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Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4

Page 12

by Lexi Buchanan

  He chuckles, tugging on my nipples again, causing pleasure to erupt between my spread thighs. “That’s all because of you, baby.”

  In a light caress, his fingers spread over my pelvis and start to press between my legs, rubbing around my clit. He travels further toward the opening to my core and teases with a finger.

  “So wet for me,” he breathes the words into my ear. “Just touching you gets me so worked up, I’m surprised I don’t always come in my pants.”

  I smile but it soon turns into a moan when he slides a digit inside of me. Clenching around him, I arch up, begging for more, which he gives me.

  Three fingers pump in and out of me, but still I want more. “I want to come on your cock.”

  “Jesus.” His fingers withdraw and with some maneuvering, he gets his jeans past his hips. I turn and kneel between his spread thighs and holding his gaze, I drop my head and lick from his balls to the very tip of him. I swirl my tongue around the large mushroom shaped head and sigh against him.

  “You taste really good.” I lick the sensitive underside, my eyes heating with the pleasure I’m getting out of this. His large hand is wrapped around his shaft as he slowly pumps up and down. Nothing is as hot to me as watching him touch himself.


  I keep telling myself that I’ll stop her in another second, but I don’t. Watching her lick my cock while I hold it out as an offering has my balls pulling tight to my body, needing the release, but not until I’m inside her. I’m going to be cutting it close though with how excited she gets me.

  “Climb on me. I want to watch you ride my cock. I want to watch your large breasts bounce as you bring us both to orgasm.”

  “Oh God.” Sarah sucks my cock into her mouth and my eyes roll before she releases me. “Please stop talking.”

  I grin but curse when she wraps her tongue around the flared head of my dick.

  Seconds later I’m positioned at her entrance and my toes curl when she slides down. When her pussy meets my groin, I pant and clench my jaw together to try and last longer than two seconds.

  Her wetness floods me and when she rotates her hips the pleasure rushes to the base of my spine. I reach out and grab her hips to hold her above me.

  She’s glorious and my eyes zero in on her firm breasts, her hard nipples stand at attention. I swallow and close my eyes, but when she lifts up and slowly drops back down my eyes snap open and I watch as her breasts jiggle with her movements.

  “You’re killing me.” I hiss.

  “Help me,” she begs, desperation in her voice.

  Holding her gaze, I rock her back and forth on my shaft and catch my breath when she throws her head back and lifts her good arm so that she can finger her own nipples.

  I’ve discovered that they’re the most sensitive part on her and she’s climaxed a few times from nipple stimulation alone.

  Watching her now though, my release is seconds from shooting out and as I harden and lengthen in preparation, I feel her ripple and convulse around my dick. That’s all it takes and I slam into her one final time as my cock releases into her warm depths. She’s so tight and the flutters of her release milk every little drop out of me.

  I try to catch my breath, but instead I catch Sarah as she carefully drops to my chest. Just the feel of her breasts against me sends an answering awareness to my cock, which starts to twitch alive again.

  “I’m not sure I can go again.”

  I chuckle at her tired response. “I know the feeling, but I’m sure if I carried you to the bed and laid you out I could wake you up.”

  “I’m sure you could.” She kisses my chest, and lifts her head.

  “I love you, Aiden,” she says, softly.

  Reaching up, I tangle my fingers into her hair and bring her to my lips. Kissing her softly, I hold her gaze and tell her, “You are the most beautiful woman that I’ve ever seen, and I’m so thankful that you’re mine. I love you, Sarah.”

  Tugging her back into my arms, I let her sleep.


  One week later ~ Sarah

  I’ve done nothing but fidget with my red evening dress from the minute I put it on and made the mistake of asking Aiden to zip me up. I should have really known better, but as we were running late, I figured he’d behave. So now, here I am, at this glamorous dinner at a prestigious hotel in downtown Dallas, Texas, without a stitch of underwear on.

  Aiden is so bad and I’ve been in a constant state of arousal since the minute he slipped my panties off.

