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Hestaesia: Lost in Love

Page 21

by K. L. Thorne

Lori nodded, her eyelids growing heavy. She rested her face against Lephas's wide chest and curled into him.

  For a while, she lay still, just listening to the demon's heavy footfalls crunching through the snow and his deep, even breaths as he fought onwards. She had so many questions and so many things she wanted to talk through with him, yet weariness plagued her.

  Sleep took hold with little warning and Lori nodded off for a short time. When she next opened her eyes, the forest around them had changed significantly.

  Maybe it was the bright afternoon sun that sparkled off the snow, but the faerie swore this part of the forest seemed slightly warmer. There was certainly less snow on the ground, patches of dark earth broke up the vast expanses of white.

  “Where are we?” Lori asked, her voice croaky from sleep.

  “Oh, you're awake again. Just in time too. I've got a surprise for you.” Lephas smiled at her.

  The faerie eyed him warily, causing him to laugh softly.

  “Don't look at me like that, it's a nice surprise. I promise.”

  “Since when have we found anything nice out here in this fucking hell hole?” she grumbled and adjusted herself in his arms to get a better look around.

  “Well, this is going to be nice.” Lephas assured her.

  The climate was unusual here, the air almost felt damp and heavy. The demon gripped her tight as he skilfully climbed up a slight rocky incline.

  “I don’t know whether you had noticed before, but we’ve been tracking alongside that cliff we threw ourselves from,” he explained breathlessly. “My logic was if we followed it whilst the ground is at an incline, we may eventually get to the fissure point - the place where the cliff broke away originally. We'd be back on even ground from there and could carry our journey into more familiar territory again.”

  “Snore. What's the surprise?”

  “I'm getting to it,” Lephas chastised with a laugh. “Anyway, I'd been so preoccupied with finding that fissure point that I hadn't really given much thought to what had caused the cliff to form in the first place, however many hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of years ago.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, without boring you too much…” He smirked. “Cliffs form when one part of the ground collapses away from the other, right?”

  Lori nodded.

  “The cause of that collapse will determine on the kind of edge you'd be left with. In this case, there's volcanic activity deep beneath us - something I didn't realise before today,” the demon explained.

  “So? What does that mean?”

  “It means...” Lephas paused, heaving them both up onto a plateau of rock. “I've found a natural hot water spring.”

  His words took a few moments to sink in. Lori gazed at him vacantly. He caught her eye and gestured for her to look out away from him.

  The princess almost gasped aloud. There, encased in dark rocks and surrounded by snow, was a small pool of water. Steam rolled over its surface invitingly.

  Tears of joy and relief stung at her eyes, but Lori blinked them away quickly.

  “I'm not sure how hot it is,” the demon continued, kneeling to place her gently on the ground next to the spring. “We need to check that before you just get in. Some springs are so hot that the water actually boils, you know.”

  “What are you waiting for then, old man? Stop boring me with geography and find out!” she teased.

  Lephas shot her a playful scowl but obediently shuffled to the water's edge. He removed a glove and cautiously dipped a finger in.

  Satisfied the water wasn't going to burn him, he placed his whole hand beneath the surface and swirled it around thoughtfully.


  “It is quite hot, but not dangerously so. Here...”

  He helped her crawl to the edge. Lori hastily removed her gloves and put both hands into the dark, mysterious water.

  A needy groan escaped her as hot water stung her cold hands. In that moment, she realised just how much she had missed lazing in a hot, soapy bathtub back at Awrelwood. Her aching body cried out to clamber in.

  “Can I please get in? Please?” she begged.

  “Alright, but you mustn't get too cold when you get back out again.” Lephas glanced up at the sky. “The sun is shining and we've still got a few hours until nightfall. As long as you're dry and completely dressed before then you shouldn't be in too much danger.”

  “Will you help me undress?” Lori wriggled free from her blanket and eagerly attempted to kick her boots off.

  “I thought you'd never ask.” Lephas grinned, shooting her a look that made her heart flutter in her chest.

