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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Stella Knights

  With my hand on my chin, I bite my fingernail. “Well, when you put it that way, then how can I refuse?”

  Toddy grins.

  I glance at Jess and decide to make an attempt at getting to know her. “Jess, is your parents’ place a cattle property?”

  “It’s a mixed farm. We have some cattle, but we also grow wheat and sorghum.” She takes a swig of her beer. “What did you do before moving in here?”

  Aiden cuts in, stopping me from answering. “Jess, how was your dad’s yield this year?”

  Confused, Jess looks from Aiden to me and then back to Aiden again. “It came in all right. But you know it can always be better if it had more of a drink.”

  I chime in, “You mean of rain?”

  “Yeah.” Jess scoffs. “I keep forgetting you’re not from around here.”

  Toddy swigs the last of his beer and gets up. “Speaking of drinks, anyone need another?”

  “Yes, please.” Jess ogles Toddy as he leaves the room.

  Aiden accidentally bangs his glass against the table. “Jess, did you see the Reds game this weekend? That young fullback was good.”

  Rugby? Is that the first topic Aiden could come up with to get her attention?

  “No, I missed the game.”

  Toddy walks back in with two beers, handing one to Jess. “Did I hear you talking about the Reds game?”

  “Yup. Did you see it?” Taking his last bite, Aiden puts his fork down and rests back in his chair.

  “No, I fell asleep and missed it.”

  I glimpse at Aiden. “Honey, didn’t you record it?”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  Brilliant! A perfect opportunity for Toddy and Jess to hang out alone.

  “Hon, why don’t you put it on after dinner for Jess and Toddy?”

  Toddy swigs his beer. “I’m keen to watch it.” He looks over at Jess. “Want to watch it with me or do you need to head home? I’m staying here tonight because we have to be up early.”

  Jess looks at Aiden. “Can I crash here?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  Maybe my plan will come together after all?

  “Honey, why don’t you put the game on while I clear the table. We can leave these two alone to watch it.”

  Aiden looks confused. “Huh?”

  Standing up to take plates into the kitchen, I squeeze Aiden’s shoulder. “You seem tired, and I know you’ll be up early, so why don’t you and I go to bed? They can stay down here and watch the game.”

  Aiden yawns again. “I guess you’re right. It’ll be a big day tomorrow.”

  Good! Now, let’s hope nature takes its course and some chemistry happens between Jess and Toddy.

  A FEW HOURS later, Aiden and I wake up to the sound of Toddy and Jess coming up the steps, laughing as though they’ve tucked into a few more beers while watching the game.

  Aiden rolls onto his side. “What are they doing?”

  “Sounds like they’re just having a good time.” I murmur, hoping my plan is working.

  His head pops up, and he peers at me through half open eyes. “They better not be having a good time.” He groans, rolls over and pulls the pillow over his head.

  “Why not?”

  From under the pillow, Aiden says, “He just better not go there.”

  “Why does it matter?”

  He does not answer my question.


  He’s already back asleep.

  I sit up, trying to hear anything else from Toddy and Jess, but the house is completely still.

  I wonder if they went to sleep in the same room.


  AIDEN’S PHONE RINGS, waking us earlier than normal. I roll over, half asleep, paying no attention to the mutters and whispers of his conversation.

  He runs his fingertips along my forearm. “You want to eat breakfast with me, or would you rather sleep in?”

  “I’ll get up and eat with you.” My words come out groggy. “Who rang?”

  “It was about the cattle.”

  Slipping on my robe, I follow Aiden.

  “Hold on a sec, I need to make sure Toddy gets up.” He walks over and knocks twice on his door.

  “I’m up, mate.” Toddy shouts, sounding sluggish.

  As we walk to the top of the stairs, I glance around.

  All of the doors are shut.

  I have no idea if Toddy slept alone or with Jess.

  Once downstairs, Aiden hands me a coffee before making us a bowl of toasted muesli with fresh fruit.

  Toddy stumbles into the kitchen, squinting and smacking his lips.

