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Drawn: A Hammer Novel

Page 6

by Sean Michael

  “Yeah. Yeah. Come on. Come on.”

  “You come on. You come on my cock, G. Do it now.” This was his show.

  Giles’ eyes met his in the mirror, spunk spraying over the sink.

  “Yes!” He held that gaze as he jerked a couple more times, coming hard.

  Giles slumped forward a little, gripping the edge of the sink.

  He kept his arm around Giles, his other hand removing the condom as he came out. “I’ve got you, G.”

  “I think I want to go to the studio.”

  “I’ll take you there. We can talk on the way.”

  “Okay. Okay. You don’t have to drop me off. I can walk.”

  “No, I don’t think I’m going to let you out of my sight.” In fact, he thought a night, two nights of heavy sleep in a real bed might be in Giles’ best interest. He did up Giles’ pants, his own. “Come on.”

  “Okay. Let me pay for our food.”

  “No. Members’ benefits.”

  “Member...” Giles shook his head, smiled. “Nothing’s making sense to me.”

  “That’s because you don’t believe it’s real yet. You will.”

  “I need to go home.” Giles sounded stretched thin, to the limit.

  “Come on, then.” He took Giles’ hand and led him out.

  They headed out without a word, Giles quiet, drooping beside him. He wrapped his arm around Giles’ waist as they walked to his car. “I have you,” he murmured quietly.

  “I’m sorry. I’m okay. I just... I’m not feeling so steady.”

  “It’s okay. You’re allowed.” He gave Giles a wink and got him into the car.

  Giles leaned hard against the car door, face so tired. Harrison was going to get that boy some sleep.

  “Thank you for the coffee.”

  He headed the car toward his place. “Anytime, G.”

  “The studio is that way.” Giles pointed west.

  “You need some sleep. I’m going to help you get it.” It didn’t take long to pull up in front of his place.

  “This isn’t the studio. I want to go home. You said you’d take me home.”

  “I’m taking you home. Home with me.” He grabbed Giles’ hand, squeezed. “You need to come in with me.”

  “I need to go home. I’m tired.” There was hysteria just hidden under the surface.

  “I’m going to help you sleep, G.”

  “I don’t feel good. I need to see my sister. I need to go...” Giles’ fingers clenched around his.

  He drew Giles up to the house, let them in. “You need to sleep. I have a big bed.”

  “I need to go home.” Giles held on to him.

  “You are home.” He meant it, too. He wasn’t just saying it to get Giles to come with him; he meant it.

  He led Giles into his bedroom, into his bed, and he didn’t get any resistance. He stripped Giles down, then himself, and wrapped around the lean, lovely man.

  Giles shivered. “I need to go home.”

  “You need to sleep. Right here. With me.”

  “It’s...” Giles’ eyes started to close. “I mean...”

  “Shh. Sleep, G. It’s safe. I have you.”


  Harrison watched Giles relax, curl into him, eyes looking almost bruised. He held Giles in his arms and held that gaze, watching silently, promising Giles the world.

  Giles touched his bottom lip. Once. Gently. He licked the fingertip.

  Then his stubborn sub was asleep.

  He held on to Giles; he would start as he meant to go on. With Giles in his arms.


  Giles woke up with a start, sitting straight up, eyes wide. This wasn’t his studio. It was dark; the bed was soft. It didn’t smell like oil paints. Not his place.

  A low noise and snuffle sounded, something warm and solid wrapping around him, a hot hand petting him. He looked down. Harrison. God. They’d fucked hard last night. It had been fun, but it was time to go. He slipped out of the bed and found the bathroom, washed up quickly.

  When he was done, Harrison was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame, utterly naked. “Hey, G.”

  “Hey.” He blinked, smiled. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

  “I’d rather wake up with you than sleep in an empty bed.”

  “I was going to work.” He stepped forward.

  Harrison snorted. “I don’t think you’ve caught up on your sleep yet.”

  “I don’t sleep. I nap.” He moved closer.

