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Drawn: A Hammer Novel

Page 5

by Sean Michael

  “I’ll take hazelnut cream, though, if you have it. No sugar.” He could drink it black if he had to, but he did like it flavored up.

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll be quick as a bunny.”

  Giles laughed again as Happy bounced off. “God, he’s adorable.”

  “Isn’t he? Irrepressible. The only time I haven’t seen him with a smile on his face is when Nic was sick.”


  “Dominic, his master.”

  “Master?” Giles’ nose wrinkled.

  “Yes, this is a BDSM club. And before you wrinkle your nose at it -- remember how bright and happy our waiter was.”

  “A... wow. Somebody read a lot of porn and decided to make a club? Neat. It’s not as dirty as you’d think.”

  One of his eyebrows went up and he kept himself from growling. He knew a lot of people only knew the lifestyle as stroking-off material. “It’s not dirty at all. And it’s not all about sex. It’s a lifestyle.” One that Giles needed desperately, that would help him so much.

  “Cool.” Giles wasn’t paying attention, he could tell. “Do you have a pen?”

  He pulled a pen out of his pocket and handed it over, a slight frown pulling his eyebrows together.

  “Thank you.” Giles unrolled the silverware and started drawing on the cloth napkin. Images appeared like magic: him, Happy, Xavier, the lights above the bar.

  “You’ve got an amazing talent.”

  “It’s a thing.” Giles stole his napkin next, started working.

  “You should carry a sketch pad around with you.” It would save napkins.

  Happy brought the coffee, placed it on the table, careful of the drawings. “Oh, wow...”

  “Lovely, aren’t they?” Harrison beamed at Happy. “Do you think you could ask Xavier for some paper, if he’s got any?”

  “Absolutely, Sir. The French toast will be coming soon.”

  “Thanks, Happy.” Once Happy’d gone, he settled in to watch Giles. The man didn’t have talent -- he was possessed by it. Consumed and being eaten by it.

  Harrison had a few ideas about how to help Giles find more balance in his life, how to rule the demons that plagued him. He took a sip of his coffee, nudged Giles, and pointed to the man’s mug.

  “Mmm. Thanks.” Giles drank deep, long throat working. “What day did you say it was?”

  “Tuesday.” He smiled his thanks when Happy stopped by with the paper he’d asked for, handing it to Giles.

  “Oh, thank you. Can I have a refill, please?”

  Happy nodded, bounced. “You can. That’s too cool. Just amazing.”

  Giles signed the napkin, handed it over.

  “Oh. Oh, wow. My master will love it. He’ll be so surprised. Thank you!”

  Harrison chuckled. “That was nice of you. You’ve made his day.”

  Giles shrugged. “Wait until he finds out what it’s worth on eBay.”

  “It’s a portrait of him that he’s going to give his master. I don’t think it’s going to wind up on eBay.”

  “Things end up in weird places. Even personal things.”

  “Does it bother you? When people see your art and start thinking dollar signs?”

  “That’s Marisa’s job, not mine. It bothers me when people steal things of mine and sell them.”

  “But it would be okay for Happy to do it because you gave it to him, eh?”

  Giles nodded. “It that makes him happy. It’s not mine anymore.”

  “Huh. I guess that’s a good idea.” He smiled and slid his hand along Giles’ arm. “Would you like to hear more about the BDSM lifestyle?”

  Happy warmed up Giles’ coffee, brought them a huge platter of French toast and sausage.

  “Thanks, Happy. These look great. Is there maple syrup?”

  “Yes, Sir. And honey. I’ll get the tray.”

  He nodded his thanks and turned back to Giles. “Well? Would you like to hear more about the lifestyle?”

  “Sure. I like stories.” Giles leaned back with his coffee.

  Harrison cut off a bite of French toast and held it out to Giles. “It’s a real thing.”

  “I’m not hungry.” Those lips opened.

  “Of course not.” No, Giles was no doubt starving and just didn’t realize it. He popped the bite into Giles’ mouth Giles hummed, ate the bite. “Doms give subs what they need.” He put another bite in Giles’ mouth.

