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Conscripted by the Ogre King - An Ogre Erotica

Page 2

by Alara Branwen

  “You underestimate me, I have many informants in almost all of the small villages across your kingdom.”

  “Even in our village?”

  “Of course, how do you think I was able to get in so easily. Three of your villagers received a weekly pouch of gold from me to keep me informed of your village’s happenings. They told me how inept your guards were. I knew it was safe for me to carry out an attack.”


  “Not so much traitors as people who hate the villainous king that rules your country.”

  “Better a villainous king than an ogre king wishing to place a puppet on our throne to control us.”

  The ogre king held up his huge hands. “I claim to be no saint. I am a monarch, a bit of subterfuge comes with my job. But, ask yourself this, is the king you have now better or worse than the one you had? Wouldn’t you want the chance for something better for your people?”

  “Fancy words, but words won’t sway me.”

  “Then perhaps logic will. I am doing this because I stand the chance to become wealthier and much more powerful than I am now. By working with the human and elven kingdoms I can do much more than trying to shed their blood. Elim is the first part of a larger plan I have in mind to bring peace in this area for your people and profit for us all. I envision the Eight Kingdoms as a place where our young can grow up without fearing each other, and I can grow old with my vaults overflowing with gold.”

  “It sounds good, almost too good. Why do you want me? There are others who could do this.”

  “True. I have a few reasons. First, you’re a human, the people of the land would trust you. Second, you’re a skilled warrior. You’re the only one that every come so close to escaping me. Third, you’re convenient. If you weren’t here then I’d choose someone else. You’re the first I’ve come across that carries herself like a warrior.”

  “If there’s no better reason than those, then I don’t know if I’d be interested.”

  The ogre king shrugged. “It beats sitting in my prisons until I can find someone else. If you say yes, then I can start training those I’ve captured for a war effort. If not, they sit and rot until I can find someone as skilled as you. Think carefully, as I said, you’re the only one that has ever come so close to escaping me.

  Malia bit her tongue. She rolled several thoughts around in her head before taking a deep breath. “Fine, I’ll do it. When do we get started?”

  The ogre king shook his head. “You have accepted, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to accept you.”

  The young woman’s body tensed. “What do you mean? You made it sound like a done deal.”

  “Almost, I have two more tasks for you to achieve.”

  “What are they?”

  “Complete the first and I will tell you the second.”

  “Fine, what is the first?”

  “You have to spar my best warrior in sword combat.”

  “I’ll do it. Who is your best warrior?”

  The ogre king made a motion with his hand and an orc walked up. It was a bald warrior, a female. Malia’s eyes went wide. It was the orc that stopped her escape.

  "You’re familiar with Larnaxa." The Ogre said. "She is the finest soldier in my entire army. You and she shall spar. If your performance against her is satisfactory, you’ll undertake the second task.”

  “Fine, let me go and I’ll face her.”

  “This task has one more stipulation.”

  Malia huffed. “What is it? I am ready to start.”

  “To test your resolve as a warrior, you must be completely unabashed. You must fight Larnaxa nude.”

  The young human warrior felt her cheeks flush. “What? That is foolishness. Small nicks and cuts from our blades could harm us greatly.”

  “You will be fighting with dull wooden practice weapons.”

  Malia looked down at the grinning Larnaxa. She wanted to beat this orc within an inch of her life. She’d wipe the arrogance off her face.

  “Fine, I’ll fight her, in the nude.” Malia only managed to say the last part.

  “In front of me and my personal guards.”


  “I want opinions other than my own, that, and they enjoy a good show after having to go through so much to catch you.”

  Malia growled. “Fine, I’ll do it. I will show you how much better of a warrior I am than all of your soldiers.

  “Very well,” the ogre clapped his hands together. The resulting noise thundered off the chamber walls. “Guards, make the preparations.”

  Larnaxa leered at Malia as she drew a dagger and cut the human woman from the post.