  It does feel a bit strange considering I’m on Greg’s arm, but Aiden being within three feet of me at all times is nice, although irritating Greg.

  “At least Matthew knows how to behave,” Greg hisses between his teeth.

  I keep the smile plastered on my face. “Aiden needs me close, and I like it.”

  Greg inhales and slowly exhales. “I’m sorry. I’m nervous and I’m taking it out on you, which is wrong. You’ve been really good through all this, and I’m truly happy that you’ve found your happily ever after with Aiden.”

  “Hmm…” I sigh and Greg chuckles.

  A few hours later I’m ready to use my stiletto heels to cause bodily harm. My good intention has gone out of the window and I’m tired and cranky, which is never good. And if the woman in the white evening dress doesn’t take her paws off Aiden everyone is going to be getting more of a show than they bargained for.

  The only saving grace is that Aiden isn’t taking her on at all, he quickly realized she’s after more than a mere hello.

  “Sarah, let me introduce you to…”

  “No,” I snap, and retrieve my arm from the curve of Greg’s. “I’ve had enough.”

  Greg follows my gaze and then says, “Oh,” when he sees what has my attention. “She works in PR and has a reputation.” He frowns.

  That does it.

  “I’m going over there to claim my man, and”—I turn and find Matthew who looks about to lose his cool as well—“I suggest you go and soothe Matthew. He looks upset…You can’t put it off any longer, and you know that.” My words being said, I narrow my eyes and head toward Aiden who has a panicked look on his face until he meets my gaze.

  The obvious relief I see makes me see red at the hussy for putting the moves on my man.

  Nudging her out of the way, I step into Aiden, winding my arms around his waist. I sigh as his arms enclose me and feel his lips against my forehead.

  I squeeze his waist before I turn and face the woman who I recall from previous functions. If I remember correctly she was once after Greg. “I can’t remember your name,” I start, “but I suggest you go and find a man that’s available instead of one of mine.” I cock an eyebrow.

  “One of your men,” she puts her hands on her hips. “Just how many men do you have?”

  “Well, there’s Greg, who I’m in the middle of divorcing, and then there’s his partner, and last but certainly not least there’s the man I’m in love with.” I smirk at the look on her face, but I ignore her now as I turn back into Aiden’s arms.

  “I’ve had enough.”

  His hand cups the back of my head as I catch the woman disappearing into the throng of guests.

  “I have a surprise for you,” Aiden whispers. “Let’s go.”

  “What about Greg?”

  He shakes his head. “He’s with Matthew and causing a bit of a stir. He’ll be fine.”

  I smile and wrap my fingers with Aiden’s as he leads me toward the elevator.

  Inserting our room card into the elevator slot, I’m surprised when he presses the button for the top floor.

  I raise a brow in question and Aiden surrounds me, his body hard and warm against the soft curves of mine. The ridge of his arousal presses into my hip and as he just rests it against me, I feel the length pulse and thicken.

  His eyes close slightly and the pulse in my neck goes crazy as Aiden caresses down my cheek and neck with his lips.

  “You taste good,” he pants. “So good.�

  The elevator doors finally open and Aiden growls into my neck while he caresses my hip before intertwining our fingers together.

  “Let’s go.”

  I follow him out and realize that I would follow him anywhere.

  At the door that reads ‘roof access’ I frown and glance at Aiden. He smirks and shucks out of his jacket. “Here, it’s going to be a bit windy out there.”


  I feel sick with nerves as I lead Sarah out onto the roof and over to a slightly sheltered area that’s been set up with flowers and lights.

  The hotel staff have been amazing and couldn’t have been more helpful if they’d tried when I told them what I wanted and the reason why.

  Hearing the small catch in Sarah’s breathing when she sees the romantic setting makes everything worth it.

  Low cushions surround a small table, fairy lights are hung up and trail around the floor, and champagne chills to one side.

