101 Nights of Great Sex
Page 11
6. Go Nuts
Then move onto some ball games. Take one or both testicles in your mouth, hum lightly, suck gently and swirl your tongue around them. Make sure your other hand continues to hold his (by now throbbing!) penis, but not too firm or too practiced.
7. The Cunning Combo
Using one hand, make a loose fist and start to pump his penis, up and over the head, making sure things are nice and slippery (use your own saliva, or even sexier, get him to spit on your fingers). Now, add your mouth—it’s the combination of the tease, firm fingers and a soft, warm, oh-so-longed-for mouth which is what makes this feel exquisite.
8. Twist & Flick
Use your hand and mouth simultaneously; starting to twist your fist once it reaches the head and swirling the flat of your tongue around the rim of the head at the same time. Flick his fraenulum (the stringy bit on the underside, between the shaft and head) with a tensed tongue.
9. Be a Boy Scout
When he’s almost at the point of no return, pull back, fix him with a sultry stare, then make like a boy scout, holding your palms straight, facing either side of his penis and roll and rub them together, as if you’re trying to start a fire with sticks.
10. A Corkscrew Climax
Moving onto the Grand Finale: ‘The Corkscrew.’ Hold the base of his penis with one hand and take a firm hold of the shaft with the other, hands facing in separate directions. Start at the bottom and slide to the top using a circular-twisting motion as you wind towards the head. Your hands are moving in separate directions—his head is spinning off his shoulders in pure ecstasy!
I dare you to follow my instructions, and give your guy the kind of oral sex he’s only dreamed about. He’ll be shocked. He’ll be in head-job heaven. He’ll wonder where you learned to be so deliciously naughty. And best of all, he’ll be more than ready to return the favor.
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1 long coat or jacket
1 men’s jean store with large dressing rooms
FREE BONUS! e-tease him at 101nights.com/BlowOutSale
Then maybe you should save this seduction. You could do it anytime. But for a really big wow factor, it’s better delivered while you’re wearing a coat or long jacket. You’ll see why.
Set this date up with a question. “Hmm, you know what?” you ask him. “I think you would look hot in a new pair of jeans.” Maximize your impact by saying it while helping him pull off his old jeans. “Mm-mm! I love the way your butt looks in these,” you tell him as you squeeze his butt cheeks. “But you could use some new ones. And I’ll help you pick them out.”
“I want to buy you some Saturday afternoon,” you will say. And he will agree, of course, because you’ll say it while you are lying on top of him, still holding him inside you. At this moment, he’ll agree to anything—as you well know. Wink, wink.
Pick a shop that focuses on casual clothes, especially blue jeans. Do your homework ahead of time; you want a place that has big dressing rooms with doors, and not a lot of traffic. Grab one item and go with him into the dressing room while he tries it on. It’s fun to be in there with him! You can kiss and touch and flirt while he’s pulling on his britches. And he probably won’t even notice that you intentionally grabbed the wrong size.
Tell him, “Oops, these are too big, you better run out and grab a pair one size smaller.” While he’s gone, take off your coat. Strip your whole top off, slip it in your pocket or purse, and put the coat back on. When he comes back with the new pants...flash him.
Woo-hoo! For him, this shopping trip suddenly became the stuff fantasies are made of. Let him play with your bare breasts. Dance for him. Dance with him. (Do you dare to go even barer?) Then, right there in that tiny room—with sales clerks outside and strangers in the building—pull his pants down again. This time it’s not about trying on new jeans. No, this time it’s so you can drop to your knees and take him into your mouth.
You’ll have to be fast. And quiet! Make him the happiest shopper in the whole city. Boobies and blue jeans; what guy wouldn’t be thrilled?
One last word of advice: Go for the button-fly pants. A zipper could be, um, a little risky for a guy in his condition.
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1 hot lover
1 sinful mouth
1 afternoon to turn temptress
1 towel
MEN ARE SIMPLER CREATURES THAN WOMEN. Subtlety is often lost on them. They appreciate bluntness, directness, and an in-your-face approach. So give him what he wants. Be bold and beautiful. Make him crazy with desire. For you. Give him a hot encounter that he won’t soon forget.
The next time he takes a shower, put your plan into action. Strip down, grab a towel (to use as a cushion for your knees) and go in after him. How does he look as the water rushes over his flesh? Does he see you right away? Don’t give him any time to react.
Run your hands over his body. Wet. Warm. Your fingers glide effortlessly. Let them drift lower to his groin. Take him in your hands, feel him grow hard. Caress, touch, and fondle his balls.
Press your mouth to his chest. Feel the firmness of his skin against your lips. How does he taste? Slowly work your way down his body, lowering yourself as you go. Position yourself so that his erection is directly in line with your mouth. He will be tense with anticipation. You’ll feel the coil of excitement in his legs as you grip his thighs with your hands.
