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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

Page 15

by Lauren Wood

  I know I would have to accept her two other friends but at this point I would do absolutely anything for her.

  “Angela, you’re one of the most amazing girls I’ve ever met in my life. Believe me when I say that because I’ve met tons of girls,” I laughed out but as she stayed silent I knew I had to be serious about this. “Who cares if I don’t deserve you and you don’t deserve me. If we want each other then we should be together even if the world isn’t on our sides. At least we aren’t fighting alone, we have each other now.” Her glassy eyes stared at me with happiness.

  It looks like she couldn’t believe such words escape my mouth. I couldn’t believe it either. But that’s the thing about her, she’s the only one who’d see this side of me. No one else.

  “That makes me happy.” she said as she smiled and snuggled deeper into my arms. Now all I have to do is keep him away from my Angel.

  Chapter 9


  I’m happy. Who am I kidding?

  I’m ecstatic. The people around me can feel it in the air, especially Stephen and Fran. I woke up early one morning, and that is enough to shock both of my best friends. I’m a party girl so you can expect me to not be a morning person, but that morning I was up and early. Not to mention I was in a great mood.

  I skipped right out of my room and greeted my two best friends by placing a kiss on each of their cheek. Stephen looked at me weirdly as he drank his morning coffee while Fran smirked as she ate cereal. Our usual mornings were either one of them trying to get me up to go to work.

  “Good morning.” I practically sang.

  “Who are you? And what have you done to my dear Ange?” Stephen asked with exaggerated horror in his eyes. Fran only giggled as she said “I guess somebody got laid.”

  Technically, I did get laid but that’s not the reason why I’m happy.

  I got a boyfriend.

  Stephen and Fran knew that I only had a boyfriend once. After my first boyfriend broke my heart I vowed to never again get a boyfriend which is why I became a party girl and strung along a lot of men. My first boyfriend didn’t cheat on me nor did he broke up with me through text, he did something worse in my opinion.

  He told me right to my face, pointed out all my flaws, and called me names that shattered my trust in every man. Then suddenly Jaxon walks into the picture, he wasn’t nice to me. He rejected me the first day we met and told me to my face that I wasn’t his type, I should not fall for him. But I did.

  I couldn’t exactly explain it but it was a feeling, like some sort of string tied both of us together. Fate is what I like to believe, but the more I think about it I would think fate is just a lame excuse and the real reason would have something to about his abs.

  “Or maybe someone just got a boyfriend.” I teased as I practically danced around the kitchen to get my breakfast ready. Fran and Stephen’s eyes widened as both bolted up and slammed their hands on the table.

  “Boyfriend?” both shouted in unison.

  We were already making a fuss about it early in the morning that I wasn’t surprised that there was a knock at the front door. I approached the front door ignoring the two shocked people at the table staring at me with wide eyes and jaw dropped.

  When I opened the door my heart literally leaped right out of my chest, there standing at the door was a shirtless Jaxon with his hair messed up almost like he just rolled out of bed.

  “You guys are loud.” he grumbled, he seemed irritated. I could see Fran and Stephen staring at the both of us shock. Jaxon immediately wrapped his arm around me as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. Fran then smirked and said “Oh, look at the new love birds.”

  “Jaxon and Angela sitting in the tree…” Stephen started singing but then he was silenced by Jaxon’s murderous glare. “What are you twelve?” Jaxon asked. This made Stephen pout. “I guess getting a girlfriend doesn’t make you less of an asshole.” Stephen mumbled.

  “I feel like I want to kill him.” Fran said I could already see the fire in her eyes. “You two… be nice to Jaxon.” I told them sounding like their mother.

  “How come I knew she was going to say that?” Stephen asked no one in particular. “He’s the one not being nice!” Fran growled as she pointed to Jaxon. I rolled my eyes at the two and said “You guys already know that Jaxon is an asshole—”

  “Hey!” Jaxon interrupted as he snapped his head towards me.

  “But that doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole as well.” I continued.