  Aiden speaks under his breath. “A bit hungover, are you mate?”

  “Nah, I’m good.” Toddy makes himself a cuppa and sits next to me.

  My curiosity gets the best of me. “Sleep well, Toddy?”

  Aiden leans back against the counter, sipping his coffee, staring at Toddy. “What were you guys doing last night?”

  He shrugs. “Nothing. Just hanging out.”

  “You didn’t sleep in the same room, did you?” Aiden watches him closely.

  “Does it matter?” Toddy smiles and turns around to make himself a bowl of muesli.

  Before Aiden can reply, his phone rings. Pulling it out of his pocket, he scowls and presses a button, ignoring the call.

  Why didn’t he take that call?

  Sensing anxiety, I reach out and touch Aiden’s arm. “Everything all right?”

  With a firm jaw, a distracted Aiden nods.

  Toddy looks towards me. “Ready to see some action around here?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “With the cattle coming today, you’ll finally get to see what we do.”

  “How does it all work?”

  Toddy stops eating to explain. “When they get here, we’ll get them off the trucks and draft them into the yards. There are few reasons we keep them there for a few days. For one, we want to check them over to make sure they’re healthy and don’t bring in anything that can spread to the other cattle. Two, we want to avoid bringing in any weeds that could affect this little environment we have going here.”

  I never realised how serious Toddy takes his work. It’s a new side to his personality that makes me look at him differently. He might not be such a larrikin after all.

  “Once we get the cattle into the yards, we’ve got to water and feed them as they wouldn’t have had any in a while. We’ll also move some into separate yards to keep them safe.”

  “Which ones do you separate?”

  “Any pregnant ones, the calves and also any bulls. Though they should already be separated on the trucks.”

  “Goodness, I didn’t realise how much thought goes into all this.”

  “Wait ‘til you see it all happening. The big thing to remember is that we don’t want to stress the animals. According to the government, if you control their arousal, then you control the animal.” Toddy winks at me and takes a bite of his muesli.

  Does he always have to make everything sexual?

  Aiden smirks. “Always one to think of sex, aren’t you?”

  Toddy throws his arm in the air. “Hey mate, look at their website. It’s the government’s choice of words, not mine.”

  Aiden rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”

  Still wondering about last night, I can’t help but ask, “Toddy, where’s Jess?”

  He scratches his head, just above his ear. “She said she needed more sleep.”

  Aiden abruptly stands, scraping the stool’s legs against the floor. He looks at Toddy. “Ready to work?”

  “Yup.” Toddy slurps the last of his bowl before he puts it in the sink.

  Aiden seems pensive as he picks up my empty bowl. “Why don’t you get dressed and meet us outside?”

  “That sounds good. I can’t wait to see what you guys do around here.” I smile at Aiden, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

  I’m guess he’s just focused on getting everything done with the cattle.
Though, I wonder why he ignored that call.

  AFTER GETTING DRESSED, I make my way to the yards. As I walk closer, the sound of hooves clambering down the ramps grows deafening. Reddish brown cattle are being unloaded from tall trucks into a pentacle-shaped penned area that spreads into other semi-rounded areas.

  From a distance, to my untrained eyes it seems like chaos as the animals kick up a dusty cloud. But soon enough, it becomes clear that Aiden and Toddy are effortlessly in control.

  Watching the men in action, I am mesmerised and hardly notice the crunch of breaking hay under my feet. Leaning against a heavy, metal fence, I keep my distance, trying to work out what they’re doing.

  Toddy has what looks to be a large stick in his hand, moving it around, guiding the animals from a smaller yard into a larger one. It doesn’t take long to see why he needs this stick.

  A bull with big horns breaks free from the mob and lunges towards Toddy. He lifts the stick and moves towards the animal. The bull quickly turns, gets back into line and follows the herd towards the neighbouring yard.

