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Hestaesia: Lost in Love

Page 20

by K. L. Thorne

  Nevertheless, the blow was enough for the beast to release his arm as it howled in pain. Fresh, bright blood poured from his body at an alarming rate, saturating the snow with crimson. He lost his grip on his weapon, leaving it sticking out of the bear.

  Somewhere, in a dark corner of his mind, Lephas acknowledged his imminent death. He stared vacantly at the shredded remains of his left forearm. Blood spurted from a severed artery, flesh lay in tatters and pink, fresh bone splintered through the remains of his skin.

  There was no recovering from an injury like that without healing majick.

  Putting the blinding pain to the back of his consciousness, he fixed the bear with a stare. The enormous beast glowered back at him, its muzzle streaked with his blood.

  The demon needed to kill it, before it killed him... Before it killed Lori.

  His vision wavered but Lephas fought to his feet, dark spots blotted like ink in front of his eyes. He focussed on his sword that was still sticking precariously out of the bear's neck.

  Recognising this as his last opportunity, the demon stood his ground and braced for impact as the huge creature lunged for him once more.

  He felt the bear's giant paw hit his chest, splintering several ribs and cracking his sternum. There were no hairline fractures this time. Lephas felt the horrifying sensation of a rib piercing into one of his lungs.

  Blood spluttered from his mouth in a fine red mist and the demon reached a shaking arm out to grasp the sword's hilt. With all of his remaining strength, he pushed forward. The beast's claws pierced his abdomen and blood pooled beneath his armour as he pushed all his weight into the sword.

  The sharp weapon slid forward. He felt the tell-tale grinding as the metal crunched through tendons and ligaments. Still he pushed forwards.

  The bear roared in pain, a roar he matched with his own.

  Just... A little further.

  With a final push and a desperate yell, the sword jutted forwards. He held the hilt tight and pulled all his weight down against it.

  The bear recoiled and hot blood spurted into the air as the sword sliced the massive animal's jugular wide open.

  Lephas collapsed into the snow and the bear staggered away. Blood gushed out onto the snow, its heat melting great divots wherever it sprayed.

  With a harrowing howl, the bear crashed down and the ground shook under the impact. Its huge body lay motionless.

  The forest fell silent once more. The snow storm swirled on around them.


  Lori stood frozen in place. Her heart hammered harder and harder until it was all she could hear, all she could feel.

  She watched on, haunted. Lephas – her handsome, wonderful demon – slumped heavily into the snow. It was no longer white; saturated a sickening crimson.

  How much of it was from the bear? She didn't know.

  His large body shook with tremors he couldn't fight. He was silent, no yelling out or roaring in pain... Silent.

  “Lori?” he called to her, his voice hoarse.

  The invisible chains of terror holding her in place shattered and the faerie ran headlong into the carnage before her. Her boots slipped and she fell. The princess scrambled forwards on her hands and knees.

  Up close, Lori felt hot panicked tears spill down her cheeks. There was nothing left of Lephas's forearm. It was shredded beyond recognition and blood pumped freely into the snow. She fought back the urge to vomit.

  “Lori? I can't... I can't see.”

  “I'm here!” Her hands flew to him. “Please, tell me what to do!”

  “Nothing... to do,” he gasped, spitting a mouthful of blood into the snow. She heard the sickening rattle of fluid filling his lungs and the demon fought for breath.

  “No-no-no-no!” she cried and tugged at him, trying to get him up out of the snow. “No, there must be something!”

  He allowed her to shove him roughly on to his back. The demon hissed in pain, flashing blood-stained teeth.

  “Listen to me...” he gasped. The wind whipped at them, stealing his voice. Lori leant in closer, her hands shaking violently and more tears spilling.

  “Please... Please don't die.”

  “Get... Get out of here,” he rasped at her. The demon fixed her with a cold, vacant stare. His eyes were glazed and unseeing.

