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Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace)

Page 9

by Reese Monroe

  Theo. Need a little help.

  In a blast of wind Theo, Justin, and Yvonne rushed out from behind Halena’s vehicle.

  “Halena?” Justin said.

  She pointed to the SUV, then fell to her knees. “Demons.” Flashes of Slade rammed into her. Her heart stammered, and her hands went sweaty.

  “Halena?” Addie asked, helping ease her to her side. “Halena! Are you okay?”

  A demon jumped out of the driver’s side and charged, fangs dropped. Theo and Justin attacked, leaving Yvonne to guard Halena and Addie. Halena clutched the young girl to her and held a Mavet out in case anyone got past Yvonne.

  Yvonne squatted, her hands fisted. Her arms were bare, as were her legs. Anything that touched her would vaporize so that made sense, but Halena didn’t like her so close to Addie.

  The passenger side door of the SUV opened and out stepped Slade.

  Yvonne rushed toward him, hands outstretched.

  “No!” Addie screamed and jumped to her feet.

  “Addie. Lena!” Slade yelled.

  So much happened at once, Halena had trouble tracking it all. Justin veered off his demon and charged Slade. Theo rammed his dagger in the other demon’s chest and said the vanquish. Justin, dagger poised, sliced Slade’s arm. Yvonne reached for him.


  “Stop!” Theo yelled and sped toward Justin. “Stand down.”

  Yvonne skidded to a stop a mere foot from touching Slade.

  Holy shit, that was close.

  Halena pushed up to her feet, all muscles tensed to keep her upright despite the light-headedness.

  Justin moved toward Slade again, who was now slumped on the asphalt, blood oozing from his shoulder.

  “Lena.” Slade’s gaze landed on hers. Her chest warmed and neck tingled. An invisible force urged her to approach him. To touch him.

  She stiffened her back.

  Justin reached for Yvonne’s hand, focus shifting from Theo to Halena.

  “What’s happening?” Addie asked as she inched toward her brother. “Slade?”

  Justin steered the girl clear of Yvonne and urged her toward Theo, but she turned toward Slade instead. Yvonne slid on gloves that reached mid-bicep.

  Addie fell to her knees in front of her brother and yanked him into a hug. “You’re alive. And I don’t see fangs.”

  He stood, taking Addie with him. Slade was probably the best big brother on the planet for all he’d sacrificed for his sister, and he held no grudge. He simply hugged his sister tight, twisting at his waist.

  “Theo, can you heal him?” Halena asked. Sure, she wanted him healed, but that didn’t mean she was ready to get her Mark. She lifted her chin toward Yvonne and Justin. “Thanks.”

  Justin dipped his head. “You okay?”

  “No.” She rolled her neck, cracking things back into place. “Poison takes longer to heal.” And it hurt like a banshee.

  Slade captured her focus with his unrelenting brown eyes. She ordered herself to look away, but couldn’t. Damn him. Damn the Ahavah connection.

  Ahh, who was she kidding? She was glad to see him safe—and not demon.

  Theo touched Slade, and he twitched. Addie’s eyes went wide as she watched the slice in his shoulder disappear.

  The muscles along Slade’s jaw tightened. Addie looked from him to Halena and back to her brother.

  Theo released him and said, “He’s not demon.”

  Addie hugged Slade at the waist. “Thank God. We got you in time.”

  “But he’s close.” Theo pulled Addie away and looked to Halena. “Addie’s his final kill.”

  “Damn it! Addie. Get over here.” Halena reached toward the girl. “Now.”

  Addie squirmed out of Theo’s grasp and dived for her brother again. Justin intercepted, grabbing her around the waist, and twirled away from Slade.

  “I won’t hurt her.” Slade’s voice eased over Halena’s ears like a familiar song.

  “Better safe than sorry.” They didn’t know what kind of fucked-up game the demons were playing with Slade and Addie—Halena, too. Couldn’t chance it.

  “Let me go!” Addie yelled, but she couldn’t free herself from Justin’s grip.

