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Conscripted by the Ogre King - An Ogre Erotica

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by Alara Branwen

  Conscripted by the Ogre King

  Alara Branwen

  Copyright © 2017

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

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  Malia held her head high as the orc guard tugged on her chains. “Move your ass. If we take any longer the king will have your head and mine,” said her pig-faced captor.

  The young woman stared blankly at the red rock walls of the cave and continued to shuffle forward.

  “Damn it, I said move!” The orc tugged on the chain again, this time with enough force to bring his captive to the ground. Malia shook her dark brown hair out of her blue eyes and slowly stood up.

  The orc pulled the chains again and Malia continued shuffling down the corridor. Her captor picked up his stride in an effort to quicken the pace, but the chain grew taut as the young woman did not match his speed.

  “By the Gods. Do you value your head? If you’re not in the King’s chamber in a few minutes, you will be dead. Do you hear me?”

  Malia didn’t respond.

  The orc took the young woman by the chin and tilted her head upward toward his. “Answer me.”

  His captive stared at him indifferently.

  The orc placed a beefy hand over her face and pulled her forward. She responded by biting his hand.

  The orc retracted it and shook it in the air. “Fucking tramp.”

  The orc backhanded the young woman and sent her to the floor again. “I swear to the Gods if you weren’t bound for the king’s chamber I would snap your neck. As it is, the king has requested you and you will have an audience with him, whether you want it or not.”

  Malia stared up at the orc, saying nothing. Her captor tugged on the chain but she wouldn’t budge. He resolved to drag her along. The prisoner sat as she was slowly dragged across the dirt floor.

  “Fine, this is just fine. If this is how you want things to be, they will be this way.”

  The orc moved to pick up Malia, but she dodged his muscled arm. He tried to make another one arm grab but the result was the same. The orc’s cheeks grew a bit flushed and he dropped the chain to make a two armed grab. The young woman shoulder rolled behind him and began to run.

  Her captor stepped on the chain and caused her to choke against the metal collar around her neck. For a third time, she found herself on the floor. She stared up at her captor as he let out a feral grunt.

  The orc carefully rolled the link of chain around his arm to shorten the distance she was able to maneuver. When there were only a few links left he reached out. Malia tried to dodge but the orc was able to grab a handful of her hair.

  “Hah, got you bitch,” the orc said.

  He drew her close to him and attempted to hoist her over his shoulder. Her foot quickly slid beneath the leather skirt on the orc’s armor and shot upward, directly into his crotch.

  The breath was wrung from the orc’s lungs and he fell to the floor, clutching at his injury. Malia unwound the chain from the orc's muscled arm and bolted into action. The orc reached out for her chain but only brushed it with his fingertips as it traveled beyond his grasp.

  Malia kicked up a huge cloud of dust as she ran. The chain clanged behind her as she blitzed down the corridor toward the exit where she was brought in a few days before. Orcs entering the main corridor from several side passages saw the young woman streak past. Each gave chase and called out to their companions in the cave to catch the runaway prisoner.

  She was able to duck and dodge every orc she came across. Her would-be captors cursed and yelled after her as she raced past them. The young woman ran for several minutes, and lead a large trail of orcs behind her until she saw the cave opening. If she could get out of the cave, past the guards and into the forest, she could lose her pursuers in the dense woodlands she knew so well.

  Malia dashed through past opening and the sunlight hit her face. She took two more steps before she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. She looked back just in time to see two orc guards at the cave entrance. One of them had hit her with a small club as she ran past.

  Both guards were quickly upon her. She kicked and screamed but was unable to wrestle her bulky pursuers off of her. She bit one of their arms and he gave a yelp. She kicked upward and was able to target his unprotected groin.

  She wiggled herself free from beneath the other orc guard and hopped to her feet. The orc was quick to react and grasped her waist. She attempted to attack this orc’s most sensitive area when she realized that this orc was a female.

  The bald orc woman grinned and revealed her small pointed tusks on the bottom row of her teeth.

  Malia head butted the woman in the mouth. A small trail of blood flowed from where she made impact. The orc woman growled and launched her bald head directly at her captive.

  Malia tried to dodge but the orc’s green forehead connected with hers. The young woman saw a cascade of colors and faded into unconsciousness.


  When Malia came to, she could hear snorts behind her. Her eyes snapped open and she found herself tied to a pole a couple of feet off the floor. Her arms and legs were firmly secured behind her. She craned her head backward. There were several orcs there, all males, save for the one female that knocked her out.

  In front of her, sitting on a large chair carved from stone, was a massive humanoid figure. He was bald and his ears and his facial features looked like they’d been smashed together as if he had a permanent look of disgust. His ears were large and had small tufts of black hair protruding from the canals.

  He stood from his stone chair and his pot belly jiggled slightly. He walked up to Malia. His gray eyes glimmered and a twisted smile wormed its way onto his face. A massive hand came up and took the captive by her chin. She attempted to bite it, but he managed to avoid her mouth.

