.” My voice choked on the end.

  Pain slashed me hard in the chest as images flooded my mind. There were too many memories I did not want to remember. I tried to block them from my memory every day. Just by thinking about it, I felt as though someone had knocked the breath out of me.

  “Breathe, Lily…just breathe. I’m right here. Stay with me. You aren’t alone,” he said in a soothing voice as he held me.

  I prayed for strength. Just get it out. “It was a Friday night, and my dad received a promotion that had taken him many years of long hours and extra work. I’d also just bought my first used car, a Jeep Grand Cherokee, on my own, and my dad was very proud, so he offered to let me drive everyone out for a dinner. Dinner was great. We all talked and laughed, enjoying each other’s company, like we always did. We were a close family. My sister and I exchanged our college experiences while we had dessert. My mom was filled with so much love, listening to all our stories.” I shook my head slowly from side to side. “I’ll never forget how her eyes glowed with so much love that day.”


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