  “No, I can't–”

  “You must!” With a show of real effort, Lephas brought his uninjured arm up and placed his hand on her face. “Remember what I’ve taught you. Get... safe.”

  Lori held his palm against her with both hands, desperately clinging to him.

  “No... No, please...” she sobbed.

  “Lori! Get the fuck out of here! Go!” he roared angrily, baring his bloodied fangs at her.

  The princess scrambled to her feet in the deep snow, blinded by tears, and ran headlong into the forest. Snow and ice pelted her, biting at her skin. Pain reverberated throughout her body.

  Still onwards she ran. She couldn't breathe and violent sobs suffocated her. Tears froze on her cheeks, so cold they felt like they would burn right through her flesh.

  A loud, agonised roar echoed through the forest behind her. It pierced her consciousness, even over the howling winds and the blood pumping in her ears.

  Lori fell forwards into the snow. She didn't fight to keep herself on her feet. Her body hit the ground with force, knocking the air from her lungs.

  She coughed and spluttered, heaving violently - her body’s futile attempt to rid her of her grief. As if it were that easy.

  “What am I doing?!” she screeched desperately and hurled herself to her feet once more. The faerie turned and began sprinting back towards the demon as quickly as she could manage. Her arms pumped at her side and she leapt through the deep snow.

  Lori skidded onto her knees beside Lephas once more. He was still and his body had ceased it's violent shaking.

  She reached out and grasped his hand, squeezing it tightly. There was no response. A dark void opened up in her chest.

  “Lephas...” she whispered, clambering closer and holding his face in her hands. “No... Lephas...”

  His beautiful dark eyes stared ahead, vacant and lifeless.

  “Please...” she begged. “Don't leave me...”

  It was too late, she realised with a heavy heart. The most wonderful man she had ever met was gone.

  A heartbroken sob tore free from her chest and the faerie collapsed heavily onto his body. She cried loudly, allowing her grief to pour out.

  Desperation turned white hot and, with a brutal yell, Lori raised her fist. She slammed it down against Lephas's motionless chest.

  A shot of heat like nothing the faerie had ever experienced erupted from her hand. There was a flash of light that seared her retinas. She jolted upright and her grief was momentarily forgotten.

  Lori felt the familiar cold tingle of majick pouring from her body. She was light-headed, her stomach was in knots.

  Her body shook violently, barely able to contain the molten force that burst free from her. She cried out in pain as it scalded her every nerve ending.

  There was a sickening, wet, crunching sound. Lori cracked her eyes open against the onslaught of bright majick, barely believing what she was seeing.

  The brutal injury, Lephas's splintered and snapped bones in his forearm, had begun fusing back together. The ripped muscles were mending, weaving together like the threads of a tapestry.

  Lori tucked her chin to her chest and released the breath she was holding, allowing the healing majick to flow freely from her body. It was painful; agony beyond recognition. Her blood seemed to be boiling in her skull.

  Another violent blast erupted from her, sending shock waves through the snow. Lori screamed with effort.

  Her heart stopped. She heard the unmistakable gurgle as air was sucked into fluid-filled lungs. The demon roared beneath her, a truly horrifying sound, as majick forced life back into his still heart.

  Focussing, rebuilding, reshaping, mendin
g, fusing... Beating. Lori realised with a start that it wasn't her own heart beating in her ears – it was Lephas's.

  She could hear every ventricle as it thumped and every nerve ending crackle as it came back to life. He was... Alive.

  Another brutal yell ripped itself from the demon's chest. Splintered ribs snapped back into place as his chest rebuilt itself like an intricate puzzle.

  As quickly as it had sprung forth, Lori felt the majick ebbing away. One last push... She gave him everything she had, feeling like the very core of her soul was being stripped and shredded.

  With a desperate scream, the faerie's healing majick faltered and faded. She slumped and the cool darkness of unconsciousness enveloped her scorched mind like a soothing balm.

  Just as she slipped away, Lori felt familiar, large hands cradle her skull.