Take him in your mouth. Deep, all at once. Feel his entire body growing taut and listen to his intake of breath. Maybe he reaches down and playfully pulls your hair. Or maybe he grips your head with both hands. Let him. Surrender to him even as you dictate the action.
Slide your hands around to grip his ass. Squeeze and knead while your mouth slides back and forth over his rigid shaft. Is he close? Devour him greedily. There’s no room for shyness here. Bold is beautiful.
Move one of your hands around to grasp the base of his penis. Tighten your grip and work back and forth in rhythm with your mouth. Listen to him; he sighs and moans with pleasure.
Feel him shudder against you, and feel your power to drive this man beyond reason. Embrace your strength. Own it.
When he’s finished, slowly rise. Slide up his body, make it flush with yours. Take over his shower. Soap him, clean him. Leave no part of him untouched. Show him how much you love him and desire him. Then hand him the soap and let him return the favor.
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1 phone call
a lot of control
“Peaking” is a technique that is designed to increase your ability to feel. As you are rubbing yourself and begin to feel the sexual pressure or tumescence build up in you, stop rubbing or slow down, or change direction. Especially do this when you are on the verge of an orgasm. As tumescence builds, bring yourself as close to the upper side of that feeling as is possible without going over the top... then let yourself down by stopping, slowing down, changing to a lighter pressure, or changing the direction you are rubbing.
The One Hour Orgasm
Tonight you’ll be practicing a very advanced sexual technique. Courtesans have used it for centuries; whole books have been written about it. And once your lover feels its power, he’ll be begging you to try it again. It’s called the One Hour Orgasm—and, while your guy might not last quite that long, he will feel like it does.
Give him a call at work and ask, in your sultriest voice:
“Which sexual act makes you have your strongest and longest orgasm”?
Is he surrounded by people on the job? Good! He’ll be flustered when
you lead him through his options, to which he has only to say yes or no.
Do you like it best when you come inside me, or when I suck you with my mouth? Would you like me on top or underneath? Does it get you hottest when you see me on all fours with my bottom sticking up in the air? Can you meet me at home soon?
When he gets home (and I can’t imagine you’ll be waiting long), take him by the hand and lead him to the bedroom. Undress him. Kiss and nibble and suck on each part as it’s unveiled. But don’t let him touch you! Tonight, you are in total control, and he has only one very important job.
He has to tell you when he’s about to come. He has to tell you before he comes, and if he can’t say it out loud, he needs to give you a signal— maybe a squeeze on your thigh. Make him promise.
Then start him on the road to his favorite orgasm. Was it intercourse? Then get him hard — use a lubricant, if you like — and mount him. Don’t let him move, and don’t let him touch you. He can only watch as you drop your hips against his, taking him inch-by-inch deeper inside. Ride! Have fun, and let him see you getting aroused. When he tells you he’s about to come or gives you the signal — stop all stimulation. Tell him “Not yet...”.
If he’s a little unhappy about missing his opportunity, just smile and tell him it’ll happen — if he does what he’s told. Then catch your breath and start again... and again, stopping everything when he’s on the brink. It’s the sweetest kind of torture.
His torment comes to an end after the third time. This time you don’t stop. This time you speed up your motion as he reaches his peak. Kiss him passionately as you hold him tight. Pinch his nipples, force him into the orgasm you’ve denied him for so very long. It will be absolutely explosive.
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1 wall mirror, narrow enough to straddle, placed on floor
1 small lamp
hot music with a hypnotic beat
1 bottle of personal lubricant
several pillows or cushions
IT NEVER SURPRISES ME WHEN women write me or call me on the radio and confess that they don’t really know much about, you know, down there—the vagina and stuff. It doesn’t surprise me because, once upon a time, I was one of them: an adult woman who didn’t really know what the whole thing looked like, or how it actually worked. And to be honest, I was a little embarrassed to check it out.
Then I found a lot of books that encouraged women to use a mirror and go explore the wonders of the vulva. Get to know it, the theory went, and you can come to enjoy it. And so I did. I must say, it was exactly the enlightening, freeing experience the books said it would be, and I have since encouraged thousands of women to do the same.
But this week you need to go way, way, way past that. And the challenge is to take your lover with you.
You need a mirror. A large hand mirror will do, but even better is a tall, skinny dressing mirror, like the kind you hang on the back of your closet door. It should be narrow enough to straddle, because that is exactly what you’re going to do. Lay it on your bedroom floor. One small bright pool of light will create a dramatic effect; the perfect solution is a small hooded desk lamp, low wattage for that gorgeous warm look, and so you don’t feel too much heat. Place it on the floor next to your mirror, with all the other lights extinguished. Music is a must, something trancelike, with a hypnotic beat. No chair for your guy—just cushions and pillows—so he’s lying on the floor with the best view of this amazing, arousing show you are about to put on.
