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101 Nights of Great Sex

Page 14

by Corn, Laura

  Tell him you want to take some sexy pix of the two of you. Nothing too risqué, but something that you can look at in the future as a reminder of your great sex life. He’s going to think he’s the one in control, that he’s going to get to take sexy pictures of you.

  But when you lead him into your photo studio—surprise!—the tables are turned. Position him across from you, and sit on your stool with your legs crossed, a camera in one hand.

  Uncross your legs. See that look that’s a combination of sheepishness (Oh my god, she just flashed me) and arousal (Oh my god, that was so hot!)? That’s the look you want to capture. Flash him a few more times. You might even run your free hand along the insides of your thighs and push your skirt up just a little. Keep shooting the whole time.

  Start to unbutton your shirt. One slow button at a time, so that he sees just a bit of skin, a hint of your lacy bra, and finally, the curve of your breasts. Make sure you get the shot of him when you finally open your shirt. Is he drooling yet? Running his tongue along his lips? Yes, he is. Make sure you capture all of those lustful looks.

  As you continue to undress, remember, you don’t just have to take photos of his facial expressions. How else does he show his desire for you? Do his muscles tense up when he’s aroused? What do his hands do? Can you see his hard-on pressing through his pants? Take a couple of shots of that.

  Keep shooting until you’ve completed the strip tease. Don’t be surprised if he’s naked by this time, too. You’ve worked him up by turning the tables on him and exposing yourself. So much so that he won’t even care about seeing the photos yet. He’s just going to want to lay you down and take his turn giving you his best shot.

  When you’re done “clicking” with your man, you’ll want to take the photos you like best and turn them into the wallpaper on your (and his) computer. Every time you want to remember how much he wants you—all you have to do is take a look. And he can do the same.

  Talk about a true photo finish...

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  1 part lady

  1 part slut

  WHY ARE MEN SO FASCINATED BY BAD GIRLS? A woman who’s exceptionally secure in her sexuality, who clearly relishes hot, sweaty flesh-to-flesh contact, whose very attitude says, “Just do me” — this woman will never lack for attention.

  Your own mate, of course, is a gentleman and respects you too much to even look at another woman, no matter how naughty her behavior. Right? Right? And no doubt he loves the fact that you’re always a perfect lady. Still, there’s a part of him — and I think you know which part — that would like to see you act like those other women. Just a little... a smidgen... a teensy bit... nasty.

  This is the week you’re going to do it! The best way to warm him up for it is to catch him in public — at his job, or with a group of friends — and whisper, so close that he feels your hot breath on his neck, “You look really good today. And I have this incredible urge to fuck you.”

  He will blush the deepest shade of crimson. “I just touched myself, and guess what? My panties are all wet.” His pulse just went off the charts. “Meet me at home. I want to see how many times I can make you come tonight.” Ohhhh, yes.

  Don’t be shy. Remember, you share a bed with this man — you’re allowed to get down and dirty with him. And just wait until you see how aroused he gets when you do. As soon as he gets home, jump his bones. Tell him exactly what you want, in a language any sailor would understand.

  “Oh, God, I nearly came in the car on the way home. Can you feel how wet I am? Oooh, that’s nice... Stick your fingers in me... Oh! Yes, just like that... I don’t know what got into me, but I just kept thinking about your cock all day. How it feels deep inside me. Oooh, and your fingers on my clit... Oh yeah, keep your hand right there, ohh just a little harder... yes... I think I’m going to come, ohhhh, I’m coming...”

  His blood is now boiling. He might actually be speechless, but don’t let that stop you from talking – dirty, of course. Just like the secretly nasty woman you are.

  Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go eeeeverywhere!

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  1 kitchen timer

  1 class in CPR

  TONIGHT YOU’RE TAKING HIM ON THE ROAD to Great Sex—Highway 101! You’ll be, uh, getting off at Teaserville....

  Do you have some kind of countdown clock? A kitchen timer is ideal. Put it right in the middle of the bed, where your lover can’t miss it when he gets home from work. (After all, that’s where he throws his dirty clothes, isn’t it? Men!!)

  Tonight’s erotic play starts normally enough... lots of flirting, lots of kissing. Leave the timer where it is when you push him down on the bed. If it gets in the way as you roll around on your comforter, good—it’ll only make him even more curious about the mystery behind your special evening.

  When your clothes are gone... well, mostly gone... sit up and smile. Grab the timer, crank it to fifteen minutes, and set it aside. Let him lie back as you start to practice your best oral sex tricks. Yum!

  Don’t you just love that first rush of excitement as he starts to swell in your mouth? Brush that little devil against your cheeks; swirl your tongue around the rim. Get him completely steamed up, and then— stop.

