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Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4

Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I’m tired, Aiden…so tired that I can’t think right now. Please just leave me to sleep.”

  The hurt that crosses his face breaks my heart and I close my eyes to shut the image out. If not I won’t be able to stand my ground anymore.

  I hear the click of the light going off so I open my eyes as the room is once again shrouded in darkness.

  “Go to sleep, Sarah,” Aiden whispers, exhaustion and hurt clear in his voice. “I’m staying because I have a feeling that if I walk out of that door, you won’t let me back in.”

  I can’t speak and let him settle me back down before he settles in to sleep.


  Holding Sarah in my arms while she sleeps, I let fear and heartache run from my eyes. I haven’t cried since my mother died but as I squeeze my eyes tightly closed, tears seep between my lashes and run into the scruff covering my face.

  Even though I’d hoped, I knew that no apology would make up for all the times I’ve screwed up recently.

  I pull her snug against me and bury my face into her shoulder while I whisper, “I love you.” My voice breaks as a shudder works its way through me. “It’s only you, Sarah. I only love you.”


  Hearing Sarah whisper my name, I freeze and help her turn to face me.

  Moonlight filters through the slats of the blinds giving enough light for me to see the tears slowly running down Sarah’s face. I brush the hair back from her cheek and let my fingers linger in a caress.

  “I love you, too. That’s why this hurts so much.”

  I carefully pull her back into my arms when she snuggles against me. My heart settles with ease and hope, knowing we might make it through this. Her arm slowly wraps around my waist and I stay still to wait and see what she’ll do or say next.

  “Can we start again in the morning?” she asks. “I mean take it slow and spend time together, and maybe I could talk to Rae without you around.”

  “I’ll tell Rae.” I kiss her on the top of her head and sigh.

  Sarah chuckles. “You won’t tell her, Aiden, you’ll ask her. You really do have a few things to learn, don’t you?”

  Lots of things are running through my mind, at the forefront is how relieved I am that Sarah seems to be giving me another chance—one I have no intention of screwing up. “Sarah, will you promise me something?” I kiss her sweet lips. “Will you tell when we have an issue? Please don’t keep it inside and let it hurt you. Tell me.” I place a kiss on each eyelid. “I’m hoping everything is good from now on, but I’m a guy and will probably screw up from time to time, but I need you to tell me when I do.”

  Sarah brings a hand up to my face and cups my cheek. “I promise…I’m sorry…”

  “No, don’t apologize to me, Sarah. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  Feeling her body against mine has my heart pounding and the fact that she keeps rubbing against my cock isn’t helping to keep my thoughts above the waist.

  She’s warm and supple and holding her close, my hand caresses down to her bottom. I palm a cheek and squeeze. Her moan of pleasure as she presses against my pelvis drives me crazy. I lift her leg over my hip and rotate my hips, wanting to be completely free of my jeans to feel her flesh against my own.

  Goose bumps break out across her stomach as I slip my hand inside her sleep shorts and caress her smooth skin.

  “Don’t move.” I smile and stand, making quick work of my clothes before leaning over and helping Sarah wiggle out of hers.

  I carefully climb on the bed behind her and meet her gaze when she turns her head. Our lips seal together in a passionate kiss, hardening my dick. I’m mindful of her arm and kiss around the cast while I let my hands roam over her feminine curves.

  Unable to resist any longer, I trail kisses down her spine and slowly move to the cheeks of her bottom, nibbling the succulent flesh.

  One hand slips between her legs and I growl into her neck when I feel how wet she is. “I want you, Sarah.”

  “I can tell,” she whispers and curves herself into my groin.

  My dick settles between her ass cheeks and she grinds down. With unsteady hands, I hold her hips in place and slowly tug her leg over mine to open her up to my touch.

  “Sarah,” I hiss, and clench my jaw when she reaches between her legs and brings my dick between them. She presses my length between her wet lips and the sensation is so good that my legs shake.

