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Forsaken (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3)

Page 13

by K. R. Fajardo

  “But they didn’t go, so it all worked out,” Maya added, leaning into his embrace.

  “Yeah, I got lucky.” Shaking himself out of the gloom, Mikel squeezed her tightly against him. “Anyway, my point is, even though it’s hard for him to see it now, one day Jarod will look back on today and realize you were only trying to help. And when that day comes, you can hold your head high, look him straight in the eye, and say I told you so.” Mikel practically sang the last part, causing her to giggle once again.

  Across the yard, the tent flap suddenly opened and Jaron stepped out. Everyone immediately stopped whatever conversation they were in the middle of and watched silently as he scanned the crowd until his gaze settled on Ivy and the other donor. Heading their direction with a serious look upon his face, he spoke a few words to them, while gesturing toward the tent. The pair then gave him a slight nod, before disappearing through the flap. Once they were gone, Jaron set his sights on Mikel and Maya.

  “It’s done,” he said as he neared.

  “Is he all right? Did it work?”

  Jaron considered her for a moment, taking notice of her reddened eyes and tear streaked cheeks. “He is fine, better than fine actually. I have never seen him look better.” Glancing over his shoulder at the door, Jaron continued, “I already took the sutures out of his head. He is just hanging back to be sure Tyran recovers completely before we leave.”

  “Well, that’s good,” Mikel remarked, as he climbed back to his feet and dusted off his pants. Patting Maya on the back, he slowly turned and made his way back toward the tent, “Maybe now we can finally get the clinic back to being a clinic.”

  “That would be good… but Mikel,” Jaron hesitated, as Mikel glanced at him over his shoulder. It was clear from his uneasy expression, that Jaron was hesitant to continue, however after a few more moments pause, he gathered enough courage to continue. “Listen, I know we haven’t been getting along lately and that you are still angry with me about concealing the Link from you… but do me a favor and hear me out before you get angry and jump to the wrong conclusion.” Extending his closed fist, Jaron opened it and revealed a small vial filled with a green liquid.

  Stepping closer to inspect the object, Mikel glowered up at Jaron, “What is it?”

  “A very powerful sedative.” Jaron answered, hesitating once again. “It places the person who drinks it into a comma until an antidote is administered.”

  Mikel’s eyes instantly narrowed into slits, “And why would I need something like this?”

  “You won’t, but Citera might…”

  “You want me to sedate my daughter?” Mikel bellowed, capturing the attention of the others. “Absolutely not! Have you completely lost your mind? And why the hell would you want me to do that?”

  “It’s for her own good Mikel.” Jaron waved his hands trying to get Mikel to lower his voice.

  “Her own good!” Mikel shouted, refusing to be so easily silenced. “By the stars you never change.” Spinning on his heal, Mikel stormed back toward the tent. “Keep your sedative, I will not allow you and your queen to do any more damage to my daughter than you have already done.”

  “Would you rather she suffer?” Jaron shouted behind him, stopping Mikel in his tracks. “Because that is exactly what will happen when the pain of the link finally hits.” Jaron paused and dropped his gaze to the ground, no longer able to meet Mikel’s angry glare. He knew what he was about to say was only going to anger the protective father even more, however, given their current situation, Jaron also knew he had no choice. “I am giving you this, because Citera said herself yesterday that the blocks were beginning to fail. And given the time I know it is going to take us to get there, combined with however long it is going to take me to convince Mallok to return K to us, I’m afraid we aren’t going to make it back before the full effect of the separation hits.” Pausing, Jaron released a heavy sigh, “I have witnessed this happen once before and… the pain is excruciating Mikel… for both of them. It will start with warning pains that won’t seem so bad at first, just a mild twinge in her core here and there. But as more time passes without the gap between them being closed, the pain will become increasingly worse, until it is so damn agonizing that she will beg you for death.” Slowly moving forward, Jaron, took Mikel’s hand and laid the vial into his palm, “When that happens and you are desperate to take her pain away, give her this.”

