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Fox Dish (Madison Wolves #6)

Page 20

by Robin Roseau

Over lunch, I reviewed my notes. I felt fairly good so far. I was going to go for a complete acquittal, but I was sure I'd be found guilty of at least a few of the charges. I had, after all, been insubordinate.

  When we reconvened, Daniel again asked if there were issues to discuss before we proceeded.

  "Why is Brooke here?" I asked suddenly. "Is she your bodyguard, Alpha?"

  "No," Brooke said quietly. "I am your potential executioner."

  "Oh," I said in a small voice. I had assumed it would be Elisabeth, but then perhaps Lara couldn't have handled that. "Well," I said more cheerfully. "I intend to make this a wasted week for you."

  "I would be very pleased if you did," she replied.

  "All right," I said. "Everything I said about killing the enforcers goes over twice for Brody Mortens and Johnny Mack."

  "You were not seeing to your safety," Lara said immediately. "Johnny Mack nearly killed you."

  "Oh please," I said. "I engineered every second of that fight. I was surprised by his speed, but he was still slower than either you or Elisabeth, and with my knives, I can take either of you three times out of four, and I can do it at the end of a long sparring session when I'm tired. He was child's play."

  "He nearly killed you!" Lara screamed at me. "Michaela, he nearly killed you."

  I turned to Wendy. "How would you have categorized my emotional state at the start of the fight?"


  "Excuse me. I'm not asking for your interpretation after the fact. I am asking about your impression at the start of the fight."

  "Oh, my apologies. You smelled terrified. Far, far more terrified than you did last week."

  "What else?"

  "Your hands were shaking."

  "And once the fight started?"

  "You acted like prey," she said. "You didn't even draw your knives."

  I turned away from her, looked around the room, then set my gaze on Christopher West. I walked around the outside of the room until I was standing in front of him. "Mr. West, would you stand, please?"


  "You're not afraid of me, are you?" I asked. I didn't show him I had a sharpened pencil hidden in each hand.

  "Of course not," he said. He stood up and puffed out his chest.

  I imagined him as Johnny Mack, but even bigger and faster. I imagined him as the fastest, strongest wolf I had ever encountered, and I knew, absolutely knew he wanted me dead.

  "Well?" he asked after a minute.

  I continued to imagine him as a threat. Then I imagined what would happen to my babies if this asshole managed to get rid of me, and immediately I felt my heart rate increase. I thought about Flora and Fauna, dead now so many years, and the wolves who had killed them. I imagined Christopher West as one of those wolves, come back from the dead to kill Rebecca and Celeste, my lovely, lovely little wolf babies.

  My heart began to pound, and I felt the adrenalin moving through my system.

  I thought about the photos Elisabeth had shown me last fall, photos of gravestones with Rebecca's and Celeste's names on them.

  I began panting in my fear.

  I knew, I absolutely knew, if I died, my babies would die.

  I backed away from Christopher West, slowly backed away, sliding past Daniel and Brooke.

  I could hear Lara's heart rate, increasing in response to my clear fear. I couldn't smell my fear yet, but I knew I had to be giving out fear scent.

  Finally I took several deep breaths. "It takes a while to calm down when I do that," I said, trying to be calm. I looked at Lara. "There is no threat, honey. You can calm down. I am safe."

  She nodded, but I saw Elisabeth's hand on her arm, and I knew it had been difficult for her to stay seated while I had displayed such clear signs of panic.

  "Daniel," I said. "I can't smell myself."

  "You stink of fear. It is nearly overwhelming." I looked, and his hands were gripping the edge of his chair. So were Brooke's and Serena's.

  "It affects all of you so strongly?" I asked.

  "Yes," Daniel said. "We all want to protect you, and we're not even sure from what."

  I took several more deep breaths, then I threw the two pencils onto the desk. "What affect do you suppose it had on Johnny Mack?" I asked, the question rhetorical. "I believe a short recess would be appropriate. You can air out the room. I will shower. Do I need fresh clothes?"

  "Yes," Daniel said. "Go. Someone will bring you a change."