  Sweat poured down Halena’s back. Her heart was hell-bent on breaking through her chest, and she had the sour taste of bile in the back of her throat. She just wanted a shower, rest, and some seriously powerful mouthwash. But no, she was staring eye to eye with her Mate, unable—unwilling—to act on her impulse to touch him. She’d get the treasured Ahavah Mark on her neck that matched the one she knew he already had on his shoulder.

  Hell, her neck pulsed as if it were Marked already. No—she wasn’t ready for that.

  Wasn’t sure she ever would be.

  Slade stood tall under the scrutiny of two Shomrei Gatekeepers. “It’s Theo, right? And…Justin, your Companion? I read about you.”

  Theo dipped his chin. It didn’t escape Halena’s notice that he stared at Slade and kept his feet shoulder-width apart as if ready to fight.

  “I need a favor from you, Theo.” Brave little bugger, asking for anything.

  Theo stepped forward. “What?”

  “Kill me, please.”

  “No. Slade. No.” Addie squirmed again within Justin’s grip. “Please.”

  “Why on Earth would you ask that of us?” Theo sheathed his Mavet.

  “To keep Addie safe. You have to kill me. I don’t want to hurt her. I—” He gulped, staring at Halena. “I’ve hurt too many people already. I need this to fucking end.”

  “It doesn’t break your contract. You’ll go to Hades,” Theo said.

  “Fine. As long as Addie and Lena are safe. That’s all that matters.”

  “They’ll just send more demons for Addie,” Justin said. “You dying doesn’t solve anything. But it’ll leave Halena alone for eternity. And trust me, nobody wants that.”

  “Justin!” Halena smacked his shoulder.

  The idea of Slade dying punched a hole in her chest. But he was almost demon. His kill—the final act to transition—had been assigned. He hadn’t done it yet, and wouldn’t, considering it was his sister, but the demons wouldn’t let that go. They’d hunt him—and Addie—forever. Halena jammed her fingers into her hair and pulled hard. What the hell was she going to do?

  If you mate him, he might be saved. Theo’s voice sliced through her mind and straight to her heart.

  She froze.

  He’s still human. He hasn’t taken a life.

  I can’t, Theo. I just—can’t.

  I’ve read his thoughts, Halena. There is more to him. More to Addie. This is bigger than all of us.

  Doesn’t mean I should jump into bed with him, Theo. He betrayed me. I—what—how do I get past that? She wanted to, but…feeling so strongly for someone scared the shit out of her. What if—?

  A warm hand rested on her shoulder. “Maybe not now. Give it some time.”

  She looked up at Theo. He had no doubts, did he? This guy had waited more than 900 years for his Mate. Never even touched another female. He would have mated Sadie when he first laid eyes on her—without even knowing anything about the girl. That was how strong his faith was.

  Evidently Halena’s faith needed some work. But so much had happened over the centuries. For her to open herself up, totally and completely, to someone… She couldn’t. She barely knew Slade.

  “Take him to the cabin with Addie. We’ll dig into Jace and Votar and see if there’s a connection to the remaining Artifacts.”

  “What am I supposed to do with them up there?” Halena asked. “What if he hurts her?”

  “He won’t.” Theo smiled. “And if he tries to, you’ll stop him.”

  “You sound so sure he won’t hurt her.”

  “He’s not meant to be demon, Halena. He’s been marked for more.” Theo tapped her neck. “As you will be.”

  She batted his hand away. “Fine. Can you splice us there?”

  He stepped away. “The drive wil
l do you good.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Damn drivers.” Addie flipped the bird at the passing car.

  Slade sure had missed her. It was nice to see her so…lively. She was smiling, laughing, and driving horribly as she always did. And he’d know, he’d taught her.

  Lena sat in the front seat, staring out the window. She hadn’t said more than a few words since they’d piled into the car. Slade was thankful for a chance to get a quick nap, but now the silence was beginning to deafen him.

  “We’re almost to the cabin. You think there’s food there?” Addie asked. “Cuz I’m starving.”

  “When aren’t you hungry, chiante?” Lena sat up.

  “How’d you find her?” Slade asked.

  “Your computer, Mae, and my stellar Shomrei talent.”

