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Fox Dish (Madison Wolves #6)

Page 21

by Robin Roseau

  He paused, shaking his head. "If Brooke were ever to drag out a fight without a much better reason than you have given, I would be livid with her. I find you guilty of insubordination." He turned to Lara. "And if she were ever to do it again, I would elevate future charges to aggravated insubordination."

  He turned back to me. "When you have a rabid animal to put down, you put him down. You don't play with him. Doing so is not seeing to your personal safety, an order you should follow in the future."

  "Yes, Alpha," I said, trying to sound contrite. "I wouldn't say showing off, sir, but I would say savoring. That's an ugly trait when wolves do it, and it isn't any less ugly when I do it. It won't happen again."

  Daniel nodded. "Your alpha ordered no retribution against the Iowa City wolves. I do not buy your argument she rescinded her offer by allowing you to plan an assault. I don't believe you do, either. Guilty of aggravated insubordination."

  "Yes, Alpha," I said. I agreed with his verdict. It was the only one I had expected to face when I'd started this.

  Christopher West was looking much happier, but he was going to be disappointed. Daniel wouldn't have bothered lecturing me if he were going to have me executed.

  "You have been ordered to accept a security detail. You have been charged with one count of insubordination for evading your security detail. However, we have heard testimony of three times you have evaded your security."

  I wasn't expecting this.

  "You evaded your security, and you were kidnapped. You evaded your security with the intention of enacting vengeance, and you turned around only because you were tricked to do so. And you evaded your security a third time, again with the intention of enacting vengeance."

  He paused.

  "I miss-spoke. You evaded your security with the intention of engaging in actions your security team would have prevented, actions that would be dangerous to you. I suspect there are other times you have evaded your security, but I am not concerned with a pack member who wants a few minutes of solitude. The constant attention is wearing, and I understand that. I find you guilty of one charge of insubordination for the first of these three offenses, the one that directly led to your kidnapping, and two charges of aggravated insubordination for the other two occurrences."

  I glared at him but managed to press my lips closed. Daniel set his notes down and folded his hands together, then looked up at me.

  "I am not declaring you property. You are, however, a member of a wolf pack. You accepted membership, and I believe you understood the implications when you accepted. Furthermore, you are the alpha's mate, and I believe you understand the related implications of that as well." He looked down for a moment then back up at me. "Do you believe Ysabella enjoys her restrictions?"

  Ysabella was Daniel's mate, and she had far harsher restrictions than I did.

  "No," I said sullenly.

  "No one expects you to like it, Michaela," he said. "But we do expect you to accept it." He paused again. "Your alpha has both the responsibility and the right to order you or anyone else in the pack to accept protection. Do you understand?"

  "Why am I the only member of the pack in this position?"

  "Because you are the alpha's mate. And you are not the only member. Your children are in the same position. Whether you like it or not, it is necessary."

  I glared at him, and my mouth got away from me. "If wolves weren't arrogant, murdering assholes, it wouldn't be necessary."

  There was a collective intake of air. Daniel tightened his mouth for a moment but managed to speak calmly. "That is not an accurate description of anyone in this room."

  I looked down. He was right. "I'm sorry. You are right."

  The room was silent until Daniel spoke again. "Most wolves are arrogant. That includes many of the wolves in this room. It certainly includes me and your alpha. It also includes the fox in the room."

  I kept my head down but nodded.

  "Some wolves are murdering assholes," Daniel said. "That is the reality of the world. It is a reality everyone in this room would change if we could."

  I looked up. "I am doing my part," I said. "One-hundred and sixteen."

  "Quite," Daniel said. "But in the future, you will do so with whatever security your alpha orders. Do I make myself clear?"

  I stared at him for a moment. "Yes, Alpha."

  He scanned his list. "That addresses everything except the most serious charges, dereliction of duty. I have already addressed one of these charges. There are four charges of dereliction of duty remaining, and if you weren't doing your duty, I would be forced to find you guilty of extreme dereliction of duty. However, you most certainly were doing your duty!" He spoke quite firmly at the end. "Not guilty."

  "What?" said Christopher West. "Of course she's guilty!"

  "You, sir, I find in contempt of court," Daniel said immediately. "Greg, see to it this man spends a night in one of your cells, beginning immediately."

  "What?" Christopher said. But Greg gestured, and four of his wolves stepped forward and firmly escorted Christopher from the room. We heard his ranting all the way down the hall.

  I tried very hard not to smile. I failed.

  "Thank you, Alpha," I said when Daniel turned back to me.