  Stephen and Fran continued their breakfast. Suddenly Jaxon scooped me up into his arms and started walking out of my apartment and towards his. “I’m stealing her.” Jaxon announced.

  Fran was quick to call out “Don’t forget you’re working today!”

  I couldn’t reply Fran since I was caught off guard. By the time Jaxon and I were safe inside his apartment Jaxon wasted no time as he pressed his lips against mine. Immediately he moaned into the kiss as our lips moved in sync with one another.

  He pulled back and showed me one of his most dashing smile. I still can’t believe that a person like me could’ve ended up with someone like him. He might not be perfect but to me he is. He’s an asshole that I can admit, but lately when it comes to me he becomes this whole new person. It’s like to everyone he was this moody short-tempered asshole but to me he was the complete opposite, and it was only me he shows that side.

  “I’ve been dying to do that since you left my bed.” he almost purred as he place me back on my feet and trapped me against the wall. He suddenly had that perverted smirk smacked on his face and said “I’ve also been dying to be inside of you.” I bit my lower lip and playfully smacked his shoulder.

  “If that happens then I’ll never get to work.” I said which he just started leaving light kisses on my neck and mumbled “I don’t mind.” Of course he doesn’t, if it was up to him then we’ll never leave our bed for the whole day. “Hey Jaxon, it’s almost Stephen’s birthday and we’re holding a birthday party for him at Fancy Cups. Would you come?” I asked.

  “If you’ll be there then I definitely will.” he said still continuing his light assault on my neck. I arched my neck to give him more access and I managed to say “I still can’t believe that I’m yours and you’re mine.” He grabbed my face roughly to make me look into those piercing silver eyes of his as he growled sexily “You better believe it, if not then I should remind you every night.”

  He then slammed his lips upon mine in a searing passionate kiss.

  No wonder I agreed to be his girlfriend because this kiss is just amazing.

  Chapter 10


  It’s been a few days since I get to call Angela mine. As each day passes she grows more and more confident in herself. I can see her doubts slowly fade away. And each of those days she surprises me. If I thought she’s an amazing person before than she’s an even more amazing person now.

  When she couldn’t believe that we belonged to one another I told her that I’d remind her every night that she belonged to me, and I did. Every night I showered her in kisses and made love to her more than she can imagine. We’ve done it so much that some of our neighbors were knocking on our door to shut us up.

  Today was the birthday celebration of her friend, Stephen. Angela and I were in charge in buying the birthday cake. I wasn’t used to this sort of thing, the last time I’ve ever had a cake for my birthday was when I was five-years-old.

  I even kept a close eye on Angela and Kathy, my sister just in case he was around. I didn’t want him anywhere near them.

  “Hurry up Jaxon, we’re going to be late.” Angela fussed as she started walking ahead of me while holding my hand, and in my other free hand was the cake. “You’re going to make me drop the cake.” I told her. Angela has also warmed up to me, before she used to be shy and bowed her head. Now she talks about random things, but when we’re in bed she’s extremely submissive.

  Just thinking about her being submissive makes me get
excited. I could feel my member throbbing in need, the need to be inside her has only grown stronger.

  Finally we arrived at Fancy Cups where Angela works, and the shop that her red headed friend also owned. When we entered Angela called out “We’re here!”

  Her friend Stephen asked “Did you get the cake that I wanted? Mocha flavor with vanilla icing?” Angela nodded as she gave her friend a hug. Stephen was probably the only guy who would come near Angela without me beating the hell out of. If any other guy would come near my Angela then I would make sure they won’t be able to produce ever.

  Angela’s red headed friend, Fran ran into the main room from another room and said “They’re almost here.” Another girl ran behind Fran, I noticed that she was the quiet girl back from the flower shop who was buying flowers for someone.

  “Hey Jaxon, this is my friend Lucy. Lucy this is my boyfriend Jaxon.” Angela introduced us. I could never get used to the word boyfriend. I was never someone’s boyfriend before, I always thought that women were troublesome and that the more the merrier. It has always been like that but unexpectedly a woman like Angela has changed all of that.