Undress and kneel over the mirror. The shadows hide everything but your thighs, your bottom and your sweet little kitty, all lightly exposed and reflected in the glass below. Reach between your legs and play with yourself. Slowly rock your hips to the pulse of the music. To your man, it’s a fantasy image; it looks like two women hot for each other, seducing one another in an erotic dance. Explore your vulva and let him stare, mesmerized, as you tug your labia, unfolding them with your fingertips. A few drops of Astroglide on your fingers makes your lips shiny and glossy in the light, and makes it so much more fun to whirl your fingers around your clit, to tweak her, to squeeze her. Oh, she enjoys being in the spotlight, doesn’t she? She wants your man to look at her, to admire her. To crave her.
Lower your hips so that your glistening lips plant a kiss, and a lip print, right on the mirror. This is truly a double fantasy for your man, watching the woman he loves (and that girl in the mirror), and he will no doubt want to join both of you. And suddenly he can see what he has never been able to see before: You, being penetrated by a glistening hard shaft, but he’s watching from another perspective, too, watching it being done, at the same time he’s doing it. It’s a triple fantasy, come to life.
Can you get seven years of bad luck from breaking a mirror? I don’t know. But I know this. Doing it over a mirror just bought yourself seven more years of great sex.
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1 box full of playthings
FIND A GOOD-SIZED BOX and tape a big sign to it:
Touch —but don’t look.
Actually, your favorite playmate can’t do either, because your special box is sealed-up for the few days it’s on display. By the time your seduction rolls around, only one thing will be more aroused than his libido—his curiosity!
Fill your box with a variety of soft things — items with a range of textures and compositions that will feel good against his bare skin. Gather as many of the following as you can: a silk scarf, a feathered boa, a swatch of velvet, a nylon stocking, a sable make-up brush, (kama sutra) honey dust and a pair of satin panties.
I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it! Tell him that his seduction starts with a hot shower. That’ll help him unwind, and more importantly, it will soften up his skin and prepare him for the sensual rush ahead. Help him to dry off and seat him in a comfortable lounge chair, or let him relax against a mound of pillows on the bed. Take out the silk scarf first and caress his face with it. Trail it along the back of his neck, over his chest, and down his legs. Then tie the scarf loosely around his head, covering his eyes.
Ask him to concentrate on the feel of each item as you caress him with it. See how many he can identify without using his hands. Drag the boa down his chest to his toes. Have him open his legs and lightly dust his scrotum with the tips of the feathers. Wrap the nylon stocking around his penis, then slowly — slowly! — slide it off. Save the satin undies for the final touch. Pull them snug against his now-throbbing erection as you lightly glide your fingers up and down the length of his shaft. What a fantasy. He spent his adolescence trying to get into womens’ panties... and now he’s getting off on them!
He’ll say you’re driving him crazy with lust. But by the time you get to the bottom of Pandora’s Box, that won’t be much of a drive.
More like a short walk.
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1 miniature golf course
1 skirt
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED A round of miniature golf? It’s been a while, I’ll bet. Well, it’s still just as fun and silly and easy as you remember, but you will definitely have your sweetheart at a disadvantage when you take him out for a round of Putt-Putt this weekend.
That’s because you get to play dirty. And he won’t mind a bit.
Right after you rent your equipment, make one last stop in the ladies’ room. When you come back, hand your guy his balls. Wrapped in your panties. Watch the grin spread across his face as he figures out what’s going on.
Yes, you’re going au naturale under your skirt. You’re going to play Commando style. And you’re going to win—because th
ere is no way this man is going to be able to focus on his game!
You’ve practiced in front of a mirror this week, so you know just how to use this skirt to your advantage. You don’t really have to show everything. You’re a lady, after all, and you’re in a public place. Just give him little hints of what’s hiding underneath. Place your ball in the tee and bend just so. When you line up a shot, kneel down so that he can catch a glimpse of your well-trimmed grounds.
Tease him all around the course. “What’s the matter, big guy? Can’t keep your eye on the ball today?”
Just before he swings, goose him between the thighs with your club. “Is that a golf ball in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?” Yeah, I know, cheesy!
Does this little golf course have obstacles big enough to hide behind? If so, take him around the windmill, out of public view, and hike up your skirt. “Gosh, it feels so breezy out here today!”
Give him a big smile and a discreet pat on his zipper. “You’re having a hard time finding the hole today, aren’t you?”
Flirt with him. Taunt him. And, if there are no other eyes around, flash him. You’re going to have his putter standing at attention in no time.
On the drive home, give him a better look at what’s under your skirt. Let him see the one hole he hasn’t been able to hit all day. Torture him just a little more. Make him keep his eyes on the road while you play with yourself in the front seat.