  "For the verdict, or for the contempt charge?"

  "I was thanking you for the verdict. I would not rejoice in the contempt charge."

  "There is hope for you yet, Ms. Burns." He looked around the room. "Does anyone wish to contest my findings?"

  "No, Alpha," Lara said immediately.

  "No, Alpha," I echoed.

  Everyone else remained silent.

  Daniel turned to Lara. "Do you wish me to assign sentencing?"

  "Yes, thank you."

  Daniel turned to me. "Michaela Burns, I have found you guilty of one count of insubordination for evading your security detail, leading to your capture. I believe you have suffered more than sufficiently for that offense."

  I nodded.

  "There are two other counts of insubordination. I sentence you to twenty-five hours of pack service per charge. I presume the Madison pack has a means of assigning duties and tracking your time."

  "We do," Lara said.

  "That leaves three charges of aggravated insubordination." Daniel leaned forward, studying me. "Lara, what is the typical Madison pack punishment for aggravated insubordination?"

  "Typically a beating," Lara said. "For repeat offenders, a particularly severe beating. Daniel, she breaks too easily for that. I can not possibly allow anyone else to touch her, and I couldn't bring myself to do it personally."

  "A beating would be a wolf punishment, but she is not a wolf," Daniel agreed. "And the charges are too severe to accept pack service."

  Daniel frowned. "I dislike incarceration, as it consumes pack resources and takes an otherwise useful pack member and turns her into a drain on the pack." He sighed. "A beating would be so much easier. Two months house arrest. Credit for time served. You may leave your home to perform your duties for the pack as determined by your alpha. You may use the gym for physical health. You are otherwise confined to your home. You will not run and you will not shift to fox."

  "Lara?" I asked.

  "You contest my punishment?" Daniel asked sternly.

  "I have a duty that requires me to briefly shift back and forth to fox."

  "How briefly?"

  "Less than a minute as fox."

  "I will allow you to perform this duty," he said, "subject to approval by your alpha."

  "Thank you, Alpha."

  Daniel looked at Lara. Lara was frowning and looked upset, but I didn't understand why. Daniel turned to me.

  "Furthermore, your rights as alpha are suspended until you have fulfilled your sentencing." He paused. "Your alpha may choose to override this portion of your sentence if required in the conduct of pack business."

  "Yes, Alpha," I said.

  "Last, until you have completed your sentence, you will offer your throat to th
e enforcers of your pack, and you will submit to their authority."

  I looked down. "Yes, Alpha."

  Daniel looked around the room. "Unless I have missed something, I believe these proceedings are complete."

  "I concur, Alpha," Lara said. "Thank you so much for your assistance."

  "Thank you, Alpha," I told him.

  And then, I only had eyes for Lara, and she turned to me.

  Daniel smiled at both of us. "Sentencing to commence upon arrival in Madison. Go on, you two. Get out of here."

  Lara and I ran around the table, meeting each other in the middle behind Serena. She pulled me into a crushing hug, which I returned. But then I held my hand out, searching for whoever was beside me. I found Serena's hand and pulled her into the hug. And then Elisabeth was there, and Angel and Scarlett, and they all hugged me.

  Everything was all right again.

  * * * *

  We left the next morning, traveling by small convoy to the airport. I was not involved in any of the details or discussions of how we would travel but simply went where I was told.

  Our SUV pulled up in front of a small jet at the airport. Elisabeth and Angel searched the plane while Lara, Serena, Scarlett and I waited in the car. By the time they were done, the rest of the convoy had had disgorged its occupants, and I saw Greg, Wendy, Cameron, and several other of Greg's enforcers. Daniel and Brooke arrived with their own contingent of enforcers to see us off. Councilmen West and Stein were not in sight.

  I looked out the window and turned to my head of security. "Serena, I will be traveling straight from the car to the aircraft."

  She faced me and raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" she said. "You will do what you are told."

  I stared into her eyes for a minute; she stared back without speaking.

  "Right," I said. "Of course." For the next two months, I was not the alpha and would answer to her. And even to Angel, I presumed. "Serena, I would prefer to travel straight from the car to the aircraft without engaging in discussions with anyone along the way."

  Lara pursed her lips but didn't say anything.

  Angel and Elisabeth reappeared a few seconds later. With Angel flanking her, Elisabeth stopped by to talk briefly with Daniel and Brooke and then with Greg and Wendy. I could have listened in to the conversations if I focused on doing so, but I ignored them. When Elisabeth turned towards our SUV, Serena told me, "Wait in the car." She and Lara stepped out and closed the door. Lara headed for Daniel, grabbing Angel on the way. Serena and Elisabeth stood immediately outside the car where I waited with Scarlett.

