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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

Page 16

by Lauren Wood

  We managed to celebrate Stephen’s birthday without anymore fist fighting but there sure was a lot of glaring. Stephen admitted that it was funny since every time Ciel would start glaring Fran would swat his shoulder like he was some kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  Before we left to go home I treated Jaxon’s wounds with the help of Dr. Lucy. Jaxon and I were walking towards the apartment complex hand in hand. It was a peaceful night. I looked over at Jaxon to see a relaxed expression on his face almost like he was contented. “You look relaxed.” I commented.

  He smirked and turned to look at me. “How can I not be? I managed to get in a few punches on Ciel and Zen, I watched my girlfriend smile all day, and I get to bring her home.” he explained. Which made me curious about his explanation.

  “I’m just curious but how do you know Ciel and Zen?” I asked.

  He looked straight ahead like he was recalling memories. “I’ve known them for a very long time. It was during a time I wasn’t at my best,” he hesitated as he looked at me with sadness and regret like he didn’t want me to know who he was in the past. I did want to know who he was in the past but it won’t affect how I feel for him now.

  He looked hesitant but he gave in with a sigh. “I was involved with a lot of things I shouldn’t have gotten myself into. Drugs and violence were at the top of my list,” Drugs and violence? What about sex? Then I remembered that one noisy night when he was with another woman and they even invited me.

  “What about sex?” I asked him. He snapped his head towards me with a grin. I can tell that he was thinking of that night as well. “Don’t worry Angel, ever since we got together I’ve never contacted any of my booty calls.” he assured me but all I got out of that was booty calls, it was plural.

  “Heck, I’ve even deleted their numbers and some of them I even blocked.” he added. “As I was saying… I did drugs when I was younger but as I got into violence I started not doing drugs and focused more on violence.” he explained further.

  “You mean like robbing people and murder?” no matter who he was I was still afraid of his answer. I can’t imagine Jaxon murdering someone.

  “What? No! What kind of person do you think I am?” he asked, his face was full of shock that I would ask such a question. “Our violence was more on Illegal Street fighting and beating up people. Ciel and Zen happens to be my enemy during the street fighting. Ciel was known as the undefeated and I somehow defeated him in one round… But after a while I quit that kind of life.” I was torn between swooning and being scared, but I knew that Jaxon would never physically hurt me.

  “What made you quit that life?” I asked.

  “Kathy, my sister did,” he answered. “But sometimes no matter how I try to step away from that life it comes right back to me. Ciel and Zen have been searching for me for a very long time.”

  I giggled and said “They never thought to look in a flower shop.” Jaxon looked at me amusingly. I snuggled into his embrace right as we neared the apartment complex. I inhaled that addicting scent of his, flowers with a tad bit of cigarettes. He smelt of flowers because of his work but I barely see any cigarettes around him.

  He wrapped his arm around me and brought my body close to his and said “Now I have a whole new reason to ignore that kind of life.” He pressed a loving kiss on my temple as his lips lingered there.

  He wasted no time once we were inside his apartment as he picked me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He then pressed me against the wall and started nibbling on my bottom lip. The kiss was hot and passionate that I simply couldn’t get enough of.

  Jaxon pressed his hips against mine that I almost lost strength in my legs that he had to help me keep myself hanging onto him. My arms were wrapped around his neck as my lips danced along with his.

  I truly couldn’t get enough of him.

  Chapter 12


  “Damn, look at that ass man. I can tap that all night long.”

  “Hey baby! Why don’t you keep me company tonight?”

  “Looking good honey! But you’ll look better with those clothes on my floor.”

  People were shouting at my girl. It was now that I started regretting coming here in the first place. Angela begged to go to the club with Stephen, and at first I didn’t agree but then she said that I could come which I agreed to. I’m now having a very hard time holding back from punching each and every guy eyeing my girl and voicing out their dirty thoughts.