  “Okay. You haven’t caught up on your napping.” Harrison reached out, hand warm on his belly.

  That made him heavy-lidded. There was something about Harrison that fascinated him. Harrison stroked his skin, the touch intoxicating.

  “Oh.” He hummed and pressed closer. Maybe a few more minutes.

  Harrison took his mouth, tongue sliding in as his lips were parted. Mmm. Kisses.

  Giles found himself in Harrison’s arms, surrounded. Harrison pulled him close, the long, hard body so hot against him. Slowly Harrison backed them into the bedroom, back into the darkness, the heavy, quiet peace. It wasn’t ever dark at the studio. Ever.

  He was laid out on the bed, Harrison coming down on top of him, hot and heavy. There. So there. He blinked up, a little dizzy.

  Harrison smiled down at him, pressing one kiss after another on his lips. Giles found himself relaxing, chasing the kisses. Harrison made it harder and harder, placing them on his cheeks, his eyes, his jaw. Finally he stopped, smiled, let Harrison touch him.

  The man’s teeth scraped across his jaw, down to his throat, and Giles moaned, stretched out, swallowed. Humming, Harrison wrapped his lips around Giles’ Adam’s apple and sucked. “Mmm. Thought you were sleeping...”

  “Only dozing.” The words were spoken against his skin, vibrating.

  “N...napping.” He laughed, tickled.

  “There you go.”

  “You have such a soft bed. Decadent. I love it.”

  “Good. I want you to spend a lot of time in it.”

  He couldn’t do that. That wasn’t who he was. No reason to worry Harrison about it, though. Harrison kissed his way down, stopping at his nipple rings to grab and twist them in his mouth.

  “I.” Wait. He wasn’t horny. Right?

  “You’ve got them; it’s a shame that no one ever uses them.” Harrison winked and tugged one between his lips again.

  “I do. I use them.” It felt so much better for someone else to, though.

  “It’s not the same thing.””

  “No. No, it’s not the same thing at all.” As if to prove it, Harrison tugged hard on his right nipple ring, and his toes curled, lips parting. “Oh.”

  “Mmm. Yes. Oh.” Harrison did it again.

  “I.” He twisted, trying to slide out from under Harrison, but the man held him.

  “It’s okay to like the pain, Giles. It doesn’t make you a freak.”

  “I’m not crazy.” He wasn’t. It just... it made things so much easier, after. So much quieter.

  “No, you’re not crazy. And I know exactly how to give you what you need.”

  “How? How do you know?” How could anyone know that?

  “Because that’s what the BDSM community is all about. It’s about people needing and people giving.”

  “Shh. No more talking.” Harrison kept trying to make things real.

  That made Harrison laugh, and the man bit at his right nipple, teeth and tongue playing with the ring. Giles twisted, not sure if he wanted to get away or closer.

  “Gonna do so many wonderful things to you.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. I’ll just keep doing it.”

  That actually made it easier,
somehow. Harrison’s fingers slid down to tug at his balls. A dull ache built in the pit of his belly, and his breath caught.

  Harrison tugged again, then let go of his balls and flicked at the skin behind them. God, that made the barbell at the base of his nuts ache. Harrison flicked once more, and then grabbed the barbell, pulling on it. He tried to sit up, chest slapping against Harrison’s.

  “Oh, I should do that one again.” Harrison did, tugging harder this time.

  “I. Fuck. Fuck...” That was good.

  “Mmm. Yes.” Harrison twisted the barbell, not being gentle at all. He cried out, hips bucking restlessly. “Fuck, that’s sexy.”

  “Want to move.”

  “Want to or have to?” Harrison asked.

  “What?” He needed to get up.

  “Do you want to move or do you need to move? There’s a difference.”

  Goddamn it. “Let me up. I want up.”

  “No.” Harrison’s mouth latched onto his right nipple.

  “No?” He pushed up into that suction, hands wrapping around Harrison’s head, and Harrison shook his head, taking the nipple ring with him.

  “Fuck. Fuck. I. Fuck.” He was going to short out.