  I lead Sarah over to the cushions and help her down. While I pour us both a glass of bubbles, I watch her look around us and am curious as to what she’s thinking, even though I have a feeling she’s only wondering about what is really going on.

  Smiling, I hand her a glass and kneel on the cushions to her right. “I’m going to do this right this time.”

  Sarah’s eyes widen in surprise and a light blush coats her cheekbones. “I don’t know…wow.”

  I chuckle and take her hand into mine. “I love you, Sarah. I fell in love with you when I thought it was impossible, and my love for you has only ever grown. I want to spend the rest of my life with you…Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I pause to catch my breath because proposing for the second time is damn nerve-racking. “This,”—I take the ring from my pocket and place it on Sarah’s finger—“was one of my mother’s rings. She bought a ring for each of our birthstones. She didn’t wear them all the time, just from the first to the end of the month depending on whose birthday it was.”

  I wipe at her tears.

  “She left them to us when she died, and I’d forgotten the first time I asked you. I’m sorry I screwed up, but I love you and now that you have my ring on your finger, it’s never coming off.”

  Sarah’s face is full of pure joy as tears continue down her cheeks. She wraps her arms around my neck and whispers, “I love you, Aiden De La Fuente, and yes, I’ll marry you and give you lots of babies.”

  My heart jolts in my chest at her words and as she grabs hold of my head and seals her lips to mine, my head spins and pure and utter lust for the woman I love overtakes all common sense.

  Earlier, when I’d tugged her panties free before we’d left our room, my intention had been easy access, so as I take her down to the cushions, I slide my hand up the inside of her dress, and curve my palm over her bare bottom.

  “Oh God, Aiden. We’re outside.”

  “I know.” I kiss from her neck to chest and tug her bodice free, allowing myself access to her great breasts while I slip a finger through her arousal and into her sex. “So wet for me. Always, Sarah.” I growl at the feel of her.

  “Yes. I always am.” She moans. “Not like this. Inside me.”

  “I love bringing you over like this,” I admit, pumping my fingers in and out of her tight sheath.

  “Just like I love sucking an orgasm out of your cock.”

  “Fuck,” I curse, and fumble with my pants. I don’t even get them down when I’m pushing inside of her. “This is going to be quick.”

  “Move,” she groans.

  Her legs go around my waist as my hips have a mind of their own and start thrusting. I dip my head and suck one of her nipples into my mouth and feel her release coat my dick and groin. She squeezes me so hard that with one final thrust I’m coming with her.

  Panting and lightly thrusting into her, Sarah starts laughing as she looks us over. “We’re fully clothed.” She shakes her head.

  I smirk, feeling so damn happy, but one look down, I realize I only opened my pants and tugged my flesh free. I shouldn’t have looked though because my eyes darken and my arousal flairs when I watch her pussy quiver with me gently rocking inside of her.

  I’m so tempted to make love to her again right here, but I don’t want to push our luck. Not to mention, I want her very naked under me.

  With that thought in mind, I slowly pull out and have to close my eyes at the sight of her pussy trying to keep me inside of her. A string of cum keeps us connected and only gets broken when I use a tissue to clean my cock. I grab another to clean Sarah, but she grabs my wrist.

  “No. I want to feel you in me as we walk to our room.”

  “God,” I breathe, and quickly shove my dick back in my pants.

  I pull her dress down and help her stand. Once she’s on her feet, I make sure she’s not going to flash anyone. “We’ll finish this in our room.” I pause. “Actually, we’ll carry on in our room.” I grin and wrap an arm around her neck to keep her at my side.

  Sarah lifts her left hand and admires the ring on her wedding finger. It’s platinum with a small opal birthstone in the center of a cluster of diamonds. It’s beautiful and makes me wish that my mom were here to see her wearing it.

  “Hey”—Sarah squeezes my side—“are you okay?” She gazes at me with concern and love in her eyes.

  I offer her a wry smile. “I was just wishing that my mom was alive to see the ring on your finger. She’d have loved you.”