  Addie laughed. “You should have seen her, Slade. She was amazing. She—”

  “That’s enough.” Lena’s firm voice sent a chill through him. He grabbed the back of Addie’s seat to pull himself up more.

  Lena flinched. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t.” Not until she asked. No. He couldn’t, that was the next step in the mating process, and from what Votar mentioned about it, Slade couldn’t chance touching her.

  God, he was so screwed. He wanted her bad, but he’d royally betrayed her, which didn’t help his chances at all. And if he did get lucky enough to fully mate with her, it somehow played into Votar’s plan.

  Not to mention he was practically demon. Son of a bitch. He’d take final exams and a plain nine-to-five job over this complicated crap any day.

  Lena crossed her legs and wiggled her foot. “Turn right up here. There’s a store.”

  “I’ll run in, considering you two are covered in blood.”

  “Grab us some clothes, too.” Lena handed her a credit card. “Use the automated lines—they won’t check for signatures.”


  Addie, the forever shopper.

  The car came to a stop and Addie jumped out.

  “How is she?” Slade asked Lena.

  “Nuts. She was cozying up to Jace—a fairly old demon, by the way—looking for you.”

  “Fuck.” Slade fell back against the seat. “I met that prick. What was she doing with him?”

  “Stubborn little chiante.” Lena positioned a fan on herself and combed the hair off her forehead. Her skin glistened with perspiration. Funny, it wasn’t that hot in the car. “She was trying to find you.”

  “But no demon stuff, right? She’s…human.”

  “One hundred percent.”

  “Good. That’s all that matters.” He coughed through the thickness in this throat. “Look. I’m— About the— I—”

  “Save it.”

  “No. I have to say it. Please.”

  “I said no. It’s fine…I get why you did what you did.” She eased farther away from him, until her shoulder met the window. “I’m not touching you.”


  “You poisoned me, Slade! I…you”—her jaw tightened—“fucking betrayed me. That’s not something I can get over with a snap of my fingers.”

  “I’m sorr—”

  “I said don’t.” Lena looked straight at him. “It’s my fault. I…let my guard down.”

  “And I took advantage. I fucked up in an epic way, Lena. Epic.”

  “Don’t call me that. Let’s just see what we can figure out. Tell me what you know about Votar and Jace.”

  Slade told her about the demon university up in France and his lone encounter with Jace.

  “Didn’t get it set up for you like most final steps?”

  “No. Said I had to find the target on my own with only the clues in a bag he left me. That’s how I realized it was Addie. I found her necklace.”

  “Sick sons of bitches.”

  “I knew I was right to ask you to protect her. You won’t let me hurt her. You’d kill me first, right?”

  “It won’t come to that.” She glanced over her shoulder. “But yes. If you try to hurt her, I’ll stop you.”

  “Thank you, Lena.”

  “I said don’t call me that. It’s too confusing.” She shook her head. “Tell me more.”

  “They made me watch your torture. To see if it’d trigger the Ahavah Mark.”

  “What the hell?” She turned around in her seat. “Votar told you that? But that’s impossible. Why would he even think that might work?”

  “His Oracles saw some things about us, I guess. They were…trying things.”

  “Why are the demons doing all this game-playing crap? What’s the endgame here? Did they ever mention anything about Artifacts or overthrowing Lucifer?”

  “No. Wait, overthrowing who?”

  “I’ll tell you in a second, but did you hear anything about the last two Artifacts? Where they were or anything?”

  “No. Tell me more about these Artifacts.”

  “There are seven items that can overthrow Lucifer—if the demons get their hands on them. We have five: the Ring of Episteme, which allows the wearer insight into whoever’s mind the wearer so chooses; the Thata, which can create splices anywhere; the Sword of Terentia, a sword forged from the fire of Hades, its metal lethal to angelic beings; the Bracelet of Aoratus, which renders the wearer invisible; and Yvonne, who can vaporize any living thing to dust with her touch. There are two we still haven’t found, the Gem and Necklace of Desmios. Alone, they are useless, but when paired, it renders the wearer invincible. If the demons get all seven Artifacts, they’ll overthrow Lucifer. Chaos ensues. World ends or just becomes one soul feast for the demons.”