  Wendy and Cameron beat me to the door and hurried in my wake as I headed to the bathroom, shedding clothes on the way. At the bathroom door, I turned. "I'll need a sniff test in fifteen minutes."

  Wendy nodded. "I'll fetched fresh clothes for you then step in. You know the cameras will need to be on."

  "I don't care," I said.

  * * * *

  "My apologies," I said once everyone was back in place. I stood at the end of the table wearing a fresh blouse and black skirt, my hair pulled back and still wet.

  "I would like to understand your demonstration," Daniel said.

  I smiled. "Does anyone doubt my ability to generate a fear response on command?"

  Christopher West puffed out his chest. "You were terrified of me. As you should be."

  "God, you're an idiot," Wendy said before she could hold it in.

  "Silence!" Daniel said to her. "Oh hell, everyone was thinking it. Michaela, the pencils were surrogate knives?"

  "Who wants to see how quickly I can kill with them?"

  "I wouldn't mind," Scarlett muttered.

  "No more comments like that, Scarlett," Lara said.

  "Yes, Alpha," she replied. She didn't look at all contrite.

  I turned to Wendy. "Did you get a chance to judge Johnny Mack?"

  "Yes, I believe so."

  "Your assessment?"

  "Big. Strong. Long, long reach. Deadly to anyone untrained."

  "Better than you?"

  She laughed. "No. He was an amateur. He was big, strong, and with a long reach. He was relatively fast, but nearly everyone in this room is faster. But this room is filled with the elite."

  "Who in the room is fastest, that you've seen?" I asked her.

  "You mean after you?" she asked.

  I looked around. "Without my knives, every wolf in the room can take me. Even Scarlett, and she is untrained. With my knives, the results are different. Do I need to prove it, or have I done so sufficiently in the past?"

  I looked at Lara. "He almost killed you, Michaela," she said.

  "I let him believe he was going to win because it amused me to do so, Lara. I displayed a fear scent to ensure neither Brody Mortens or Johnny Mack backed out. That left me with an adrenalin overdose, resulting in the shakes, so I took my time at the beginning while flushing the adrenalin out of my system. I needed some time to calm down. But after that, I could have killed him several times over, especially once I let him finally catch me. He didn't want a quick kill. He wanted to beat me up for a while first. My evidence is simple. I am here. He is not. And my win was decisive."

  "You have been given repeated orders to see to your safety," she said. "I wish to add another charge of aggravated insubordination for letting the fight drag on longer than necessary. That is dangerous."

  I sighed. I couldn't argue against that.

  I turned to Daniel. "I believe I have addressed all charges of dereliction of duty."

  He nodded.

  I stepped away from the table, considering the remaining charges. Finally I turned back. "It would be ridiculous to charge me with extreme insubordination for not accepting a security detail."

  "It is an ironic charge," Daniel admitted. "Are you asking it be dismissed?"

  "No," I said. "From the very beginning, I have repeatedly stated to almost anyone who would listen that I am responsible for my own safety. I accept help from time to time, but by and large, I am responsible for my own safety. Not Lara, not Elisabeth, not Serena. And thus, I am the final arbiter of when I require a security detail a
nd when I do not."

  "And look how wrong you were this past October," Elisabeth said.

  "Quite," I said. "I trusted the wrong wolf." I went on. "I am the one responsible for my safety, and I reject the notion that a security team can be forced on me against my will." I stared at Daniel. "I reject the notion that I am a prisoner whose movements can be limited through the decisions of anyone else. I have free will and I will continue to exercise it."

  I looked at Lara. "We have fought over this since the beginning of our relationship. Has my position been clear?"

  "Yes. Has mine?"

  "When I was invited to the pack, if you told me I could face charges of insubordination for ditching my security detail, do you think I would have accepted?"

  "No," she said quietly.

  "When I talked to you and Elisabeth prior to accepting pack membership, we discussed how I would respond if you became heavy-handed over my personal choices." I looked around the room and raised an eyebrow.