  Toddy then shifts his position to guide a cow with a calf, but while his back is turned, the bull avoids the pen and comes back around on him. Quick to react, Toddy moves behind him, flailing his arms to get the animal to follow the other cattle, but the bull holds his ground and drops its head. This time, Toddy uses the stick against the animal’s flank, gently coaxing it in the direction it’s meant to go.

  Toddy smiles at Aiden and shouts, “That’s a naughty one.”

  Aiden laughs while continuing to examine the cattle that pass him.

  A steel rattle rings through the air as Aiden secures one of the metal gates. He motions for me to come next to where he’s standing.

  I get closer, resting on the side of the fence as Toddy shuts the other gates.

  Aiden yells to Toddy. “Make sure that side gate is closed. It didn’t shut right yesterday, so put a chain or some rope around it.”

  “Okay, mate.” Toddy checks the gate and then walks back over to us.

  For a long while, the three of us watch the animals shift and move, ebbing and flowing around the yards, repositioning themselves as they settle down.

  This day was not what I expected. Toddy and Aiden do everything with ease. The confidence and command they use with these animals is something to be respected. They are so different to all the other men I’ve met in my life.

  Why was I always told to look towards ‘professional’ types? This belief was so wrong and misguided. How could I have possibly overlooked the most masculine men who exist in this world? These stockmen are hardworking, do something with their hands and see the fruits of their labour at the end of the day. I bet this type of man comes home tired but still treats their woman like a queen. So far, Aiden has done just this, making me fall more in love with him every day.

  My thoughts are interrupted by an unwelcome guest.

  “Hey, guys.” Jess’s voice rings out over the sound of the cattle.

  Aiden’s eyes snap to her. “Where’ve you been?”

  “I took care of the stables for you.”

  “Oh.” Aiden pushes his Akubra up to wipe the sweat from his brow. “Thanks.”

  Jess leans against the fence, gazing at the yards. “How are they going?”

  Toddy looks her way. “Good. No problems so far.”

  Rubbing at her temples, Jess says, “I need to get back home. I’ll give you a call later.”

  Who was she referring to when she said she’d call later? Hopefully, if my plan is working, she meant Toddy.

  Aiden continues watching the cattle. “Bye, Jess.”

  Toddy grins at Jess. “See you later.”

  As she turns to leave, she kicks manure up against my leg.

  Oh, you so didn’t!

  Narrowing my eyes, I scowl and look towards Aiden.

  Preoccupied with the cattle, he hasn’t seen her little move.

  “What the hell, Jess?”

  “Oh, whoops. Looks like I got a little dirt on you.”

  I grimace. “Seriously?”

  She sniggers. “I guess that wouldn’t happen in the city.”

  Oh, I’m so not letting you get to me!

  I shake my head, gritting my teeth. “Didn’t you say you were leaving?”

  With a wry smile, she struts away.

  SEVERAL DAYS LATER, I’m in bed rubbing lotion onto my legs and watching Aiden dry off after a shower.

  Standing with a towel wrapped low on his waist, Aiden walks close to the bed. “I think we should drive to Toowoomba tomorrow to get you a few things.”

  “What about the cattle?”

  “I think Toddy will be fine on his own for a day. I’ve told him to get Jess to help if necessary.” Letting his towel drop, he joins me in bed. “I’m exhausted from the last few days. I would love to take you to dinner and have a night alone with you.” He lies down and stretches his arms above his head.

  My stare travels from his strong thighs up to his face. “Dinner? A night alone?”

  “Yeah, I know a great place we can stay.” He rubs his eyes and yawns.

  Putting my body lotion on the side table, I lie next to him, stroking my fingers through his hair, helping him drift off to sleep.

  WE DRIVE TO Toowoomba after breakfast. It’s not until we pull out of the driveway that it hits me. This is the first time I’ve been off the property and out in public.

  My stomach knots. “What if someone recognises me? What would I say to them?”

  “Do you know anyone in Toowoomba?”

  I look out at the road, scrunching my nose. “I guess not.”

  He reaches over and touches my arm. “I think we’ll be all right.”

