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Drawn: A Hammer Novel

Page 7

by Sean Michael

  Too thin, too tired, too overworked -- the man was in desperate need of a keeper.

  Harrison was just the man for the job, too.

  Giles stretched, forehead creased in a frown. He slid his hand along Giles’ belly. That simple touch relaxed Giles, eased the frown. Giles might not have figured it out yet, but somewhere deep down, he knew it, too.

  Harrison explored Giles lazily, fingertips sliding over the pale, smooth skin. He traced the scars and slid his fingers over metal.

  It didn’t take long for Giles to wake up, to meet his eyes. “It’s morning.”

  He smiled. “It is.”

  “I slept a long time.” Giles traced his lips.

  “Probably not as long as you really need to.” He nipped at Giles’ fingers.

  “Sleep is overrated.” The smile he got was brilliant.

  “So is a good spanking.”

  “What?” There was a look of complete confusion on Giles’ face.

  He shook his head. “I was just teasing, G. There’s always a place for a good spanking.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.” Giles stretched again, humming softly. “You smell good.”

  “It does make sense and thank you.” He licked Giles’ neck. “And you taste good.”

  Giles chuckled. “That tickles.”

  “Better give you a harder touch, then.” He bit this time.

  “Oh.” Giles’ hands landed on his shoulders.

  Fuck, he loved the way the man jonesed on the pain. Giles started shifting, moving under him. He noticed there weren’t any protests about having to leave this time. He found a nipple ring, tugged it gently, and then twisted.

  Giles responded beautifully, body arching in a slow, steady arc. Fuck, that was sexy. It made him need. Giles made him need. He rubbed and twisted the other ring.

  “Please.” Did Giles even know what he was asking for?

  “You ever been whipped, Giles? Has anyone ever spanked you? Paddled you?” Made you scream?

  “Whipped? I. Are you serious?”

  “Very serious. I’ve seen the things you do to yourself, Giles. Believe me, it’s so much better when someone else does that for you.”

  Long fingers covered his lips, hushing him, so he bit at Giles’ fingertips.

  Giles chuckled, winked. “You’re biting.”

  “I am. You like the biting.” Giles liked it a lot.

  “Shh. You keep saying things.”

  “I like saying them. I like the way me saying them makes you jerk and buck and want.”

  Giles shook his head. “You have to be good, hmm?”

  “I’m being very good.”

  “Are you? I want to paint you.”

  “When we’re done here, I’ll sit for you.”

  Giles offered him a blinding smile, nodded. “Good. Good. I need to do it.”

  “Like a compulsion?”

  “No. I just need to. I’m not crazy.” Someone had a serious issue.

  “Listen, G. I know you’re not crazy, okay? I know that.”

  “I’m not, and I won’t go see any doctors. Okay?”

  He shook his head. “I haven’t suggested that you should. Where is this coming from?”

  “It’s not you. It’s. I have. Before. My last lover. My sister. It was ugly. There were police.” There was ill-hidden fear, worry in those eyes.

  “He didn’t understand you, G. I do.” He stroked Giles’ cheek.

  “I just need it, sometimes. It gets loud and that hushes it.”

  “I know. And I want to help with it.”

  Giles’ eyes searched his, the look intent. “You won’t tell? Anyone?”

  “I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Okay. Okay. I won’t either. I mean, if it’s wrong for me, it’s got to be wrong for you, too, right?”

  “What? No.” He shook his head. “It’s not wrong, G.”

  “Sure it is. If it wasn’t, then they wouldn’t put you in the hospital.” The words were supremely, completely confident.

  “You do remember the club, right? The BDSM?”

  Giles frowned for a second, then smiled. “Yes. Yes, from last night. I was so tired.”

  “You were. Do you remember choosing a safeword and what it stood for?”

  “I...” It was fascinating to watch Giles’ mind work. “Flowers. It was flowers.”

  “Yeah. So you use that word if ever you need me to stop, okay?”

  Giles nodded. “When I need to go?”

