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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Stella Knights

She breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I don’t think I could handle it if you were one of those hippie vegans.”

  Aiden laughs while Jess smirks at me from across the table.

  Graham sits down and drinks some wine before speaking. “Go ahead and start everyone before it gets cold.”

  As I cut into my meat, Graham looks in my direction. “Holly, what does your family do back in Texas?”

  “My father’s in oil.”

  He nods. “That’s a good industry. Lots of money to be made.”

  I pick up a bite of the lamb. “Yes, there is.”

  “Has your father benefited from it?”

  Aiden glares at his father. “Dad…”

  I interrupt and answer Graham’s question. “Yes, my family has done well.” I take a bite of the meat, hoping that a full mouth will keep me from having to answer any more questions about my family.

  I hate being asked about money. It’s none of Graham’s business even if he’s worried I’m a gold digger.

  After swallowing, I attempt to change the conversation. “Vicki, this lamb is beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She glimpses towards Aiden. “Have you been taking Holly out riding to show her the property?”

  “Of course, Mum.”

  Graham reaches across the table to pick up the gravy boat. “You must be happy to be back with Dusty, son.”

  My heart sinks.

  Aiden puts his fork down and picks up his glass. Exhaling slowly, he tells them what happened. “Dusty died the other day.”

  The room goes silent while they take in the news.

  Jess wipes her cheek as a tear falls. “Oh, Aiden. I’m so sorry. That’s awful. What happened?”

  I listen as Aiden once again tells the story of Dusty getting bitten by a snake.

  Graham goes straight back to eating. “I’m sorry to hear that, but you know these things happen out here. You can’t get too attached to anything. You must be tough, son.” Graham response is unemotional and completely detached from his son’s heartache.

  Aiden’s nose wrinkles as he glances at his father.

  Vicki reaches out and places her hand on Aiden’s. “I know you must be taking this terribly, darling. Is there anything we can do?”

  Aiden looks at her and shakes his head. “I’ll be okay, Mum.”

  Jess covers her face with her hands and begins to sob. “I just can’t believe it.”

  Why is she crying like this over Dusty?

  “Jess, really it’s okay. I’m dealing with it.”

  She wipes under her eyes and leans closer towards Aiden. Batting those doe-eyes, she speaks slowly, looking straight at his face. “Well, you know I have Thunder.” Coiling a loose strand of hair around her index finger, she says, “You can come over for a ride anytime.”

  How dare she say something like that! Does she not see there is something going on between Aiden and me?

  I bite my tongue to avoid reacting. She is definitely flirting with my man, no matter how discrete she thinks she’s being.

  “Thanks, Jess. But I’ll be fine.” Aiden reaches under the table and squeezes my knee, out of sight from the others.

  I focus on eating what is left on my plate. But pain, confusion and doubt come hurtling out of the past, tumbling right into my mind.

  I don’t want to deal with this sort of crap again. I had enough when Tom let women flirt with him. I’d rather walk away and save myself versus going further with Aiden and always having to wonder if something is happening behind my back.


  GRAHAM EXCUSES HIMSELF from the table, picks up the dinner plates and disappears into the kitchen.

  The chair legs scrape against the hardwood floor as Vicki scoots back and stands. “How about I make some tea, and we have it on the veranda before you all drive home?”

  “That’d be good, Mum.” Aiden relaxes back in his chair, sipping the last of his wine.

  Jess stands, picking up a few glasses to bring with her to the kitchen. “Thank you for dinner, Vicki, but I should be getting home before it’s too dark. Dad’s changing the oil filter on my ute, so I’ve got Mum’s car and she’ll kill me if I hit a roo.”

  Vicki motions towards the glasses Jess is holding. “Don’t worry about those. I’ll get them when you all leave. It was nice seeing you tonight, Jess.” She walks over and hugs her. “You should come and say goodbye to Graham.”

  “Of course. I’ll be there in a second, Vicki.” Jess puts down the glasses, then walks around the table towards Aiden.