  “You want me to put her in a coma?” Mikel asked stunned, as he slowly tried to absorb the reality of what Jaron was telling him.

  “Just until we return,” Jaron responded cautiously. “Once we are back, the first thing we will do is administer the antidote.”

  “And if you don’t return?”

  “We will.”

  “How can you be certain?”

  A smug grin formed on Jaron’s lips as he motioned toward something behind Mikel. “Well, for one, we have him on our side, and no one across the border is going to be prepared for the havoc he will unleash upon them if they don’t return K to us.”

  Before Mikel could turn around and see what Jaron was gesturing at, Maya came up beside him and gasped.

  “By the stars…” she breathed, staring over Mikel’s shoulder with her mouth agape. Curious as to what had her all flustered, Mikel spun around and followed the direction of their gaze to the entrance of the medical tent. There, looking freshly healed and completely rejuvenated, Jarod stood shrugging his jacket back on over his shoulders. Though he physically looked much the same as before, just minus the cuts and bruises, there was an aura of strength and uninhibited power radiating off of him that was impossible to ignore. All around them the yard fell quiet as one by one the other members of their troupe, both Terrian and Full-blood alike turned to face the source of awe inspiring power.

  “What did you do to him?” Mikel gasped, staring in disbelief.

  With a sly grin, Jaron shrugged his shoulders. “What can I say? The Shadows weren’t complete idiots, they kept him half-starved for a reason.”

  “Did he kill Tyran?” Maya questioned, suddenly feeling very concerned about the well-being of the kind hearted volunteer.

  Jaron chuckled, “No, but he did drain him dry. It will take the blood of both the donors to get him back on his feet. But he was right, he was in top shape and his blood has not only healed Jarod, it has increased his strength to a level I don’t think he has ever attained before.” Shaking his head, Jaron added, “I can’t even imagine what he will be able to do once he does finally reach his full potential.”

  Both Maya and Mikel’s attention snapped to Jaron, shocked by his words. Because if the beast of a man standing before them, pulsating with raw power, was not already at his full-potential, then Maya doubted the stars themselves would be able to stop him once he was.

  Quietly they stood together watching as Jarod scanned the crowd, until his attention fell upon their small group. With a determined stride, he crossed the distance in only a few steps, cutting through the onlookers like a hot knife through butter. Frightened and unsure of this newer, stronger version of the man she had grown to care for, Maya eased herself behind Jaron. Coming to a stop just a few steps away, Jarod completely ignored her presence as he addressed his brother, “Tyran will be fine, still an asshole, but fine none-the-less.”

  “Good to hear.”

  Then without so much as a glance in Maya’s direction, Jarod continued around them and down the trail, “I will be at the edge of the forest waiting on you, when you are ready.”

  Maya watched his back as he disappeared from sight and into the awaiting arms of the forest. He hates me. The words echoed in her mind, taunting her with visions of him leaving her forever as a dull ache took root in her chest. Placing her hand over the annoying throb, Maya subconsciously rubbed the offending area which steadily worsened the further away from him she became.

  “I guess I should go inside and check on Tyran.” Mikel’s voice sounded behind her, dragging her attention back to him as he glanced
down at the small vial still resting in the palm of his hand.

  Jaron followed his gaze, “I truly hope you don’t have to use it Mikel… but just in case.”

  “Yeah, me too.” And with a curt nod, Mikel sighed and walked away. Once he had disappeared inside the tent, Jaron turned to face Maya.

  “Are you going to be all right?”

  Struggling to hide the fact she was hurting, Maya nodded weakly, forcing a half-hearted smile. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be? For the first time in my life, I actually feel safe. I no longer have to look over my shoulder in constant fear of who or what could be lurking in the darkness. I don’t have to seek the permission of anyone for basic rights such as feeding. And I don’t have to fear being beat to within an inch of my life because of something I said or did. I love it here Jaron, the Oasis is everything I could have hoped it would be plus more. And everyone here is so nice and friendly. It’s so wonderful to fall asleep not having to fear something as basic as a knock on a door…” Realizing she was rambling incessantly; Maya paused and took a deep breath to steady her nerves.

