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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Stella Knights

  I’m left sitting alone with Jess while I finish my coffee.

  Jess speaks first. “How long have you and Aiden known each other?”

  “Not long.”

  “I’m surprised he let you move in with him so fast. Aiden’s not one to be hasty.”

  “Aiden asked me to move in. I didn’t push myself onto him if that’s what you’re insinuating.”

  She puts her hand against her chest. “Oh, I’m not insinuating anything. I’m sorry if you thought that. I’m just shocked as it seems very out of character for Aiden.” She places her hand on the benchtop.

  I notice her nails are painted red. Like another vixen, I used to know.

  “What made you move to Australia?”

  Not wanting to give her too much information, I keep my answers short. “I came over as part of a foreign exchange program while I was in university. I loved it here, so I decided to stay.”

  “Where in Texas were you from?”

  “I lived in Houston.”

  “That’s a city, isn’t it?”

  I nod, focusing on her expression. Where is she going with this?

  “Since moving to Australia, have you only lived in Queensland?”

  “No, I lived in Melbourne for a bit.” My nerves are starting to fray from her questions. I need to get the conversation away from the details of my life. “So, you and Toddy are pretty close?”

  “We are, but nothing like how close Aiden and I’ve always been.”

  I’m not going to play her game. “Of course, you’re close. You grew up together.”

  “But Aiden and I were especially close. We were like Vegemite and butter melting together on toast. But I guess being American you wouldn’t know what that means.”

  Melting together on toast? As if!

  I wrinkle my nose. “I know what Vegemite is.” Tilting my head, I look at her quizzically. “I’m surprised at how close you say you are. Aiden and I talk about everything, and he hasn’t mentioned your name once.”

  “That’s typical Aiden. Always wanting to protect someone’s feelings.” She adjusts her ponytail. “We were practically inseparable. We always went riding together on Thunder and Dusty, getting lost on our properties, sometimes staying out all night together.” She smirks and laughs under her breath.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I think it’s funny that Aiden would be dating an American girl.” She places her palm on her chest. “I don’t mean any offence or anything. It’s just that country boys here tend to stick to their own, and not date city girls, let alone American city girls.”

  Country boys stick to their own? Is there some rule book I’m unaware of? Nice try, Jess, but I’m not a fool and I don’t buy such rubbish!

  The door to the office opens and Toddy walks through the kitchen. “Come on, Jess. I’ll get you started in the stables.”

  I’ve never been so happy to see Toddy come into the room.

  Toddy grabs a set of keys off the shelf. “See you later, Holly.”

  “Bye, you two.” I remain steadfast in my composure.

  This girl is not going to get the best of me. I’m not letting another ‘Beth’ wreck my life. I’ve had it with women that act sweet in front of you, but probably go home and kick their cat for getting in their way.

  All I need to do is figure out the best way to handle this because Aiden isn’t Tom and I don’t want to accidentally push him away by saying the wrong thing. I’m not used to standing up for myself because years ago I learned it didn’t get me anywhere. My usual tactic was to ignore it and hope it goes away, but something tells me Aiden would appreciate me being more forthright.


  WANTING TO DO something nice for Aiden, I make him another cup of coffee. I walk it into his sunlit office, finding him working on his laptop. “Don’t you look all businesslike.”

  He smiles and takes the cup. “Thanks, beautiful.”

  Glancing at his desk, I move some papers out of the way before leaning against it. “Did you offer Toddy the job?”

  “Yup, and he accepted.” He leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers across his chest. “I hope I’ve done the right thing.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” I look over my shoulder to make sure we’re alone. “Aiden, I need to talk to you about something.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I’m not sure how to say this. I don’t want to sound jealous, but is there something between you and Jess that I should know about?”

  Aiden stands up and leans towards me, our noses almost touching. “Honey, there has never been, nor will there ever be, anything between Jess and me. She’s always been like a little sister.”

  “She seems keen on you, always batting her eyes and flirting with you.”