  Aiden places his napkin on the table and stands. “It was great seeing you. I’m sure we’ll see you again soon.”

  Jess moves behind my chair, blocking me from being able to stand up.

  What does she think she’s doing? She must think I was born yesterday.

  Sweetly, she gazes at Aiden. “It was lovely seeing you, Aiden. I’ve missed you so much.” She wraps her arms around him and kisses his cheek.

  Aiden hugs her but does not kiss her back.

  Hoping to interrupt her grasp on Aiden, I push my chair backwards, nudging her in the process.

  Aiden grabs the back of my chair and pulls it out for me. “Here, hon, let me help you.” He looks back towards Jess. “See you later.”

  “Bye, you two.” Jess waves as she leaves the dining room.

  Aiden takes my hand. “Let’s go relax on the veranda.”

  We walk outside and sit on a cushioned swing. Relaxing with the gentle, swaying motion, we are treated to an uninterrupted view of the sun setting beyond the surrounding hills and paddocks.

  Aiden stretches his arm behind me and pulls my head against his shoulder.

  My body goes slack as I get lost in the shades of orange and purple slowly disappearing from the sky.

  Aiden squeezes around me. “Hey, you’re pretty quiet. You okay?”

  “I’m just tired.” I notice a paddock, scattered with trees and what appears to be large rocks. “Aiden, why haven’t your parents cleared that field over there. There are a lot of rocks. Or are they termite mounds?”

  He raises his eyebrows. “What?”

  I point towards a fenced off area in the distance.

  He chuckles. “Hon, how much did you have to drink?”

  Turning my head, I peer at him. “I only had what you had. Why?”

  He sits up laughing. “Those rocks aren’t rocks. They’re sheep lying down.”

  I blink and look towards the paddock. “Seriously? It looks like a bunch of rocks.”

  Still laughing, he pulls me closer and kisses my cheek. “How about we head home and skip the tea? I think you need sleep.”

  “Won’t your mum and dad mind?”

  “Nah, they’re not going to care. They know we’ll be back soon enough.” He takes my hand in his. “Let’s go say goodbye.”

  Hopefully, next time we visit we don’t have any extra blonde haired, female guests.

  THE SHIFT OF Aiden’s body wakes me from a deep sleep. Before opening my eyes, I remain laying against his chest, listening to his heartbeat and slow, steady breaths.

  Sometimes I need to pinch myself. I still can’t believe this man is my reality.

  I rest my hand next to my face.

  Aiden reaches up, lifts my hand and kisses across each knuckle. “Morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning,” I murmur.

  He leans forward to kiss the top of my head. “I’ve been waiting for the right moment to tell you something.”

  I try to lift my head, but Aiden holds it firmly against his chest.

  “Don’t speak. Just listen.”

  I nod under his hold.

  “The other day, when I went to my parole meeting, I stopped and bought you something. I know we hardly know each other, but I honestly feel something for you I’ve never felt with anyone else. And I want to show you how I feel.”

  I whisper. “You don’t need to give me anything, Aiden. You’ve already given me so much.”

But I wanted to.” He takes my hand and slips a ring on my finger. In the same place, my wedding ring once was.

  My body tenses.

  “Don’t fret. I’m not asking anything of you. I’m just making you a promise.”

  I lift my head to look at my hand.

  The most gorgeous opal ring I have ever seen sits on my finger. It’s a series of harlequin patterned black opals arranged in a silver setting. Moving it around, the light reflects in a showcase of iridescent and vibrant colours. A veritable spectral of blue, greens and reds that only Australian sandstone could produce.

  I gasp. “Aiden, it’s stunning.”

  Do I deserve something this special? Black opals are so rare.

  A smile builds on his face. “Holly, I need you to know something.”

  I struggle to take my eyes away from the ring and look into his eyes.

  “I need you to know that I want you always in my life, always in my bed, but most of all always in my heart.”

  He pulls me to his lips and kisses me tenderly.

  AFTER A SHOWER, we go downstairs for breakfast. Aiden makes scrambled eggs with avocado on toast.

