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101 Nights of Great Sex

Page 10

by Corn, Laura

  As you slide back into your seat, tell him that you heard about a delectable dessert not listed on the menu. Let him know how hot you are, that you’re just dying to take off that suffocating coat, by sticking one leg out toward him as far as you dare, and running your foot up his leg. Tell him you want him to take you to the coatroom, the bathroom, or the parking lot (anywhere!) and help you out of your coat like a true gentleman. Flash him just a peek at what you’ve got (or haven’t got) on underneath.

  You’ll never hear a faster “Check please!”

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  1 man’s shirt

  1 man’s tie

  1 pair man’s underwear

  optional hair gel and makeup

  THERE’S A MEMORABLE EPISODE OF Sex And The City where Charlotte—the prim and lady-like one—dressed up like a man for a professional photo shoot. An amazing and hilarious thing happened: she found herself getting turned on. In her male disguise, Charlotte discovered a side of herself she had never met. She was less shy and more assertive. Best of all, she started getting what she wanted in the bedroom. To the surprise of everyone, she lost the stick that was stuck in her bottom and started having fun.

  Okay, you don’t have to go as far as Charlotte. But why not show your guy a rougher, more aggressive, more sexually charged, more masculine side of yourself? It will help to have a costume for your adventure, and there’s a perfect one in his closet. Put on one of his dress shirts. That’s a hot look. In my surveys, one of the top three turn-ons for men was seeing their women wearing their shirts. If they aren’t too big for you, put on a pair of his tighty-whitey underwear. Now use a little gel to slick your hair back into a more severe look. Use eyeliner to draw a subtle hint of sideburns on your face.

  Call your man into the bedroom and start modeling your new GQ look. Tell him you love to wear his shirts, and you do it often when he’s not around because they remind you of him. In fact, they make you feel sexy. (And hearing that revelation will instantly make him feel sexy.)

  Now step it up. Put on one of his neckties (a grey tie would be perfect). Make him show you how to knot it. Kiss him while he does it, and be as flirtatious as ever, but make sure he senses a definite change in your attitude. You’re bending genders here but let him know it’s all for fun. Start with something funny, like an impression of some guy you both know who’s a jerk. (Your boss, maybe?) Get your man laughing at the image of you acting like a big, silly man.

  Do a little man-dance for him. Not so funny this time. Get serious. Let him see “the look” on your face—the look you usually see on his face when he really, really wants sex.

  Push him down on the bed and climb on top of him. Kiss him hard. Pull down his zipper with one hand and grab his penis with the other. Don’t be gentle, or at least no gentler than men usually are. Tug him until he’s hard. One quick suck is all he gets right now—a promise of more to come. Now be demanding. Straddle his face, pull that white cotton underwear aside and press yourself up against his mouth. Don’t even ask. Just assume that he wants to taste you. Take for granted that he loves to lick you.

  Here’s the surprising lesson: He does love being taken like this. In all the surveys I have done, the sexually aggressive woman is consistently the number one fantasy for men. So keep it up. Take what you want. Slip his shaft into your kitty and ride it your way, at your pace, with your pressure. Let him feel the ol’ wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am from a girl’s perspective.

  It’s okay, really. There’s plenty of wham-bam to go around.

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  1 or more rolls of plastic bondage tape, preferably in passionate pink

  1 felt-tip marker


  Naturally, I’m always looking for new bedroom tricks to share with readers, and I was trying to find a cute way to get a guy’s attention. Then it hit me—guys just love duct tape. They fix stuff with it, they talk about it. Someone even wrote a book about it! My honey loved my duct tape seduction. But sister, let me just warn you: if it gets stuck on your skin, you’d better be oiled up and shaved smooth.

  Otherwise, ouch. Like getting an industrial-strength Brazilian wax. Like peeling off the world’s biggest Band-Aid.

  But that’s all in the past, because now there’s—ta-da!—bondage tape. It’s not really tape though because it has no adhesive—it sticks to itself. It’s really just cling wrap, but it’s available in narrower, decorative, hand-sized rolls. My first thought seeing women wrapped in pink tape miniskirts and tube tops on was “Wow!” Immediate inspiration. Not only did it look sexy, but it looked (and was) fun!

  First, it’s always fun to start teasing your guy way before your erotic play begins. Tear off strips and leave them where he can’t miss them, wrapped around the car headrest, for instance, or binding together his favorite shoes. As the weekend nears, crank up the anticipation. Use a felt-tip marker to write a time and date on the tape: “Saturday, 7pm.” Each note is a sweet tease, and each will put a smile on his face and remind him of you.

  You need the right outfit for this, of course—pink bondage tape. Yes, you’re going to dress for sex-cess.

  Run a strip between your thighs, like a thong, then make a tiny skirt by wrapping around your hips several times. You can also make a tube top that gives you super cleavage. The fashion possibilities are endless.

  You can also make arm bands and anklets and “jewelry” out of pink plastic—have fun with it! (Unlike the old duct tape, it comes off so easily!) Your man will be totally beside himself when he sees your outfit. You’ll look outrageously sexy and fun. He’ll want to run his hands all over you.

