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A Rose Between the Thornes

Page 9

by Raven McAllan

  “So why run?” He needed to know, even as he rejoiced at her response. What if their desires were abhorrent and she felt unable to say so? He had to understand. “Did we scare you? Disgust you?” He lowered his voice. “Arouse you? I need to know, love. You terrified us when we realized you had left. We wanted no more than to be with you, to talk about what we all wanted from our lives, hopefully together, but you ran. Are we such ogres?”

  She was silent for so long, Jasper wondered if she had an answer for him. Eventually she shivered and sighed.

  “I was scared. Not of you or Nathaniel,” she added hastily. “Of myself. Of what I felt.”

  Jasper held her tight and nuzzled her head. “What did you feel, love?”

  “Too much; it was too much. I should have been shocked, ashamed of my reactions. I wasn’t, I wanted it all. Oh, Jasper,” She was crying now, big gulping sobs that tore at his heart. “I was alive. When you touched me, spanked me, and you both filled me I knew I was home. Fulfilled, and with the two people I wanted to be with.”

  Jasper rubbed her back in soft gentle circles, even as he itched to kiss her from head to toe, to mark her as his, and carry her home for Nat to do the same.

  “So why run? We want that also.” He struggled to understand. “You are the person we have unconsciously been waiting for all our lives. Every thing we have ever done was but a prelude until we met you. Neither of us ever felt like we do with you. You are our completion.”

  “Perhaps, but I am three and forty, Jasper, more than a dozen years older than you,” she said earnestly. “A recognized old maid, who resides with her wealthy niece. The ton would have a field day to find out either of you were interested in me, let alone both.” She pulled herself back a little. “I can not hurt either of you. It would hurt me too.”

  “For that stupidity you deserve my hand on your arse. Nothing Nathaniel or I do will make the ton think any different of us, it is you we need to protect, and protect you we will. As for your age? I have heard the expression you are only as old as you feel, and my dear Rose, you will feel only us. Therefore...” He kissed her and her lips opened to let him deepen the caress. Their tongues met and the familiar surge of arousal filled him. He wanted, no needed more. Even the thought of Nat waiting patiently at their hunting lodge couldn’t stop him moving his hand to stroke her breasts over the jacket. She shuddered and her arms tightened on his back.

  With reluctance Jasper broke the kiss. “Much as I want to strip you naked and sate myself in you, we need to talk first,” he said, once his breathing returned to normal. “And with Nat present as well. Will you let us pay our respects to you here later on today?”

  Sophia shook her head, and he stared at her in disbelief.

  No? She does not want to consider what we might have?

  “I’m sorry then for disturbing you, my lady,” he said, hoping his disappointment didn’t show in his tone. “May I escort you home?”

  “No, and give me time to breathe,” Sophia replied. “Also do not jump to conclusions, my lord, I was about to say to your request, no, because I will accompany you back to Blackthorn. What point is there to be here now? You have made sure my absence will not be missed for several days so why not enjoy them?” He must have looked as dumbstruck as he felt, because Sophia laughed. “It is Blackthorn Lodge is it not? Over towards Tanners? I was so sure that was where you took me.”

  “Rose Sophia, you are a minx. When did you realize that?”

  The satisfaction on her face was priceless. “Only as I reached the outskirts of Chantery. I saw the cottages and knew where I was. I will own I did not know straight away where I had been held immediately.”

  “Dear Rose, you are so worthy, we are not. Will you give yourself to us?”

  “Perhaps. But I need to talk to you both at once. So?”

  “So,” he said and smiled. “Are you happy to return now?”

  Sophia nodded. “If Thunder is able?”

  Jasper was confused. “Thunder?”

  Sophia reddened and giggled. “Your horse. I had no idea of his name, but as I left I heard thunder. It seemed apt.”

  Now he understood. “He is called Emperor. Although perhaps Thunder is as good. Whichever, he is my pride and joy. He will be able to carry you for many a more mile, fear not.”

  Sophia nodded. “Then let us go. I have no need to alert my staff. They do not know I am here. You purported to be Lodden? My factor,” she added. “whom I was meant to believe had contacted me?”