  Angela was wearing a short tight black dress that showed a lot of skin. I was hesitant at first to let her dress like that but then seeing her excited made me get second thoughts. I didn’t want to spoil her mood especially since I would do anything to make sure that beautiful smile of hers stays on her face.

  Even with my anger towards these horny dogs around us I can admit that I’m still a horny dog myself. The only thoughts running through my mind aside anger is pushing my Angel against the wall and take her immediately. The dress on her looks extremely good that I want it gone, to see her flawless milky skin against mine. The mere thought of it excited me and I couldn’t help but get a boner.

  Horny dog indeed.

  “Let’s hit the dance floor.” Stephen suggested which earned a wide smile and nod from Angela. Dread filled my body as we made our way towards the dance floor where there was even more horny dogs. I wasn’t worried, I could easily protect her I just find them extremely annoying.

  One guy eyed Angela as she and Stephen started dancing but before he could approach Angela from behind I quickly grabbed him by the back of his shirt and yanked him harshly away from Angela. “Scram.” My voice was low and menacing. He didn’t even said a word as he stumbled away like a dog with its tail between their legs.

  I danced slightly behind Angela as she enjoyed her dance with Stephan. My face painted a mean scowl as I scared off every guy who eyed Angela and even tried to approach her. Angela noticed my scowl as she turned away from Stephan to face me. She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck as she whispered in my ear “Loosen up Jaxon, you’re with me so nothing’s going to happen.” She grabbed my hands and placed them on her waist and returned them around my neck.

  I was still on protective mode until she started grinding her sexy body against mine. The parts where her body touched mine felt on fire like her body was inferno. My eyes were no longer on the horny dogs around us they were now on this beautiful girl that I claimed mine.

  Angela was moving gracefully and sexily against me that I absolutely had no idea what to do. Suddenly I heard cat calls and whistling coming from afar my head jerked towards the sound to see a few of my friends cheering me on like a bunch of perverted dogs as well.

  “Woo! Jaxon you go man!”

  “You won the jackpot dude!”

  “Lucky bastard!”

  “Somebody’s getting laid tonight.”

  They all shouted at me, it was surprising that I could hear them over the loud music. I raised one hand in the air and flipped them off which caused them to burst out laughing.

  “Well… you are going to get laid tonight.” Angela whispered in my ear as she unexpectedly cupped my groin which caused me to jump in surprise. Her hand also felt like inferno, but she didn’t just cupped it she started rubbing and caressing it that I started to get extremely hard.

  “Angela!” I growled. It was hard to hold back when she’s the one making the first move. Not to mention I wanted nothing more than bury myself deep within her. My hips started grinding as well, meeting her hips halfway which only added the pressure and pleasure.

  I pushed her hair away from her shoulder to reveal her collarbones and bare neck, my tongue was aching to lick every inch of her beautiful neck and all the way to her collarbones. She turned so she could show me more of her neck and that only drove me insane. I couldn’t hold back anymore as I pressed an open mouth kiss to her neck which made her moan out load, but her moan was drowned out by the loud beating music.

  Even s
urrounded by a bunch of strangers who were also dancing and possibly equally horny the only person who I could focus on was this beautiful strawberry blonde in front of me. She fully captivated me mind and soul. It was like I was under her spell and the people around me didn’t matter not even the cheering from my friends.

  She breathed loudly in my ear, it was low and erotic the way she was breathing near my ear and down my neck. I suddenly grabbed her neck in a chokehold but I didn’t choke her, our lips were only inches away from one another. Our breaths were mixing with one another, and all I want to do is slurp her all up in one go. Devour her in all sexual ways, to claim her in every way, and to leave no skin untouched by my lips.

  “I need a drink.” Angela said. I shook my head and held tightly onto her even when she tried to escape my hold I only held on tighter. “The only thing you’ll get drunk on tonight is my kiss.” I said as I pressed a wet kiss to her plumped lips. She seemed captivated by my lips as well, her body leaned forward as if wanting more of the kiss. I happily obliged and deepened the kiss to which she moaned in delight.