  Same for her. She told me the story of her first boyfriend, and I told her how I was glad that he did what he did because if it wasn’t for him then she wouldn’t be who she is now. The Angela that I love. I told her that I wouldn’t know what she’s like before because I only know the current Angela, and I think that she’s amazing.

  The shop was decorated with balloons and ribbons. It almost seemed like we were getting ready for a child’s birthday party rather than a grown adult. I thought that I would’ve behaved the entire party, I know I’m not that nice towards her friends so I decided that I would at least tolerate them on this day. Since Angela has put in a lot of effort for this day.

  It wasn’t until two people showed up. The bell rang at the entrance and I was busy helping Angela hang up one of the ribbons up top where she couldn’t reach.

  “Ooh! You guys are finally here. Did you get everything on the list?” Fran ran over to whoever entered the shop, more friends I guess. It seemed like a small group of friends who acted like family, something I really never had or more like I had but never acknowledge any of them.

  “Jaxon, I want you to meet Fran and Lucy’s boyfriends.” Angela said happily as she dragged me towards the front. I was focused on Angela’s beaming smile, admired how beautiful she looked today. That’s until my eyes drifted to the new guests. My smile turn into a menacing scowl. Standing in front of me was none other than Ciel and Zen.

  When they noticed my presence they also scowled at me, everyone else was oblivious to the death match between our eyes. I’ve known Ciel and Zen for a very long time now and to say we don’t get along was a huge understatement.

  Ciel and Zen were my enemies back in street fighting. I’ve been known for beating Ciel at street fighting which was a huge deal back in the streets. Ciel was known to be undefeated and I was the only one who could. They wanted a rematch after Ciel went on a long training session but I suddenly disappeared from the street fighting, and they’ve been searching for me ever since. They never thought that I would be working at a flower shop.

  “Jaxon I want you to meet Fran’s boyfriend, Ciel. And Lucy’s boyfriend, Zen. Guys I want you to meet my boyfriend, Jaxon.” Angela introduced us. Still everyone around us three were oblivious to our death glares. My eyes quickly glanced at Angela who looked absolutely ecstatic that I was meeting her friends. I didn’t want to ruin her mood especially since I decided to tolerate her friends.

  My eyes connected with Ciel and Zen, and gave them a message with my eyes that only guys could understand. “It’s nice to meet you.” I said.

  Ciel and Zen gave a nod which earned a slap to the shoulder from Fran to Ciel. Fran frowned and so did Ciel “That’s not how you greet someone.” Fran scolded him. “That’s how guys greet guys.” Ciel argued. Fran rolled her eyes as both of them walked elsewhere arguing like an old married couple.

  Angela gave a sheepish smile and said “Don’t worry, that’s normal.”

  I looked back at Zen and narrowed my eyes. Zen grabbed a silent Lucy and walked off as well. Angela looked confused about the situation and a bit disappointed. I cupped her face and pressed my lips against hers just to take her mind off of the situation. She looked shocked at first but then her face instantly melted into a smile.

  I could never get tired of seeing that beautiful smile on her face.

  “Okay, since everyone is here then we should start with the games.” Stephen announced. “What if customers come in?” Zen asked.

  “We’re closed today. Although Stephen will be paying for today’s venue.” Fran said which made Stephen pout.

  “So what games are we playing?” Angela asked excitedly.

  Everyone’s eyes were filled with excitement except for Ciel, Zen, and I. No one noticed not even the birthday celebrant. Stephen was explaining the rules of the game but I wasn’t paying attention at all not even Ciel nor was Zen paying attention.

  I’m even surprised that Ciel was able to hold back this long. Ciel knew what I was thinking and once a smirk made its way onto my face that’s when Ciel finally snapped. “I can’t take this anymore.” Ciel growled which caught everyone’s attention and most of them were shocked from Ciel’s sudden outburst.