  If her teasing carries on for much longer, I’m going to be coming without being inside of her. My eyes roll back when she rubs her wetness into the head.

  “Put me inside you…now, Sarah.” I gasp at the feel of her small fingers wrapped around my shaft, followed by the pressure of entering her sex. She’s always tight, warm, and wet…and feels so good that I can’t catch my breath.

  “Oh, Aiden.”

  “I know, baby.” I kiss her shoulder and slowly pull out before sliding into her welcoming heat over and over again. “I love you, Sarah.”

  “I love you, too.”



  There’s only a slight discomfort in my arm, thanks to the pain meds, and I’m certainly a lot more relaxed than I was yesterday. Aiden is the one to thank for that and I really do feel his love and need to make everything right between us.

  Last night I pretended to sleep but when I felt the wetness on my neck, I couldn’t pretend anymore. The man had my heart, which is why it hurt so much being left out in the cold by him, and then everything with Rae.

  Speaking of Rae, she will be here soon and I’m nervous as to what Aiden has said to her. He promised that he’d only invite her over, but I’m sure he’s told her why.

  “Rae’s here,” Aiden says. “I’ll go let her in.” He turns and leans in, kissing me on the lips. “Are you sure you want me gone?”

  “I’m sure I don’t want you here while we talk about you.” I smile sweetly.

  Aiden laughs and curves his hand around my neck while he deepens the kiss. “You’re mine, Sarah, and one day soon I’m going to ask you again to marry me. This time it’s going to be done right and you’re the only one who is going to know about it.” He kisses me again. “And, just so you’re not worrying about it, the other ring has already been returned.” He smiles and saunters toward the door.

  “I’m going to make you cry, but in a good way. The next time I ask it’s going to be so damn romantic that you won’t be able to get into my pants fast enough.” He disappears out the door while my heart is about to beat right out of my chest.

  Smug bastard.

  Fidgeting, I smile and chuckle to myself when I hear the door creak open, and then watch as Rae slips into the living room. I frown at her disheveled appearance. She looks as though she hasn’t slept.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, indicating for her to sit on the sofa opposite me.

  She sits and blows out a puff of air. “I must look bad if both Aiden and you are asking the same question.”

  “Not bad,” I add, “just tired.”

  Rae bites her lip and when she lifts her head tears hover on her lashes. “I stayed at the hospital all night.” She shrugs. “Diego wanted me to stay with him.” She wipes at a tear.

  “Aiden doesn’t know. Kasey does and he’s promised to keep it quiet. He, um, walked into the room and found me asleep in Diego’s arms.”

  “Aiden told me that he thought there was something between you both.” It’s nice hearing Rae admit that there is.

  Even though Rae is now shaking her head in denial. “There can’t be anything between us, Sarah. I’m fifteen years older than him. God,” she cries, “my daughter, Andie, is only five years younger than him.”

  I have no clue as to what to say because I’m not really used to having a friend who is a girl and the fact that it’s Rae feels weird…but, good.

  “Look, I know Aiden keeps screwing up with you because of me, and I’m so very sorry, Sarah. I really am. I honestly have never had a sexual interest in Aiden, and
I can’t even imagine anything because that’s just an eww factor, you know? He’s a brother really. I think from now on I’d like it if we could really be friends. I know we got along before but this time needs to be different. I’ll try if you will, and if you promise to keep an open mind and not read things between Aiden and me that aren’t there.”

  I nod and wipe at one of my own tears. “I’ve asked Aiden if we can have a fresh start. I think it would be good if you and I got one too.”

  Rae smiles. “I’d like that.”

  Smiling, I ask, “What are you going to do about Diego? It sounds like he’s really attracted to you, and the feeling might be mutual, right?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “He’s under my skin and I have no idea how to handle him. If our ages were fairly close then our attraction to each other wouldn’t be a problem, but the gap is large, Sarah.”

  I nod. “Tell me about him though. Has he said anything?”