  He stands tall and tilts his head to the side. “I don’t think she’s doing that. I know she can be a bit enthusiastic, but I don’t think she’s flirting.” He runs his finger along my forearm. “Our families have always been close, so we saw each other a lot growing up. She’s a few years younger and was always a bit of a tomboy. You’ll get to know her and see she’s more like a bloke than a girl.”

  The only problem with that Aiden is that she doesn’t look like a bloke anymore. She is clearly an attractive young, blonde woman.

  “I think it’s strange that she is just popping around unannounced to see you. I thought properties around here were all too massive and far away from each other to be able to drop in like that.”

  “Her parents’ property is between here and my parents’ place. It’s not really strange that she decided to drive over. Country folk don’t think much about how long it takes to drive to see someone.”

  His phone rings. He looks at the number then hits the button to decline the call.

  Another call he won’t take. Wonder who he doesn’t want to talk to.

  He stares across the room, frowning.


  He looks at me with a blank stare. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “I don’t want to sound like an overprotective girlfriend, but I do think she’s keen on you.” I bite my lip, hoping his response is what I want to hear.

  His expression softens as he leans down and kisses me on the forehead. “I like that you’re protective, but don’t worry about Jess. She doesn’t mean anything to me, and honestly, I doubt she sees me as anything other than as a big brother.” He puts his arms around me. “And one more thing…” He kisses my lips. “I love hearing you call yourself ‘my girlfriend’.”

  With Aiden, I don’t want to be naïve like I was in my marriage. “Can you just be careful with her?”

  “I will.” He peers at his desk and presses his lips together.

  Aiden is ignoring the obvious and brushing it off, just like Tom did with Beth. But I don’t feel comfortable pushing this conversation further right now. I must remember that even if Aiden is brushing my concerns aside like Tom did, he isn’t Tom.

  I shelve the issue in my mind, keeping my fingers crossed that I’m wrong about Jess’s intentions. Though if that girl crosses the line…

  Standing up from Aiden’s desk, I walk towards the door. “What do you have going on this morning?”

  He sips his coffee. “I’ve got a few phone calls and then I need to muck out the stalls. Want to come and keep me company? I’ll start showing you what you need to do with the horses.”

  I can’t help but smile. This is what I’ve been hoping he would ask. I’m excited for Aiden to teach me what he is so passionate about in life.

  Though, it is a bit intimidating to be around these big, strong men. I don’t want to make any mistakes.

  “Meet me at the stables in an hour.” He picks up his phone to make a call.

  With a grin plastered on my face, I leave Aiden alone to get his work done.

  ENTERING THE STABLES, I find Aiden raking hay out of a stall. His shirt is tied around his waist, exposing his well-defined, upper body. He is dr
ipping with sweat and his hair mats sexily against his forehead.

  My heart flutters as I move closer towards him and my fingers ache to touch his damp skin.

  He puts the rake down and takes off his gloves. “Hey, you ready to learn a few things?” Stopping, he grabs a nearby water bottle, tilts his head back and squeezes out a mouthful. A drop of sweat trickles from his brow, hits his pecs and slips down the smooth border of his abdominal muscles. Using the back of his forearm, he wipes his brow, wetness dripping down his fingers.

  “What is it you’re doing in here?”

  “I’m clearing out the old hay to replace it with some that’s fresh and clean, I’m guessing you’ve noticed that I turn the horses out to the paddocks during the day but bring them in at night.”

  I saunter closer to Aiden. “You turn them out, eh?” I run my finger along his forearm, tracing a line up over his bicep, across his shoulder, down between his pecs, stopping just above his navel.

  “What are you up to, Miss Holly?” He tries to use a Texan accent as he speaks.

  I laugh. “I just thought that I never got a chance to thank you for my present.”

  “Your smile is enough of a thank you.”

  I grab the sleeves of the tied shirt and pull it away from his waist. Bending down, I lay the crumpled shirt on the ground.

