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Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace)

Page 8

by Reese Monroe

  He touched it, and a sense of his sister overwhelmed him. Not a full vision, just images flashing through his mind. Her smile. Her laugh. Holy shit, maybe he could control these vision things. He’d never tried, but they were coming more frequently now, and this one came because he touched something of Addie’s. That’d be sweet. Maybe—

  “Your eyes flickered again just now. What is that?”

  A heaviness settled deep into his stomach. “I think it belongs to the person I’m supposed to kill.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Thanks, Theophilus,” Halena said into her phone as she paced outside the hotel. “We’ll be there in a few hours.”

  “I’m just glad you finally checked in,” Theo said. “When we got word of your capture and torture, then you didn’t respond—”

  “Still working to figure things out.”

  “Wait. What’s wrong? I sense—”

  A surge of cool wind blasted Halena’s hair from her face, and Theo appeared before her, phone still pressed to his ear. And Justin stepped out from behind him.

  “Damn it, Theo.” Halena tapped end. “You can’t just show up in the open like that. You—”

  “Be calm. I can sense if people are near my target. What’s wrong?” He shoved the phone into his pocket. “There’s unrest in your mind, yet you’re shielding it like Fort Knox. What are you hiding?”

  “Get out of my head. I’ve got things under control.”

  “Obviously.” Justin glanced around the hotel parking lot.

  Theo and Justin rarely went anywhere without the other. Brothers in arms, breathed to life within minutes of each other, they were a formidable pair.

  It made her miss Dru that much more.

  “I thought you said you were tracking the demons that tortured you?” Theo stepped closer, his enormous size bearing down on her. “But…you’re on the run. From—”

  “Halena?” Addison’s voice cut in.

  “Ohhh, this is getting interesting.” Justin crossed his arms over his broad chest.

  Except for the differing eye color, he and Theo could almost pass as twins with their ebony hair, wide shoulders, and bulging muscles.

  Theo leaned to the side. “Hello…Addison.” He glared at Halena. “Who’s this?”

  “Get inside.” Halena didn’t bother to look at the girl. She could sense her fear, and her hunger. The girl never stopped eating.

  Theo stared at Addison, and his brow furrowed.

  “Stop prying, Theophilus. I’ll tell you.”

  “Come here, Addison.” Theo waved her to him. “We’re friends of Halena’s.”

  “I wouldn’t have figured her for having any.”

  “Nice!” Justin stepped forward and offered her a high five. “If I talked to her that way, she’d kick my ass sideways.”

  Nine hundred years old and Justin still acted like he was twelve.

  Theo laughed. “I see you have your hands full here, Halena. Oh…she’s your charge. You’re protecting her,” he whispered, but then his jaw clamped shut, and he grunted.

  Did he know? He was the strongest of their kind, of course he knew.

  “So, who are you?” Addison stepped beside Halena.

  That surprised her, actually. Despite the attitude the girl threw, she trusted Halena. Wanted to be near her, and knew she would protect her from anything.

  Exactly the emotional connection Halena did not want.

  Theo’s eyebrow quirked up. Damn him and his power.

  “So, you know about the Shomrei?” he asked Addison as he looked at Halena. “From the one who protects the secrets of our kind so fiercely. This is surprising.”

  “You’re softening in your old age, Halena.” Justin grinned. “You know it’ll be on Facebook in about five minutes, right?”

  “You can read minds, too?” Addison asked, looking from Theo to Justin and back.

  Theo dipped his head. “Start talking, Halena, since you won’t let me in your brain. Who’s Jace? And why would Addison want to be demon?”

  Addison choked in a breath.

  “Look. The kid made a stupid mistake, and now they’re after her. I just need a place to chill and figure out what to do with her.”

  “And her brother?” Theo asked, stepping closer. “What about him?”

  “You know Slade?” Addison asked. “Have you seen him? Do you—”

  “Shhht. Look, Theophilus. Long story short. This kid was about to take the final step into demonhood. Big bro stopped her by trading his soul in her place. Now…well…shit. I’m looking after her.”


