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Forsaken (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3)

Page 12

by K. R. Fajardo

  Grinning, Janil gently patted his arm. “I have my moments.”

  Together they wound their way along the trail until the medical tent came into view up ahead. There, just outside the main entrance, several Full blood men stood intensely talking amongst themselves in low voices. Each one wore a serious expression and was dressed in a set of battle leathers with various weapons decorating their sides. “Who are they?” he asked lowly, not taking his eyes of the geared up men.

  “Not sure,” Janil answered easily, “But from the way they are dressed I would assume they are the men Tyran has chosen to travel across the border with you. Why?”

  “Something doesn’t feel right.”

  Tightening her grip on his arm, Janil continued to lead him forward, “You are being paranoid again.”

  “Perhaps, but it’s my paranoia that has kept me alive this long.” He answered gruffly, still allowing Janil to lead him forward. As they came closer, the men outside halted their conversation and watched him with narrowed eyes as he moved passsed them and stepped inside the tent.

  Upon crossing the threshold, Jarod’s anxiety immediately transformed into rage when he spotted a young man and woman, dressed in modest, solid grey attire, sitting patiently at the small table in the center of the tent along with Jaron and Maya. “Son of a…” Jarod cursed, jerking his arm away from Janil.

  “I’m sorry Jarod.” Janil whispered, before swiftly moving to the back of the tent where Mikel awaited her.

  “Just give us a chance to explain.” Maya began. Rising from her chair, she took a cautious step in his direction.

  “Don’t you take another damn step.” Jarod growled. “I told you I was fine and to leave this alone. Can’t you just once do as you are told?” Hurt contorting her features, Maya quietly retreated behind Jaron who had joined her standing between him and the donors.

  “Jarod, it’s not her fault…”

  “Go to hell.” Letting out a frustrated growl, Jarod turned to go back out the front of the tent, only to be blocked by the geared up Full-bloods, now joined by Tyran. “Get out of my way!” he shouted, shoving the one closest to him in the chest. Though he faltered slightly, the man did not budge from his position, which only angered Jarod even more. “I said get out of my way.” Pulling back his fist, Jarod took a wide swing at the same man, but it was caught in mid-air by Tyran. “Can’t let you do that man.”

  Jerking his hand free of Tyran’s grasp, Jarod shoved him hard, only to become further enraged when he too did not budge. Frustrated, Jarod ran both his hands through his hair, flinching when he grazed the stiches in the back. Needing to find some way to release the rage boiling the blood in his veins, Jarod turned his angst on a nearby chair. Kicking it with all the strength he could muster, he sent it flying across the room on a direct course with Janil’s head. Luckily, Mikel jerked her to the side just in the nick of time, allowing it to crash into the canvas wall behind them.

  “Yeah this was a great idea.” Mikel mumbled crawling back to his feet and assisting Janil back to hers.

  Feeling a pang of guilt for having almost injured the grey-haired lady who had never show him anything but compassion, Jarod heaved a heavy breath and faced Tyran and the men once more. “Step aside and let me out of here before someone gets hurt.”

  “Sorry, no can do.” Tyran folded his thick arms across his chest and nodded in Jaron’s direction, “I’ve got my orders.”

  “I don’t give a shit about your orders,” Jarod snapped, standing toe to toe with Tyran. “Move out of my way before I make you.”

  Tyran smirked smugly, “Give it your best shot.”

  Fuming Jarod stared back into Tyran’s cocky expression, consumed with the overwhelming desire to rip out the man’s throat.

  “Don’t even think about it Jarod.” Jaron warned, “all of them are blood feeders and they all have recently fed. You however have not had a significant feed in weeks, if not longer, and are in no condition to take them all on, as well as me.”

  “Not that it is any of your business,” Jarod snapped, facing his brother, “but I’m fine.” Though he spoke the words confidently, Jarod knew they were a lie. He was starving. Besides the small amount of blood he had taken from Maya at the inn to kill the hunger pains, he hadn’t fed on blood in well over a month, and his body was beginning to feel the effects.