  “Do you have one?”

  “No. I’m in the market for one, though.”

  “Huh. Will you look here?”

  “I’m looking here right now.” He kept his gaze on Giles.

  “You’ll find a Dom here? Neat.”

  Harrison laughed. “No, babe. I’m the Dom.”

  Giles’ laugh was almost gentle. “Are you? For someone like Happy?”

  “I was thinking more like for someone like you.”

  “I don’t think there’s another person like me anywhere.”

  “No. I don’t think so, either.” He wondered if Giles would twig to what he meant or if he’d have to spell it out.

  “So do you come here and have sex?”

  “No, I come here and have amazing meals. Then I watch people having sex on stage.”

  “Oh.” Giles finished his coffee. “Is that legal?”

  “It’s consensual, and no one’s being paid.”

  “Do you like it?” Giles touched his plate. “You should eat.”

  “I’m a very good Dom. I’m good at reading people, reading what they need.” And Giles was shouting to him right now: not with words, no, but his whole body, his whole aura, the scars on his chest... Harrison had two bites of the yummy French toast. He would bet he’d eaten a lot more recently than Giles had.

  “You’re a sweet man. Dear. A nurturer.”

  Harrison laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever been called sweet before.” He popped another piece of food into Giles’ mouth. The nurturer label was appropriate, though. Harrison thought it would be true of most Doms.

  “Not hungry.” Giles ate it, though, humming softly.

  “Doesn’t matter, you still need to eat.”

  Happy brought over the little tray with syrups and honey on it, eyes bright, lips smiling. “Here you go, Sirs. I’ve gotta get the other table now, sorry!”

  When he was gone, Harrison poured some maple syrup over one of the pieces of toast and cut off another bite for Giles.

  “Full.” Giles opened for him.

  “From three little pieces of toast?” He made a mental note that Giles had food issues. Giles nodded but ate the bite. “It tastes very good, though.” He popped another bite into Giles’ mouth and then speared another one. “Would you like to try one of the other types of syrup?”

  Giles leaned against him, nose twitching. “What is there?”

  “Two types of honey, blueberry syrup, strawberry syrup, and coconut milk.”

  “Do the honeys taste different?” Giles dipping one finger in, watched the drop fall in fascination.

  “They do.” He turned Giles’ finger to Giles’ mouth. “Suck.”

  Giles chuckled, followed the order easily, sucking himself clean.

  Harrison dipped his finger into the other, much lighter honey, and held it up to Giles’ mouth. “Now suck this.” Those full lips wrapped around his finger, the suction strong, wild, hitting him right in the balls. He groaned, licking his own lips. Fuck, that was nice. “Taste the difference?” His voice was low, husky.

  “Mmmhmm. One tastes like you.”

  Harrison chuckled. “That’s because it was attached to my finger.” He liked that, the quick humor.

  “Then I’d have to try the other one off your finger.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” He dipped his finger into the first honey pot, holding it up
for Giles to eat.

  Giles opened up for him, sucked him clean, eyes going wide. “They are different!”

  He chuckled, nodded. “They are. Even if both have essence of Harrison.”

  “Okay. You win.” Giles leaned back, finished his coffee.

  “So what do you want on your next bite of bread?”

  “The darker honey.”

  Harrison spread the dark honey over the next slice of French toast and then cut a generous bite off for Giles. Giles opened for him, took the bite, groaned. There was a drizzle of honey at the corner of Giles’ mouth, and Harrison leaned in to lick it away. Giles turned his face, bringing their mouths together.

  Groaning into the kiss, he slipped his tongue along Giles’ lips, and then into the warm honey-and-coffee-flavored mouth. Giles kissed him, fucked his lips slowly, luxuriously. God, the sensuality was incredible and it made Harrison hard. Relaxed now, quiet, Giles was pure sex kitten.

  Harrison broke off the kiss to slide another bite of bread into Giles’ mouth, this time using his fingers instead of the fork. Giles licked and lapped his fingers, almost moving into his lap. He encouraged the move, pushing out enough from the table that Giles could straddle him.