  Jasper knew he reddened. “I could think of no better way to get you to where we needed you,” he said. “Now it is time for explanations.” He whistled and the horse Sophia had been riding pricked up his ears. “It will take us but an hour to get back to Nat. Can you ride?”

  To his relief she nodded. “Throw me up, and let us go.” Amused at her dictatorial manner he did as she asked.

  “However, love, do not expect me to be always so accepting of your demands,” Jasper said as they retraced her steps. “This time, it is all fair, another perhaps not. I may defer to Nat, and perchance to you, but always remember I am the dominant.”

  For several minutes Sophia was silent. Jasper let the horses pick their way through the undergrowth and awaited her reply. When it came he was surprised.

  “And this matters how?” she asked him. “I have always realized you need to dictate and demand. Nat also, but to a lesser degree. It matters not to me, except to say, I understand.”

  He could have kissed her senseless.


  Nat was pacing the hall of the lodge when Jasper escorted Sophia inside. His eyebrows rose when he saw how she was dressed, and after a startled, relieved glance at Jasper, who did his best to reassure his twin all was well, burst our laughing. Sophia huffed.

  “Thank you, ‘tis good to see how you admire my attire. Let me tell you, I was very relieved to find something that covered me more than a bathing robe, beautiful as it was.”

  Nathaniel looked contrite. Jasper didn’t believe for one second he was.

  “Shall we find somewhere more congenial to talk?” he suggested. “No, not in our rooms, tempting as the thought is,” he added. “If we go there none of our minds will be on the subject we need to discuss.”

  “Well,” Nat said. “That would not be strictly true. But my thoughts would be on what we could do and when, not if we will and how.”

  Jasper nodded. He knew fine well if they returned to their chambers with Sophia, there would be little talk, but a lot of action. Talk had to come first. “Let us sit in the study. I assume the fire is still in?” he asked Nathaniel.

  “Of course. Mrs. Cathkins is ready to make breakfast if we ask her. I have told her to wait until we call. Instead I have sandwiches and ale. Oh and hot chocolate for you love, though how hot it now is I do not know.”

  Jasper took Sophia’s arm and encouraged her to follow Nathaniel into the study. He really must reunite her with her clothes, but not until they had talked. He led her to a big leather chair. The study was well equipped for sitting, drinking, and browsing. Not for dalliance. No chaise or love seats. Just large, simple, comfortable chairs around the fire and a big oak table next to a couple of bookcases and cupboards. To call it a study was perhaps a misnomer, especially as the house was not meant for studying, unless it was the form of horses or how well the local hunt had fared.

  “Now,” Jasper began once they had all enjoyed the hearty beef sandwiches and drank their fill. “Let’s talk. Rose, why did you run?”


  Sophia put down her empty mug, and sat forward. The jacket was scratching the sensitive skin of her breasts, and she was uncomfortable. Nevertheless there was no way she could take it off without exposing herself. The fact both men had seen a lot more of her body earlier was immaterial. This was now, and Sophia had no intention of baring herself. She wriggled to try and ease the chafing. Jasper’s eyes narrowed.

  “One moment.” He stood up and left the room.

p; Nathaniel didn’t speak, but Sophia was very aware of his gaze on her.

  “Well,” she said when the silence stretched to screaming point. “Do you not wish to say anything?”

  “Do you want me to ring for more chocolate?”

  “And let your housekeeper see me? Dressed like this? The country would be abuzz within days. I think perhaps not.”

  “Our staff is ever discrete, Rose. So, if you are sufficed, we will wait for Jas.”

  It was lucky, Sophia thought, that Jasper returned at that point. Over his arm he carried a plain grey dress, and a warm shawl which she recognized.

  “My clothes? You have my clothes here?”

  He nodded. “You would not have found them with ease.” He paused, and Sophia was fascinated by the play of his muscles as he lifted his arms above his head and stretched. “You look uncomfortable. If as I suspect you have only that jacket and those pantaloons on, you are not comfortable. Here, stand up let me play ladies maid.”