  Is that a look of panic in his eye? It won’t be there for long, because now you’re going to climb on top of him and slip his penis between your other lips. Go slowly. Drop your hips inch-by-lascivious-inch onto his.

  Pick up the tempo; let him feel the slap of your seat. But watch his face for that look...

  Because you’re going to stop again. Give him a moment to cool off — and then gobble him up. Nibble and bite and suck, but before he comes, stop — and switch again. It’s the most exquisite torture. Each time, you’re breaking his concentration just enough to slow him down, and each time you’re revving him right back up again. Mouth to vagina and back again; keep it up until the bell rings. And this time, give it all you’ve got... Let me have it, baby, I want you to come, I want you to come right now...

  Did I say road-trip? Running a marathon is more like it. He’ll need no more than, oh, a week or two to recover....

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  Massage Oil


  Nylon rope













  Earjack Splitter



  Golf Balls



  Christmas Lights







  Wooden Hangers



  E-mail Teasers

  and anything else you can think of — you’re the experts now!

  I HOPE YOU’VE TORN THIS BOOK TO SHREDS. I hope it’s nothing but a tattered shell now.

  That’s because every ripped perforation represents a moment of passion in your lives. Every page that’s not here anymore stands for an episode of incredible sex. The emptier it is, the happier you should be.

  Can the two of you even remember all one hundred seductions?! I dare you to try. That would be one interesting—and slightly dirty—conversation, wouldn’t it? That’s the kind of sweet talk that quickly turns into foreplay.
  (In fact, a bunch of readers have told me they keep the used pages from my books. What a wicked scrapbook you could make from it! And what a great way to spark up a bedroom fire: Read, reminisce, romance.)

  So after a hundred hot encounters, you’ve had lots of fun, and learned some new tricks. But more importantly, you’ve developed some powerful new relationship habits. By now, it’s become second nature for you to:

  Create anticipation. You’ve seen how a simple tease can grab your partner’s attention and get it focused on you. You know firsthand how much better life is when you can stop thinking all the time about responsibilities, and spend a few moments daydreaming about what your partner has in store for you.

  Show surprises. The perfect antidote for monotony!

  Step it up with props and accessories. Fancy or simple, expensive or handmade, it doesn’t matter. When seducing your lover, a creative touch says I think you’re worth some extra effort. It says I don’t take you for granted.

  Be daring. Prove to your partner—and to yourself—that there’s more inside you than either of you knew.

  All this knowledge is part of you now. And I want you to exercise it all this weekend with this one final challenge.


  This one is too big for one evening, or even a whole day. You’re going to push your boundaries for the entire weekend. And to do that, you need to split right down the middle. Go ahead, take your pick—one of you gets Saturday, and the other gets Sunday. And on your day, you are going to create The Ultimate Seduction for your partner.

  It’s going to be easy, because you each have fifty Seductions to start with. Start by choosing your favorite from the book. Then add three extra ingredients to spice it up. You can borrow ingredients you’ve used before. (Did you love that bare-bottom apron from Chow Down? Do you still get a thrill when you think about the wooden hanger in She’s Out of Control? When you think of that mirror—or lipstick, or toys, or nylon rope—do you smile? Do you get aroused?)

  You can create new ingredients, if you prefer, or make new twists on previous Seductions. Because you know how. You’re the experts now. A hundred erotic encounters later, you know exactly what turns your mate on. You know which scenario sent her over the moon. You know the outfits he likes to see. You know how to make her feel desirable. You know to make him forget everything in the universe except you.

  Your favorite, plus three. That’s your assignment. Recreate your favorite seduction, with three new ingredients. Just remember to clear your calendar this weekend. You’re going to need plenty of time to play. (And plenty of time to recover!)

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  1 quart of milk (Hint: Low-fat products are easier to wipe off the tub.)

  1 squeezable bottle of honey

  1 blanket, washable, to protect your bed sheets

  1 strong tongue

  1 Note (with string or ribbon)

  FREE BONUS! e-tease her from

  I COULD HARDLY BELIEVE MY LUCK. A girlfriend and I were sitting at the bar of a beautiful restaurant in LA when I found myself face-to-face with a famous rock star. I might have been a tiny bit starstruck. After all, I used to save my allowance to buy his music, and here he was, talking to me.

  Sadly, I didn’t learn anything about him that you couldn’t read for yourself on Wikipedia. But his friend—now here was a guy who had a fascinating tale to tell. Not only was he rich and devilishly handsome but he’d also lived a bachelor’s dream, and had been with thousands of women around the world. I couldn’t help myself. I just had to ask. “What would you say is the best sex you’ve ever had?”