  “Welcome to my world.”

  “Holy shit. I didn’t get that far in my reading at the university, I guess.”

  “But with this Votar, Jace, and now you mention an Oracle involved…something’s up. They’re going to a lot of trouble for you and Addie.”

  “I think Votar and Jace think I’m an Oracle, and they want me for that reason or something.”

  Lena brought her leg up on the seat, resting her elbow on her knee. “Oracle, huh? You have visions?”

  “Yeah. They’re random usually, but I’ve been having more these past few weeks.”

  “Coming into the power. Let me guess, eyes flash white?”

  “How’d you know?”

  “Addie’s did it, too, back at the gas station.”


  “Ten bucks your Grams has it, as well.” Lena punched her thigh. “No wonder she wasn’t all freaked out when she saw me in action.”

  “Wait. Grams saw you in action?”

  “Demons crashed her house. I took care of them. She’s fine, but she didn’t seem all that taken aback by my Shomrei powers. I wonder if your parents had powers. Oracles are usually a family thing. Blessed by The Great One at the origin of your birth line, and it’s passed down.” Lena took in a deep breath and looked out the window. “But things are making more sense now. Any visions about us or the outcome? Can you make them happen? Control them?”

  “No. I didn’t know that was an option until I touched Addie’s jewelry box and got a vision of her. You think I can control this?”

  “Possibly.” She glanced out the window toward the convenience store. “Addie’s almost done and on her way back.”

  “You can sense her?”

  “For some reason I’m pretty attuned to her brain waves. I can sense anyone—with the exception of you—but she comes in stronger. More like my fellow Shomrei, almost.”

  “So, Grams and my parents might have been Oracles?”

  “Only when called upon are Oracles activated. The Great One must have had it in His plan to activate you if you were having visions as a child. Knew you’d be needed.” She sat straight. “Here she comes. Anyway, I’m worried that Addie’s now seeing things, too. Not that she’s aware of it. She explained it away as a headache, but I saw the flash of white.” She glanced at Slade.

  God, he wanted to touch her face. Her smooth skin. Kiss her lips. He’d tasted them when they’d first met, before all this shit happened, and now it felt like he may never get the chance again.

  “Stop it!” Lena said. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “Sorry.” He eased back into his seat, watching his sister approach the car. “Go on.”

  “The Great One must need you. And all this crap with Votar and Jace has to be connected. They want you for the same reason.”

  “To make me a demon Oracle.”

  “They have a few, but maybe they need you for… Oh shit. The Artifacts. I wonder if you’re a key to finding one. Or both.”

  The door opened and Addie said, “I hope you like pasta and apple pie!”

  “My favorite.” Slade reached over the seat for the bags. She winked and handed them to him.

  “Addie, jump in!” Lena bolted out her door.

  Slade reached for Addie, but something jerked her away. “Slade!” Her voice faded as the darkness swallowed her little body.

  He burst out of the car just as Lena rounded the back end. “Here.” She tossed him a dagger. “Since you can handle these things, make yourself useful.”


  Halena sprinted around the corner of the store. Addie’s scent was stronger to the left so she kept on. Buildings passed in a blur. “Addie?”

  No response. Please let her be okay. Please.

  Footfalls behind her had her checking over her shoulder. Slade followed closely. He must have some demon speed in those legs of his because Halena was booking it.

  Come on, Addie. Where are you? Damn, that girl had weaseled her way into Halena’s gut.

  “Let me go!”

  Halena skidded to a stop. Slade spun away, hands up, nearly colliding with her. “Shhh,” Halena said, then pulled in a deep breath and closed her eyes.

  Where are you, Addie?

  Frantic thoughts flooded Halena’s mind. Addie’s thoughts. Two demons. One held her with his hand over her mouth. Halena couldn’t flesh out the location of the second one. There was too much chaos in the girl’s brain.

  Images started flashing. A Dumpster. A dagger. Another demon around the back corner of the building.

  Good job, Addie. We’re coming.


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