  Sophia did as she was asked, and he began to undo the buttons on her jacket. As his fingers scraped the side of her breasts, Sophia shivered. Even such an innocent touch sent tiny pinpricks of pleasure through her. He of course noticed, but she thought, chose to misinterpret her movements.

  “Cold, love? Later, if you so desire, we can warm you up.”

  “In a myriad of ways,” Nat added as he knelt at her feet. “Hold on to me once you are able and I will remove these boots. How did you keep them on?”

  “Straw in the toes,” Sophia said. Once the jacket was unbuttoned, Jasper slid it off her arms and she held on to Nat as directed. Jasper began rubbing her back in the erotic circles he made to perfection. Her quim grew heavy and her curls damp. Her body had no intention of denying that any touch by her men sent a gush of skin-tingling arousal through her. As both men were intent on undressing her, she decided not to protest. She suspected it would be futile, and as their intent was her wish, why complain how the end result was achieved.

  Jasper trailed his fingers down her spine and rubbed the top of the indentation in her arse. Red-hot molten lava engulfed her and she moaned.

  “Green,” she said and stopped on a whimper as his finger teased her nether hole under the pantaloons. Did I really say green? Am I so wanton as to encourage him now? Sophia accepted the plain truth. She wanted these men. It was up to her to prove it.

  “Green,” she said again. “I want you. Both of you only need to touch me and I go up in flames. I cannot envisage life without you in it. With me. Others manage. Look at...” she broke off. She could not name names.

  Jasper said nothing, Nat whistled between his teeth and threw both boots across the floor and peeled the pantaloons down her legs to then cast them in the same direction.

  “We know,” Jasper said. “They protected you from anyone ever thinking you would be free and available. Arms up.” The change of subject startled Sophia but she did as he said and felt the soft wool of her dress slide over her sensitized body. “Damn, I forgot slippers.”

  “I’ll get them.” Nat stood up. “Don’t start without me.”

  “Start what?” Sophia asked as Jasper buttoned her dress.


  Jasper laughed. “We will wait. Look, I am doing something alien to me. Fastening a ladies buttons, not opening them.”

  Sophia stood motionless as she enjoyed the soft touch, his breath on her neck, and the soft kisses he pressed on her nape as he placed her shawl over her shoulders.

  “Your hair, I will not attempt to dress,” he said. “Not without combs and a brandy to fortify me. Sit, love, and when Nat returns we will talk.”

  Sophia put her hands to her hair and groaned. It was a bird’s nest. She reckoned it would take an hour to untangle it. She sat down once more in the end chair, and smiled at his look of interrogation.

  “I wish to see you both clearly. Here it will be easier, unless we sit in a circle?”

  In reply, Jasper repositioned the other two chairs.

  “That looks better.” Nathaniel returned carrying a pair of velvet slippers under his uninjured arm. “Here you are love, these will keep your feet warm.” Sophia’s legs were lifted in turn and her feet covered. He was right, she felt much warmer. The shawl protected her arms from the chilly air that seeped under the door. Otherwise the fire kept the room cozy.

  “So who begins?” she asked once they were all seated. “I have stated what I want. What?” Both men looked at her with amusement. “What have I said? Oh.” She put her hands to her cheeks. “I am being somewhat forward am I not? Well, why not? You may be the dominant ones, but I am no wallflower. I have needs and wants that you two have unleashed, and choose to say so.”

  “And pleased we are,” Jasper said. “Because it seems our needs and wants mesh in perfect harmony. However, it is not simple, Rose. If we do go forward, life may not be easy. To live as three openly will be impossible. Even those of our friends who we know have a committed ménage, are circumspect. We want you, and we need you. But as you know, the fact we are twins complicates things even more. Nat and I do nothing to each other, ever. We are not that way inclined. The only person we fuck is you. Together, separately, or watching. You receive our bodies, you touch us, you make us come.”

  Sophia nodded. That she understood, and was grateful. She knew some men were lovers, had no problem with that idea, for why ever should they not be if they so desired. But not her twins. She acknowledged she was selfish enough to want it this way.