  Lara paused before responding. "Whether you like it or not, I am responsible for your safety. You knew that was my position before accepting the offer to join the pack. Furthermore, you knew how protective I was, and you knew that while I don't want to be heavy-handed, as alpha I have the right. It is my responsibility to protect you as I best see fit, and it is my right to order you to accept your protection detail."

  We glared at each other. My heart was pounding in anger. I turned away and tried to pull my emotions back under control. I remained angry, but I reigned it in enough I could control my words. I turned back around and took a large breath of air.

  "I am a fox, not a wolf," I stated. "I do not concede this point. I will argue to my dying breath that I am a sentient creature and make my own decisions. While I agree that membership in the pack comes with obligations and responsibilities, I fiercely deny the cost of pack membership includes my freedom." I looked directly at Daniel. "If you find me guilty of this charge, you are telling me I am her property." I pointed at Lara. "I require a short break."

  Daniel nodded. "Ten minutes."

  * * * *

  Calmer, although not calm, I look around the room and consulted my notes.

  "That leaves insubordination for defying Lara's order there would be no retribution. I am Michaela Burns, Madison Alpha. I promised Brody Mortens, Johnny Mack, and the enforcers who were involved in my kidnapping that they would die. My promise predates Lara's orders to the contrary. Furthermore, it was absolutely my duty to do what I did. I stand by my decision."

  I paused.

  "Furthermore, in effect, Lara rescinded her order the day Greg came to visit us this past autumn. She gave me permission to plan an assault."

  "I did not give you permission to carry it out."

  "No," I said. "But I argue the original order was no longer in force, and I suggest that it was an order that shouldn't have been given, anyway. After all, you shouldn't give orders forcing me to break such important promises." I smiled sweetly at her.

  She scowled at me.

  "Unless there are additional charges," I said. "I have nothing further."

  I sat down.

  Daniel looked at me then looked around the room. "Does anyone have anything further to say?"

  "She is a loose canon!" Christopher West yelled. "She threatens council members. She refuses to recognize her proper place in the pack. She flouts pack tradition." He began to sputter.

  Daniel let him sputter, and when he finally wound down, Daniel said, "Anything else? No? Then I will render my judgment in the morning. The prisoner will remain a prisoner, and the isolation will remain in force until I have rendered judgment. I do not want any last minute appeals for mercy to be colored by charges of collusion."

  * * * *

  Greg visited me later. "Elisabeth has talked Lara out of a run with you tonight."

  "I understand," I said. "Thank you for telling me." I paused. "Do you believe I should ask you for one last run?"

  He laughed. "No."

  "Greg, we're not better. I don't know if we're going to be better. What you did was damned shitty, regardless of the motives."

  "Do you intend to say those same words to anyone else?"

  "I will certainly have words for Lara. I do not know whom else. No one else tricked me into giving evidence to be used against me."

  He sighed. "Perhaps you haven't finished thinking everything through." And then he stepped away, and I was alone for the evening.

  * * * *

  I sat bolt upright in the middle of the night.

  Greg hadn't given evidence against me. He had given evidence of my commitment to duty coupled with my competence in doing it.

  I curled up and went back to sleep.



  I ate a sparing breakfast. Wendy tsked at me.

  "What?" I said. "It's not like it's a last meal." I frowned. "If I have a last meal, it damned well better include spicy tuna rolls and some tuna nigiri!"

  She smiled but didn't respond.

  I looked up at her. "I'm nervous, Wendy. I won't keep more down."

  She nodded and took the rest away, although I snagged the water from the tray.

  I showered afterwards, and when I was done, I found a pure white dress waiting for me. I smiled at it. I decided it was Lara displaying a rare sense of humor. Sacrificial white.

  I returned to my room and waited nervously, pacing the room.

  Wendy and Cameron arrived to escort me to the hearing room one last time. They didn't touch me but flanked me instead, acting more like honor guards than prison guards.

  Everyone was waiting for me. My chair was not waiting, so I moved to the foot of the table and stood proudly.