  He considered that, and then nodded. “Yes. Or if the pain is too much. Because I’m not going to stop when you say stop. Or no. Only if you say flowers.”

  “Okay. Because sometimes I have to run away.”

  “No, no running away.”

  That earned him a frown. “But you just said to say it when I needed to go.”

  “There’s a difference between needing to go paint and running away, though.”

  “Is there? Why? You talk a lot for someone so quiet.”

  “I just want to make sure you understand.”

  Giles shook his head. “I think I’m going to get up now and have some coffee.”

  “No, I think you’re going to stay right here. In fact, I think I’m going to cuff you to my bed and show you how a flogger works.” God, that look -- half hungry, half stunned -- was the hottest thing Harrison had ever seen. “Don’t move.” He gave Giles a hard kiss and got up.

  “I thought we were going to make coffee.”

  “I know what you’re doing.” He grabbed the cuffs and went back to the bed.

  “You do?” Giles looked at the cuffs, licked his lips.

  “You’re trying to distract me and hoping like hell it doesn’t work.”

  Giles nodded. “You’re exciting me. A lot.”

  “Good.” He pointed at the headboard. “Hold on to that.”

  “Say please.”

  Harrison grinned. Pushy, needy man. “No, you do as I say.”

  “No. I don’t follow directions.”

  He climbed onto the bed, straddling Giles’ chest, and grabbed one hand, putting the cuff on it. Giles moved with him, stretching out under him, arching under him. Sexy, sexy man. He attached the cuff to the headboard and gazed down into Giles’ eyes. “Grab the headboard with your other hand.”

  Giles moaned softly. “God, you’re hot.”

  He smiled down at Giles. “I know. Now do it.”

  Giles reached up and grabbed the headboard, never looking away from him. He managed to hold that gaze as he cuffed Giles’ other hand and wound the cuff around the headboard. “That’s the tie-you-down portion dealt with.”

  “You’ll let me out if I ask, though, right? If I say flowers?”

  “That’s right. So you can scream and shout and tell me no and stop and I won’t. Only if you say flowers.”

  “Okay. They won’t hurt my hands, will they?”

  “The cuffs are around your wrists, and they’re padded. Stop worrying.” He would give Giles something else to focus on.

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “You can.” He shifted downward so he was straddling Giles’ hips, and tweaked one nipple ring, then the other.

  “They’re tender.” Giles tried to move away, then closer. “Good. Just tender.”

  “I’m going to have to try some clamps on them. I have ones designed for ringed nipples.”

  Giles gave him an incredulous look.

  “I do.” He flicked the right nipple ring, and then played with the Prince Albert a little.

  “Oh. Oh, please. That’s so good.”

  “You definitely need a little bit of jewelry. A pretty chain so I can tug once and get all your rings at the same time.”

  “Oh...” Giles’ lips opened, parted, begged for h
im, so he slid his fingers over them, then into Giles’ mouth. Oh, fuck. The suction made his eyes roll, made him whimper. He wanted that mouth around his cock. He wanted it now.

  He crawled up along Giles’ body. Giles fought him, sucking his fingers hard, pulling at them. He only tugged them out when his cock bumped up against the underside of Giles’ chin.


  “You sure?” He slid his cock along Giles’ lower lip, a drop of pre-come smearing.

  “Now. Now. I need it.” Hungry little slut. He let the tip press against Giles’ lips, and Giles stretched, fighting to get to his cock.

  He loved that eagerness and rewarded it by slipping a little more of his cock in. Giles groaned, sucking him into that perfect heat.

  He sank in slowly, almost crying. God, the suction was fierce, intense, Giles sucking him almost viciously. He pulled out a little, the suction only increasing, making him cry out and sink back in, then pull out to feel it all over again. Giles’ moan felt like heaven around him. Heaven.

  “Fuck. Giles. Your mouth...” Look how quickly the man had made him incoherent. That mouth worked him like Giles was desperate, was starving. “You want it, G? Want my come?”

  Giles growled around his cock.