  After driving for a few hours, Aiden rubs my shoulder to wake me up. “Sleepyhead, we’re at our first stop.”

  I blink, bringing my eyes into focus. Looking around, it doesn’t seem like we’re in a city. “Where are we?”

  “We are at R.M. Williams. Time to get you some boots.”

  The store is in a maroon building that resembles a brick home. Walking into the shop, the earthy smell of tanned leather crosses my nose. It makes me think of Aiden’s scent after he has been out riding all day.

  Looking around, Aiden begins to pull a few things off the racks. He hands me several shirts and jumpers. “These might work, don’t you think?”

  Running my fingertips over the material, I’m surprised by how soft the cotton feels. “I’ll go try them on.”

  In the dressing room, I try on whatever Aiden brings to me. I like the clothes even if they aren’t the style I normally wear in the city.

  Finally, I’ll be wearing more than just yoga pants or sexy lingerie.

  After trying the shirts on, I walk out and find Aiden near the boots.

  “What do you think of these?” He points out a tan coloured pair.

  “I think they’d be good.”

  We get a saleslady and I try them on. A perfect fit, like Cinderella’s glass slipper.

  Aiden looks satisfied. “I think you’re all set to ride next to me, helping me check on the cattle or just lying in the grass staring at the stars.”

  I blush, remembering our hot night not too long ago. Oh, how I’d love a repeat of that night! Him holding me in place, pleasing me with his hands while shooting stars crossed the night sky.

  Aiden’s voice takes me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

  “Holly?” He tilts his head and runs his fingers along my forearm. “Do you think there’s anything else you need?”

  Taking the pile of clothes to the checkout counter, I shake my head. “I think this is enough.”

  “No, it’ll never be enough. Not for someone as beautiful as you.”

  The saleslady ringing up our purchases glances at me and smiles. “Lucky woman.”

  I grin. “I know I am.”

  Aiden carries all our bags as we walk towards the door of the shop.

  I stop by a rack, touching a shirt
I recognise. It’s the same pink checkered shirt that Jess had on at dinner the other night.

  Aiden stops, tilting his head to the side. “Do you want that one, too?”

  I scrunch my nose. “No, that’s okay. I don’t think it’s my style.”

  Ha! As if I want to look like Jess!

  He shrugs, oblivious to my thoughts.

  We get into the car and drive to a shopping centre called Grand Central. Along the way, the surroundings are not what I expected. I don’t feel like I’m in a hurried, overloaded city. Instead, it’s like I’ve stepped back in time and experienced what Australian cities were like before they became impassive metropolises.

  We turn a corner and see several avant garde murals painted on the sides of several buildings. Some may call these graffiti, but I call it art, and I love seeing a city that is allowed to express its unique personality. I enjoy that this place seems to have found a balance between its progressive and bygone charm.

  Entering the shopping centre, a shiver moves through me as I adjust to the sudden drop in temperature. Stepping onto the escalator, I glance around at the masses of people while aromas and sounds assault my senses.

  Loudspeakers, scents of sweet doughnuts, fried chicken and chips waft through while people walk by in a hurry, on their phones, pushing prams, or talking loudly. School kids in uniforms congregate around the food court, laughing and joking.

  The sensory overload is too much to take.

  Feeling dizzy, I reach and grab Aiden’s arm, hoping to steady myself.

  He grips my hand. “You all right?”

  I nod, breathing slowly and trying to regain my composure.

  He smiles warmly. “I know it can be a bit disconcerting when you haven’t been around lots of people for a while. Imagine how it was for me after being in jail all those years.”

  “It’s so odd. I lived in a version of this world. Shopping, crowds, noise, whatever. I was part of it every day and relished in it. Now, all I can think about is getting back to the peace and quiet of your home.”

  “You mean our home.” He lovingly squeezes my arm.

  We go into Myers department store.

  Once inside, Aiden walks me towards the cosmetics area. “I didn’t know what sorts of things you liked or needed, so whatever you need we can get it now, okay?”


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