  “He wants me to give him a chance. He admitted that he hasn’t been in a relationship before but that this time he really wants to try with me…You should have seen Lucia’s face though at the hospital when she relayed that he wanted to see me before anyone else. She wasn’t happy at all.”

  I can see how a mother would want the best for her son and the issue with their ages is a problem, but I’ve learned that love has no boundaries.

  “I slept all night with him,” Rae blurts out, interrupting my musings. “He wanted to hold me.” Rae wipes at another stray tear. “And I wanted the same.”

  Well, if anything, this conversation has certainly shown me that everything Aiden has said is the truth. Now all I have to do is get my man to think first before he acts, then we’ll have a lasting relationship.


  “I see you’re out of the doghouse,” Mateo comments, resting his arms along the paddock fence.

  It’s been two days since I woke up and had Sarah’s forgiveness for not really thinking about her. I know she doesn’t expect me to be thinking about her all the time, but when it matters she should be the first one on my mind—the first one that I go to.

  “She has you by the balls as well, huh?” Mateo snickers. “Didn’t take long for Erin to get ahold of mine either.”

  I give my brother a glance from the corner of my eye and grin when he starts to laugh. “That’s too much information, bro.” I shake my head. “But yes, I managed to get Sarah to forgive me.” I sigh and look back at the horse and its foal in the paddock. “I’m thirty-six, Mateo, and it’s been forever since I was in a relationship, so I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I just know that I want her to be mine forever.”

  “The engagement’s back on?”

  “Not yet,” I reply. “I told her I’ll be asking her again soon.” I smile because it’s going to be an engagement that she won’t forget, once I’ve arranged it all that is.

  “I’ve promised her that she’ll be the first to know about it, but I think I’m going to have to ask Greg to help me.”

  Mateo shakes his head and grins. “I wondered about Greg,” he adds. “I thought I saw him kissing another guy way back when. It was in Texas, and I’d had a bit to drink so I wasn’t sure, which is why I kept my mouth shut.” He frowns. “Then why was he married to Sarah? Didn’t she know?”

  “She knew. Let’s leave it at that.” I don’t want to rehash everything with him.

  “What’s going on between Diego and Rae?” Mateo turns and leans against the fence, his gaze glancing at the house where Lucia is watching us through the kitchen window. “Lucia was spitting mad earlier because of Rae. I’ve never seen her like that before.”

  I throw my head back and stare up at the sky because I have no idea what the hell is going on. “Ask Diego because neither are talking.” I’m sure Rae said something to Sarah because every time I mention it the subject gets changed.

  “I haven’t seen Diego be like this with anyone else. If it wasn’t for her age then I’d be teasing the fuck out of him,” Mateo pushes away from the fence and faces me. “Talk to Rae about staying away, Aiden…before Lucia decides to protect her baby.”

  Mateo lightly punches my shoulder and walks away, and I can’t help wonder what the hell he wants me to say.

  I’ve been drawn to a married woman since the minute I met her, long before I’d discovered her marriage was one of convenience only.

  Both my brother and friend are old enough to make up their own minds and as much as it plays on my mind, I don’t really think it’s anyone’s business as to what happens between them.

  Moving toward the house, I catch Lucia pacing back and forth on the porch and my heart sinks. I wish I could turn around and head the other way, but that isn’t me. Lucia obviously has things on her mind, which probably starts and ends with Rae and Diego.

  Needing to get this confrontation out of the way, I approach, keeping my eyes on her. “Lucia.”

  “Aiden…” She bites her lip and I know she’s trying to hold back because of our relationship, anyone else would have had a tongue lashing before they’d made it to the bottom of the steps. “Will you talk to Rae, please? She can’t have Diego.” Lucia paces. “She’s only ten years younger than me. Even your father and I don’t have that many years between us, Aiden.”

  Sighing heavily, I pull my stepmother into my arms and kiss the top of her head. “Lucia, I don’t think it’s as easy as just talking to Rae. You know your son, and you know that he doesn’t make decisions lightly. No one is going to be able to change his mind. I think you just need to let it play itself out.”