  He shrugged his pack off, placing it nearby, and unbuckled his sword belt. Lori gazed at the weapon, traumatised. The last time she had seen that silver handle, it had been buried in the flesh of a bear... She shivered.

  Lephas grasped her boots and pulled them free, one at a time. Next, he rolled her socks down to reveal her feet. The princess curled and stretched her toes. Though the air was cold, she was relieved to be able to bare her skin for the first time in days.

  The demon stroked her feet thoughtfully. He twisted the small silver toe ring on her right foot. It occurred to her suddenly that Lephas had never seen her bare feet before... And he was about to see a lot more of her flesh bare too. Her stomach squeezed nervously.

  Though the demon fought to keep himself professional, the soft pink flush on his cheeks gave him away. He was clearly coming to the same realisation.

  Lori unfastened her trousers and fought to remove them but her weakened arms shook. Lephas reached forward to assist her in peeling the thin leather breeches from her thighs. He tugged them over her knees, then her calves, before finally freeing her of them altogether.

  The faerie watched him curiously as he fought - and failed - to keep his eyes from the scrap of silk between her legs.

  Had she been feeling more energetic, Lori would have revelled in teasing him with glimpses here and there, working him up into a lather, but her limbs were heavy and clumsy with weariness.

  She unbuttoned her fur coat with shaking hands and threw it unceremoniously onto the ground. The demon leant forwards and grasped the bottom of her tunic. He paused for a second and swallowed, as if to steel himself for what he knew was coming next.

  Lori barely hid a grin as she raised her arms and allowed him to tug her clothing off over her head. The tunic was thrown into the pile of other discarded clothing. Her wings unfolded and stretched. Much like the feathers of a duck, faerie wings were soft but water repellent. She needn't fear getting them submerged.

  She gestured to her undergarments. “I'm going to keep these on. They could do with a good wash anyway.”

  “Probably for the best,” Lephas replied hoarsely and scrubbed a hand over his mouth. Lori giggled, enjoying watching the demon fight to look anywhere other than at her and the body she had bared.

  Putting him out of his misery, the princess extended a leg cautiously into the hot spring. She moaned as hot water enveloped her and hurriedly slid the rest of her body into the depths.

  Without hesitation, she allowed herself to sink below the surface. Fresh, hot water swirled around her, cleansing her skin, her hair... It was bliss.

  Lori remained under the water for a long moment, basking in the heady relaxation. Only when her lungs burnt for fresh oxygen did she eventually surface.

  “That's so good,” she groaned, smoothing her wet hair back and wiping water from her eyes. She remained almost totally submerged, up to her chin in the water. It was deep, but not dangerously so. If Lori stretched, she could just about tip toe on the rocky bottom of the small pool.

  “I thought you might approve.” Lephas grinned at her from the side. He was still fully clothed she noticed disappointingly.

  “I don't suppose you've got any soap in that miracle pack of yours, have you?” she asked hopefully with a smile.

  “That depends,” he hedged, grinning. “What'
s it worth?”

  “Shut up!” Lori exclaimed with surprise. “You actually have?! You wouldn't tease a girl, would you?”

  Lephas pulled his bag in front of him and opened a side pocket. There, wrapped in simple greaseproof parchment, was a white bar of soap.

  He unwrapped it and held the bar out to her. Lori paddled to the side and snatched it eagerly.

  “Why do you even have this?”

  “For an emergency. You don't want to be cleaning and sewing wounds with dirty hands.” He shrugged.

  “You...” she sighed, gazing lovingly at the soap in her hand. “Are the absolute best.”

  “Me, or the soap?” Lephas laughed.

  “You.” She looked up at him and smiled softly. They gazed at each other for long moments. Lori never wanted to look away.

  She felt a strange urgency to take in as many details about him as she could. She was gripped with an irrational fear that this was some sort of dream and at any moment she would wake up lying next to his lifeless body back in the forest.

  A cold shiver shot down her spine. She needed to touch him. Now.

