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Kaitlyn Strong Books 1-3: The Complete First Trilogy

Page 4

by Art DeForest

  “I was the weapon he used to bring down Darius.” I said, shrugging off the comment. “That gave me value I guess.”

  “Don’t underestimate yourself” He said, remembering my admonishment to use my given name. “I knew Aramis. He was a man of honor and I’m sure he saw you as more than a tool to be used against his enemies.” I tilted my head, considering his words. I tried to look back at that period in my life with the experienced eyes that saw the world now. “You...might be right.” I said hesitantly. “Back then, I couldn’t put much trust in any member of the male gender. It took me at least thirty years and the example of some truly good men, before I got over what happened and could actually enjoy their company again.”

  “I still haven’t put it all behind me, even now.” I said, thinking back on the nightmares of the previous evening. “I can’t even imagine the horrors that were inflicted on you. I don’t know if any male could truly understand. Maybe a few.” He said. “I only hope that removing Darius’ head from his shoulders will help, at least in some small way, to bring you closure.”

  We settled into silence at that point. I stared out the window of the plane for a long while, thinking about the past and the future. Eventually I drifted off to sleep. Fangs had long since succumbed to slumber and snored softly in the seat next to mine.


  The feeling of the jet tipping slightly nose down woke me up sometime later. Our pilot came over the intercom to tell us we had started our descent into Centennial Airport just southeast of Denver. Fangs stood up in his seat and stretched lazily before angling his head my way to get some ear rubbing action. Deacon still sat across from us with a slight smile on his face as he idly watched the big cats’ antics. The wheels of the jet touched down with a deep chirp a few minutes later.

  “I’ve arranged for ground transportation to our hotel. It should be waiting for us at the hangar.” He said, as we taxied closer to a cluster of distant buildings. I nodded my head muzzily. Dawn was still a couple hours away, but I could feel it’s incandescent pain creeping closer already. “Suck it up wimp.” I chided myself. “Darius will walk up to you in the middle of the day and stake your ass if you don’t finish growing the hell up.” Shaking my head a little to clear the fog I sat up straighter and looked out the window once more.

  We were just coming to a stop outside a large private hangar. A large black Suburban sat under the orange glow of a mercury streetlight. Even looking at it from a distance, you could tell that it had been heavily modified. A large front bumper with bars that rose up from it to surround the headlights and grill seemed to offer some pretty stout protection in the event of ramming I guess. Beefy tires and a slightly raised suspension were also in evidence. The heavily tinted windows prevented me from seeing anything inside.

  “Damn, you could invade some third world countries in that thing.” I remarked. “All its missing is the machine gun mounted to the roof.” Deacon glanced out at the polished black assault vehicle and shrugged. “There is some rough terrain around here. We may need it if your investigation leads us into the countryside.” I snorted at the thought. “Maybe, but I doubt Darius will be hiding out in the countryside in Lycan territory.”

  Vampires, in general, are city dwellers. Cities have more people, meaning more food. City folks also tended to stay up later. I don’t know why, they just do. Lycan’s on the other hand love areas where they can change and run without fear of detection. Thinking about this I added. “I think it would be a lot easier for a lycan to track down a vampire by smell out in the country. There’s probably a lot less odors to interfere.” Deacon nodded speculatively, but made no reply as the jet came to a stop and the engines started to spin down.

  We all stood up and I placed Fangs’ leash back on his collar for appearances sake. Deacon walked over and opened the hatch. He quickly descended the steps and turned to offer his hand in assistance. Logically he knew that if I wanted to, I could jump from the top of the steps and land on top of the suburban if I was feeling spunky. The gentlemanly gesture however, was nice. Channeling my inner Audrey Hepburn, I lightly grasped his fingers and descended regally down the steps, exotic animal at my side. Deacon actually chuckled as he took in my “nose in the air, I’m too good for every body pose.” Once I was on the ground, He released my hand and bowed with a flourish towards the suburban. “Thy chariot awaits my lady.” He said with a grin. “Thank you kind sir.” I said, returning his bow with a slight tilt of my head. It was at that point that we both broke down laughing. Fangs just looked at us like we were crazy or perhaps a little slow.