  It was dark when Lori eventually came to. Agony splintered through her body, exhaustion as she had never known weighed heavily on her.

  She groaned and held a hand to her aching head. It felt like everything inside her was burning.

  “Lori?” a familiar deep voice asked.

  “Lephas!” The faerie jolted upright, crying out in pain as her body protested.

  “Shh, lie down,” the demon soothed. “I'm here.”

  Lori felt him take her hand in his own. Even that simple touch sent pain coursing through her. She shuddered but held onto him tightly.

  “Wh– What happened?” she mumbled.

  “I have no idea,” the demon replied with a short laugh. “I don't know what you did, but you're in a bit of a mess. Just take it easy.”

  “I think... I think I healed you.”

  “No shit.” Lephas teased softly. “You did more than that. You resurrected me. I didn't even know that was possible.”

  “Are you–”

  “I'm fine. Better than fine really - I'm great. Whatever you did, it was some serious majicka. I feel better than I have in years.”

  “Good.” Lori sighed heavily. Every nerve was on fire, but she felt comforted just knowing her demon was alive and well.

  “We'll talk more about it when you're feeling better. Are you thirsty?”

  Lori nodded. Lephas cupped the back of her head and she allowed him to tilt her forwards gently. She winced against the movement.

  “Here...” Lephas pressed the water skin against her lips.

  Lori swallowed it greedily. The cold water soothed her scorched insides.

  “Not too much. You can have some more in a little while.” The demon pulled away and gently laid her back down.

  Lori groaned in meek protest, but couldn't summon the energy to fight too hard.

  “Where are we?” she asked groggily.

  “I found a small sheltered over-hang in the cliff. It's not exactly comfortable, but it's out of that snow storm.”

  The wind whistled as if to punctuate his words.

  “Are we safe?” A horrifying image of bloodied teeth and claws flashed before her eyes.

  “Yes, I'll keep guard. Don't worry.” Lori felt him smooth a large hand over her hair.

  “I... I thought you were gone,” she sobbed, feeling tears slide out from beneath her closed eyelids.

  He took her face in his hands and a soft kiss was pressed against her mouth. Lori’s lips trembled.

  “So did I.” His voice sounded thick with emotion. The demon rested his forehead against hers and. she felt him sigh heavily as he wiped her tears away with his thumbs.

  The snow storm continued to howl around them but it sounded distant, like they were trapped inside a bubble.

  Lori felt her grief subsiding little by little. Though it pained her, she took a deep shaky breath in.

  “You need to rest,” Lephas stated simply, sitting up and pulling away from her. She grabbed one of his hands desperately before he could take it from her. He squeezed her reassuringly.


  “Rest. I'm not going anywhere. I promise.”

  Though Lori was loath to lose any time with him, she felt exhaustion wrapping itself around her. She yawned widely and, gripping Lephas's hand tighter still, allowed sleep to take her once more.


  Lori was woken by something cold and wet dripping onto her cheek. She cracked her eyes open, immediately shutting them as she was blinded by bright daylight. The sun was shining and its dazzling rays bounced back off the snow.

  She groaned and attempted to wriggle free, fighting the mysterious tight grip her blankets had on her.

  “Careful.” Lephas's deep voice broke through her sleepy confusion. “I've got you. Don't struggle.”

  As Lori came to and began to make sense of her surroundings, she realised the demon held her in his arms. He had one hand under her knees with the other supporting her back. She was still wrapped tightly in her blanket.

  “Wh–?” she mumbled.

  “You were comatose this morning, I couldn't wake you,” he explained. “Seeing as the weather has really cleared up, I didn't see much sense in waiting around. I wanted to make the most of it whilst it was easier to travel.”

  “Oh. How long have I been asleep?” Lori rubbed her face.

  “A day and a half.”

  “What?!” she replied, surprise rousing her.

  “I've managed to coerce you to drink a few times, but other than that you've just been completely out of it.” The demon shifted her in his arms and lifted her into a more comfortable carrying position.