  Aiden stands tall, arms to his side, puffing out his chest, looking down at me salaciously.

  Staying close to the ground, I drop to my knees. Grabbing his belt buckle, I undo it, whipping it forcefully out of the loop enclosures keeping it in place. I’m hurried as I’m dying of thirst and Aiden is the only water around that will quench me.

  He grins and glances around the stables. “Holly, someone may walk in.”

  Well, I guess that’s one way of getting Jess to back off. Show her who’s got Aiden by the balls.

  Gazing at Aiden wide eyed, I draw out my words. “I don’t care.”

  He laughs while another drop of sweat drips across his abs, sliding straight to the top button on his jeans.

  I unbutton and unzip the top of his jeans. Latching my fingers around both his pants and underwear, I push them down to just above his boots. I take a slow, deep breath and soak in the view of his perfectly proportioned cock that’s mere inches away from my lips.

  He grins downward, obviously enjoying the sight of me on my knees.

  Reaching upwards, I stroke my fingertips across his dripping abs all the way down to his thighs. Rising up on my knees, I trace the outline of his Adonis belt with my tongue, tasting his brackish flesh, while one of my hands moves to cup his balls.

  Aiden’s hand finds the back of my head and guides me forward.

  Opening my mouth, I tease the base of his cock with a long lick from root to tip, causing it to stiffen further. My hand massages and kneads his balls, while my tongue undulates and rolls over his cock, tasting the slippery saltiness he has to offer. My other hand strokes against his abs, feeling them coil and tighten in response to my touch.

  His hand pushes onto the back of my head, fingers entwining into my wavy locks, helping me find the rhythm he needs to give him release. “Oh, Holly.” He groans as he pulsates, growing even more rock-hard against my tongue.

  Both of my hands find their way onto his firm glutes, and I pull him deep into my throat, being sure to put lots of pressure around the base of his cock with my lips. My chin is dripping wet as I suck and play with his hard member, enjoying every moan I can get him to make.

  He leans back against the stall door, trying to remain upright as his fingers tighten their grip in my hair. He lets out a roar and comes against my tongue. “Oh, Holly,” He draws the words out like taffy.

  I wipe the wetness off my face, pleased by the pleasure I was able to give my man.

  Releasing his fingers, he smooths down my dishevelled hair. Satisfaction in his eyes, he pulls me upward and nuzzles my nose. He leans forward and kisses my neck while his hands search for the hem of my shirt.

  I stop him as he begins to lift it. “Let’s get your work done, then we can go inside and finish what I started.”

  “You sure you can wait?”

  “No, but I don’t want to be worried about anyone coming in while we take it slow.” I bend down and help him put his jeans back on.

  Aiden does the buckle on his belt, just in time.

  Jess and Toddy walk into the stables.

  She peers suspiciously at us. “What have you two been up to?”

  I run my fingers through my hair, hoping to make its messiness less obvious.

  “Nothing much. I’m just showing Holly how to muck out the stalls. How are you going with that work?”

  Jess reaches over and grabs Toddy’s arm. “Toddy here has been distracting me. He said he wanted to show me a few things I’ve never tried before.” She giggles and gazes wantonly towards Toddy.

  Hmm, what’s this? Is Jess flirting with Toddy now?

  Aiden looks nonplussed.

  Toddy grins towards Aiden. “Mate, I’m going to take the ute with Jess to check the pumps.”

  Jess pouts. “Toddy, don’t you want to take the horses? It’s much more fun taking a ride.” She runs her fingers over his forearm.

  Toddy scratches his chin. “I guess we could take the horses, but it’d be quicker with the ute.”

  Aiden chooses for them. “Take the ute.”

  Toddy nods. “Okay, boss.”

  Jess looks down at my half-buttoned shirt and sandals on my feet. “Holly, you’re really not used to country-life, are you? You should be careful wearing those shoes out here.”

