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A Rose Between the Thornes

Page 10

by Raven McAllan

  “Hmm.” She played for time. What he had described to her had made her wet and quivering with arousal. However, Sophia knew there were things she had to say. “This is all for me? So what about you? Do I get to return any favors? No, do not speak yet or I will lose my nerve. You tie me, spank or flog me. Fill me with you or your proxies, and withhold my orgasm until you so decree I come. What about you? Do I return the favor?” She knew that was not in her nature, but was interested to see the answer. What she knew was she would go willingly with these men, and do as they asked. They would never hurt her, but fulfill her. Life would not be easy, but it would be worth it. Nevertheless she had to know if they would give up their dominance for her. She thought not.

  Nathaniel glanced at Jasper, and Sophia decided they were communicating in the unspoken way some twins did.


  “Not as such. We are dominant, Rose; that is our nature. However, we are prepared to cede some things to you. It seems only fair,” Jasper said, a faint smile on his lips. “You will choose our playthings at times, direct the show, and decree if we are three. But, I am always dominant, I could be no less. Nat also, though to a lesser degree.” His voice changed. “Your color, Rose?”

  His change of subject confused her. Then she remembered.

  “Oh, green.” He nodded, as if satisfied. To her left Nathaniel stood, silent but watchful.

  Her skin prickled; something was about to happen. The muscles in Jasper’s arms were corded and firm as he picked up a set of velvet and leather flails, and ran it over his wrist. Apprehension made her skin crawl as if a thousand ants marched across her body. Surely he would not use that on her? A hand was one thing, she relished that pleasure. But a whip? It would hurt. Sophia had long decided she had no stomach for pain, ever since she had fallen out of a tree and broken her arm. The agony as the arm had been reset had stayed with her.


  Jasper looked astonished, and she saw the brief flicker of hurt in his eyes before he masked it. Nathaniel made as if to step towards her, but a flick of Jasper’s wrist stopped him. The army of ants became termites. Her stomach turned and Sophia swayed. Why, when she knew they would not harm her had she spoken out? Because I fear myself not them.

  “Amber? What do you wish to discuss, Rose?” He might have been asking her for a dance, so mild was his voice. However, Sophia thought it was a front. She turned full circle around the room, her somber grey dress flaring out as she did, her hair making a halo around her face.

  Sophia hesitated. How could she admit the thought of those thongs across her scared her so, even as her juices gushed? Why did her thoughts and body confuse her so? She had limitation by using her safe words and he had promised her overall control. So why was she behaving thus?

  “I am waiting.”

  “As am I.” Nathaniel moved to stand next to his twin. Together they exuded confidence, and she discovered to her amazement, comfort, safety, and... And what? Excitement; her arousal? Jasper had not stopped running the flail over his wrist, and each soft swish sounded loud in her mind.

  “Pain,” she said hoping she didn’t sound as confused as she felt. Surely she didn’t want to feel those strips of material on her body? But what difference is that to the feel of bindings holding me? To be spanked and aroused that way? Why is one acceptable and making my nipples hard, at the thought? Am I deluding myself?

  “Pain,” she said again. “You picked that up.” She indicated the flail. “And I panicked. I remembered when I broke my arm and how it felt to have it set, and...oh lord...” Her heart beat faster and blood rushed to her head. Her scalp tingled and she had a ringing noise in her ears. “I remember, oh sweet lord, my father thrashed me for being so stupid. He used a flail, it hurt.” She was sobbing and felt her face wet with tears. “It hurt...” The world went black.

  She came round on the bed, a man each side of her.

  “Wha... Oh, I remember, oh no.” How could she have equated Jasper with her father? She knew they were chalk and cheese. Sophia struggled to get up. Her dress had been loosened and it fell from her shoulders. Good, it made what she wanted to do so much easier. With the memory of her father now out in the open, a weight she hadn’t known she was carrying lifted from her. That time was over; it was the present she had to embrace.

  Sophia stiffened her shoulders and smiled at her men. “I am green, my lords, and I wish to show you. May I?”

  “You are recovered?” Jasper asked her.

  She nodded. “I feel fine. I feel alive and although I had not realized I was trapped, I feel free.”

  “Then do as you wish.”