  “No.” She pushes away and starts up with the pacing again.

  “She isn’t welcome here anymore.” She turns on her heel and heads back inside.

  I rub at my brow, a headache brewing with all the damn tension around here.

  Diego can sort his own mess out from now on, although I have a feeling that he doesn’t know there’s anything to sort out as of yet.


  Four weeks later ~ Sarah

  It feels good to finally be able to move my arm without having to catch my breath due to shooting pain. The cast is still a hindrance, but lighter than I expected.

  Aiden has been amazing and has hinted at every opportunity that we need to be living together so that he can be here for me. I know that I’m holding out and that it’s started to cause Aiden some concern, but I really do want to take everything slow this time around. The last time was slow too, but once we got together thing progressed so fast, making my head spin, and it hasn’t really stopped.

  Putting the last of the dishes away, I glance into the living room and meet Aiden’s gaze. I shooed him out so that I could finish up alone, but he’s always watching me to make sure I’m okay. It has been difficult getting around with only being able to use one arm, but I manage.

  “Sarah, come and sit.” He pats the seat beside him. “Please…”

  I laugh and join him on the sofa. “You don’t need to beg, honey. I love sitting with your arms around me.”

  “I thought I was annoying you,” Aiden comments into my hair.

  I shake my head. “You know I’ll ask if I need help. I just need to keep my independence.”

  “I know. It’s just difficult standing by watching you struggle.” Aiden rearranges us so that he’s spread out on the sofa with his head on the arm and me resting between his spread thighs, my back to his chest.

  “What’s bothering you?” he asks, my heart drops.

  I’ve wanted to talk to him for over a day now and haven’t known how to tell him…ask him, but I guess I’m going to have to now.

  “Greg has a work function in Dallas coming up, and he’s asked if I’d be willing to go with him. Be on his arm for the night.” Aiden stills behind me, so I rush on, “Greg will be getting Matthew and you a ticket as well, so it isn’t as though I’d be going off with him. You’d be with me. Sharing my room.”

  Aiden tightens his arms around me. “Sarah, it’s okay, babe. Greg has alread
y talked to me about it. He’s planning on coming out during the event.”

  “What?” I’m surprised because he never mentioned that to me.

  “Why do you think he’s taking Matthew as well? He doesn’t want to hide anymore.”

  “Wow. I didn’t see that coming.” I shake my head and laugh. “So I had nothing to worry about with asking you about it, did I? You already knew.”

  “I already knew, but you needn’t have worried.” He kisses my shoulder. “I love you, Sarah, and I know you love me and want to be with me. Please don’t worry about mentioning Greg, and or, Matthew in the future, okay?”

  I nod and sigh when he kisses the top of my head.

  “Now…this,” Aiden continues, “feels amazing. Holding you in my arms, being able to touch you.” He caresses my hips with his large hands. “Just having you this close makes my blood thrum through my body. You basically drive me nuts.” He chuckles.

  I wiggle against him and the groan he releases, along with the hard ridge of his erection pressing into me, tells me just what my closeness does to him.

  “Mmm, you feel what you do to me.” He arches his hips.

  “Touch me, Aiden.”

  He pauses and then sits me up, tugging my t-shirt and bra off before he pushes my yoga pants and panties down my hips. I kick them the rest of the way off, and then I remember the doors…

  “Settle, I’ve locked both doors with the deadbolts. No one is getting in unless we let them in.” Aiden kisses my naked shoulder and pulls me back against his chest. “Spread your legs over mine. I want you open to me.”

  His breathing gets heavy as I feel his gaze on my breasts and further down as his finger skims over my mound.

  “Your skin is so soft…smooth, and look”—he lightly caresses over my chest with the back of his fingers—“goose bumps erupt where I’ve touched.” He lightly tweaks my nipples. “And these are rock hard.”

  “Mmm, just like something that’s currently poking me in the ass.”


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