  I looked around the room. Brooke wasn't giving anything away; either Daniel hadn't told her what to expect, or else she just wasn't sufficiently invested to give anything away. Christopher West didn't look pleased, but I didn't particularly care. Lara looked nervous. Her jaw was tight and her forehead furrowed, and she was clasping her hands together under the table. I could see from the set of her arms. Elisabeth was calmer. Serena looked at me with some worry, and Angel and Scarlett were clasping hands and both looked nervous.

  I wonder if anything had been discussed before I arrived.

  "Does anyone have anything to say before I render judgment?" Daniel asked.

  I thought about commenting, but I was pretty sure Daniel had already made all his decisions, and nothing I could say would improve my position. I shook my head, and everyone else remained silent.

  Daniel picked up a piece of paper.

  "I do not enjoy these types of proceedings," he stated. "I do not enjoy hearing the types of charges we have discussed this past week. I do not enjoy rendering judgment on issues such as these."

  I thought about apologizing but kept my mouth closed.

  "Michaela Burns, Omega Fox and Alpha of the Madison Weres, you have been charged with a lengthy list of offenses. The counts of trespassing on pack lands were dismissed. The counts of endangerment of a valued pack asset were wisely dismissed. Four charges of insubordination were dismissed. The remaining charges remain before us."

  He took a breath. "Michaela you have argued that it was your intention to return to Madison to, as you say, take your lumps and afterwards resume your duties. You did not do so. However, I believe you honestly feel you would have if you weren't led to believe you had been banished. While you should have verified your banishment, I believe your pack leadership had ample opportunity to inform you it had not been carried out. Therefore, I find you not guilty on the charges of abandonment and dereliction of duty as regards your school duties."

  "Thank you," I said.

  Christopher West began to sputter. Daniel turned to him. "Oh shut up. Or I will charge you with contempt of court."

  Christopher shut up.

  I couldn't believe he hadn't charged me with that. He turned back to me and smiled. "I did not believe adding insult to your existing i
njuries would help the situation."

  "Thank you."

  "You have pled guilty to one charge of subordination but left it to the court to determine the severity. I find you guilty of one charge of insubordination for the events last Tuesday. I will list sentencing shortly."

  I nodded.

  "You are charged with two counts of insubordination for refusing Lara's orders to return to Madison. You have argued that Lara phrased them as requests, and Lara admits to having done so. You have both stated you recognize the difference between requests from a mate and orders from the alpha, and everyone here knows Lara is able to make it clear when she is making an order. I find you not guilty of these two charges."

  "Thank you," I told him.

  Daniel set the paper down and looked straight at me. "I find this next charge disturbing. Lara has ordered you to see to your safety. You admit to intentionally dragging out a challenge match for what appears to be the simple reason that you felt you could. You did so against an opponent you have described as a 'rabid dog that needed to be put down'. I agree with your assessment of the individual in question."

  Daniel paused, studying me. "I do not fully understand why you felt the need to display signs of fear at the start of the fight. Will you explain?"

  "I wanted him overconfident."

  "Did you think he would make mistakes by being overconfident?"

  "Oh," I said. "No, I'm sorry. No, I didn't want them to back out. That's all. I wanted to be absolutely sure the fight would start as a one-on-one challenge fight. I made sure to give Johnny Mack every reason to believe I would be easy prey. Maybe it wasn't necessary. Maybe it was poor judgment. I would welcome your wisdom."

  "Are you appealing to my vanity?"

  "No. You are a strong male wolf. I am a fox. You have perspective I do not have."

  Daniel quietly consulted with Brooke, primarily through looks. He turned back to me. "I cannot judge Johnny Mack's state of mind; I find it unlikely the lengths you took were necessary. But I do not find fault with you, either. You are building a reputation, and perhaps helping him underestimate you was, indeed, necessary." But he folded his hands. "I understand the need to pull yourself fully together before completely engaging with Mr. Mack, and thus you were required to drag the fight out at the beginning. But you admit to dragging it out longer than necessary, perhaps significantly longer than necessary, and you have admitted you did so because it amused you to do so. I believe you were showing off."


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