  She scrambled to the end of the bed and shrugged out of her dress. As she stood tall and naked in front of them, Sophia saw the admiration in their eyes. It gave her the strength to do what she did next. Back straight, she walked across the room, round the padded bench, and looked up at the ropes and pulleys that hung from the ceiling. Those she wouldn’t think about just yet. Her mind boggled just how they would be used. A strange cross-like contraption made her steps falter and then she reached what she was looking for. Sophia bent forward and picked the long leather handle of the flogger she had noticed earlier. Next to it was the flail that had sent her into a flat spin. She hesitated and then picked it up also.

  Her heart in her dry mouth, and her pulse racing she retraced her steps to the bed. Without speaking, she held them out towards the twins. Neither moved.

  The silence stretched.

  Eventually, just as Sophia felt ready to scream, Jasper stretched out his hand and took them from her. “What do you want, Rose?”

  She swallowed nervously. “To show my trust, my lord. To ask you to show me how to overcome my fears.” She turned her back and made her way to the bench. Not knowing if she was doing the right thing, or indeed doing it right, Sophia leaned over the padded top and gripped the ends.

  Because she was bent over and facing the bed with her hair hanging forward, it blocked her view. The noise of her pulse thudding in her ears was so loud she didn’t hear anyone approaching. The first she knew was when her hands were clasped firmly into the fetters. She flexed her fingers. It was not uncomfortable, merely strange.

  “Color?” That was Jasper.

  “Green,” she said firmly and clearly. “Very green.”

  He laughed. “Good, remember, you are in control here. Stretch your legs to each upright. Nat is going to fasten them. As this is all new, and so very important, we’ll talk you through our actions. Remember, you have control.”

  The words at the moment were uppermost in her mind, but she nodded. A sharp tap to her arse made her jump.

  “Vocalize, Rose,” Nathaniel reminded her.

  “Oh, er... yes, my lord. Green, still green.” Her arse was caressed and she melted into the feeling of care and love that surrounded her. A tap on her thigh made her remember what she had been asked to do and she spread her legs. Under her hair she watched as Nathaniel nimbly attached the shackles.

  “Color?” he asked and winked at her as he stroked her legs. His fingers walked up from her ankle to her cunt and circled her hole. Sophia knew her juices would show him the evidence of her arousal, and coat his fingers.


  He pushed one digit inside and she clenched her muscles to hold it there. A sharper tap to her arse and Jasper’s finger teasing her nether hole made her head spin. She was hot, so hot, and could see the soft sheen that covered her skin. Her body was on fire, her inside a quivering mass of seething emotions. Every nerve end was so sensitive she thought one more touch and she would fly.

  “Your first order, Rose, you will not come until Jasper decrees. This time he is Dominant. I also do as he says. But uppermost is your welfare. Talk, vocalize, and let us know your feelings. We are all learning today.”

  Never had truer words been spoken with regards to her. “I will try.”

  “You will do so,” Jasper said from behind her. “Now this is the flail; it will stin
g and make you aware, heighten your senses, and create little frissons of pleasure. No...don’t tense up... relax. Nat,” he commanded, “use your hands.”

  Sophia tried to relax her muscles. They seemed locked in place. Nat ran his hands over her back, and someone kissed the nape of her neck. The touches were balm to her nerves; she could sense the love that went into them. As her muscles loosened, Nat whispered to her. “That’s so good, love. You look so beautiful there. Held and open for us. That’s good, you let us do the work.”

  His voice lulled her; she listened to his murmurs and then jumped. Jasper had used the flail on her arse. The sting radiated across her skin, tingles ran up her spine and she moaned. It wasn’t pain, it wasn’t pleasure, it was a promise. Another sting followed and another. The stings became pain and she pulled against the restraints. Later she realized she had no thoughts of crying red, or even amber. She was detached, watching and waiting for what happened next.

  Nat was rubbing her arms, stopping her from hurting herself. She sobbed.

  “Color,” Jasper demanded. His voice was strained. “Color, Rose.” Once more the flail came down.

  “A...” The pain dissipated and in its place was a rush of pleasure, so intense she couldn’t speak.

  “For God’s sake, Rose, color.” Jasper roared in her ear.

  “Green, oh lord, ‘tis green. More, show me, help me, I need...I need...” What did she need?

  “You need to feel Nat show you the flogger, Rose? Let us take you into heaven?”

  She nodded. The sting was immaterial now, she so aroused and intent on not climaxing.

  The removal of Nat’s hands was a shock to her system. Bemused, Sophia tried to lift her head. A hand held it down.