  Taking that as a yes, he let his hips have their way, pushing into Giles’ mouth over and over. The long throat took him in, Giles swallowing convulsively around him. He grunted hard, spunk pouring from his cock like he was a needy kid.

  Giles took him, groaning, moaning, tongue slapping his prick. He jerked and bucked, cock pushing deeper. Hot. Giles’ mouth was hot and getting hotter around him.

  “So fucking good, G. Perfect.” Giles was perfect around him. Giles was going to keep him revved up, keep him hard, so he let the man do it, wanting it as much as Giles did. He was going to tan that beautiful ass and then fuck it. Then he was going to feed Giles and make the man sleep again.

  He pulled slowly out, his fingers sliding on Giles’ face, and Giles’ lips parted for him, red and swollen and wet. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”

  Giles moaned softly. “Thank you. I. It’s nice to hear.”

  “Compliments make you tongue-tied?”

  “Yeah. It’s always awkward. You never know what people want.”

  “I want to fuck you through the mattress, okay?”

  Giles blinked, then started chuckling. “Yes. Yes, that is very much okay.”

  “Well, then, you do know what I want.” There, easy as pie.

  “I do. You want my hole. I want to feel your cock. It’s all good.”

  Giles’ tough words made him smile. “It is. And you’re fucking gorgeous.”

  “Excellent. Now fuck me.”

  “Fucking pushy.”

  “That works.”

  Harrison laughed and spread Giles’ legs wide, pushing a finger into the eager little hole.

  “Better.” Giles grinned at him, winked. He grabbed the lube and slicked his fingers up, sliding three right into Giles.

  “Yes...” That tight little hole clenched, body jerking, and he stretched his fingers apart as far as he could, opening Giles back up.

  Giles twisted for him, hands pulling at the cuffs, gently at first, then harder. He twisted his fingers, finding Giles’ gland, grinning as Giles’ ass clenched around him. “Fuck. Fuck. There. Again.”

  “Yeah, right here.” He tapped that spot again, then again.

  Giles was wild under him, bucking and pulling, groaning. Gorgeous, sexy, his. All good words. “Don’t stop. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, that’s hot.”

  “I’m going to stop. I am.”

  A broken cry filled his bedroom, the sound perfect. “Why?”

  “Because I want to fuck you with my cock, not my fingers.”

  Giles groaned, body rippling around him. He tugged his fingers away and slid on the condom, settling between Giles’ spread legs.

  “Please.” Giles nodded, moaned, spread wider.

  “I’m not going to leave you wanting.” He started to push in, taking his time. Giles squeezed him, and he groaned. Demanding bastard. “I’ll set the pace, G. Me.”

  He should have blistered Giles’ ass first like he’d planned. Next time, he would. Giles tried to buck up against him again, get him deeper, and he pulled out. On the other hand, he could do it now.

  “Pushy, G.”

  “God damn it! You said we were going to fuck!”

  “I’m going to spank you first. Remind you who’s in charge.”

  Giles’ eyes went wide. “No fucking way.”

  “Yes, way. Gonna make this sweet ass all rosy.” Hot and red and tingling.

  “Not going to let you.” God, he could smell Giles’ arousal.

  “You aren’t going to have a choice.” He shifted, ignoring the way his cock was aching, and grabbed Giles’ hips, twisting him carefully over onto his stomach. There was enough give in Giles’ arms that they crossed, but didn’t pull painfully against the cuffs.

  That beautiful ass was right there, pale and perfect. Groaning, he rubbed it, felt it up. Giles drew his legs up underneath that long, lean body, offering him more of that pretty ass. Oh yes, someone wanted this, needed it.

  He felt Giles’ balls, squeezed them gently, and the man’s thighs parted. “Sexy fucker, that’s what you are, Giles.”

  “No spanking. Just fuck me.”

  “Yes, spanking.” He let his hand fly, landing it on Giles’ right butt cheek.

  “No...” But Giles didn’t pull away. Instead, the man pushed back toward him.

  He nodded and hit the other ass cheek, then the first again.