  “I want all of this, so what is our problem? You have this lodge, I have my home.” She thought for a while. “I see that could be difficult, but others manage, why not us?”

  “Can you see a certain lady, or two gentlemen, taking kindly to us swanning in to your niece’s establishment and saying by the by we are off to fuck with our lady? We are more likely to have our brain blown out than our cocks milked.”

  “I see no reason why not,” Sophia argued. “After all they...ah...” She lapsed into silence. Loyalty forbade her to say more.

  Jasper came to her rescue. “They are, we know they are, but for us to do the same, in your niece’s house? Oh no. It may be your home, but it is not ours. If you truly wish us then we need a base.”

  By the look in his eye, Sophia was sure if he had not already acquired one, he had one in mind.

  “I have said I want to be with you. Both of you. Why are you hesitating?”

  Jasper stood. “Come with us. Let us show you something. Then and only then, will you be able to say green.” His face was serious. Nat opened the door and stood back to let her pass him. She did so and waited. A curtain blocked her view.

  “No blindfold this time?” she said in a light voice, although her heart was thudding.

  “No need,” Nat answered her. He lifted the curtain to show her the staircase beyond. “You know where you are. As an aside, where did you hide from us and find the clothes?”

  She had wondered when either of them would bother to ask that question.

  “In the armoire in your bathing chamber.”

  Nat looked amused and his lips quirked. “It was locked, as was the door to the servants’ stairs. It seems you have hidden depths, Rose.”

  “I have a hoyden-youth and a hair pin. And please do not call me Rose.” They climbed the stairs three abreast.

  “One day you will tell us why you do not like your given name. And perhaps you will work out why it is so apt for us together.” Nat said. He stopped outside a door. “Jas?”

  “Are you ready for this, Rose? This is our life, our love, and we hope it will be yours. Remember your colors. If you see anything you wish to discuss then ask. If anything is abhorrent, or at anytime you wish to stop and leave...”

  She nodded. “I have my colors fixed. I will not forget them. Now let me see what it is you enjoy.”

  Nathaniel pushed the door open and she took a deep breath. This was it.

  At first glance it was the same room they had loved in.
On a second it was different. There was a bed, that was true, and it was overlarge. The fire glowed low in the grate, and the lamps and candles flickered, showing and hiding the rest of the furniture. It was that which was different. Sophia gulped. All of a sudden it was hard to swallow. This was such as she had only read of in books, or seen on those secret pamphlets that circulated the Ton.

  “Is this the same room?” she asked. Jasper, who had followed Nat into the room, shook his head.

  “This is where we had hoped to bring you next. This is our true playroom. Unused, and we have realized, if you do not wish to be with us, it will remain that way.”

  Sophia wandered to a waist-high wooden bench. The top was padded and at each end there was a set of leather shackles. Her quim twitched and tightened. She knew what those restraints meant.

  “Has this been used?”

  “Not yet. This is all for us, if you so choose. We wanted to start afresh. This—” he touched the bench—”we designed with you in mind.”

  Sophia looked up from the base of the bench where she had been studying more elaborate leather ties. “Why?”

  Jasper ran his fingers over the soft padding. The sight as each digit stroked the material made her mouth dry. Such a simple movement, but so erotic. It was as if he stroked her skin. The fine hairs on her arms stood on end.

  “To see you spread-eagled and restrained, open for our touch, is high on my list of desires. To watch as Nat fucks you, and you take me in your mouth is another. All our toys are designed to enable us to fulfill our innermost desires. This...” He picked up a long-tailed flogger and swished it through the air. “Will caress your skin, or inflame it, and these...” He touched a series of silk blindfolds and ropes. “Will cover you, tie you, and enhance your body. Love, we can send you to such heights you will never have dreamed of. Stretch you, push you to what you thought were your limits and beyond. This—” he picked up a smooth carved piece of jade and caressed it. Red hot lava ran through Sophia as she noticed it was shaped like a man’s staff. A very aroused one. “This,” he continued. “Is to fill wherever we are not.” He stopped talking and waited for her to answer. Outside a cockerel crowed, and Sophia saw with a start it was almost light.


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