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Kaitlyn Strong Books 1-3: The Complete First Trilogy

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by Art DeForest

  I must have ticked him off ‘cause he came in like he meant it this time. Not that it did him any good. The knife came in low and hard, aiming for my abdomen. I’d seen a similar thrust last night only coming from a vampire, it had been much harder and faster. It must be the opening move in Knife Fighting 101 or something. At any rate I was done playing. A quick down block chest punch combination, dropped him to his knees as his diaphragm tried to remember how to move air into his lungs. A front kick to his jaw put him down for the count. My fangs dropped as I walked up to him and knelt down. Grabbing him by the hair and the shoulder, I raised him off the ground high enough to sink my incisors in to his neck. Tangy, copper tasting goodness splashed into my mouth. I took more than I probably should have, but I wanted this douchebag weak as a baby chick for a few days while he contemplated his life choices.

  Finally, I let go of him and let him flop bonelessly back to the ground. Wiping my mouth with a handkerchief from my coat pocket I turned and headed back to the street. Almost immediately, I saw the form of a large man leaning against the back of a limousine. As I continued to walk in his direction I said, “You’re early.” Deacon Caine straightened from the limo as I approached. “Do you always toy with your prey in such fashion?” He asked in his cultured, slightly british accent. Did I mention that I love a british accent? Especially when uttered in a caramel smooth baritone. Mmmm. “Only when they need a lesson in manners.” I said. Deacon looked at me questioningly as I came to within arms reach of him. “Why not just kill him and be done with it?” I shrugged “You know how the police feel about having bodies lying around. It makes them edgy.” Caine nodded in agreement.

  Before I knew what he was doing, I felt Deacon’s hand come up to my face. His thumb brushing gently at the corner of my mouth. “You missed a spot.” He said as he removed a cloth from the breast pocket of his suit jacket and wiped the blood from his thumb. “Thanks” I said a little huskily as my stomach fluttered at the touch. Clearing his throat a little and diverting his gaze as he replaced his handkerchief he asked, “Are you ready to depart?” I nodded. “I just need to get my bags and Fangs.

  He scowled at the mention of Fangs but didn’t comment as he walked to the passenger’s side of the limo and opened the door for me. I sat down in one of the sinfully comfortable Italian leather seats as he stepped in and closed the door behind him. Sitting down beside me, he motioned the driver to continue on.

  Back up in my apartment I quickly changed into one of my business casual outfits. The Colt Defender was in it’s pancake holster at the small of my back and specially tailored pockets in the jacket allowed me to carry the kukri and the stake in concealment also. A pair of flats that I could run in if I had to, rounded out the ensemble.

  I walked into the living room with Fangs’ leash in my hand. Deacon and Fangs stared at each other warily from across the living room. At least there was no bloodshed. Fangs immediately jumped up and trotted over to me when he saw his leash and collar. It really wasn’t his favorite thing in the world, but he knew when I put it on him, he got to go outside. His collar was a wide leather affair with decorative silver studs around it. Yes, real silver. The leash was a three quarter inch black rope with a loop in one end and a heavy metal quick release clasp at the other. It made a formidable weapon in it’s own right.

  The driver had gone ahead with my bags, so Deacon and I quickly followed along to the elevator. At street level we once again entered the luxurious black limo. Fangs sniffed around a little in curiosity before curling up at my feet and closing his eyes. A strained silence settled in as we headed west out of the city. “Which airport are we going to?” I asked, trying to make small talk. “It’s a small private airstrip owned by one of the Families. The Council has privileges there when necessary.” Clearing his throat he continued. “Speaking of the Families, some of the more umm, conservative of them have found out we are going after Darius.” My eyes narrowed as I looked at him. “By conservative, you mean one of the old school families that think humans are just food who should just be penned up and put in their place?” I asked archly. “In point of fact house Abandonato, has raised serious objection and has even threatened interference.” I snorted in anger. My narrowed eyes becoming a full blown scowl. “Big surprise there.” I said scornfully. “Especially since Darius was an Abandanato before his own, oh so convenient disappearance and subsequent banishment.”

  Abandonato was chief among the families that thought of humans as mere livestock. Darius’ banishment in fact had not been because he murdered untold numbers of young girls with his psycho games, but because he had almost outed our race to humanity in his single minded pursuit. The obvious double standard of humans being just food and yet so dangerous that they couldn’t know of our existence, was so frustrating, that I wanted to pull my hair out at times.

  “Would they physically try to prevent us from investigating?” I asked. Caine shook his head doubtfully. “I don’t know if they would take direct action. Especially in a Lycan city. Any action would likely be behind the scenes or in the shadows.”

  The rest of the trip was spent in companionable silence, each of us with our own thoughts about the challenges to come. We didn’t realize that the challenges would start so soon, however. As the headlights from the limo illuminated the sleek private jet we were to board, they also illuminated another limousine along with five men in dark suits standing between us and the jet.