  Justin stepped beside Theo, his eyes fixed on Halena and serious. He knew when to turn it on, that was for sure.

  Theo, not in front of the girl, please. She doesn’t know the gory details.

  Such compassion from you is surprising—but most welcome.

  Yeah, well, a lot has happened recently.

  “There they go again, having private conversations without us,” Justin said to Addison. “It’s pretty rude, isn’t it?”

  “Shut it, Justin,” Halena said.

  Theo clapped his hands. “Okay, Addison. Go get your stuff. I’ll take you two to my place a lot quicker than a car can.”

  Halena sensed the fear spiking through Addison. Indecision rattled through her mind.

  “It’s okay. Just go get our things. Let me talk to these guys for a second.”

  Once Addison was behind the closed door, Theo crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Her brother—he’s—the one who turned me over to the demons,” she said.

  A growl rattled through Theo’s chest. “And you protect her?”

  “Look. It’s a little…complicated. I—”

  “Uncomplicate it. I will not have you bringing trouble to my household. Not with my Mate nearing full term. Whatever trouble you’re in, either let us help end it or stay far away. Take this back to France so you can deal with it and watch over your domain.”

  Halena slumped forward.

  “What’s going on with you, Halena?” Justin asked. “Where’s the tough-ass, rule-following Shomrei who tried to kick Sadie’s ass to make sure she was capable enough to be Theo’s Mate? And stabbed my Mate—twice—because she was demon?”

  If only things were that easy again. Everything was so…fucked up!

  Theo reached for her. “Halena, what—”

  “I’m mated, okay? Damn it!”

  Both of their mouths fell open, and it seemed like all the oxygen was sucked out of the atmosphere at that exact moment. They just stood there, staring for what felt like hours.

  Until Justin smirked. He brought his hand to his mouth as if to cover the wicked smile.

  “I can still kick your ass, Justin.” Halena fisted her hands for emphasis.

  “You have no Mark on your neck, Halena.” Theo backhanded Justin in the chest. “What do you mean?”

  “Addison’s damn brother.” Halena stomped to the side, fingers buried in her hair. “I felt the Mark come just as I escaped. He helped me out of there in exchange for me watching out for Addie—Addison.”

  “You saw his Mark?”

  “No. I felt it as I left the building, but I know it’s Slade.”

  “And you didn’t go in there and grab him? Make him come with you?” Justin asked.

  “I couldn’t go back for him.” She shook her head. “I mean, I thought about it—briefly—but, he—I—” Halena sped to the nearest tree on the edge of the lot and slammed her fist into it.

  The sting of bark breaking her skin grounded her. She should have yanked Slade out of there. Made him go with her to get Addison. Brought them all to Theo.


  “He betrayed you.” Theo’s voice was calm, tender.

  Tears stung, but she pushed them aside. “What am I going to do, Theo?”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Hide. Run away. Run to him. Kill him. I don’t know.”

  “He traded his soul
to save his sister,” Justin said. “My Yvonne traded hers for her mother’s centuries ago—we made that work out okay. This will, too.”

  “Is he demon yet?” Theo asked. “Can you sense him?”

  “I don’t think he is.” She looked up. “But…he feels close. I don’t know how since he’s in France, but… I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “Lovesick and unsure.” Justin gripped Halena’s shoulder. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

  “Justin, I—”

  “It’s nice.” He grinned. “We’ll figure this out.”

  “Votar called him—his name is Slade—the One. And Slade has shown Votar insubordination a few times, but Votar never killed him. Beat him, yes, but not killed.”

  “So, they need Slade.” Theo looked skyward, and Halena could see the wheels turning in the nine-century-old Shomrei leader. He was a master at figuring things out, fixing things.

  “When I got to Addison, I found her mixing with demons again. One called Jace Conroy to be exact. But he was like her boyfriend, not a demon out to kill. Then I find out she’d just befriended him because she figured out what her brother had done.”

  “She was trying to save him.”

  “Family ties, I guess.” Halena hugged her stomach. “But I feel him, Theo. I feel Slade. I couldn’t if he was demon, right?”