  “Join me,” she whispered.

  Lephas silently complied and sat up on his knees to unbuckle his chest armour. It chilled her to her core to see the sleeve of his right arm was still shredded. Thankfully intact, healthy skin could be seen through the gaps in the material. The princess felt her chest tighten.

  The demon shrugged out of his jacket and tugged his undershirt off over his head in one smooth motion. Lori sunk her teeth into her bottom lip.

  She had almost forgotten how glorious he was. Somehow, he looked even more muscular now he was fully healed. She eyed every plane, dip and knot of muscle greedily.

  He ignored her heated gaze in an uncharacteristically brazen manner and sat back, pulling his feet out from underneath him. The demon tugged his boots and socks off, then stood to unbutton his trousers.

  Though she desperately wanted to compliment him on his physique, Lori held her tongue and allowed him to continue shedding layers of clothing.

  Lephas stepped out of his trousers, keeping his undergarments on as well, before hurriedly sliding into the water to join her.

  Their bodies came together like magnets. Lori floated to him and wrapped her legs around his waist, sighing when he gathered her into his arms. She embraced him, bringing her bare chest into contact with his.

  Lephas rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. They floated in silence, both submerged to their chins and soaking in the heavy comfort the hot water provided.

  It was more than that, Lori realised with her heart swelling in her chest. Just being skin to skin with the demon brought with it some kind of deep peace, one like she had never known. She didn't ever want to move.

  Relief flooded her and the faerie was hit with a wave of emotion. Large, hot tears rolled down her cheeks, disappearing into the spring's waters.

  “I can't believe you're here,” she whispered.

  Lephas opened his eyes. His expression turned sorrowful as he realised she had begun to cry and he squeezed her tighter still.

  “It was awful. All that blood... And I... I couldn't–”

  The demon ran a hand down her back soothingly and pressed a kiss against her forehead.

  “What would I do without this? Without you?”” she asked, her voice shook as she tried to calm herself.

  “Oh, Lori.” Lephas sighed softly.

  His dark eyes gazed into hers with such intensity that the faerie swore he would be able to see right through to her soul.

  “Can I tell you something?” he asked. Lori simply nodded. “When we first saw that bear, all I could think about was getting you to safety. I knew that fight wouldn't end well, but it didn't matter. I cared more for your safety than I did for my own life.”

  Lori felt yet another tear escape her and she sniffed.

  “I'd step in front of that bear again in a heartbeat.”

  “Please don't!” Lori laughed and brought her arms up to wrap around the demon's neck.

  “I can't promise! I just... Can't believe I've gotten so lucky to have met the most beautiful girl and to have her care so deeply about me. I don't know what I've done to deserve it.”

  Emotion overwhelmed her. The princess leant in and kissed him, despite her tears. The demon kissed her back softly. This wasn't a kiss born of passion, Lori realised. It was a kiss that spoke more than words ever could. It was a kiss that promised comfort and commitment.

  Lori wasn't sure how long they spent, simply clinging to one another and kissing in that spring, but she knew it would never have been long enough for her.

  She reluctantly pulled away and turned her attention to the bar of soap she had left discarded at the edge of the pool.

  “Bath time?” she asked him with a grin.

  “Now that's an offer that’s hard to refuse.” Lephas laughed. They untangled themselves from one another and whilst Lori paddled to retrieve the soap, the demon ducked his head beneath the water to wet his hair.

  “I'll wash your back if you wash mine?” she teased, lathering the soap in her palms.

  “I'd happily wash more than your back,” Lephas retorted, floating to her side. “But maybe we should leave that for another day, when you're less exhausted.”

  The faerie felt her face soften. Her demon's considerate nature knew no bounds. She handed him the soap and quickly began to wash herself.

  Lephas's hands lathered the soap bar for himself, only halting when he turned to watch her soaping her bare chest with great interest.

  “You done with that soap there, stud?” she asked him, shooting him a knowing smile and holding out her hand.

  He grinned at her and passed it over, turning his attention back to washing himself.