  “But…” Jaron prodded, the sympathy and compassion in his deep mahogany eyes making it clear he did not believe that she was telling the entire truth.

  In mere seconds, he had managed to see through the fragile wall she had struggled to build and her tears began to fall once more, “He hates me. He thinks I am trying to control him, but I’m not. I swear Jaron, I’m not.”

  Jaron wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close, “I know you’re not dear. And deep down, he knows it too.”

  “But he said…”

  “I know what he said. But he’s not thinking clearly. He is confusing your concern for his well-being with the control and manipulation he has been forced to endure his entire life. For the first time, Jarod has the ability to choose and decide for himself what he wants, and like a child with a new toy, he is furiously protective of that new found freedom.” Pausing, Jaron pushed her back and smiled softly as he wiped the tears from her eyes, “Just be patient and give him the time and space he needs to figure this all out.”

  “But I am so scared Jaron.” She cried, as the tears continued to stream down her cheeks, “What if I give him the time and space he needs and he decides that he doesn’t want me anymore? What if he grows to resent me forcing myself into his life and believes what we have is nothing more than a lie? What if, now that we are free and no longer have to depend on each other for our survival, he chooses to move on?” Pausing as uncontrolled sobbing racked her small frame, Maya lowered her head into her hands.

  “That’s not going to happen.” Jaron soothed, pulling her back into his arms. “Jarod may be hot-tempered and stubborn, but I can assure you he is not a fool. He’s just confused and angry. Like our mother used to say, ‘he can’t see the forest for the trees.’ ” Seeing her brows knit in confusion, Jaron stopped and tilted her chin so she was forced to look him in the eyes. “Even though he may have temporarily lost sight of it, you are the best thing that has ever happened to him. Just give him time to remember it, and I promise, once the distraction and newness of all that is happening finally clears, he will realize with shocking clarity where his true feelings lie.”

  Draping a heavy arm over her shoulder, Jaron led her down the path that Jarod had just left down. “Now come along, we have an adventure to begin.”

  Chapter 6

  With a determined stride, Marko weaved his way through the castle with two of his bravest flanking him on either side. They moved together as one, each of their steps landing with synchronized precision and echoing loudly off the smooth granite walls, emphasizing the looming emptiness that surrounded them. Not once in his twenty-five years of living within these walls had Marko ever seen the castle this still. Halls that were normally filled to the brim with servants, guards, and officials laughing and joking as they went about their daily tasks, now stretched before him barren of the normal liveliness and happiness that he had grown to love.

  But it was this haunting stillness his king had commanded of his people, and being the loyal subjects that the Elemental race were, it was stillness they had given him. Days ago, after the arrival of Lady Kirsten, Mallok issued a castle wide mandate, calling for a halt to all activities and proceedings until the completion of the White Queen’s trial. And while his king claimed this was a necessary precaution to ensure the safety of his staff, Marko had the sneaking suspicion the mandate was just as much for the benefit and privacy of the reclusive queen.

  He was not blind to the way his king’s demeanor had changed since her arrival, of the way his eyes lit up when he spoke of her or how he had been fretting day after day, trying to ensure she was as comfortable as he could make her, given the situation.

  And while Marko didn’t understand his king’s willingness to protect the woman, who he openly admitted stabbed him in his sleep, Marko was devoted to his king and would respect his wishes so long as they did not put him in danger. After all, who was Marko to question the will of a man who had already survived multiple centuries? The man had lived to witness the rise and fall of countless governments, seen innumerable wars fought and lost, and in the process amassed a knowledge that Marko would never come close to gaining a fraction of. And while Marko did have reservations and concerns that his king may not be thinking subjectively when it came to the woman he had referred to him in confidence as “the love of his life,” Marko chose to hold his tongue and do as he was told. After all, his role in this trial was not to judge her for her crimes, that honor went to the Council. His purpose in this matter was much simpler, though not without its own risks.