  “Asshole...” Giles found his rhythm, started dancing for him.

  “Am not. I’m the man who gives you what you want.” He kept smacking, jonesing on the sound, and on the way Giles worked with him.

  “No. No, what I need.”

  “Yes. Very good.” Giles knew the difference. He appreciated that.

  “Don’t say that. It’s not good to need this. Don’t stop.”

  “You need it. You need it. You need it.” With every word, he swatted Giles’ ass.

  “Don’t say it...” Giles was pushing into each swat.

  “You need it.”

  “Don’t say that!”

  He gave a really hard swat and said it again. “You need it.”

  Giles cried out, head shaking. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Let me go, now.”

  “No. I’m doing this. We’re doing this.”

  Giles shook his head again. Still, Giles’ body was eager, moving toward his hand, so Harrison kept spanking, his palm beginning to burn deliciously. He watched the pale skin turn rosy red, almost glowing.

  “You look good like this, G.”

  “It burns.”

  “Yeah. So good, isn’t it?”

  Giles whimpered softly but refused to answer.

  “Stubborn man.” He grabbed hold of one asscheek, squeezed. Burning. The skin was burning.

  Giles’ muscles went tight, and he leaned down and licked at the heated skin. He almost laughed as Giles stilled. He licked again, then again, swirling his tongue around on the hot skin. He could feel Giles relax, settle into the sensations.

  He used his thumb and his tongue, working Giles’ ass, and low moans started to fill the air, Giles right there with him. He let them build, silently urging Giles higher and higher.

  “Harrison. Harrison, I need your cock. I need more.”

  “Are you sure?” He was going to drive Giles as far as he could.

  “Am I sure? Jesus.”

  Harrison laughed and blew across the hot, damp flesh. Giles’ toes curled, and the man shuddered and pulled away. He took a swipe at that sweet little hole.

  “Please. Please. What do you want me to do?”

  “I’m enjoying the begg
ing...” Giles wasn’t quite needy enough yet. Harrison wanted him at the very edge before taking the man.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. You bastard.”

  Harrison chuckled. “You’re too coherent to be as needy as I want you.”

  A string of curses left Giles, making Harrison laugh again. He bit at the sweet, reddened ass, and Giles scooted away from him, moving toward the headboard.

  “Nowhere to go, G. Gonna make you scream with need.”

  “Let me go.” Giles’ balls were hanging heavy, swinging.

  “No, that’s not in the deal.” He pushed his thumbs into Giles’ ass.

  “Oh... It’s not? I can’t stay here.”

  “You can until I’ve finished fucking you through the mattress.”

  “Then do it!”

  “When I’m ready.” He spread Giles with his thumbs, blowing into the little hole.

  Giles stiffened, gasped. “Wh...what are you doing?”

  “Stimulating you. Has no one ever played with you?” Giles was so needy for every sensation, it was amazing to work him over.

  “Not like that. Not there.”

  “You like it?” He blew again, then wriggled his thumbs.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You like this, though.” He let his thumbs slide away and pressed in with his prick.

  “Yes.” Giles grunted, body welcoming him in.

  “Pushy, needy man.”

  He slid all the way in, and when he was as far as he could go, he pulled out the tiniest bit and pushed in even deeper.

  “Fuck...” Giles’ ass gripped him, tugged his cock in deeper.

  “That’s the idea.” He pulled all the way out, and then pressed in again, his cock head pushing, breaching the ring of muscles, and then shoving all the way in again.

  “Oh...” Giles moaned, shoulders lifting from the mattress. “Yes.”

  He ran his hand up to Giles’ shoulder, wrapping his fingers around it. “Yes.” He thrust again, and again.

  “Please. Yes. More. So fucking good.”

  He gave it to Giles, gave it to him hard and fast, the heat of Giles’ ass warming his hips on every thrust. Giles sobbed for him, meeting each thrust.

  “That’s it, G. Come on.”

  “Please. Don’t stop.” Giles begged so good.

  “You sure?”

  “Fucker.” Giles’ ass was like a fist.


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