  Malia was taken to a small chamber where the floor was made of smooth, sanded stone. The cave walls were painted with scenes depicting ogres, goblins, orcs, and kobolds tearing apart humans, elves, and dwarves.

  Malia was completely nude as she stepped into a red circle that was painted on the floor. Her bountiful breasts wobbled as she moved to face her opponent. Larnaxa was taller than she was by half-a-head and her muscles were a bit thicker. Her breasts were small and pert and her her abdominal muscles were starting to form under her flat stomach.

  Unlike the other males in the room, Larnaxa’s face was almost human. The only thing that marked her as an orc was her green skin. She leered at her opponent. Were it not for the situation, Malia would be very turned on by the sexy female orc.

  Rigdurd stepped into the room wearing a crimson robe and large white cotton breeches that were surprisingly clean. A few other orcs entered the room, six in all. Each of them wore simple furs.

  Two of the orcs stepped forward and presented both combatants with a wooden arming sword. Both women glared at each other before Rigdurd held up his hands to speak.

  “A trail of combat will take place between these warriors. If the human Malia is judged worthy, she will pass this trial and be able to undertake the second. If not, she will be placed back in prison to wait until another worthy of facing my finest warrior shows and is deemed worthy.”

  “Both combatants must stay in the red circle. The winner will be the one to score the first touch. Any questions?”

  Both women shook their heads without taking their eyes off of each other.

  “In that case, begin.”

  Both women gripped their swords and charged. Larnaxa moved as lithely as a cat on the hunt. Her body was a perfectly tuned fighting machine. The Ogres and other orcs took a special interest in her perfectly rounded ass. Malia’s breasts vivaciously bounced while her bubbly butt shifted from one side to another. More than one orc was watching her body’s natural movements.

  The two women locked eyes. There was a loud crack as their swords met. Both women began the fight with balanced, heavy blows, trying to force one to disarm their swords. They stood their ground, not giving an inch.

  Larnaxa moved left and jabbed her sword toward her opponent’s kidney. Malia easily deflected the blow and snaked her sword up in an attempt to tap her opponent’s wrist. Her opponent flicked her wrist and the blow went aside.

  Malia opened with a quick strike at her opponent’s neck before making a small arc downward to the orc’s hip. Larnaxa’s sword was there both times to catch the blow.

  The orc woman fainted in an attempt to draw her opponent in. Malia took the bait and found her sword pressed near her wobbling breasts. Larnaxa attempted to knee her opponent but the human warrior moved away.

  Both women circled each other, carefully keeping a certain distance between each other, before rushing forward to strike again. Malia’s adder-quick strike was captured and returned with an equally quick blow.

  Both of them fought intensely for several minutes. Each testing the other’s abilities with feints, feints, and different strikes. The audience intently watched the speed and expert swordscraft by both women with envy. Every now and then, each male would find his eyes taking in the more erotic portion of the display. Their carnal desires flared, and each sported a s
wollen member.

  Malia watched as sweat beaded on her opponent. She smirked at the woman and Larnaxa returned with a sneer. The orc warrior's green body glistened, her chest heaved and accentuated her pert breasts. Malia would have loved to be some place private, just the two of them, playing with something other than wooden swords.

  She had to keep her mind focused. She knew this opponent was tough and if she wasn’t careful, she’d lose the duel.

  Malia attempted a complicated maneuver that left the orc’s stomach open. Her breasts hypnotically bounced and every male in the audience found their hands attached to their malehoods.

  Larnexa covered the opening, but that wasn’t the goal. Malia quickly jabbed her sword toward her neck. It easily got through. She had won! At least, she thought she did. Before her blow landed home she felt wood on her knee. Her face fell. She looked up at the beaming orc.

  “You stepped forward too far, otherwise the match would have been yours,” Larnaxa said.

  Malia lowered her sword to the ground. She lost. She’d failed to prove herself, and now they were going to take her back to jail.