  “Are you?” Jaron snapped back. “Your wounds aren’t healing, your strength is diminished, and you are sleeping. Hell, I came and went from your tent this morning without waking you.” Taking a deep breath to steady his own nerves, Jaron continued, “Be reasonable Jarod, if I had been a patrol officer or stars forbid the Shadows, you and Maya would be on your way back to the Tower as we speak.”

  “I am being reasonable.” Jarod shouted, pointing a shaky hand at the donors. “But I told you before, I can’t feed from them!”

  “Can’t or won’t?” Jaron retorted angrily. “Tell me, what the hell is it you have against donors?”

  “What do I have against donors?” Jarod scoffed, pain cracking his voice. “Do you not remember what my first assignment was after the Shadows finally succeeded in breaking me?”

  Confusion marred Jaron’s features as he looked over his shoulder at the donors, still calmly seated around the table.

  “To prove my loyalty, and my willingness to follow orders, the Shadows ordered me to hunt down and kill as many of them I could find.” Grabbing a handful of his own hair, Jarod released a ragged breath as his mind became ravaged with memories he had tried so hard to forget. “And I did it. I killed them all. Men, women, and children, it didn’t matter, the Shadows viewed them as a liability, because they were a means of keeping the Full-bloods strong, therefore needed to be eradicated.” Casting his gaze to the young man and woman, Jarod sighed, “I took my anger at the Shadows and directed it on to a race of people that had done nothing to deserve the things I did to them. And I nearly succeeded in wiping them out… actually thought I had until you told me several years ago you had a troupe of them living in Oasis.” Jarod slumped, gazing from the donors to his brother, “I don’t have any idea why the two of them agreed to do this, but I am telling you Jaron, I can’t feed from them… it just wouldn’t be right. Not after everything I have done to their people.”

  Silence befell the room as Jaron and the others finally understood Jarod’s conflict all too clearly. However, one thing now bugged Jaron nearly as much as his brother’s failing health. If what Jarod said was true, why had Ivy agreed to help the very person she knew was responsible for so many of her people’s demise. Bewildered, Jaron turned to address the donors, “Ivy, if this is true… why did you even agree to do this?”

  Ivy, looking as calm and serene as always, tilted her head slightly, “Because it is our duty.” She stated matter of factly, “You have provided us with shelter and safety. We will do whatever you ask of us sir… it is not our place to question your decisions.” Silence filled the room, as every set of eyes fell on Ivy, dumbfounded by her words.

  After taking a moment to recover from his shock, Jaron pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, “There is so much regarding that statement we need to discuss. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time for it at the moment.” Then turning back to Jarod, he released a ragged breath, “And we still need to figure out what to do with you. I mean, I understand what you are saying, but we don’t have red formula, and even if we did, eventually you will start going through blood withdraws. I am actually surprised you have managed to make it this long without any effects.”

  “I’ll figure something out.” Jarod sighed, the last of his anger evaporating with the hopelessness of the situation. “All I do know is I can’t… won’t use them this way.”

  “What about me?” Janil’s soft voice spoke up from the back of the room, catching everyone’s attention.

  Jarod narrowed his eyes, “What about you?”

  “Why don’t you feed from me?”

  “Absolutely not.” Mikel sou
nded from behind her, grabbing her arm he spun her so she was facing him. “Have you lost your mind?”

  “No,” she responded calmly, gesturing in Jarod’s direction, “Look at him, he needs to feed, and our options are limited. He can’t go outside Oasis and kill a patrol to feed without risking being seen or rousing attention to this area, and if he won’t feed from the donors, then he is going to have to get the blood from somewhere.” Focusing her attention back on Mikel she continued, “I don’t know if you have ever witnessed a Full-blood withdraw from blood, but back when I was a young girl and the Shadows first took control, I did. And I can tell you right now, it was one of the most frightening things I have ever seen. The need literally drives them insane as the pain of each of their internal organs shutting down becomes more and more unbearable. Even the strongest and most controlled of them eventually lose to the craving, and once they do, no one is safe.” Shuttering slightly at the recollection, Janil glanced over at Jaron and Jarod with sorrow in her eyes. “There is nothing in this world more sad or dangerous than a Full-blood going through withdraws.”