  “It seems you gave my guards a bit of trouble.” The large being's voice rumbled from his stomach.

  Malia spat in the creature’s face. He smiled and brushed a finger across his cheek where it landed and slid it across his large purple tongue.

  “Hm, very sweet,” he said.

  The young woman struggled against her bonds but they were firmly secured. She only managed to rub the skin on her wrists and ankles raw. She stopped and hung limply from the post.

  “You have some spark, I love that. Most prisoners are crying or are begging for their lives. Not you, you’re a rare breed. You should be most proud.”

  “Fuck you,” the young woman said.

  The massive humanoid wagged a sausage-like forefinger. “Now, now, none of that. There’s no reason to make any of this more difficult than it has to be.”

  “Let me go.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. You’re the collateral for the debt your king owes me and I’m going to hang on to you until he pays up.”

  “I don’t have anything to do with our king or his financial dealings. The other villagers don’t either, so let me and them go.”

  “The king specifically told me that he would put your village up as collateral in exchange for a loan from my treasury. He didn’t pay when that loan was due, and so I t
ook what was rightfully mine. You and the other villagers and your property.”

  “I don’t know anything about any of that. What are you even talking about?”

  “Ah, I figured your king didn’t tell you about all of this. That explains your reaction. Then again, I imagine getting taken by force from your village would cause anyone to get upset.”

  “What did our king even need that money for?”

  “I have no idea. He mentioned something about new clothes and perfumes for mistresses. I can’t be sure, and I really don’t care. All I know is that he borrowed money and he didn’t pay it back, and now, the consequences of such have been carried out.”

  “That rat bastard,” Malia said, “he sold us out for some cheap whores.”

  “No, those whores were very expensive, if I’m to judge by the size of his loan.”

  “What did that fucker borrow?”

  “It’s of no concern to you, but I suppose it doesn’t hurt to tell you. He borrowed four hundred pounds of gold.”

  “He traded two times his weight in gold for a village, a whole damned village, fucking bastard.”

  “Four villages, actually. Did you say twice his weight in gold?” The massive humanoid laughed. “You make me laugh. As I measured the gold in front of him I had difficulty telling which was heavier.”

  Malia managed a derisive smirk. “Probably needed all that gold just so they’d look at that fat fucker’s little prick.”

  The large male’s scraggly eyebrows rose. “Quite a mouth on you young woman. Do you expect to find a husband speaking like that?”

  “Don’t have a husband. Don’t want one. Besides men don’t look at me, but that isn’t your concern.”

  “Do women?”

  “None of your damned concern.”

  The massive being shrug. “So be it. Anyway since you’re a guest of my court, we should introduce ourselves. I’m Rigdurd, but you probably know me by my moniker, the Ogre King.”

  “Big turd, you say?”

  The orcs in the room chuckled and the Ogre managed a smirk. “Silence,” he said and the orcs were instantly quiet.

  “Now, say my name correctly.”

  “Big turd,” Malia slowly enunciated each word. The orcs chuckled again.

  The ogre reached behind the post and took hold of her pinky finger. “If you mispronounce my name again, I will snap your finger off. Now say it.”

  “Big fat hairy ugly turd.”

  The orcs roared with laughed. Rigdurd rolled his eyes and twisted her finger ever so slightly. His small movement seemed great to the smaller woman. A sharp pain shot through her arm.

  “What did you say my name was?” The ogre said.

  “Rigdurd, Rigdurd damned the gods!”

  The ogre released her pinky. “‘Rigdurd Damned the Gods’ is the name enemy Kings give me before I smash their skulls with my club. I insist that you simply call me Rigdurd.”

  The orcs laughed again. The ogre allowed the mirth to continue before he held up his hand. Again, silence immediately fell over the chamber.

  “Now, your name?”


  “Malia, it is a great pleasure to meet you.” The ogre king bowed. His large belly nearly touched his knees.

  “Looks like you got the same problem as my noble king,” she nodded toward his stomach.

  The ogre smirked and slapped his belly. “Indeed, but unlike that lazy shit, I know how to fight.”

  “A newborn babe can fight better than he.”

  “That is very true. Now, on to business. I’m not sure if you were informed, but I sent for you personally.”

  “I was, it was that pussy ass guard that tried to bring me in here.”

  “Please be gentle when speaking of Thalmos, he cannot help that his status as a beta male has caused him weakness.”

  Malia saw a few of the orcs sniggering. One of the orcs tucked his head and drew himself out of sight.

  “Are all your warriors that weak?”

  “Not at all, most are proud and strong. Take Larnaxa, the female who captured you, she’s a fine specimen of orcish make. Her powerful arms and strong hips make for an impressive display.”

  From the sniggering coming from the other males, she guessed that statement contained no small bit of sexual innuendo.