  Ah, but that’s where this seduction takes a twist. He can’t touch you. No hands. Kiss him, undress him, get him warmed up, and then... tie his hands behind his back.

  You guessed it! Tape his wrists to make him horny and helpless. Sit him down; give him a good show as you take him into your mouth, hard and deep. But don’t finish! Ease off, backing away until your lips barely touch the tip. He’ll be aching to push deeper. He’ll want to put his hands on your head and take control, but too bad! No hands!

  Move to a chair and spread your legs. Tell him it’s your turn, and watch his struggles to get to your cling-wrapped kitty with his tongue and teeth. You can help him, slowly pulling away that final layer of transparent pink plastic between him and your waiting clitoris. Enjoy his oral skills. You can bet that he’s enjoying a wicked little fantasy: bound and forced to service a woman.

  Have him sit on the bed’s edge. Get him hard again using lots of saliva, making sure his erection is completely wet. Now stand up, turn around, and sit in his lap. Wiggle and shimmy. Wow. The smooth plastic wrap, so snug across your bottom, is slipping and sliding against his wet shaft. It’s extraordinarily different: slipperier than fabric, slicker than a condom, cooler and firmer than skin, softer and wetter than any hand. The wrinkles on the surface of your skirt tickle as they glide over his erection. It’s crazy hot, and it makes him want to grab you, but of course, he can’t. No hands, Bondage Boy!

  Stay seated on his lap, but slowly lift your skirt while you shimmy. He can feel the plastic sliding up. He can sense that the real thing, the thing he’s dying for, the warm enveloping goodness of a woman’s sex, is almost there, almost unveiled, and finally... pop... the barrier is breached. Quickly grab and slide it inside you. Ahhh. Yes. Now he feels heat, and a different kind of wetness, and that lovely all-encompassing velvet squeeze that men were born to crave. This is the Queen Bee Position, you are in complete control. Your subject is helpless, and can do nothing but enjoy the sensation—and the awesome view—as you ride him to paradise.

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ere to go back to the Table of Contents



  killer shoes (remember, he’s going to be spending most of this seduction focused on your lower half)

  2 smooth legs

  1 neatly trimmed puss

  1 flouncy, flirty skirt

  0 panties

  FREE BONUS! e-tease him at

  TATTOOS, NIP SLIPS AND BAD BOY DATES aren’t enough to get you into the Hollywood spotlight anymore. These days, a celeb who wants to generate an explosion of camera flashes has got to get caught in public without her panties. It’s become so common that there’s even a name for it: the upskirt shot.

  Probably the most famous upskirt shot belongs to Marilyn Monroe. Who could forget the white dress she wore when she stood over the subway grate in The Seven-Year Itch? It only lasted a few seconds, but that shot sealed her fame forever. Thanks to Marilyn, skirts today are short and paparazzi are skilled. Another (less innocent) peek underneath a gorgeous blonde’s skirt: Sharon Stone’s police interview scene in Basic Instinct. Now there’s a woman who knew something about the art of distraction.

  But our Hollywood blonde bombshells didn’t invent this naughty shot—it’s been flaunted by female performers around the world. At the Moulin Rouge in Paris, can-can dancers wore white crotchless pantaloons under their petticoats, causing gentlemen in top hats to lose their heads when the mademoiselles leaped into the air and landed in a split. And in Bangkok, Thailand, there’s a lovely joint called the Doll House A-GoGo. Here young women in pretty party dresses dance with one another on a transparent balcony over a nightclub floor. Delighted couples sit below, looking right up through the clear floor, watching the underwear-free dancers overhead. The phenomenon has become so widespread that Asian men have been spotted wearing mirror-toed shoes as they walk down busy city streets. Tsk-tsk!

  Let’s face it: a peek up your dress can drive a man head-spinning crazy. Naked is one thing. But a glimpse of actual bare sex on an otherwise fully dressed woman? That’s a gift from the locker-room gods. It’s like he’s getting away with something naughty.

  And this week he’ll be getting away with it in your home.

  You’re going to be showing off your kitty, so you’ve got to get her groomed. Trim, shave, or wax her into shape, and then look for the perfect outfit for her unveiling. You want a skirt that moves and flows, like a beautiful theater curtain. As with most good sex encounters, this one starts with a Coming Attraction. It’s a simple preview: Sometime early in the evening, maybe even before kids and company have been shooed away, take your guy to a private spot, grab his hand and pull it under your skirt, all the way up. “Hey, guess what I forgot to put on today?” you’ll whisper, and then... walk away.

  You’ve officially short-circuited his brain. Now he knows. Whatever else might be going on—dinner, phone calls, cleanup—he’s thinking about that sweet little secret hiding under your dress. He wants to see more. And when you’re ready to begin the show, you can tell him to put on some music, dim the lights, grab some cushions and lay down on the floor. And he’ll do it, because he knows.

  Now that he’s flat on his back, take a little stroll around him. Toss your skirt around; let him get another peek. Place your foot on his chest and give him a good long look up your legs. Step over his head, facing towards his feet. Dance to the music. Watch his eyes moving back and forth, following your hips and cheeks as they rock to the beat. His favorite thing in the world, the most precious part of his favorite person, is right there, floating before his eyes. And now it’s getting closer.