  She looked to Larnaxa. Her beaming smile and been replaced by something much different. It was a look she’d received from many of her peers and teachers at Suppler Academy, one of respect. But there was something else there as well. She caught the orc’s red eyes gliding over her large tits and hips.

  Warmth flowed into her loins and she felt her pussy moisten. It seemed like the female orc was taking an interest as well. Perhaps if she ever got the chance, she could sneak off with this strong female to see if she was as good with tools of pleasure as she was with tools of war.

  Rigdurd stepped forward. “The match has been decided. Larnaxa is victorious. Now, judges, it is time for you all to render your decision. Has the human Malia proven herself worthy?”

  All of the orcs had their eyes glued to both females, their hands rubbed themselves furiously.

  The ogre king cleared his throats. “Judges, please remove your hands from your cocks and get ready to render your decisions.”

  The orcs moved one hand away from their members while their other hands continued massaging.

  “Please remove both hands and get ready to render your decisions. Now!”

  The appointed orc judges stood as erect as their dicks.

  “If you believe that Malia is worthy to lead the humans ready to join our cause, point your thumb up. If not, point down.”

  The air was heavy as the orcs looked over Malia. They gave quick glances toward the glistening moistness on her pussy and her hardening nipples, but they seemed to be in deep thought. She hoped that their sexual desire would have them instantly answer in the positive, but she guessed their king had shaken their minds back to a more grounded state.

  After several seconds, the first orc lifted his hand and pointed his thumb upward. “She is a good warrior. I would fight beside her in battle.”

  Another did the same. “She is like a viper with the sword. Once she has goaded her enemy, there would be no cure for the wound.

  “Her art with the sword is as beautiful as her body.” Another thumb up.

  “Frightening opponent, I want her on our side.” Another up.

  The other two lifted their thumbs in the air wordlessly. The king nodded. “You are brash, but with wisdom and training, you’ll be a good leader. You have passed this trial.”

  She smiled at Larnaxa, who smiled in return. “We are sisters in arms.” The orc woman roughly slapped Malia’s shoulder.

  The king held up a beefy hand. “You have passed one test, but now there is a second.”

  “What is that,” Malia said.

  “When a new recruit joins our army, after the sparring match, we undertake a ritual to make you one of us.”

  “What is that?”

  “The initiate must have sex with the person they sparred with. The loser must submit to the winner, and perform the act in front of the panel.”

  Malia looked over the smirking female orc and felt cool moisture drip onto her leg. “Then I guess I have no choice.” She walked up to the orc female. “I submit to you.”

  “Wait a minute,” Rigdurd said. “Since you have been selected as a leader, kingdom law dictates that you must share in carnal lust with all judges of the contest as well.”

  Malia’s brow furrowed and she looked to Larnaxa. “Is this true?”

  Larnaxa nodded. “Yes, I made seven judges have me to complete my appointment as captain of the guard.”

  “Made seven judges?”

  “I had to make them carry out the ritual, they were afraid of me.”

  Malia smiled nervously and looked to the other males in the room. They began to disrobe and their greenish members were released. They were big, a bit bigger than most of the humans anyway. However, the thing that got her attention was the king.

  The king had removed his robe and pants. Beneath his pudgy belly was a cock that was easily over a foot long. It was thick and red and veiny. A big white pearl of precum rested on the end of his dick.

  Her eyes glanced over the other muscular orcs with their massive members. Her mind blanked and she was transfixed on them all. She was shaken when she felt two soft hands on her stomach. The orc female was behind her. “Submit to me and the council, for it is our right to take you.”

  Malia’s lips rose to meet the orcish female’s. Their tongues and lips played in a gentle dance while slender green fingers fell to Malia’s pussy and brushed over the moist lips. Anther hand cupped her large breasts and ensnared her hardened nipple. The fingers gently gripped and twisted it, sending a small shower of tingles into the human’s thighs.

  Larnaxa gripped Malia’s heated labia between her index finger and thumb and slid them downward. She squeezed the other female’s nipple and her fore and middle fingers slipped into Malia's glistening sex.