  “I have some work in the stables. Do you want to hang out with me and start learning about how to care for the horses?”

  Finally! I’ve been waiting to have this chance.

  “I’d love to.”

  Aiden’s eyes light up. “I was talking to my brother, the one up north, and he offered me a couple of his horses. I thought maybe we could visit him and take a look at them. Maybe one can be yours?”


  “Of course. I know you still have lots to learn, but I figure why not learn on one that’s your own.” Aiden’s phone rings.

  The sound still makes me nervous every time I hear it.

  Is it the police?

  Aiden answers, “Hey, mate.”

  I sit quietly and listen.

  “What did you find out?” He places his hand over mine while listening to the caller. After a few minutes, he says, “So that’s all we’d need to do?” He pauses again to listen. “Thanks for checking into that.” He turns and mouths ‘I love you’ to me before continuing to talk with the caller. “That’d be great. Talk soon. Bye.”

  Aiden puts his phone down and looks at me. “I think we’re going to be all right.”

  I furrow my brow. “What do you mean?”

  “That was one of my contacts I called about our situation.”

  My fingers and toes are mentally crossed.

  “He said if the police happen to bust in here and haul me off, all you need to do is say you’re here on your own free will. They can’t charge me with kidnapping if you say you chose to go with me. Prosecutors aren’t going to waste their time if they don’t have enough evidence to get charges to stick. They don’t like looking weak in front of magistrates.”

  I close my eyes and exhale in relief.

  He reaches us and runs the back of his fingers against my cheek. “Told you I’d keep you safe.”

  I grab his hand and hold it against my face for a few seconds before opening my eyes. “Maybe we can finally create our own version of normal.”

  “Whatever you wish, Holly, I want to make it happen for you.”

  “I think I’d like to reach out to a few people and let them know I’m all right.”

  “Do it whenever you’re ready. Remember, you don’t owe anyone anything. Not even me.”

  Aiden is right. But there are some people I care about, and I don’t want them to be worried any longer. For one, Lisa. And I have a few friends in Melbourne I should also contact.

  I’m guessing Tom would have called my family, but who knows what they would have said. It’s not like they’ve cared to ask how I was doing for a very long time. For them, me being out of America means one less problem to deal with.

  And what about Tom? I know we’re married. But after how he neglected me, I don’t owe him a thing. Except for serving him with divorce papers.

  I rub my temples before speaking. “Aiden, there’s one person I want to contact straight away.”

  He shuffles his feet against the floor nervously. “Who?”


  Aiden’s expression relaxes. “Oh, okay.”

  “Is there a way to make an untraceable call?”

  Before he can answer me, the doorbell rings.

  Aiden’s eyes go wide. “I’m not sure who that is. Toddy would have come around back or walked straight in like he owns the place.”

  I remain out of view while Aiden goes to answer the front door.

  He peeks through the curtains. “Oh, it’s Jess.”

  What is that girl doing here? Can’t she find a man that isn’t already taken?

  I grit my teeth and say nothing.

  Aiden opens the door. “Hi, Jess. Come in.”

  “Hi, Aiden. I hope it’s okay that I dropped by.”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Do you want a drink or something?”

  “A tea would be great, thank you.” She giggles before continuing, “Aiden, that was a funny situation yesterday.”

  “Funny, how?”

  “Well, I don’t think your parents thought you were…” Her voice trails off as she enters the kitchen and sees me. Her smile disappears and is replaced with a shocked expression.

  My words come out with as much sweet, southern belle charm I can muster this early in the morning. “Morning, Jess. So good to see you again.”

  Jess looks towards Aiden and then back to me. “I didn’t expect to see you here, Holly?”

  Aiden answers casually. “She moved in recently.”

  Jess wrinkles her nose. “I didn’t realise.”

  Aiden pours her some tea. “We’ve been keeping it to ourselves, so of course you wouldn’t have.” Turning around, he hands Jess the cup. “What brings you around here so early?”