  The inside of the suburban was as luxurious as you would expect by looking at the exterior. There were leather bucket seats in the front . With the most comfortable looking bench seat I had ever seen just behind them. Behind the bench seat was a large open area leading all the way back to the back with a thickly cushioned floor. I noticed then that there was an accordion like partition folded off to one side that allowed the open area to be sealed off from the passenger area. The windows in the far back also had some heavy duty blinds of some kind attached to them. “Wow”, I said from the passenger’s seat and Deacon slid into the driver’s seat. “No getting caught in the sun for us.” He smiled slightly and and nodded. “Better safe than sorry.”

  The night staff at the Hyatt-Regency in downtown Denver was a bit taken aback when we walked in with the huge housecat on a leash. They were professionals though and there were few things that they couldn’t accommodate especially when they saw the black AMEX card that Deacon produced to cover incidentals

  We were shown up to a gorgeous two bedroom suite with a breathtaking view of the city lights spread out before us. As I wandered around the place, the bellboy arrived with our luggage. Sitting atop the pile was a cat castle and a nicely covered litter box, one of those fancy ones that actually scoops itself after the cat leaves. The bellhop placed the litter box in a secluded corner of the living room and the castle by the end of the couch. It wasn’t as big as the one at home, but it was enough to grab Fangs attention. Especially with the faint whiff of catnip that wafted off the top sleeping platform. He walked all around the castle sniffing in curiosity as Deacon shook the bellhop’s hand no doubt depositing a generous tip in his palm. As the door clicked shut, Fangs jumped up and made himself at home on the tallest platform, looking at us regally like a king from his dais.

  I could feel the sun creeping ever closer to the horizon and my eyelids seemed to be closing in direct proportion. “Have any arrangements been made other than our hotel and transportation?” I yawned in Deacon’s general direction, blinking like an owl. “We will meet with the Lycan representative tonight after sundown. We can formulate a plan of action then.” He replied. “You should seek your rest.” He continued on. “It is almost dawn.”

  I nodded muzzily and stood up to head for my bedroom. Fangs lept from his castle to follow me. “What about you?” I asked, as he stayed where he was. “I have a couple of calls to make before I rest for the day.” He replied

  At my door I turned briefly to face him. “Do you think we can get in to see the body they found?” He stared blankly at nothing for a moment as he started closing the curtains on the suite’s living room. “I will see if that can be arranged. We may have to enlist the aid of the Lycan representative for that though.” Nodding in acknowledgement, I wished him good day and closed the door behind me. I couldn’t wait to crawl beneath the covers and seek release from the pain and exhaustion of the day. My earlier resolve to grow up and become a day walker was forgotten as rational thought fled before the sun. Giving Fangs on final ear rub as he lay on the pillow next to mine, I closed my eyes and let the darkness claim me.


  Fangs’ high pitched growl and insistent head rubbing against my face, dragged me from my catatonic slumber. The burning of the sun overhead, even unseen, caused me to wince and groan as I tried to push Fangs away from me. He wasn’t backing off though. The claws of a front paw pierced
straight through the blankets and dug into my shoulder, causing me to come more fully awake. “What is it sweetie?” I asked shaking my head. That’s when the smell of gasoline hit my nostrils.

  Throwing the covers off me, I instinctively grabbed the kukri under my pillow and stumbled to the bedroom door feeling like my head was packed with wool and my body was on fire. I didn’t realize that was a portent of the near future. Opening the door, I looked out to see the bellhop standing in the middle of the living area. He had a gas can in one hand and a zippo lighter in the other.