  “What are you talking about Ciel?” Fran asked as her usual scowl appeared on her face. Ciel then pointed towards me and asked menacingly “What the hell is he doing here?”

  “Wait, you guys know each other?” Fran asked but no one answered her.

  “Excuse you Ciel, but Jaxon happens to be my boyfriend.” Angela spoke up for me. I silently praised my girl.

  “He has no right to be here.” Zen added which earned a look from his girlfriend, Lucy. Angela’s face contorted into an expression I haven’t seen before which was filled with rage and fury. By the shocked expression of Angela and Stephen I could tell that Angela rarely gets angry.

  “He has every right to be here.” Angela hissed. My heart jumped in delight, seeing my submissive girlfriend acting all tough. I then put an arm in front of Angela and said “This day isn’t about that, we should respect the birth—” but as usual I expected Ciel to cut me off.

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited to see your damn face again?” Ciel said deviously with an evil grin on his face. He then started popping his knuckles as if he was readying himself for a fight. Fran noticed this and was about to step in but Stephen held her back. Fran was oblivious that Ciel was in full combat mode, he’s been waiting a long time to fight me again.

  “This isn’t the place for that Ciel.” I spat out his name.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve been running away from this? Scared?” Zen taunted me which only added fuel to my raging fire. “Nah, I just don’t want to hand your ass to you in front of your girl.” I said with a smirk on my face.

  Next thing I knew all hell went loose.

  Chapter 11


  Chaos was the exact word to describe Stephen’s birthday party. Ciel was the first person to throw a punch which made Jaxon go in defensive mode. To add to the chaos Zen followed in Ciel’s footsteps as both of them ganged up on Jaxon.

  My heart was racing as I watched helplessly. Ciel, Zen, and Jaxon were in a brawl. Messing up the shop, breaking a few cups, and causing nothing but trouble. Lucy and I stared at the brawl still wondering what to do to stop the brawl. Fran looked frantic as she stared at each damage caused by the brawl. Then there was a sad looking Stephen singing silently to himself Happy birthday.

  All three boys were suddenly not looking too good. Their faces suddenly looked swollen and a few cuts were bleeding. Surprisingly Jaxon was doing well against two tall guys, but I still worried for him since he was bleeding right above his eyebrow piercing.

  Everything came to a complete stop when Fran literally threw a wooden stool that she just bought because Ciel and Zen broke it in the first brawl they
had here. She literally threw the wooden stool right in the middle of the brawl which made the three guys take a step back.

  “Stop it this instant or I swear to God I will cut off all your balls!” Fran shouted angrily, showing her Habanero side. Jaxon and Zen looked surprised while Ciel paled a bit knowing his balls was easy access to Fran.

  I frowned and started adding in but I didn’t sound as frightening as Fran, “I don’t care what the problem is between you guys but it’s either you tolerate each other or leave!”

  “It’s Stephen’s birthday so we should all get along.” Lucy softly added.

  “Can I pretend that these guys are fighting over me?” Stephen asked no one in particular trying to stay positive.

  “Do we understand each other?” Fran asked the three guys but none of them were answering her which made her stomp her foot down and yelled “I said do we understand each other?”

  “Yes.” All three guys mumbled.

  Fran looked extremely pissed that when Ciel tried approaching her they started having a silent argument. Zen walked over to Lucy, and when Zen tried talking to Lucy all she did was ignore him, giving him the silent treatment but her eyes scanned over Zen’s injuries.

  Jaxon walked over to me and before I could inspect his injuries he buried his face into the crook of my neck and breathed in deeply as if my scent would calm him down. I wasn’t pissed at Jaxon I knew he did his best in holding back but it was Ciel and Zen who provoked him.

  “I’m sorry Angel.” he whispered in my ear. I turned towards Jaxon and cupped his face as I looked over his injuries. Jaxon smirked at my action and said “I’m fine Angel, I’ve been through worse.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve never seen you at your worse… I can’t even imagine what you’re worse is.” I whispered the last part, I didn’t plan on him hearing the last part but he did and that made him smirk.


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