  Jess beams at Aiden, batting her eyes while taking the cup. “Thanks.” She takes a sip and clears her throat. “Toddy said he was helping you, so I thought I’d offer my services as well.”

  And what services are you trying to offer my man?

  Aiden sits next to me.

  I run my hand along his back, glancing at Jess.

  She watches my gesture, tight lipped.

  He rubs his chin. “You really want to help around here?”

  “I’m always happy to help you, Aiden.”

  Is he oblivious to Jess’s subtle flirtations? Maybe he doesn’t see it?

  Sounding confused, he asks, “Why? Don’t you have lots of work on your parent’s place?”

  “We don’t have much on at the moment, and I figured it’d be like old times with the three of us hanging out.”

  I love how she emphasises the word “three” as if I’m stupid and don’t exist.

  She glances at me before looking back at Aiden. “You know, you, me and Toddy.”

  Does Aiden buy this act of hers?

  Jess continues to sell herself. “After hearing about you losing Dusty, I thought I could help with the horses or whatever. Toddy also said he had some things I could help do.”

  Oh, this girl’s good. Bringing up Dusty to pull at Aiden’s heartstrings.

  Aiden narrows his brow. “How much have you been talking to Toddy?”

  “We talk quite a bit, Aiden.” Jess giggles and pushes back a lock of hair that has fallen onto her cheek. “Remember the days where we used to ride our horses together for hours on end? Sometimes not even coming home at night. The three of us were inseparable, weren’t we?”

  I’d roll my eyes, but they’d notice if I did.

  Aiden smiles down at his cup. “Those were good times.”

  Jess places her hand on Aiden’s. “I’m so sorry about Dusty.”

  He pulls his hand away from her. “It’s okay, Jess. I’m fine. I’ve got other horses and my brother has a few I’m keen on getting.”

  She leans close to him and uses a soft voice. “Anytime you want, you can come ride Thunder.
You know I love riding you.” She clears her throat and laughs. “I mean riding with you.”

  Oh, she so didn’t just do that, did she? The audacity!

  Aiden leans away from her. “Thanks, but I’m honestly fine and would rather not talk about Dusty.”

  The back door swings open and Toddy walks in. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

  Aiden looks up. “Morning, Toddy.”

  Toddy walks over and makes himself a cuppa. “So, Jess, does this mean you’re here to help, too?”

  Jess stares at Aiden as she speaks. “Yup, I’m here to do whatever he wants with me.”

  Seriously, what is up with this innocent act and subtle innuendos? I wonder if Aiden buys it.

  Aiden scratches his head and sighs. “I guess if you want to help, then I’m sure we can find a few things. I’ve got cattle trucks coming first thing tomorrow, so the more we get done today, the better.”

  “Great. Tell me where you want me.” Jess beams.

  Is he ignoring her comments or is he completely daft?

  Drumming his fingers against the counter, he says, “The troughs and feed buckets need cleaning. You can also take one of the horses and check on the water points. Make sure the bore pumps are all running.”

  She tilts her head and looks keenly at Aiden. “After I finish, do you want to take a ride?”

  What kind of ride are you asking for, Jess?

  Aiden shakes his head. “You can go for a ride, but I’ve got a bit to get done.” He peers towards Toddy. “You check the yards again? Are all the records and approvals sorted?”

  Toddy takes a drink from his cup. “Yup. We’re all ready.” A small vibrating sound comes from Toddy’s pocket. He pulls out his phone, looks at it, then types a response. Still staring at it, he asks, “Aiden, you guys want to take my boat and go water skiing on the Condamine this coming weekend?”

  Aiden glimpses at me. “Yeah, we’d be keen to go camping. Though, I want to bring my wakeboard.”

  “Good as gold, mate.” Toddy sends another text. When he finishes, he looks up and gives Aiden a half smile. “I guess I better get to work, eh?”

  “Actually, Toddy, can you come into my office for a minute? I want to have a quick chat.”

  “Sure thing.” Toddy takes the last mouthful from his cup and follows Aiden into his office.


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