  “Don’t get my ass kicked, okay?” Giles cuddled close.

  “No one will think twice about us doing this here.” He fed Giles another honey-dipped bite, following it up with another kiss.

  “Good. God.” Giles started moving, sliding up and down his body.

  Groaning, Harrison grabbed hold of Giles’ ass and pulled him closer.

  “We’ll get arrested.” Giles moaned the words against his lips.

  “We won’t. Not here.” He slid his hand up beneath Giles’ shirt, stroking Giles’ spine. So skinny, so hot. He wanted to lick and touch every inch. He slid his hand around, finding Giles’ little nipples next. The rings were warm, smooth to his fingertips. He tugged on them, gently at first, then with more force, loving the way it made Giles rock harder against him.

  “Harder, please.” Oh, such a sweet slut.

  Harrison twisted the rings, giving Giles what he needed.

  Giles shuddered, arched above him, eyes rolling. “Oh, fuck.”

  “I know how to give you what you want.” He twisted again. He could give Giles exactly what he needed, the pain, the intensity. The care afterward.

  “Shh. Please, don’t talk about it.”

  “Just do it?” He chuckled. He could do that. This time, when he twisted Giles’ nipple ring, he swatted the fine ass with his other hand.

  “Oh...” Giles groaned for him, ass curling like the man was trying to hide. So he swatted Giles again, added a bite to Giles’ lower lip. Giles cried out, stiffened, hips jerking in rough little motions.

  “That’s it, G. Come on. Let me show you how good it can be with someone who knows.” He yanked hard on the nipple ring, swatted the sweet ass, and then let his nails scrape from nipple to navel.

  Giles shot, swallowing what Harrison would have bet was a wild wail.

  “Good man.” He took Giles’ mouth, kissed him through the end of his orgasm.

  Giles began to shake, shiver. “I just... we. In a club.”

  “Shh. It’s okay. That’s the kind of thing that goes on here.” He tugged gently on Giles’ right nipple ring: focus right here.

  Giles moaned again, lips parting. He licked them, breathed into Giles’ mouth. Giles melted into him, holding him. He deepened the kiss, taking Giles’ mouth. When the kiss was over, he pressed their foreheads together and breathed Giles in.

  “What happens now?” Giles blinked at him, focused on him.

  “Now that I’ve proven I can give you what you want? You need to choose a safeword. I need to tell you more about the lifestyle.”

  “I think I need to go clean up.”

  “No running away, I’m not letting you do that.”

  “I just. I’m sticky.”

  And scared, Harrison thought. “The bathrooms are lovely here. There are several singles. We can continue this conversation there, get you unsticky.”

  “I. In the bathroom? Together?”

  “Yeah.” He stood, careful not to dump Giles from his lap.

  “I. Harrison? What are you doing?”

  “Bringing you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up.”

  “You’re carrying me.” Giles made him grin.

  “I am.” He squeezed Giles’ ass and pushed open one of the single bathroom doors with his hip.

  Giles moved to the sink as soon as Harrison let him down. Harrison moved to stand behind the man, pressing up against Giles’ back.

  “I. I think I need to...” Giles’ hands were trembling a little.

  “Stop thinking. Give me a safeword.” He’d get Giles on track once he had that.

  “A safeword of what?”

  “A safeword is a word that you pick that you wouldn’t normally say. If you ever use that word I stop. No matter what we’re doing. It’s so that you can scream and yell stop and tell me no, and not really mean it.”

  “Are you serious?” Giles turned the water on, grabbed a hand towel and got it wet.

  “I am.” Harrison reached around Giles and took the cloth, wringing the water out and then dabbing at Giles’ crotch.

  “I can do that! I’m all. This is. Listen. I owe you an orgasm and then I need another cup of coffee and probably to r... go. Outside.”

  He kept cleaning Giles up. “Safeword, Giles. Pick one. Now.”

  “I. I. I can’t. I don’t know one. I need to...”

  “How about flowers.”

  “Flowers?” Giles stopped, looked at him.

  “You wouldn’t normally say that, would you?”