  “We can’t begin to understand The Great One’s grand plan, but we can trust it.”

  “I…can’t. Not after…Dru. Letting someone in… I can’t.”

  “Then you go against everything The Great One stands for. He’s all about letting people in. Taking care of them. You know this firsthand and have for over eight centuries. And now, personally, with little Addie. How can you not see that?”

  Halena let the words settle, working to allow them to sift through the fear. The pain. “Your Sadie…the connection you two have.” She gulped. “It’s so intense. How…what if something happens? Doesn’t it scare you?”

  “Halena, I’ve never known loss the way you have. You lost your Companion. Your sister. That’s something I can’t understand.” He stepped close. “But the connection with your Mate, that is something you can’t understand. It comes with risk, yes, but the power it brings, the satisfaction, that outweighs all the risk.”

  “And if you lose Sadie? Or, Justin, you lose Yvonne? Won’t that be too much?”

  “You know what happens if I lose Sadie, but I rest in the knowledge I would see her in Heaven,” Theo said.

  His trust in The Great One was renowned among the Shomrei. Halena envied that, had always envied it, but she wasn’t sure she could ever have it.

  “He betrayed me, Theo.”

  “He did. For his family.” Theo gripped her shoulder and Justin followed suit. “There’s not much we wouldn’t do for family.”

  “Ditto that,” Justin said. “Look at everything you’ve done for us and our Mates. You’ve taken dagger after dagger to the chest, defending them. Defending your Shomrei family.”

  “If you really look at yourself, Halena, your love and devotion run deeper than all of ours.” Theo grinned. “Despite how much you try to keep everyone at arm’s length.”

  The hotel door opened, and Addison came through holding two bags. She hustled across the lot toward Halena.

  “Ahh, look, Halena’s a soccer mom.” Justin stepped back.


  “Ready,” Addison said.

  “You’re only a few hours from the cabin, so you should be fine to drive. Then you’ll have a car there,” Theo said. “Yvonne and Justin can—”

  “No. Not Yvonne. I can’t—”

  “She’s over it, Halena,” Justin said.

  “Over what?” Addison asked.

  “Oh, I stabbed Justin’s Mate a few times and tried to kill her.”

  “You really are a bitch, huh?” Addison said, but she held a hint of a smile.

  Justin’s eyes went wide.

  “Zip it, Justin.” Halena waved Addison to the car. “Get in.”

  Theo smiled at Halena. “Be careful.”

  Look where careful had gotten her, though. Stuck driving around an immature sixteen-year-old girl and mated to an almost-demon.

  Chapter Twelve

  Halena leaned against the car as the tank guzzled an obscene amount of gas. She closed her eyes and opened her senses. Addison was inside getting junk food. Where that girl packed all the crap she ate was beyond her.

  The noon sun hung high and bright. Halena’s stomach was full, and she was ready to get to the cabin and figure out her next move.

  A sense of panic rippled through her, and she faced the store. Addison stumbled through the door and stopped. Her bags fell to the ground.

  But what disturbed Halena more was how Addie’s eyes flashed white.

  Halena sprinted to the girl. “Addie. What is it?”

  She shook her head and rubbed her temples. “Oh…um. Wow, that was a massive headache.” Looking up, she squinted. “Got any aspirin?”

  Halena probed her mind, but it was muddled. She saw images of Addie gathering her hoard of food, then it got muffled, hazy. But an image of Slade flashed through.

  “Were you just thinking of your brother?”

  “Yeah.” Her shoulders slouched, and she bent over to retrieve the two bags.

  Hairs shot up on Halena’s neck. The buzz of demons nearby overtook her senses. She reached back for Addie just as two creatures rounded the corner. They were at least six and a half feet tall, and their fangs were fully descended.

  Addie clutched Halena’s belt loop.

  “When I tell you, run back into the store. Lock yourself in the bathroom. You hear me?”

  “No. No. I’ll stay with you. Safest with you.”