  “Now, to business,” the ogre continued. “You are aware that I summoned you here personally. I spied you as you were brought in with your fellow villagers.”

  “Good for you great king, those colorless eyes of yours work.”

  “There’s more of that spark. The more I speak with you Malia the more I’m impressed.”

  “It shows on that mashed up face of yours.”

  Some of the orcs covered their mouths. Rigdurd quickly reached up and grasped her chin. He gave squeezed and sent a shock of pain through her face.

  “I am impressed,” the ogre said, “but my patience only goes so far. Apologize.”

  Malia’s eyes went wide. She drew a shaky breath. “My apologies.”

  The king nodded and withdrew his hand from her face. “Much better. Now, I saw you come in and I noticed something different about you.”

  “What was that? My radiant beauty?”

  “You are nice to look at, but that isn’t what I saw. Of all the villagers that we brought in, you were the only one that had a certain kind of poise. Have you ever held a sword?”

  The young woman nodded. “Held one and trained with one.”

  “Are you a guard?”

  “No, women aren’t guards in our village. I’m a barmaid.”

  “A barmaid? Strange line of work for someone who carries herself with a warrior’s distinction. Where were you trained?”

  “Suppler Academy. It’s our country’s legionnaire training school.”

  “Indeed. How did you transform from a soldier-in-training to a barmaid.”

  “New king passed a law that said women can’t be soldiers. So I had to become a barmaid.”

  “Were you close to graduation.”

  “Already did graduate. Fifth in my class. They were going to put me in the first legion but king fat ass saw to it that I would never face our kingdom’s enemies.”

  “From all your comments you hold enmity toward your liege.”

  “Half the kingdom does. He’s inept at running his kingdom. The only thing he’s good at is boffing whores, and from the whores who’ve been with him, they say he isn’t even good at that.”

  The ogre chuckled. “How foolishly the human kingdoms choose their leaders.”


  “From the way you carried yourself as you were brought in, and from your escape attempt earlier, I can tell you’re a gifted and spirited warrior.”

  “I’ve been told.”

  “I called you in here to make you a proposal.”

  “Sorry, but I’m not into ogre kings.”

  The ogre lightly slapped the young woman’s cheek, but it felt like she had been hit by a wagon. Her entire body was jarred.

  “One more outburst like that and I will throw you to the mercy of my soldiers.”

  “My apologies,” Malia’s teeth were gritted.

  “Despite my predilection not to, I accept. Now, I have an offer. Will you stay silent long enough for me to deliver it?”

  Malia huffed and nodded.

  “Good. You’re a warrior with an unending amount of potential, and to my delight, you hate your king. Like many of his subjects, I hate him too. So I have an offer for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “I want you to help me overthrow your king.”

  Malia’s eyes went wide. “You what?”

  “I want you to help me overthrow your king. The hatred I have for him would boil the oceans the world over, and I want to see him off his throne.”

  “And have you rule in his stead? Forget it. I would never betray my people like that.”

  The ogre shook his head. “I’d be a much better ruler than that useless
fool, but that's not what I’m proposing. A human kingdom would never accept an ogre ruler. They’d all rebel. However, there is someone I do want on the throne.”

  “Osmund the Ornery, his son?”

  “By the Gods, no. Elim, son of the former king.”

  “The Valiant, hero of Dunecrag Bridge.”

  “The very one. He and I corresponded when his father was ill and we both worked out a very favorable plan for both our kingdoms when he would presumably assume the throne, one that involved commerce and not the bloodshed of our peoples.”

  “Too late for that plan, you’ve already slain plenty of those in our village.”

  The ogre grinned and revealed surprisingly well-kept teeth. “Wrong. I captured all of your villagers. Not a single life was lost.”

  “All hundred? How?”

  “I dispatched a platoon of soldiers that carried only small clubs. The guards of your village were so poorly trained we were able to disarm and capture them.”

  “Lucky you decided to invade when I was asleep.”

  The ogre shrugged. “You would have killed a few of my men, but they would have succeeded nonetheless. You were outnumbered. You couldn’t defend the entire village by yourself.”

  Malia conceded the point by nodding.

  “Anyway, I am aware how unpopular your new king is and how upset the general population was that Elim lost the throne through treachery. So here is my proposal. I want you to help lead your people in an uprising against the king, with the goal of placing Elim on the throne.”

  Malia’s eyes bugged out. “What? You want me to commit high treason? You are out of your mind, I’d end up being killed first.”

  “I don’t believe so. I think it can easily be done.”

  “How so?”

  “With the aid of my soldiers, you will travel through the different villages in the countryside and stir up rebellion in the name of Elim. You will send those villagers to me to be trained. During this time we will find Elim and bring him here for safekeeping. Once the villagers have been trained into a decent army and they’ve had time to trust my troops, the combined army will attack the king's army, under Elim’s banner, and claim the throne.”

  “Fanciful thinking, but the king will find out, kill me, and attack you before your plan is carried out.”


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