  He didn’t even look at me as I shouted “Hey, what are you doing?” Okay, not the most brilliant question I might have asked, but I’d just woken up. Give me a break. His answer was to turn, light the zippo and drop it to the floor at his feet, eyes still staring blankly at nothing. There was an immense flash of light and heat as the flames engulfed not only the bellhop but most of the living room as well. I was sent staggering back into the bedroom by the overwhelming heat. Flames and vampires don’t mix. I tried to approach the door once more but there was no escape in that direction. There were no windows in the room either.

  I fought desperately to bring my mind into focus or Fangs and I were going to die right here. “Come on Kaitlyn think!” I shouted at myself. “You’re a vampire. You don’t need doors and windows!” Running quickly to the back of the room I eyed the wall and picked my spot. My right leg cannoned out in a front kick that sent pieces of drywall spewing in all directions. With all the dust and smoke gathering in the room, it was a good thing I didn’t have to breathe. Fangs was a different matter though.

  Glancing over as I continued to punch and kick my initial hole wider, I saw Fangs crouched on the bed, hissing at the flames and coughing on the smoke. My fear of losing Fangs drove me to forget all about the sun and the pain as I desperately increased my efforts to enlarge the hole in the wall. In a few more seconds, I had a hole in the wall that was two feet high between a couple of wall studs. Figuring that would be enough I turned and scooped up Fangs from the bed.

  Apparently he was not happy with me shoving him through the hole because an hissing growl issued from him as he entered the other room. I was about three quarters of the way through when a stunning blow to the side of my head sent me spinning the rest of the way into the room. I guess Fangs wasn’t growling at me. As I tried to recover my equilibrium, I heard Fangs’ snarling war cry. A grunt and a deep male bellow followed. Part of me kept screaming to me to get up and fight, but my body was uncooperative. Dizziness spun the world in circles as I reached my knees. I shook my head to clear it a little and the world started to come into better focus.

  I was in the living room of the suite next door. The blinds on the windows were shut, leaving the room in semi darkness. A large male figure stood in the center of the room in a desperate battle with Fangs. It looked as if my feline saviour had used his standard opening move and hit the man in the torso while at the same time bringing in the head and face for a good biting. This man had taken the blow however and remained standing.

  The room tried to start spinning on me once more as I tried to stand. I made it to my feet, but had to stop and rest my hands on my knees with my head hanging down in order to remain standing. A growling scream tore from Fangs’ throat causing my head to jerk up to see Fangs thrown savagely across the room. Fortunately, he impacted with the back of a couch instead of one of the walls. Still, seeing my cat thrown like a piece of garbage had a growl issuing from my own throat as my fangs dropped and my gaze turned crimson.

  Turning my gaze back to my assailant, I took a step forward to engage him when the realization of who stood in front of me, brought me to a screeching halt. I hadn’t been this physically close to Darius since I was a fourteen year old girl locked in chains. The sight of him standing in front of me caused all the old horrors to come flooding back, threatening to render me catatonic in shock. Shaking my head after a bare moment, my will hardened once more into rage. I’d spent the balance of my life preparing for this moment and I wasn’t going to cave in like a helpless little girl again. Fuck that. Never. Helpless. Again.

  Darius stood there as arrogant and deranged as ever. The look was somewhat diminished by the blood running down his face from a jagged tear in his cheek. “Good boy Fangs.” I thought grimly. “Hello Chew Toy.” Said Darius sneeringly, as he took in my appearance. All I had on was panties and a satin camisole. I’m sure the dust, smoke and grime didn’t help the overall look. “You’ve become quite the little impure slut. Haven’t you.” He said as his gaze raked my form from head to toe.

  “Fuck you, you piece of shit.” Was all I was able to get out around the rage swelling up inside me. The aloof arrogance on his face was replaced by haughty anger at my words. “How dare you even speak to me, you bottom feeding two bit whore!” Words were beyond me at that point. The deep growl that issued from me was sufficient to get my point across as I streaked across the room with every intention of ripping his head off his shoulders with my bare hands.