  “It doesn’t matter, because I am not feeding from you either.” Jarod ground out.

  “And why not?” Janil huffed, “You have done it once already, and it wasn’t that bad. Would you rather live with the guilt of killing an innocent person when you go insane?”

  “You’re too…”

  “Don’t you dare say it.” Janil snapped, shaking a finger at him. “I am the same age I was when you did it the first time.”

  “I nearly killed you the first time!” Jarod shouted, causing the whole room to jump. Running a hand down his face, he lowered his voice, “Look, I appreciate what you are trying to do. But once I start feeding, the darkness takes over and I can’t stop. And this time, Janil, there is no red formula to bring you back.”

  “So what can we do?” Maya asked quietly. But aside from the glare she received from Jarod, no other response is offered and the room went silent.

  “Oh, hell. I will do it.”

  Every head in the room turned and stared at Tyran with mouths agape, but none more so than the men standing at his back.

  “What?” he quipped, shrugging off their shocked stares. “It’s makes a lot more sense than letting him feed on an old lady. No offense Janil.” He added when she crossed her arms and scowled at him. “Anyway, as I was saying. He needs to feed and can’t use the donors or Terrians out of fear of harming them. I, on the other hand, am a Full-blood, in my prime, and I just fed yesterday. Therefore, he can feed from me, take as much as he needs, and not have to worry because I can feed from the donors and heal when he is done.”

  “This could work.” Jaron stated, quickly glancing from Tyran back to Jarod.

  “What! You’re not seriously considering this are you?” Jarod shouted, pointing at Tyran, “Because if you are, forget it. There is no way in hell I am going to be indebted to this asshole.”

  “Do you have a better idea?” Jaron prodded, “Because if you do I would love to hear it.”

  Jarod’s mouth fell open, but words failed him. Because despite his protesting, even he can’t deny that this was probably his best option. “Shit.” He grumbled, as a wave of pain radiated through his abdomen. “Fine. I’ll drain the asshole. But there is no way in hell I am doing this in front of an audience.”

  “Agreed,” Tyran seconded, turning to the men behind him. “You guys wait outside.” Without question the trio turned and exited the tent, whispering amongst themselves as they disappeared through the flap. “And don’t any of you speak about this to anyone! If I hear one comment from anyone who is not present at this moment, someone will have me to contend with at the next exhibition.”

  Shaking his head, Jaron turned to Mikel and Janil. “You two wait outside also, but stay close by in case something goes wrong and we need your help.” Nodding, they silently followed the men out the flap. Once they were gone, Jaron shifted his attention to the donors.

  “We will wait outside with the others.” She stated calmly, as she and her companion rose from their seats at the table. “And of course we would be honored to provide our services to Tyran, once this is done.” Then without so much as a glance, the two of them wordlessly strolled out of the tent.

  “I will definitely have to deal with them later,” Jaron mumbled, shaking his head as he watched them exit.

  Ignoring him, Jarod glared angrily at Maya. “Get. Out.”

  “What? Me?” she gasped, stumbling slightly under the intensity of his glare. “B-but shouldn’t I stay in case you lose control?”

  Barely had the words escaped her when Jarod was suddenly across the room, towering over her with eyes blazing red. “I said GET OUT!” he yelled. Terrified, Maya retreated behind Jaron who quickly stepped between them. “Easy brother, she is only trying to help.”

  “I don’t need her help and I damn sure don’t need her to ’control’ me.” He snapped. “What I do need is for her to get the hell out of here, because right now her presence is pissing me off. Or do you want ’pretty boy’ over there to feel all my rage surging through him as I feed.”

  With an exhausted sigh, Jaron faced Maya. “He has a point, maybe you should wait outside. If he’s this angry now, it’s only going to get worse while he’s feeding, and all that negative emotion can bleed into to Tyran making the process… less than pleasant.”