  “We will, G. But first we’re going to play.”

  “Play? I was going to go home. You were sleeping.”

  “And now I’m awake and we’re here together and I’m ready to blow your mind.”

  “I don’t...”

  Harrison bit his nipple and he cried out, hips bucking sharply.

  “You do.” Harrison treated the other nipple to a bite as well, and the strong fingers dragged along his arms, digging into his muscles.

  “Fuck, yes.” He twisted, his cock filling, swelling.

  “Oh, the things I am going to do to you, G. I’m going to blow your mind and put it back together again.”

  “I’ll believe it when it happens.” God, Harrison made him smile.

  “Okay. I can live with that.” Harrison looked up at him, eyes twinkling as the man’s tongue played with the ring in his nipple. He traced Harrison’s eyebrows, suddenly hit with the urge to paint the man, just like this. The other eyebrow went up. “What?”

  “I want to paint you. I need to.”

  Harrison turned and kissed his palm. God, that gentle little touch made him shiver. “You will. Not right now, but you will.” Harrison punctuated the words with a bite to the pad of his thumb, and his fingers curled, fingertips stroking Harrison’s cheek.

  Harrison’s hands slid over his body, one heading for his nipple, the other toward his cock. His fingers were caught, wrapped in Harrison’s hair. His right nipple ring was twisted, his hafada tugged.

  “So fucking good. Damn it.” Again. Do it again.

  Harrison laughed, eyes shining, and wow, the man did it again, sensation zinging through him. His lips parted, nerves alight, alive. “Gonna get some gold chains. Link all your piercings together.”

  He thought that would take a lot of chain, but he didn’t bother saying it. He was very busy flying.

  Harrison worked one ring, then the next, and then the next, then the barbell, sometimes twisting two at a time, sometimes barely touching even one. His hands moved in Harrison’s hair, touched the broad shoulders, just exploring. Eventually Harrison spread his legs, pushed them back, and began to lick at his hole.

  “Oh, fuck!” Giles grabbed his knees and went with it, the hot licks like fire against him. Harrison’s tongue pushed in when he did that, sliding into his hole.

  “Yeah. Yeah. So fucking hot.” He rocked up, fucked himself on the man’s tongue as Harrison pressed his face in hard, tongue going deeper. The pleasure made him want to scream, it was so good. That magical tongue disappeared for a moment, Harrison biting the place where his thigh met his ass. Giles jerked away, almost sitting up.

  “No,” growled Harrison, hands landing on his hips and holding him in place as another bite landed in almost the same spot.

  “Fuck. No biting.” He fought, gasping, jonesing on the burn.

  “I like biting.”

  Giles did, too. Just on his terms. “No biting.”

  Harrison’s response was to bite the inner thigh of his other leg.

  “Fuck!” Hot. So fucking hot.

  “That’s coming, I swear.” Of course, what came next was another bite, a little lower this time.

  “God damn it.” He twisted, pulling away.

  Harrison growled again. “Do I need to tie you down?”


  “Are you sure?” Harrison bit at his hip.

  “I. Yes. Yes, I mean. Yes?”

  “I think you like it. I think you like it a lot.” Why did that bastard sound so self-sure?

  Giles wasn’t sure what the hell to do about it. Hell, why should he have to? He just wanted to fuck. “Just... Christ, you make me dizzy.”

  “Good.” That was it; just “good” was all Harrison said.

  He bared his teeth a little, went up on his elbows to look down at Harrison. “How is that good, exactly?”

  “It’s my job to make you crazy. Dizzy. Out of your mind.” Giles noticed that Harrison didn’t look terribly worried, and that made him laugh.

  “Like I need to be more out of my mind.” Crazy was way less fun than advertised, really.

  Harrison’s tongue slid up along his hip, slick and warm. “Ah, but when you come back to yourself, it’ll be even better.”

  “You think so?”

  Harrison’s chin scratched his hip. “I think we’re going to be very good for each other.”

  “I’m not good for anyone.”