  “Speak, do not nod. You must talk. Are you desirous of feeling the harsh sting of the flogger. To know we redden your arse before we fill you?”

  Was she?

  “Just do it.” She sounded petulant, but she was so hot, so wet and so ready for them. “Oh my lords, I am forever yours. ‘Tis green.”

  The hand hard on her globes was unexpected. The feeling so different from the flail. Not unpleasant just different.

  “That, my lord, is good,” she moaned. “I need to come.”

  “No,” Jasper was unequivocal. “Not yet. Now feel the bite.” The flogger switched over her arse. The sting was more intense than anything she had felt before. It sent bite after bite of pain racing through her. Her blood pulsed in her veins. The second switch, immediately after the first, was followed by a third and a fourth, each harder than before. To her amazement, Sophia found she was reveling in those shards of pain as they rolled over her and into her, and became a cloak of pleasure. She floated in a haze of sensual delight.

  Her quim was rubbed and she arched into the hand that rubbed. Someone laughed, and in her state of arousal she didn’t know who.

  “Ah, love, you like that?”

  Like? Never has there been a bigger understatement. She remembered she had to speak, and licked her dry lips. The unconsciously erotic action made someone groan.

  “I, er, green,” she said and waited. A hard cock, wet with pre cum rubbed her arse. She tried not to tense, but she was on fire. Could she really take someone there now?

  “Later,” Jasper said. “If you wish. Now I’m going to take your cunt, let you milk my juices as you milk Nat with your mouth.” While Jasper had been speaking, Nat had arranged a low chair under the bench and sat down so his cock was at her mouth height. Jasper’s prick slid between her legs and began to tease her entrance.

  “Green, very, very, green.” She was determined to say so before she was asked. And before her mouth was full.

  With one hard thrust, Jasper filled her cunt. Sophia reveled in the feeling. His hips ground into her tender arse and she groaned. There was no pain, just the promise of pleasure she had felt earlier. Under her, Nat held his prick and rubbed it.

  “Ready?” he asked her.

  Instead of answering, she took the end of his staff in her mouth and licked and nibbled. It swelled under her ministrations, and she drew it ever further into her mouth, enjoying the saltiness of him and the musky sent that filled her nostrils. As she sucked, Jasper sensed her rhythm and matched it.

  The feeling of unity swamped her. She knew she could not hold on much longer. In her mouth, Nat’s pre-cum increased and his cock got ever more stiff. It seemed he was in the same position. Jasper was moving faster, pushing harder with each pulse.

  She loosened her lips. “Please my lord, ‘tis green but I am ready to fall. I need, oh I need...” With her mouth full of Nathaniel’s prick, it was nigh on impossible for her words to be heard, let alone understood, but it seemed Jasper was of a like mind

  “Come! Let us all” Jasper roared his command and she flew. Her senses exploded in a rainbow of color and sensations as two hard cocks climaxed, flooding her cunt and her mouth with hot male seed. She sobbed in happy awareness. Had anything ever felt so good? She knew it had not. Now, now she was truly a part of them, and ready for all they desired. As her breath slowed and she was aware as each man moved out of her, at last she was able to speak. Her arms and legs were released and Jasper carried her to the bed to sit her down between them.

  “Soon we will bathe, but first let us rest here together, lay as one and realize how lucky we are.” He stopped and Sophia saw the vulnerability in his eyes. A swift glance at Nathaniel revealed the same look.

  “Always green, my lords. I am yours.” She kissed each one in turn. “You have shown me what our love is. I do not kid myself it will always be like that, equally as good I am sure, but often different. I know we have hurdles to face, and likely it will not be easy, but here between you...I am home. I am yours and you are mine.”

  “We are,” Japer said.

  “Always,” Nat promised.

  Sophia snuggled down secure between her Thornes. Then she started to laugh.

  “I am your Rose,” she giggled. “Now I know why you chose to call me so. I am a Rose between two Thornes.”


  Raven lives in Scotland, along with her husband and their two cats—their children having flown the nest—surrounded by beautiful scenery, which inspires a lot of the settings in her books.

  She is used to sharing her life with the occasional deer, red squirrel, and lost tourist, to say nothing of the scourge of Scotland—the midge.

  A lover of reading, she appreciates the history inside a book, and the chance to peek into the lives of those from years ago. Raven admits that she enjoys the research for her books almost as much as the writing; so much so, that sometimes she realizes she's strayed way past the information she needs to know, and not a paragraph has been added to her WIP.




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