  She pulled away just to tell me “I’m going to be wasted then.” She then happily connected our lips again. Right as our kiss was getting good she unexpectedly pulled away and spun around as she said “Oh my gosh, I forgot about Stephen.” But as she turned around to find Stephen she saw Stephan lip locked with another guy.

  I rolled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and started walking away from the dance floor. She giggled as I buried my face into the back of her neck, slightly tickling her.

  “Jaxon, where are we going? We came here to dance not to escape to some remote place and have sex.” she said through giggles. I then started leaving trails of kisses on the back of her neck as I brought her towards the lounging area where people are either drinking and chatting or making out. Before we could take a seat some of my friends came up to us and started chatting.

  “Hey Jaxon, long time no see. Who’s this chick here?” one of them asked while the other asked “Wasn’t she the hot chick wearing a red dress that Jaxon kidnapped?”

  I placed Angela back on her feet as we both faced my friends but my arms were still wrapped around her waist. “Actually this is my girlfriend.” I stated proudly. All my friend’s eyes widened in shock then they all started talking at once.

  “Since when do you settle down?”

  “I can’t believe you got her as a girlfriend… lucky!”

  “You must be joking man, like you’d ever get a girlfriend.”

  “You must’ve tricked her.”

  I rolled my eyes and said “I don’t care what you idiots say, Angela is my girlfriend. I’m serious about this.” They still looked at me like I was still joking but when my eyes narrowed at them dangerously then they knew that I was dead serious.

  “Hey Jaxon, I’m going to go to the bathroom.” Angela told me. I didn’t want her to go alone but I knew I couldn’t accompany her into the female bathroom. I nodded and said “Be careful.” I was talking about the horny dogs lurking around. She smiled and nodded as she pressed a tender kiss to my cheek. My friends were acting idiots as they elbowed each other and started wolf whistling. When Angela walked off I quickly gave each of them a hard punch to the shoulder.

  “Jaxon.” One of my friends spoke and when I turned to look at my friend I knew something was up. “What is it this time?” I asked. They all looked at each other with worry and one of them answered “Be ready… he’s coming.”


  Chapter 13


  It’s been exactly three months since I’ve been in a relationship with Jaxon. I never thought I could be this happy about being in a relationship. Not only did it change my views on love but it also changed my views on myself. I felt more confident and brave, and it was all thanks to Jaxon.

  I’m a better person when I’m with Jaxon.

  Today I was visiting my friend at the hospital, Dr. Lucy. It’s more of a check-up rather than a visit since I’ve been terribly sick for the past few days thanks to the freezing cold weather here in New York.

  After what seemed like an hour Lucy was able to come back to the room I was waiting in with my results. “So what kind of antibiotics do I need? We both know how expensive those things are, and it doesn’t help that I don’t have any insurance or money to afford those things.” I complained as I shrugged on my jacket getting ready to leave the hospital.

  “You won’t be needing any antibiotics Ange.” she said calmly. My head perked in interest knowing I won’t be spending any money on medicine. “That’s good to know.” I replied happily.

  “Ange, you need to hear me out.” Lucy suddenly went serious. My heart started racing as I thought of different diseases that I could have that could threaten my life. I knew I should’ve taken care of myself better but I was so caught up in the moment that my health was something I thought would always be good.

  “How long do I have?” I asked, dreading every silent moment and also dreading for what answer awaits me.

  Lucy deadpanned me and said “It’s nothing like that Ange, I’m not exactly sure how you’ll react to this… But are let me ask you something first, are you serious with Jaxon? Can you see a future with him?”

  “I haven’t really thought about having a future with him since I only think about the moment I’m living in now. But I am serious about him.” I answered wondering what this was all about. Lucy looked back to the clipboard then back up to me and said “Ange, you’re two months pregnant.”


  Pregnant? Me? With Jaxon’s child?