  The green thumb slipped beneath the clitoral hood. The digit wiggled and rubbed over the sensitive flesh as two fingers gingerly explored the outer recesses of the throbbing pussy. Malia moaned and felt two fingers press against her mouth. She instinctively moved her mouth over them and tasted the subtle sweetness of her own nectar.

  Malia allowed herself to be guided in front of one of the orcs. She opened her eyes and was transfixed by the large member. She grasped the large cock and ran her fingers over it. Smooth and hot, it jumped as she brushed her digits over the skin. She took the head and crown into her mouth. It unleashed a small glob of its salty juices and she pulled back slightly, taking the fluid into her mouth.

  She pressed her head forward, enveloping the purple crown. She ran the tip of her tongue over it and ignited some of the nerves within. The large orc’s chest tightened. He pushed his member further in. Malia's cheeks sank inward as she sucked hard on the member.

  Two of the orcs took her hands and placed them on their own members. Both were hot and the heads dripping. She brushed her thumbs over them and spread the thick, slippery goo over the head. She teased out more precum and spread it over her fingers. In a few seconds, they were well lubricated and she began rapidly pumping both orcs' cocks.

  Malia opened her eyes and watched as the three orcs standing over her fidgeted, their minds slowly falling into pleasure. Heat flowed from their members and radiated through her.

  She looked to the right and found Larnaxa sandwiched between two more of the orc males while another watched, pleasuring himself to the sight. One of the males gripped her erect breasts and engaged in a loud, sloppy kiss while the other slid between her legs and pressed his tongue against her other set of lips.

  The orc moaned into her kiss. Her voice was deep and husky, heavy with wanton desire. Larnaxa grasped the member of the orc that pleasured himself and pumped it in his stead. Her strokes were strong and unbridled.

  The orc she pleasured dug his heels into the stone floor. He struggled to stand. The pleasure that rolled through him threatened to take him off his feet. He took hold of the woman’s
strong shoulders and pushed his hips forward.

  This orc’s sack swung like a wild pendulum. She reached down with her other hand and teased his dangling sack. She gently squeezed and watched the orc’s eyes roll back into his head.

  Inspired, Malia let the member in her mouth fall out and slid her tongue beneath it. The cock bobbed in response. Her tongue reached the orc’s sack and wiggled its way between his balls. She took one of the testicles into her mouth and tenderly sucked. The orc groaned and brushed his hand through her hair.

  The human continued to tease and tantalize the orcs before her. Her hands and mouth explored every small crevice of their dicks. She placed her mouth over the cock in front of her and bobbed down. When she reached as far as she could go on the massive member she felt a hand on her ass. Over her shoulder, she could see green skin.

  This orc, the fourth on her, brushed his hands down her spine and the small of her back. He squeezed her ass and slid a finger into her dripping cunt. A small fizzle of excitement sparked in her stomach. She angled her legs wider to encourage him to continue. He slipped in another finger, then a third to spread her wide.

  The fingers smoothly thrust in her. Her swampy nethers clamped around the orc’s digits. Excitement bubbled up in her, but there was a dull ache in her pussy. She wanted a dick, a big, throbbing dick to bury itself in her.

  The orc withdrew his fingers from Malia’s blooming flower and brought them to his lips. The juices were ripe and succulent. Her pussy winked at him, inviting him into the moist cavern.

  The male behind her grabbed her cheeks and spread them wide. He brushed the head of his cock along her labia, moistening his head. Little electric tendrils reached out and grabbed her toes. She wiggled her bubbly ass toward him, further invitation to take her.

  The orc inserted his dick and vigorously pumped into her. Her velvet walls closed around it and squeezed the invading member.

  Malia worked the cocks in her hands and mouth as the orc took her from behind. His member teased sensitive areas but the desire in her grew. She wanted to be filled, she wanted to be dominated and fucked into oblivion.


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