  Without hesitation, he answered, “The Milk and Honey Massage, in Beijing, China”—the most erotic massage technique I have ever heard of. It involved milk and honey, slathered on with a soft brush, and then lovingly removed with an exceedingly thorough tongue bath. Wow. I wanted my own Milk and Honey Massage!

  I knew my readers would want one, too, so I took the idea home and finally came up with a recipe any man can follow. Yes, it involves milk and honey, but at its core, this technique is about attention. Complete, total focus on your partner’s sensual pleasure. Sexual service + romance + a killer skin conditioning treatment = every woman’s dream! (And it costs practically nothing. Seriously, dollars to orgasms, it’s the best value in the book.)

  The ingredients might already be in your own home, and if not, it’s easy to find a quart of milk and a small squeeze jar of honey. Tie them together with a ribbon or string, and attach a note to them in the fridge: “Don’t touch! I have a surprise for you this week!” Promise her a surprise, create some romantic anticipation, and you’re halfway to Great Sex already. Pick a night when you’re staying in, and offer to draw a bath for her. Add three or four cups of milk to create a special treat, an exfoliant milk bath.

  Be sure to set a romantic scene for her, with candles in the bathroom and music on the stereo. And make sure to get an old washable blanket and lay it across your bed. Trust me on this, she’ll be much more relaxed if she knows she won’t have to clean up a big mess afterwards.

  As she finishes her bath, bring her the honey and offer her a proposition. “I want to play a little game with you. After I leave the bathroom, I want you to hide six dabs of honey anywhere on your body. Anywhere at all,” you say, “kind of like this.” Squeeze a few drops on the side of her neck, just above her collarbone. Don’t let it run; instead, rub it with your fingertip into a small, sticky circle.

  “And then,” you continue, “I’m going to try to find them all. Like this.” Lean in and lick it off, suck it off, nibble it off, and just in case you missed some, move up to her ear, and the back of her neck, gently nuzzling and kissing her everywhere you go. Make it perfectly clear that you expect to give your tongue a real workout tonight. “Remember, six little dabs. Hide them anywhere, front and back, and then come join me in the bedroom.”

  Find your honey’s honey. Connect the dots with your tongue. Work the areas that don’t usually get enough attention. Knees and toes, shoulders and wrists, breasts, nipples, thighs, bum; pay them all a visit. Finally, of course, you need to focus on your real goal, your honeypie’s Honeypot. And at this point, you should take your cue from my new bar friend, the one with the amazing China tale:

  Every story needs a dàtuányuán. (A happy ending!)

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  1 bottle of massage oil


  sexy music

  dryer full of warm towels and a bathrobe

  1 hot shower

  FOR A WOMAN, THIS IS FANTASY SEX. Dream sex. Ultimate sex.

  Don’t worry, your turn is coming. And it’ll be an all-out circus complete with blow jobs, I promise. Real guy sex. But this week you’re going to give your woman the kind of erotic experience she would buy for herself, if she were that kind of gal. Actually, it’s the kind of sex she’s secretly wishing for every time she goes to a luxury spa. Call girls even have a name for it: Massage... with release. That’ll be a hundred dollars, please.

  Tonights erotic play starts with a tease a few days ahead of time. Send her an email that says something like this:

  What’s better than a massage?

  You’re going to find out this weekend.

  Saturday Night’s agenda:

  7:15 Relaxing, candlelit bath (just for you)

  7:45 Warm towels, warm robe

  8:00 Massage

  8:15 Rocket Massage

  Sunday’s agenda:


  What is it about towels and robes that have just come out of the dryer? Maybe they pick up some sort of magic in there, because every woman is transported to a happier place as soon as she wraps herself
up in them. But that’s nothing compared to the happy place you’re about to take her.

  Start with a regular massage, with her facing down on the bed. Warm room, soft music, flickering candles. Work her shoulders like a pro... but kiss her neck like a lover. Rub her feet with hot oil... but straddle her thighs while you do it, so she can feel your erection growing. But don’t rush into sex just yet — you want to give her time to think about it while she’s enjoying her massage.

  Slowly raise the stakes. Let your hands roam where no professional would go. Keep kneading her muscles, but let your penis glide between her thighs and press up against her outer lips. Slip it inside, but only a few inches, and for only a few strokes. Pull out, and keep massaging her back. A minute later, pull her legs apart and slip back in. This time, let her feel your weight and a firm thrust... then pull out and continue rubbing her back. Then do it all again.

  Take your time, alternating between massage, tongue, and penis, pushing her up through layer after layer of stimulation, until she’s standing right on that precious, blissful edge of orgasm.

  Then push her over. You’re gonna love the ride down.

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