  My heart fluttered at the news. I have a mini-Jaxon or a mini me inside of me and that very thought sent relaxing chills down my spine. Would Jaxon be thrilled by the news or would he be annoyed by it? I didn’t know how Jaxon would react to the news but one thing is for sure, I’m happy.

  A smile started making its way onto my face, a wide one at that. My one hand unconsciously rubbed over my stomach where sooner or later a baby bump would show.

  “Ange, are you alright?” Lucy asked with concern written all over her face.

  “Hey Lucy, can we keep this between us? I want to tell Jaxon first before anybody else knows.” I asked.

  “Of course Ange, it’s my job to not leak any information about my patients.” Lucy assured me.

  Usually, Stephen and Fran would be the ones to learn all my exciting news but this was something that Jaxon and I created, and I wanted him to know first.

  “Sorry Lucy, I have to go tell Jaxon.” I said as I started grabbing all my stuff and rushing out. I know I shouldn’t be running but my heart was beating in excitement. I wanted Jaxon to know immediately and I wanted him to know that I wanted to build a family with him. My heart warmed at the idea of having a family with him.

  Only a few months of knowing Jaxon and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. It may sound silly but the heart simply wants what it wants, and my heart wants Jaxon and no one else. I knew that Jaxon wouldn’t be home so he’d be at the flower shop.

  I couldn’t wait to tell Jaxon.

  When the flower shop came into view my heart went into overdrive. I’m filled with too much excitement that I sped up my running and burst into the flower shop. My head whirled around in search of my handsome silver eyed boyfriend but confusion suddenly filled me when I noticed no one was around not even Kathy.

  “Jaxon? Kathy?” I called out but I was only met with the echo of my voice. I walked in deeper into the store and saw a door that said ‘Employees only’ they might be in there. I smiled to myself and was about to open the door when I heard voices coming from the inside.

  “I told you, you have no right to be here.” I heard Jaxon’s familiar voice growl at whoever he was talking to. Like the nosy person I really am, pressed my ear against the door to hear their conversation.

  “It’s been years, boy. You still owe me.” An unfamiliar voice spoke to Jaxon. His voice sent shivers down
my back and not the good kind. He sounded like a dangerous person. Did Jaxon owe somebody money?

  “I owe you nothing!” Jaxon growled which made me worry. I’ve never heard him like this, he sounded angry with every word was laced with venom. I heard the other guy give a dark chuckle and said “If not your sister then your lovely girlfriend will do… what’s her name? Angel?” My blood ran cold at the mention of my name.

  What Jaxon said next made my heart come to a complete stop.

  “Oh… you mean her? She means nothing to me.” His words echoed through the room and through my head. I felt as if my heart was being torn in two, and I wish this was all just a nightmare. “I know she means something to you because if she meant nothing to you then why are you always taking care of her?” the guy asked.

  Jaxon scoffed and said “She’s great in bed so for her to stay longer with me I have to keep up this act.” I should’ve been crying or I should’ve broken down but instead my blood started boiling in anger. I wasn’t the same person I was before so if he expects me to come crying to him and begging him to come back then he has another thing coming for him.

  Without even thinking I opened the door and my eyes zeroed on Jaxon, I’m not even going to acknowledge the guy he was talking to. Jaxon’s eyes widened when he saw me but he didn’t say anything, he’s not even going to explain why he said those words or even make up excuses. A few seconds past and within those seconds I wish Jaxon would speak up and tell me those words were lies, but he didn’t.

  “How dare you!” I could almost taste the poison in my words. The feeling of rage was overwhelming like it was taking over my body, I will never understand how Fran can put up with this feeling.

  “I gave you everything! I even trusted you! Was everything to you just a game? Do you even love me?” I asked him. The guy next to him grinned but my full attention was on Jaxon as his lips start to move to form an answer “As I said… you mean nothing to me.” He had no expression upon his face nor did his silver eyes tell me his true emotion because what I don’t want to accept is the emotion he’s already displaying… nothing.


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