  “Oh, Aiden.” Sarah reaches up and kisses my cheek. “You have no idea how much it means to hear you say that.”

  Leaning in, I rest my forehead to Sarah’s and breathe to get my emotions in check. I gently caress her cheek and place a soft kiss to her lips.

  “I want to marry you as soon as your divorce is final,” I tell her as I lead her back to the stairs. “We’ve waited a good while to be together. I don’t want to leave it any longer.”

  “You don’t need to convince me, Aiden. I’d marry you tomorrow if I was free.”

  I hold her close as I lead her to our room where we have the privacy I crave, knowing that finally everything is going to work out as planned.



  Today has been a really good day at the De La Fuente farm and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself.

  The family came together to celebrate our engagement, along with Emelia’s pregnancy. The day is now coming to an end as I rest up on the porch with the sunset in the distance.

  I love being part of a large family, and the love that is obviously there between them always makes me smile. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much or so hard. All four brothers are an act and kept us entertained while Emelia, Erin, Sylvia and myself helped Lucia with the food. Emiliano, Aiden’s father, is a quiet man and prefers to watch his family, but there’s no mistaking the love that shines in his eyes, especially as he held his first grandchild.

  The sun has nearly set now as Kasey joins me for a quiet five minutes. As he sits though I half expect Diego to be with him because when Kasey’s home, Diego is usually close by.

  “What are you thinking?” he asks, sitting beside me on the porch swing before he kicks his feet up on the rail.

  I smile. “I’m thinking that it’s been a wonderful day…and I’m wondering where your sidekick is.”

  He turns and holds my gaze for a few seconds before he starts to laugh. “We’ve always been close but right now”—he heavily sighs—“we’re thousands of miles apart.” He shakes his head. “He works, and works…and misses Rae.” Kasey shrugs.

  “Rae’s lost weight,” I say, and realize it’s the truth. I frown, feeling bad that I’ve only just realized, as I spot her off to one side with her daughter.


  I glance at Kasey and feel that he also has the weight of the world on his shoulders, so I ask, “Is everything okay with you?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” He drops his feet back to the floor and rests his elbows o
n his knees. “I’m on a new team, which is going to be announced next week.”

  I blink at him and smile. “Really? That’s good, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “You don’t sound too enthusiastic about it.” He looks sad actually.

  “I’ve wanted to make the move for a while so yes, it’s good…it’s just different that’s all.” Kasey smiles and sitting back wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Shush. Aiden’s coming.”

  Chuckling against him, I watch Aiden approach from the corner of my eye and laugh when he rolls his eyes.


  Overhearing Kasey talking to my fiancée, I wait out of sight until I feel they pause at a place that I can interrupt them. My younger brother has been bothered for a while now, so I’m glad that he feels he can talk to Sarah.

  Their conversation soon finishes though when I turn the corner and see Sarah snuggled against Kasey.

  Kasey teasing me isn’t new, I just wish Diego hadn’t stopped.

  “Get off my future wife,” I grouch and then grin when I meet Kasey’s teasing smirk.

  He moves and perches on the porch railing while I take his place beside Sarah. Once she’s settled against me, I stare at my brother. “So, you’ve switched teams, huh?”

  Kasey sighs. “I have. I’m too old to stay where I was. The pace was slowly killing me.”

  I frown. “Too old? Kasey you’re only thirty-one, hardly too old.”

  He shakes his head. “It’s done. I’ve transferred to the New York Mavericks. The pressure isn’t as high and I’m happy, Aiden.” He jumps down and starts to walk away. “I’m hoping everyone will be there for my first game with them.”

  “Damn straight we will be, bro.” I grin at his retreating back, and mumble into the silence. “I look forward to it.”

  “I love you, Aiden, and I love that you have an amazing family,” Sarah whispers and snuggles deeper into my arms. “I can’t wait until I’m officially a De La Fuente.”

  I smile and kiss the top of her head. “I love you too, and I can’t wait either, honey.”


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