  Rounding a corner, the three men entered into the secluded hallway that held the queen’s room. At the sight of the guarded room at the end, Marko’s hand instinctively tightened on the hilt of his sword until his knuckles had turned as white as the stone walls surrounding him. His heart rate instantly doubled and his muscles tensed. Not wanting to appear weak or fearful in front of his men, Marko steadied his breathing and swallowed his nerves. Holding his head high, he threw back his shoulders and carried himself with an air of confidence that he definitely didn’t feel.

  Whatever you do, don’t show fear. Mallok’s last words to him echoed over and over again in his head. It was the only advice he had offered Marko after informing him he would be the one charged with escorting the queen back and forth between her room and the throne room during the duration of the trial. He had assured him that it was merely a formality, that tradition stated once the trial began, Mallok would no longer be allowed to visit or speak with her outside the proceedings, therefore he could not do it himself. He assured Marko that the queen would not try to escape, that the binding crystal the Wanderers had placed beneath her ribs, only inches from her heart, bound her to him and if she did try such a thing, a mere flick of his wrist would embed it into her heart and down her until she was recaptured.

  Still the task was not without its dangers. K, as she seemed to prefer to be called, fed off not only the blood of others, but their emotions as well. “She can draw strength from your fear.” Mallok had told him. “Keep your mind clear and focused at all times and whatever you do, don’t let her draw you into her game.” Mallok paused, the seriousness in his gaze doubling Marko’s heart rate. “I mean it Marko, she is a skilled temptress with centuries of experience. Many a man’s life has been lost after becoming entangled in her web of lies and half-truths.”

  OK. Show no fear, don’t believe what she tells you, and don’t die. Marko mumbled under his breath. Sounds easy enough.

  Inhaling deeply, Marko recited a quick prayer to the stars asking them to bless him with the courage needed to do his job and make both his king and his father proud. Coming to a stop in front of the two guards posted outside the door, Mallok nodded a greeting before turning his attention to the lone form staring out the patio doors to the garden beyond. “That’s all she does,” one of the guards commented following his gaze. “Day after day,
she just stands there looking out into the garden.”

  Marko said nothing. Instead he gave the man a slight nod, acknowledging that he had indeed heard him as he continued to stare at the enchantingly beautiful, but deadly figure. Beware the vibrant colors and alluring patterns, my son, some of the most beautiful flowers in this garden are the deadliest. His mother’s words flashed in the back of his mind before he could real them back in.

  Get it together, he chastised himself mentally. It’s those kinds of thoughts that will get you killed.

  Taking a few moments to clear his mind and settle his nerves, Marko watched her silently. She stood as regal and unmoving as one of the many statues that decorated the garden outside. Not once during the entire time he watched her did she adjust her stance or shift her weight. In fact, the only movement at all in the room came from the gentle breeze blowing through the open doors, billowing the curtains and fluttering the queen’s long black hair and red dress.

  Knowing he could delay no longer, Marko inhaled deeply, then turned to the two men following him. “Wait here, I am going inside.”

  Brows furrowed, the two men stared at him as if he had lost his mind. “Sir, are you sure that is wise?”

  Marko guffawed, “No, I’m positive it is not wise. But there is no other way to do this.” Stepping forward, he touched the edge of the boundary which responded with a sharp pop that would have floored a normal person. But for Marko it felt no worse than a feather being brushed against his skin. And it was for this reason Mallok had asked the castle’s resident Caster to create the barrier out of electricity. Other than Mallok himself, Marko was the only other Elemental in Vanteria that possessed the rare gift to manipulate the electrical currents without the use of blocking bands.

  “Let me have the queen’s band.” Marko said, turning to the nearest guard.

  “This is crazy.” The burly man protested as he reached into a pouch and removed the golden band.


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