  “Wow. Whatever majick I managed to use really was potent stuff.”

  “You're telling me.”

  Lori squinted her sensitive eyes against the sun, desperate to gaze upon Lephas's face once more. Her heart flipped as their eyes met. His dark gaze sparkled, filled with life. The faerie sighed with relief.

  “Hey, sleeping beauty is finally awake,” he teased.

  Lori groaned, burying her head into his chest to hide her smile.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I've been trampled by a thousand horses,” the princess grumbled.

  “Any better at all?”

  “A little, I suppose.” Though she ached from head to toe, she was managing to keep her eyes open against the bright sunlight. That was a small improvement.

  “Do you need anything? Food, drink?” Lephas asked.

  “I could do with a drink, and I really need to pee.” She laughed softly.

  “Oh.” The demon grinned. “Do you think you'll be able to go on your own?”

  “I'm not sure.”

  Lephas walked a little way into the forest, picking a suitably sheltered spot before coming to a halt and carefully let her slide free from his hold on her. He rolled the blanket into a messy bundle and tucked it under his arm.

  The sun was melting some of the snow already, heavy drips of icy water pattered around them from the trees above.

  Lori cautiously attempted to put weight on her shaking legs, alarmed when they buckled beneath her almost immediately.

  The demon caught her before she fell. She gripped him tightly with her arms wrapped around his waist.

  “I think that's a 'no',” she replied quietly.

  “Do you... I mean, I don't mind helping, but–” Lephas floundered.

  “Honestly, I'm hurting too much to be embarrassed about it.” Lori shook her head with a defeated smile.

  “Okay, so, uh, how do you want to do this?” The hesitation in his voice brought forth a bubble of laughter in the faerie's chest once again.

  “Just, kneel down beside me so I can lean on you. I think I can manage the rest.” She giggled.

  Dutifully, the commander crouched, supporting her weight entirely as he did so. Lori hurriedly pulled her trousers down, just enough to bare her nethers, and awkwardly perched to relieve herself.

  She glanced across at Lephas, who had averted his gaze chivalrously in the opposite direction.

  “I've got to say, this is possibly the strangest retrieval mission
I have ever been put on.” He laughed, shaking his head.

  “Well, there's no going back now.” Lori joked. “Couples who pee together...”

  “Oh man,” he groaned with an exasperated laugh.

  Once she had finished, Lephas helped her get back to her feet. Lori quickly righted herself and buttoned her trousers.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled.

  “You're welcome. It's the least I could do, given the circumstances. Besides, when you're feeling better I'll be sure to remind you of the time I helped you pee in the woods as frequently as I can.”

  “You dick.” She scowled playfully at him.

  “Sit there a moment,” he instructed and Lori obediently dropped her bottom back onto the snow, taking care to avoid the yellowed patch.

  Lephas untied the water skin from his pack and handed it to her. It was full, clearly replenished at some point whilst she had been unconscious. She drank greedily, unaware of how thirsty she had been until water hit her lips.

  When she finally came up for air, she handed the container back. The demon took a quick swig out of it himself before strapping it back to his pack

  Without another word, Lephas shook the blanket loose. He wrapped it around her shoulders and swept her gently back up into his arms.

  The demon strode on and Lori was amazed at how much easier he was moving. They made good time with him trudging expertly ahead through the snow. Power and strength rippled through his muscles beneath her.

  “Is your rib healed too?” she asked curiously.

  “Everything is healed,” he replied. “Even injuries I had from before I met you. I used to get this shooting pain in my ankle sometimes in the cold weather from where I broke it as a kid and that's completely gone too.”

  “You're like a new man,” Lori teased.

  “You joke, but I genuinely feel like I am. I feel incredible.” He laughed.

  “I'm glad. I wish I could say the same thing about myself.”

  “You're recovering slowly. It's taken a lot out of you and you were pretty exhausted to begin with. I'm happy to see you a little livelier today, but take it easy.”


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