  Looking over at Deacon I said, “Surprise going away party do you think?” Caine studied the men in the headlights briefly. “I think Abandanato doesn’t wish us to leave at all.” He said as the limo pulled to a stop. “Stay here. Let me handle this.” He said tersely before opening his door and exiting the limo. Reaching down I unhooked the quick release on Fangs leash. “Not likely” I muttered, as we exited my side of the vehicle. Fang stayed right on my heel.

  I came to a stop behind and a little to the side of Deacon. He glanced over and gave me an irritated look, before turning back to face the men between us and the jet. The man in the center of the group took a step forward. “Your investigation ends here Deacon Caine.” Said Gino Abandonato, scion of the old house. “Abandonato will allow this to go no further.” Deacon drew himself up to his full height and glared down at the man. “Abandonato has no say.” He said sternly. “The Council has authorized this. We will comply with the Lycans request for aid and help them find the psychopath that is endangering us all.”

  Gino took half a step back as Deacon loomed over him, subconsciously seeking the security of his lackies. “And rest assured” Deacon continued, “The Council will be notified of Abandonato’s attempted interference.” Gino’s face hardened at that. “Piles of ash don’t make reports to the Council.” A stake appeared in Gino’s hand and plunged towards Deacon’s chest. Deacon moved with fluid grace, sweeping the stake on past his body with his right hand while simultaneously punching Gino in the face.

  Gino staggered back and would have fallen had not his men propped him up. Standing and wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, he glared pure hatred at the both of us. “Kill them!” He hissed. The eyes of all five men immediately turned crimson and fangs dropped down as they spread out.

  The two men on the my left lunged toward me in attack. Fangs’ hissing war cry ripped the air. For some reason, most people don’t think of cats as a serious threat and maybe most of them aren’t. Fangs however, weighed forty-five pounds and was over four feet long from nose to tail. He has fangs over an inch long and wickedly curved switchblade claws that pushed three quarters of an inch. The man in the lead quickly learned a lesson in never underestimating a potential adversary. The spring steel muscles of Fangs’ back legs propelled him into the advancing vampire’s chest with terrific force, staggering the man. His rear claws found purchase in the attackers abdomen, sinking deeply into flesh. At the same time his front paws wrapped around the man’s head bringing him in close to have his face shredded by the cat’s vicious fangs. The th
ug shrieked in fear and pain as Fangs rode him to the ground, continuing to bite his face while the claws of his back feet started to shred the man’s abdomen.

  The second assailant paused briefly in shock at the vicious attack on his compatriot. This gave me a chance to free the stake and kukri from concealment. The upright attacker managed to pull himself together and attack. A stake and dagger dropped into his hands as I approached. I raised my own weapons to attract his attention then promptly sent my lead leg flashing forward in a front kick that made solid contact with his crotch. Vampire or human, a kick to the crotch is going to drop a person’s guard. Bringing my leg back down, I rotated my hips to create momentum behind the kukri. The blade was a silver blur, that came around in a short arc to make contact with the man’s neck just below his jaw. His head parted company with the rest of his body as I recovered my stance.

  I quickly took in the rest of the battle. It appeared Deacon had already dusted one of the three vampires that had attacked him. In his hand was a dagger only slightly shorter than my sword. Part of me wondered where the hell he had hidden it. He was currently engaged with Gino. Gino was fast and strong like all vampires, but it was obvious that he had no real combat training. Most vampires didn’t think it was necessary. They were so impressed with their own abilities that most didn’t think it was needed.

  That’s what gave me the advantage over my brethren, even those older and more powerful. I swore to myself that I would never be helpless again if I survived Darius’ tender mercies. As a result I had embraced martial arts training as a big part of my overall education. It seemed that for whatever reason, Deacon had some pretty significant training of his own. He moved like a precision crafted machine as he and Gino continued their deadly dance. The remaining vampire was headed my way. Or more precisely he was headed toward the friend who was currently being shredded by my cat.

  I headed quickly that direction as the vamp underneath Fangs managed to get his hands on him and throw Fangs violently from him. Fangs flew through the air before coming to a staggering stop against the side of the limo. I had kept my cool and not even vamped out to this point, but nobody hurts my cat! My fangs dropped as the primal beast inside me rushed up to turn my gaze crimson. Leaping high into the air, I landed next to the downed attacker. My left leg landed right next to him, absorbing some of the impact like a spring. My right leg bent and my knee came crashing down into his solar plexus. An instant later my stake was sticking out of his chest.

  I quickly bounced up to face his friend, a snarl not unlike Fangs’ came from my throat. He had just stopped and raised his weapons to defend himself when the point of a knife appeared out of his chest only to disappear just as quickly. I sensed more than saw a spinning motion behind the man and caught a hint of dramatically flaring jacket. The vamp stared at me in shock as his head started tilting precariously off his neck. The next instant, he collapsed in a pile of ash allowing me full view of Deacon Caine standing poised and ready to continue the fight.

  Glancing around I saw Gino lying on the ground. His right leg missing at the knee. Reassured that we were safe for the moment I rushed over to see if Fangs was okay. Fangs in fact, was already back to his feet. Hackles raised and belly low to the ground, he was preparing to engage with his downed opponent once more. “Fangs sit.” I commanded. That got him to look up at me as I approached. He stopped and followed instructions, but his eyes were still locked on his foe. A low grinding growl issuing almost constantly from him.