  Like I’ve said before, my training and constant practice gives me an advantage over most of the dirtbags I come in conflict with. This dirtbag though, was one of the oldest and most powerful of our kind. Darius stepped out of range of my front kick lead. I continued the forward motion and sent a straight right hand streaking fast towards his jaw. It wasn’t fast enough. His left hand pushed the punch across my body then reversed course to slam a vicious backhand across my face.

  The world spun once more as I sailed back across the room and came to a crashing halt next to the hole I had kicked in the wall. Darius started towards me only to stumble and start screaming as a tawny blur streaked behind him to open up his left hamstring. Fangs may not have human intelligence, but he was still a bright boy. He learned quickly that he couldn’t go head to head with this adversary so his tactics changed immediately to speed and stealth.

  The delay caused by Fangs was long enough for me to make it back to my feet as Darius regained his balance. I met him in the middle of the room once more. With his superior strength the last thing I wanted was to get pinned against a wall without anywhere to maneuver. I was more cautious this time. I came to a stop in a strong defensive stance two paces from him. Bringing my hands up to guard position.

  Darius’ attention was divided between regarding me and looking for Fangs, who was prowling the edge of the room looking for his next opening. Darius must have decided that I was the bigger threat, because he took a quick step to get into range and sent an overhand right towards my head that would have taken it off had it connected. I ducked under the punch and shifted my weight onto my left foot as I did so. My hips torqued and sent a roundhouse kick into his abdomen that sent air gushing out of his lungs. I withdrew the kick and recentered my balance as Darius recovered from the kick and started forward once more. Two quick left jabs to the nose however, had him staggering back.

  I maintained my defensive stance as he recovered. I believed I had the edge in quickness, but he definitely had the edge in strength. I didn’t want to risk getting caught up in a grappling match, so I didn’t risk an off balance lunge that would leave me vulnerable if it missed. Darius had taken a half step towards me when Fangs made his next move. He leapt from a chair on Darius’ flank, aiming for the monster’s head. Darius was ready for it however and ducked away while at the same time catching Fangs with an unbalanced punch that nevertheless packed incredible strength. A yowl of pain that nearly broke my heart was ripped from Fangs’ throat as he tumbled helplessly through the air. He landed with a thump against the curtain covered picture window before tumbling to the floor.

  Fangs sacrifice gave me the opening I was looking for. A rear leg front kick caught Darius powerfully under the chin before he had a chance to stand back up after dodging Fangs. I felt his teeth smash together as his head snapped back. Even his great strength couldn’t compensate for basic physics as the momentum of the kick overcame his mass and sent him flying across the room just like I had a few s
econds earlier. It felt like the whole building shook when his back crashed against the far wall. He didn’t go down though. He simply shook his head and stood back up to his full height. “Damn this is one tough son of a bitch.” I thought.

  Darius stood back up to his full height and his gaze locked with mine. “Enough playing around.” He growled. “It’s time for you to die my little Chew Toy.” As he said that a large dagger and a sharp wooden stake dropped into his hands from concealed sheaths strapped to his arms. I knew I was in serious trouble. I was standing in the middle of the room in my underwear completely unarmed, facing an ancient killer with pointy things in both hands. I heard Fangs whimper and hiss as he tried to regain his footing. I would never doubt the heart and courage of my brave companion, but I couldn’t let him back in this fight. I’d lose him if I did. “Fangs, lay down.” I growled through clenched teeth. Fangs hissed his displeasure at the command, but complied. Darius glanced his way before smiling sinisterly at me. “Once I’m done with you, I’m going to skin your companion alive and hang his bloody coat on my wall as a decoration.”

  The hot rage that had filled me to this point went instantly cold as ice. “Bring it you mewling pus contaminated sack of dog shit.” I said coldly. “Nobody fucks with my cat.” Apparently Darius’ overwhelming narcissism didn’t take kindly to being so crudely insulted by the likes of me. His eyes went crimson and two inch fangs dropped. He howled inarticulately at me as he started to charge across the room at me.


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