  Standing tall, I give Jess the most sincere response I can muster. “I’m fine, Jess. But you’re right, I do need boots.”

  She glares at Aiden. “How could you let a city girl work for you that doesn’t even own a decent pair of boots? Your father would just die if he knew this.” She places her hand on her chest and then looks towards me. “I’ve got an extra pair if you need to borrow them.”

  Is Jess making an offer to help me? Could this be a peace offering wrapped in a sly comment?

  Aiden is stone-faced. “Thanks for the offer, but Holly wasn’t doing any work this morning. Just keeping me company.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, I can bring them around.” Jess turns to leave, grabbing Toddy by the arm. “Let’s go, Toddy.”

  Toddy waves goodbye.

  Jess says sweetly in a Texan accent, “See y’all later.”

  Was that a dig at me being Texan?

  Almost out of earshot I hear Jess say, “He could have fooled me that she wasn’t doing any work. With all that hay stuck to her knees, it looks like she was most definitely doing some sort of job in there.”

  I glance down and sure enough, hay is stuck to my bare knees.

  Maybe this will help her get the hint that she doesn’t stand a chance with Aiden? Though she did seem a bit chummy with Toddy? If those two hooked up, then everything will be fine. How do I get that to happen?

  “Aiden, maybe we should have Jess stay for dinner tonight?”

  “I guess.” He scratches the back of his neck.

  “Am I right in assuming Toddy is staying the night?”

  “Yeah, he is. I need him here early tomorrow.”

  Rubbing my hands together, my mind floods with ideas. “I’ll take care of everything and cook a good feed for you guys.”

  Aiden tips his hat back, narrows his eyes and looks at me dubiously. “What are you up to?”


  He grins. “I don’t believe you.”

  A Cheshire cat smile spreads across my face as I rub my hands together.

  Shaking his head, he goes back to raking the stall.

  My mind races, scheming about how to get Toddy and Jess to hook up.

  Lots of beer and good food should help.

  GLANCING THROUGH THE pantry, there are enough ingredients to make a King Ranch chicken casserole and apple cobbler for dessert.

  The s
un has almost set when Aiden comes into the kitchen, throwing his Akubra onto the shelf. “Hmm, it smells great in here.” He walks over and kisses me.

  Toddy walks in with Jess. He goes to the fridge and gets out a couple of beers, offering one to Aiden and the other to Jess.

  Aiden declines while Jess takes one.

  Toddy then offers one to me.

  I shake my head. “No, thanks.” I bite my lip while continuing to chop carrots for the salad.

  I hand the finished salad bowl to Aiden. “Can you put this on the table?”

  “Sure, hon.”

  I grab two oven mitts and pull out the baking pan. Taking it into the dining room, I place it in the centre of the table. “Dinner’s ready.”

  Everyone sits down while I serve out portions of the casserole.

  After swallowing his first bite, Toddy says, “What is this? It’s amazing tucker.”

  I smile at the compliment. “It’s called King Ranch casserole. It’s a Texan dish.”

  He shovels another bite into his mouth. “Do you always cook like this? Maybe when things get going, you could be our station cook.”

  Aiden tilts his head to the side and swallows a mouthful of food. “That’s not a bad idea, but…” He glances at me. “Only if you want to do it, Holly. You don’t have to do anything here you don’t want to.”

  Jess mocks Aiden. “But everyone needs to do their part out here. She can’t just sit around and do nothing. How will anything ever get done if she doesn’t help you?”

  “Jess, it’s not my style to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to.”

  She laughs. “I guess you have changed while you were away.”

  What does she mean by that?

  Aiden locks eyes with me. “Would you consider doing that sort of thing?”

  “What would I need to do?”

  Jess chimes in. “It’s easy. You’d just need to feed hungry staff.”

  I glance at Aiden. “How many people are you planning on employing?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I’m still working all that out.”

  Swallowing another mouthful, Toddy says, “This dish is so good. Please say you’ll do it. I don’t know if I can handle another bad station cook.”


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