  Harrison’s next bite made him jump. “You’re just right for me. I’ve been looking for you.”

  Looking for him? “You mean you wanted an artist to play with?”

  “I mean I wanted you to play with.”

  Nonsense. He shook his head. “You don’t mean that.”

  “I do.”

  Ridiculous. Harrison didn’t really know him yet. Harrison licked along his belly and then nipped at his skin, right near his navel. Obviously the man was willing to give up the argument, and he was all over that, going for it as he jerked and chuckled, that tiny nibble tickling.

  “Pretty baby.” Harrison licked over to his right nipple and then yanked the ring hard.

  Giles cried out, rolled Harrison over, and started humping. Harrison rolled them back, pushing him down into the mattress. No. No, he was going to do it. He was going to be on top.

  Harrison stayed on top of him, though, kept pushing him down. “I’ve got you, G.”

  “I... You’re pushing me.”

  “Yes.” That was it. Just the one word and Harrison’s intense gaze.

  “I don’t want you to.” So there.

  “That doesn’t matter. You need me to.”

  He snorted, tossed his head (or tried to). “Bullshit.” Harrison just laughed. Oh. Oh, that pissed him off. “Don’t you fucking laugh at me, asshole.”

  “I’m not laughing at you, G.”

  “What was that, then? Because I’m not crazy. I’m not.”

  “I know you’re not crazy. I know you have needs, I understand that. Maybe better than you do. I find it funny that you need so hard and deny it so hard at the same time.”

  “I’m not crazy.” That was important.

  “Didn’t I just say that I know you’re not crazy?” Harrison grabbed his face between his hands. “You hear me, G? I know you’re not crazy.”

  He searched Harrison’s eyes, wanting to know the man was serious.

  Harrison held his gaze. “I know what you need and I know you’re not crazy. I think maybe I know it more surely than you do.”

  He nodded. “I’m not crazy. I’m... this is crazy. This situation.”

this situation is just what you need.”

  “You’re used to getting what you want.” So was Giles.

  “I am. And I want you.”

  “I should go home.” Run. Have a long run.

  “No. We’re not finished here.” Harrison’s hand wrapped around his cock, tugging lightly. “Not by a long shot.”

  “But... I need to work. I’ll get you off first.” He wasn’t a bastard. Mostly.

  “You can work tomorrow. You’re staying here, getting off, sleeping, getting what you need, and then tomorrow you can work.”

  “Tomorrow.” Harrison’s fingers tugged the ring in the head of his prick, and his eyes crossed.

  “You heard me.” Harrison twisted the ring again, then added a couple of pulls to his nipple rings as well.

  “Uh-huh.” God, that was good.

  “I’ve got whips that are going to make you crazy. A flogger. It’s going to hurt so good, G. I promise you.”

  Whips? No way. No way. Of course, it was probably all just dirty talk to rev them back up.

  “Gonna be so good.” Harrison tugged hard on the Prince Albert.

  “So...” He arched, body following the tug. The ring twisted in Harrison’s hand. “Don’t tear me.” Oh, fuck.

  “I care about you, G. Won’t hurt you.”

  The words heated him, even if they couldn’t be true.

  “Now come for me.”

  He groaned, humped Harrison’s hand. People didn’t come on demand. Harrison flicked Giles’ nipple ring with his free hand, and spunk pushed from him, his hips rolling in hard, rough jerks.

  “There you go, G.”

  “Uh-huh.” He blinked, dazed.

  Harrison chuckled and circled around him.

  “You. You okay?” Sleepy. Sleepy.

  “I’m just fine.” Harrison kissed his eyebrow. “Let go, G. I’ve got you.”

  “So tired.” And warm.

  Harrison was warm.

  “Then sleep already, G. It’ll be okay.”






  Harrison went back to sleep when Giles did, arms full of melted man. He’d known he’d be good for Giles, knew he could give the man exactly what he needed. He was surprised to wake up before Giles did; it looked like he’d melted the man even more than he’d thought.


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