  Ooh, yes; much closer. Your knees bend and you slowly sway, bringing your hips and your bottom down close to his face. His upskirt fantasy has become much wilder now; he’s not just looking anymore, he’s right up there, under your dress, feeling your thighs brush against his cheeks.

  But he’s not there alone. Go ahead, get comfortable. Drop to your knees while keeping his grinning face right between your swaying thighs. Lean forward and grab his belt; don’t undress him, just unzip him. Now give him a hand. And then some lips. His upskirt fantasy just became your fantasy, now that he’s exploring the wet, delicious treat you’ve been hiding (well, almost hiding) all evening long. Take him into your mouth and start trading kiss for kiss, lick for lick, and finally.... orgasm for orgasm.

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  1 pair of panties, giftwrapped

  1 private room

  1 lunch hour

  A taste for, um, fast food

  FREE BONUS! e-tease him at

  BREAKFAST MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT meal of the day, but after this seduction, it’s lunch that will be the most eagerly anticipated.

  Send him off to work with a time-delay tease — a small, giftwrapped package that he’s not allowed to open until one hour before lunch time. And tell him to plan for some extended time away from work today, if possible. You’ll be taking him out to eat this afternoon.

  Inside the package is a pair of your prettiest panties and a note:

  I might need these later. Better keep them in your pocket.

  He’s starting to sizzle already. By the time you show up, he will definitely have an appetite. If you can snatch a second of privacy anywhere in his place of business, do it. A quick flip of your skirt will settle any doubts about the kind of lunch you have in mind. Would you like to know what our specials are today, sir?

  Now it’s out to the car and off to the hotel where you’ve reserved a room for the afternoon. If he’s not hungry yet, he’ll certainly need nourishment later, so pack a few sandwiches and drinks. But that’s for later. You’ve got other business to attend to first. He’ll be unable to resist sliding his hand under your dress. Men are universally fascinated by the idea of a woman’s bare bum, barely concealed. Let him touch you. Let him feel how wet you’ve become just thinking about his unique brand of room service. Pull his fingers to your lips and lick them provocatively. And finally, when your temperature has risen several degrees, when the two of you are positively steaming...

  Turn away from him and bend over the bed. Get into the ultimate “quickie” position — skirt up, backside unveiled, panties nowhere to be found. Remind him that he’s on his lunch hour, so he better finish his dessert right away. Mmm, delicious. And no calories at all.

  If he reminds you of the panties in his pocket, tell him to keep them as a souvenir. Oh, and since the room is already paid for, ask if he’s interested in coming back after work.

  You’d like to have him for dinner.

  This is the end of this chapter. Click here to go back to the Table of Contents

  NO. 58 GIVE HIM LIP by Tracey Cox


  1 hot mouth (yours)

  1 willing penis (his)

  2 hands

  1 wicked expression and attitude

  lubricant or saliva


  These instructions are a mouthful so highlight and memorize or better yet, make a cheat sheet and stash somewhere for easy viewing. Good luck!

  TRACEY COX IS ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR SEX authors in the world. In total she’s written 15 books on sex, flirting & being one hot mama. I asked Tracey to provide my readers with her best oral tricks. Here’s one Night of Great Sex in Tracy’s words:

  It’s Friday night. He walks through the door after a long week. Hand him a beer, take his briefcase, help him undress and then drop to your knees—it’s the only true position to deliver gobsmackingly great oral sex. Why? First up, you’re kneeling before him, worshipping the piece of him he’s most in love with and so presumes you are too—his penis. Plus it’s terribly politically incorrect and anti-feminist—he tries his best to be the opposite most of the time but it’s nice to let loose his “Me Tarzan, You Jane” primal side once in a while!
  Now, before you even think about wrapping that hot, delicious mouth of yours around him, get your head around these must-follow tips to give him the best oral sex he’s had in his whole life—all in one go!

  1. Look Like You Love It!

  You need to let him know you love what you’re doing. Make faces, grimace, do anything but lick with relish and the whole thing is utterly pointless!

  2. Clothes On Please!

  Make sure you’re clothed while he’s naked. This adds to the power play—you’re on your knees but he’s stripped bare, delivering a delicious combination of strength and weakness.

  3. Eye Him Off

  Make and hold eye contact as much as possible. Most women keep their eyes closed during fellatio, and blatantly eyeing him off while you’re being such a hussy is a turn-on for both of you!

  4. The Lollypop Lick

  Start by playing porn star and doing ‘The Lollypop’. It’s very porn star-ish because you’re going to make over-exaggerated movements. Lift his penis to expose his testicles, then starting at the lowest part on the underside, stick out your tongue so he gets a good look at the action, and give one long, lascivious lick from the base of his testes to the top of his penis.

  5. Make Like A Naughty Starfish

  Reach between his legs with one hand, while lightly holding his penis with the other and stroke the perineum, letting your fingers naughtily stray around his anus. It’s a hot spot for men, even if they are a little scared. (Hot Hint: The male G-spot is about two knuckles deep. I double-dare you!)


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