  I knelt beside him and stroked his head. “Good boy Fangs.” I said, bringing my head close to his. He stopped growling and rubbed his forehead against mine briefly, but his eyes never left the staked vampire lying paralyzed on the ground. Deacon came up beside me. “Is he okay?” He asked. I was slightly touched by the obvious concern in his voice. “He’ll probably be sore tomorrow, but I think he’s fine. Deacon smiled down at me warmly. “That is some pet you have there Ms. Strong.” I smiled at the remark. “Yes he is. And would you knock it off with the Ms. Strong stuff? My name is Kaitlyn.” His smile widened a bit as he nodded “Kaitlyn it is.” He said as he offered me a hand up. I took the hand and felt myself hauled up to stand, almost coming in contact with white silk of his dress shirt. He smelled of man and ash up close like this. Oddly enough it wasn’t a smell I found objectionable as I looked up into his cobalt gaze.

  We stood frozen like that for a moment before a low growl from Fangs brought us back to reality. We both stepped back a little. “Th….thank you I muttered, looking down at Fangs to break eye contact. I could have sworn the little beast rolled his eyes at me. Deacon turned and approached the paralyzed vampire. Reaching down, he jerked the stake roughly from his chest. “Stay down.” He growled. The vampire gasped in pain and curled in on himself. He showed no sign of disobeying the command in the near future.

  Fangs and I followed behind him as he approached Gino. Gino’s was still in full blown vampire mode as we approached. He hissed at us impotently. “I left you alive for a reason Gino.” said Deacon. “I want you to take a message back to your family.” The red started to fade from Gino’s eyes as he started to realize that he might live. “What message?” He lisped around his still prominent fangs. “Tell them we will brook no more interference in this matter. Furthermore, tell them that anyone found helping the banished will find themselves joining their ranks.”

  Gino continued to recover himself, his fangs withdrawing once more. “Abandonados will not stand for arrogance Caine.” He growled. “You and Darius’ chew toy are dead! It’s only a matter of time.” My eyes blazed at the name Chew Toy. It had been used to describe me many times over the years by Darius’ family and supporters. Faster than thought, my leg lashed out. The ball of my right foot contacted Gino squarely in the teeth. “Chew on that dickhead.” I growled. Deacon simply shook his head at Gino before turning away to lead us back to the limo.

  The driver of the limo was one of the humans who were In the know about Others and had wisely stayed in the vehicle during the confrontation. As we approached, he quickly got out and opened the trunk so we could get our bags. After a quick word with Deacon he loaded our bags in the jet and we were on our way.

  The inside of the jet was impressive. All hardwood and cushy leather seating. There was even a bar up by the cockpit. Our pilot quickly spooled up the engines as Deacon closed the hatch. I sat in one of the comfy looking chairs and called Fangs over to me. He jumped up into my lap, rubbing his face against mine and purring contentedly as I ran my hands over him, double checking to make sure he was alright. As the plane lurched into motion I moved him over to the seat beside me for takeoff. Deacon came over to sit across from us.

  “Where did you learn to fight like that?” He asked. I shrugged. “All over the place really.” I replied. “Jiu Jitsu in Japan, Karate in Okinawa, I learned to use the sword in Italy. There’s a hard core group there that believe the gladius is the ultimate battle sword and they go out of their way to prove it.” Deacon looked at me in surprise. “You are quite well traveled.” He replied.

  “I was only fourteen when Darius killed my family. Once I was free, my education was mostly what I could learn on my own and what tutors my family’s money could buy. It wasn’t like there was a public school option for a teenaged vampire. Deacon nodded his head then tilted it to one side. “How did you survive after you escaped?” I looked out the window at the blackness of the night for a moment, remembering those days that still haunted me on occasion. “I survived the best way I could.” I said quietly. “I didn’t know what I had become. All I knew was that the sun burned and that the smell of blood was more than I could resist.” I discovered I had the strength and heightened senses to hunt and feed. I looked down at the floor, a haunted expression on my face. “It didn’t matter what I killed as long as I got the blood. I had no control at all. I guess I got extremely lucky that Aramis found me.”

  “Aramis Caro?” Asked Deacon in surprise. “That’s him” I replied. Deacon shook his he
ad in commiseration. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think you had been around that long. He was killed over 60 years ago.” I nodded in agreement. “I wasn’t with him long. Two or three years is all, before he was jumped in that alley. No one ever proved who did it, but I bet their last name started with the letter A.” Deacon shrugged. It was a common enough rumor after all. It was Caro who led the charge against Darius Abandonato. Their motives were not completely altruistic in nature however. Caro and Abandonato had been rivals in the new world for over a century, trying to gather power in the expanding young country as quickly as possible.

  “I was under his care long enough to be tamed and instructed on what I was and how the Other world worked. He also made the legal arrangements that allowed me to retain control of my family’s money.” Deacon nodded along. My story was fairly well known after all. “Aramis must have seen much potential in you.” He said staring at me thoughtfully.


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