  “I can’t fight with you hanging on to me. I’ll come for you. Ready? On three.” Halena drew her Mavets. “One.”

  The demons sprinted toward them.

  “Two. Three. Run!” She pushed Addie away, and the girl sprinted for the door as Halena rushed at the two demons.

  They roared as she slid along the asphalt, daggers up and ready. She jabbed them into their stomachs. “Reverto ut Abyssus!”

  Dust plumed. Another pair of demons rounded the corner. The south corner, too. Halena scrambled up and ran toward the car. Lure them away from the store, yes, that was what she had to do.

  Three of the four followed. One went inside.

  Halena faced the demons, knees bent. They stopped, keeping about six feet between them. They were buying time for the other demon to get to Addie. Damn it. Halena charged.

  She tossed the daggers at the two demons on the ends, leaving the middle one for her. “Reverto ut Abyssus.” The two vaporized but the third was ready. He rammed his dagger into her shoulder.

  Blood spurted. She spun, kicking out his knee as she fell to the ground. One thrust had her up and on her feet again, but her daggers weren’t within reach. She ran toward the gas pump, then planted her foot near the handle to give herself some height. One push and she was up and over the demon.

  Tucking her knees to her chest, she turned a revolution, then landed on her feet, next to one of her blades.

  She snatched it up, then the other, and took off for the building. The demon gave chase, roaring after her. She opened the door, ripping it off the hinges. Shattering glass rang out, but she moved on. Her heart pummeled her chest. Don’t be dead. Don’t be dead.


  A scream slashed through Halena’s soul. Her fangs jutted out, and the Shomrei emerged with such a force Halena had to roar to accommodate the energy.

  The demon had demolished the bathroom door and was stepping in by the time Halena made her way there.

  Tackling the beast at the waist, she buried the blade deep in his gut. “Reverto ut Abyssus.” The body disappeared beneath her, and she landed with a groan. Two strong hands hoisted her up by the shoulders.

  She swung her blade but missed. Fangs slashed into her forearm. Claws carved into h
er arm. Another scream from Addie.

  Halena swiped again. Weakness seeped into her muscles, though, and the attempt was feeble. The demon dodged, and his forearm collided with hers, knocking the blade loose.

  His talons slashed at her throat. Though her Shomrei protection deflected his attempt to behead her, skin was still broken. A fire-laced sting burned through her neck to her chest.

  She snapped at him, catching his finger. Bones cracked. He arched away, and she struck. Fangs sank deep into his flesh, and she twitched, ripping out his throat.

  The demon gurgled and slumped to the side. She buried her blade in his ribs. “Reverto ut Abyssus!”

  The creature vanished, and she fell to the ground, spitting out the nasty blood that had leaked into her mouth. She hated biting.

  Bile stung at the back of her throat.

  “Halena.” Addie’s shaking hands pressed her bleeding shoulder.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Here. You dropped this.” She handed Halena the Mavet dagger. “Damn, you’re strong.”

  “Wait. You can touch that?” She plucked the weapon out of Addie’s hand. First Slade, now his sister? Was this weapon not sacred anymore?

  “I figured you’d need it in case any more creeps come.” She helped Halena to her feet. “You’re bleeding so much.”

  “You okay?” Halena glanced at the shredded bathroom door, then grabbed Addison by the shoulders, inspecting her. “Any cuts? Did one bite you?”

  “I’m good.” She grinned. “You called me Addie.”

  Leave it to the brat to realize that. Halena wasn’t exactly sure when she’d started referring to this little stinker by her nickname, but it’d happened.

  Damn it.

  “Where’s the cashier?” She needed the subject changed immediately.

  “On the phone.”

  “Let me trance him, then we need to leave.”

  Halena made haste wiping the attendant’s mind and hurrying out to the car. Damn, those cuts and bites were deep.

  An SUV with dark windows squealed its tires as it skidded into the lot. Demon sense tingling, Halena decided running would be better. She was weak.

  The doors opened, and there wasn’t enough time to make it to her car. Mavets in hand again, she stepped in front of Addie. “Stay behind me.”


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