  Lori lathered up more soap and ran her hands through her hair. It wasn't the best shampoo but she couldn't bring herself to be too concerned. She was just relieved to be clean.

  The faerie dunked her head back under the water, holding her nose and using her free hand to rise the soap free.

  When she re-emerged, Lephas was also soaping his hair; a significantly easier task for a man. He had his eyes closed to keep the suds from them and Lori, never one to pass up an opportunity, pounced.

  She danced her fingers down his torso, delighting when he jolted with surprise.

  “Princess...” he warned with a grin, his eyes still closed.

  “What?” she answered with mock innocence but removed her hand. Lephas just laughed and continued washing himself.

  Whilst Lori floated around happily, the demon ducked himself under the water to rinse. The faerie stared up into the vast, blue sky above them.

  There were so many things to think about – how close she had come to losing Lephas, how she had managed to heal him, what that meant for her going forwards... It all seemed so daunting and exhaustion weighed heavily on her once more.

  “Come on, I think it's time to get out.” The demon scooped her from the water into his arms.

  “Aw, why?” she whimpered.

  He smiled at her. “Because you look like you're about to fall asleep. Ready?”

  “For what?” she asked dumbly. Lephas didn't answer, just lifted her out of the water.

  “Shit it's cold!” she squealed and wrapped her arms around herself. The commander had kindly left the woollen blanket out on the side, ready and waiting.

  Lori dived under it and wrapped the thick material tightly around her. Lephas heaved himself out of the water shortly after.

  “Hey, come on. You've got to share that thing.” He laughed and grabbed the edge of the blanket.

  Lori begrudgingly let him take the sheet away, shivering as an icy breeze bit against her warm, wet skin.

  The commander swiftly wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and sat down in the sun, sheltered beside a large rock. He pulled Lori closer and she scampered to join him, hands covering her breasts. Clambering into his lap, she turned to sit betw
een his legs with her back leaning against his chest. Her wings folded in out of the way.

  Lephas wrapped the blanket around them both, encasing Lori with his body.

  With the cold wind shielded from them by the rock face, Lori was surprised at how warm the sun actually was. Her shivering quickly began to ease and Lephas held her tight.

  “Are you hungry yet?” he asked, stooping to rub the side of his face against hers affectionately.

  “Not really, I still feel a little nauseous,” Lori replied. She took a loose end of the blanket and squeezed the excess water from her hair into it, in an attempt to dry off.

  “That's probably because you're so tired.”

  “What have you been eating whilst I've been sleeping?”

  Lephas shrugged. “I haven't, really. I found a Winterberry plant yesterday morning, so I have a few dozen of those in my pack, but otherwise I've just been keeping myself hydrated.”

  “You must be starving.” Lori yawned and relaxed against him.

  “Actually no, I haven't had much of an appetite since coming back from the grave. I think I've been feeling as good as you've been feeling terrible.”

  “That must be some sort of freaky after effect.”

  “Did you know what you were doing when you healed me?” he asked curiously. “I've been dying to ask you about it.”

  “Honestly? No,” she mumbled, tucking the blanket tighter beneath her chin. “It just happened. I was so upset and desperate... I remember thinking I couldn't stand to live without you and then poof!”

  “That's unsettling,” Lephas muttered.


  “I'm afraid I'm no expert on majick. I'm just as much in the dark as you on this one. Maybe when we get back to Banesteppe I'll ask Raxx about it. He knows something about most majick phenomena,” the commander said thoughtfully.

  “What do you remember about it all?”

  “Not a lot. I remember fighting with that huge bear and the pain… I remember shouting at you to leave me.”

  Lori shuddered and the demon squeezed her.

  “Sorry, let's not talk about this again.” He pressed a kiss against her wet hair.

  There was a long pause.

  “Maybe Faye isn't the only majborne in your family after all?” Lephas nudged her playfully. “Who knows what else you could learn to do. I can ask Raxx about that too, when we get back, if you'd like?”


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