  “No. No, I wouldn’t. I mean, I don’t do still lifes...”

  The corner of his mouth twisted up and he nodded. Of course Giles would bring it back around to painting. “Flowers it is. You want me to stop and you say flowers. That’s the only thing that will be guaranteed to stop me. Do you understand?”

  “I guess. I guess, so... It’s like you’re playing a game that I don’t know the rules to.”

  “I’m trying to explain the rules to you, but this isn’t a game. This is real life. This is giving you what you need.” He lifted Giles’ shirt and pointed to the bruising and cuts. Things Giles had done to himself. “You have needs. I can give you what you need.”

  “Don’t talk about them! It was an accident!” Giles jerked the shirt down, stared at him.

  “We both know it’s not an accident that you hurt yourself, Giles. I’m telling you I can make it easier for you. I can give you the focus and the pain that you need.”

  “I’m not crazy. I’m not.” There was a deep wound there. A terror.

  “I know that. That’s what I’m telling you.”

  “I. I. Can’t we just go fuck? That’s easy. I get that.”

  “We can. But I want to do more to you than just that. We can start with the fucking, though.” He pressed up tight against Giles and turned the man’s head, taking a hot kiss. Giles groaned for him, tongue sliding against his, tasting him, so he wrapped his lips around Giles’ tongue, sucking it.

  Giles’ eyes went wide as he took control. He bit at Giles’ tongue, at the lower lip, giving the man a touch of pain. Giles’ groan went straight to his crotch, to his cock.

  His cock was aching to be buried inside Giles’ ass, filling and stretching that hole.

  “Want you.” He bit at Giles’ earlobe.

  “Right here. Your turn to come.”

  “You’re right. It is.” He tugged down Giles’ pants. The tight, sweet ass was right there, right there for him, and he pushed a finger in. Giles didn’t back away, instead pushing toward his touch. A second finger went in, Giles opening up for him. He pushed harder, filling Giles up to the knuc
kle, the tight hole spreading easily. Leaning in, he bit at Giles’ neck, pulled his fingers partway out, and then pushed them in hard.

  “Fuck!” Giles’ cry was loud, sharp.

  “It’s coming.” He pulled his fingers away, lined up his cock, and grabbed a condom from the counter.

  “Good.” Giles grabbed the edge of the sink, held on tight, and bent over.

  “Perfect.” He gripped Giles’ ass and pushed in.

  Giles took him to the root, started moving him, slamming back and fucking himself. Someone needed fucking badly. He pushed in, holding on to Giles’ hips and forcing Giles to let him lead.

  Giles grunted, fought him. “Damn it, Harrison. I thought you wanted me.”

  “I fucking do.” Harrison thrust in hard, yanking Giles back onto his cock. As soon as he pulled back, Giles tried to follow.

  He pulled out and smacked Giles’ ass. Hard.

  “Hey...” Oddly enough, that didn’t sound like a complaint.

  He slapped Giles again and then pushed back in.

  “Come on. Quit playing!” Giles’ muscles rippled around him.

  “Not playing.” He thrust back in, slamming this time.

  “Yeah.” Giles’ head fell forward, dark hair in his face.

  “Yes.” He did it again, putting his strength behind the thrust.

  “Harder. Come on. Come on. Fuck me.”

  He pulled Giles back in on the next few thrusts. He could feel the man’s muscles jerk, hear the low, rough grunts. “Harder?” He changed his angle, finding Giles’ gland.

  “Yes...” Giles looked like he was flying.

  “I can do that.” He did, slamming into Giles, pulling the man back onto his cock at the same time, really letting Giles have it as hard as the man wanted. He could see Giles’ joy, the way the man was transported, impaled on his cock. Reaching around, he grabbed one of Giles’ nipple rings, twisting it. Giles jerked, ass like a fist, milking him.

  “Fuck!” He kept thrusting in, pushing as hard as he could.

  “So good. So good. Come on.” The words went on and on, pouring out of Giles.

  He tweaked the one nipple, then the other, working it. Working Giles, and Giles worked him in return, driving them harder together.

  “Come on, G. Fucking give it to me.”


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