  Doing her best to conceal her disappointment Maya nodded, then slowly wove her way around Jaron, and then Jarod. As she did, Maya kept her head low, making a point of avoiding eye contact with the three males still in the room, fearing she would lose what little control she was managing to maintain. Miraculously she made it past all three of them without making a complete fool or herself, and stepped out into the welcoming sunshine. There she was greeted by the pitying stares of the others who had also been banished from the tent. Not ready to face, or talk with anyone, she dropped her gaze back to the ground, and moved toward the back of the crowd. Taking a seat underneath a nearby tree, she drew her knees into her chest, hugging them close to her body as she rested her head on top of them.

  Much to her relief, no one attempted to talk to or console her, instead they turned their attention back to one another and began chatting casually amongst themselves. She could hear bits and pieces of what they were saying, enough to know they were all curious about what to expect on the other side of the border, but for the most part she tuned them out and instead slipped slowly into her light.

  It was a trick she learned early in life. As young as five years old, Maya could remember immersing herself into the comforting glow to escape the harsh reality of her life. There, wrapped in the calming brightness, she was always safe. Sure, her father could beat her, damage her small body until she lost consciousness, but he could never get to her spirit, so he never could truly break her.

  But where her father had failed, Jarod had succeeded. He had found his way into her light and she could blame no one but herself. After all, she was the one who invited him in with arm’s wide open. Now the one safe place she had held onto for all those years was tainted and the bright beacon of light that had once called her to safety, was now nothing more than a dull glow. A faint flicker that burned no brighter than the flame of a single candle.

  Unable to hold it back anymore, Maya wrapped her hands around her head and began sobbing.


  Hurriedly wiping her face, Maya glanced up and was greeted by the concerned expression of Mikel. Upon seeing her tear streaked face, Mikel sighed and took a seat beside her. “Don’t let the things he said get to you. He was just upset at the moment.”

  “He hates me.” She sobbed, shaking her head. “All I wanted to do… all I have ever wanted to do was help him. But he thinks I am trying to control him.”

  Mikel wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder. “He is a man Maya, and a very proud one at that. Believe it or not, I myself am guilty of this particular vice. Heck, back when my wife was still a
live, I used to get so angry because no matter what I asked her to do, she always seemed to do the opposite. Like once, I sent her and Rigar to pick up supplies a friend of a friend was supposedly selling, even though Lilith repeatedly told me she had a bad feeling about the whole thing. But the man claimed to have red formula that he would sell to me at a discounted rate, as well as some surplus supplies. However, on the day the exchange was supposed to take place, the clinic was super busy because of a cave in at the construction site. So, despite her qualms about the situation, Lilith agreed to do the pick-up for me along with Rigar.

  “But when she returned several hours later, she only had half the supplies I had been promised and no red formula. Angry, I questioned her about it, and she admitted that she hadn’t gone to meet the contact, instead she went to one of the locals we normally used, saying she had a bad feeling about the other meet up.” Shaking his head, Mikel rubbed his hand through his hair, “I was furious. I mean she had paid the same amount of money for half the amount of supplies and we still didn’t have any red formula, all because ’she didn’t feel good about it?’ ” Mikel made air quotes with his fingers as he rolled his eyes, making Maya chuckle. “We yelled and screamed at each other for hours, me calling her a foolish stubborn woman, and her calling me a controlling misogynist.” Mikel paused winking at Maya, “any of this sound familiar?”

  “Kind of.” She answered with a weak laugh. Wiping away the last of the tears, she turned to look up at him, “So what happened?”

  “I ate my words and apologized later.” Mikel laughed, “As usual she was right. Come to find out her intuition was on point. The whole thing had been a set up, designed to weed out Full-blood sympathizers. When Lilith didn’t show, they contacted another clinic in town who did go to get the supplies. When they arrived, they were arrested on the spot by members of the Blackguard and hauled to the Tower for execution.” As the memory returned, Mikel’s expression saddened, “My pride and arrogance almost cost my wife and best friend their lives that day. And that’s a hell of a thing to have to live with.”


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