  "I had to remind her," Serena said.

  "How did she take it?" Elisabeth asked.

  They had to know I could hear every word, and it wasn't any effort to do so.

  "Fine," Serena said. "She'll accept you and me. I don't know about the other enforcers."

  "She'll be fine," Elisabeth said. "She knows she got off lightly. She'll make a game of it." Elisabeth turned and faced directly into the car where I was sitting. I wasn't sure she could see me through the tinted windows, but she knew where I was. "Won't she?" Elisabeth asked.

  I thought for just a moment then nodded. Elisabeth seemed satisfied.

  "Why is she still in the car?" Elisabeth asked.

  "She requested permission to travel straight to the aircraft," Serena explained.

  "Ah." Elisabeth watched Lara talking to Daniel. I glanced in that direction and saw that Greg and Wendy had been invited to the conversation. Angel flanked Lara, and I smiled, watching her settle into her role as enforcer. "Is she angry with us?"

  "Not at me," Serena said. "But I haven't given her reason to be."

  "Even I can hear them," Scarlett said quietly into my ear.

  "I know," I told her. "This conversation is for me."

  "Michaela," Scarlett started to say, "Angel-"

  "Hush," I said immediately. "There is more going on, honey. It's politics. Keep your mouth shut. I haven't figured it all out, but I will."

  I turned to face her. She looked hurt.

  "Honey," I said. "I didn't get it until you showed me your tattoo. And Angel wore a skirt! Where did she get a skirt?"

  "It's one of mine," Scarlett replied.

  "What did it take to get her into it?"

  "It was her idea," Scarlett said.

  "All right," I said. "No more. Do you understand why?"


  I smiled. "Neither do I." But I caressed her cheek. She clasped my hand but didn't say anything else.

  I wondered whether Scarlett had been left in the car with me for a reason. Perhaps she had, but I wasn't going to let her get into trouble. I was done letting Lara use my friends to deliver messages she should deliver herself.

  We sat quietly for another minute before Serena opened the car door. "Scarlett," Serena said. "Stay with Elisabeth. Michaela, come with me."

  I climbed out first. Serena took my arm in a firm grip, and together we walked directly to the aircraft stairs. I glanced down at her grip; it was completely unnecessary.


  "Get used to it," Serena replied.

  "Serena, I have had enough of being kept in the dark. You don't think I'm going to run away, so this is something else."

  "Right now," she said in a very quiet voice. "It is diplomacy."

  She was treating me like a prisoner, offering an excuse for my snubbing Daniel and Greg.

  "All right," I said. "And when we get home."

  "Then it is diplomacy of a different nature," she said.

  "And if I want a more detailed explanation?"

  "That is a conversation for the alpha or the head enforcer," Serena replied.

  "Thank you for explaining what you could," I replied.

  We arrived at the steps into the aircraft. Serena gently pushed me ahead of her, a hand on my shoulder as we climbed the short stairs together. Serena's tread changed as she ducked to avoid the ceiling. I stood up as straight as I could, a subtle expression of humor. We turned to the right, and Serena pointed to the first seat on my left, pushing me into the seat. "Buckle in," she ordered.

  Once I complied, she sat down on the seat across the aisle from me, sitting at an angle so she was facing me. I was fairly sure that would be Lara's seat.

  "Thank you," I told her.

  She nodded.

  We watched each other. Her heart rate was slightly elevated, and I couldn't tell why. I cocked my head, listening to her.

  "What's wrong, Serena?"

  "Nothing is wrong," she replied.

  "You can tell me it's none of my business," I told her. I cocked my head the other way and asked in a small voice, "Do you hate me?"

  "What?" she said. "No, of course not."

  "Are you angry with me?"

  "No." She narrowed her eyes. "Are you contemplating giving me reason to?"

  "Your heart rate is elevated," I said. "Are we still friends?"

  She smiled, but it was hesitant. She nodded. "Always."

  I returned the smile. "Please tell me what is wrong, Serena."

  She looked away, but I leaned forward and grabbed her hand. I knew that would make her uncomfortable, so I only squeezed it for a moment before releasing it.

  "I fully intend to be a model prisoner, Serena," I assured her.

  "I know," she said quietly. "Have you ever gone two months without shifting?"

  "Serena," I said. "Please listen very carefully. I didn't appreciate the way some of this was handled. I trust Lara had very good reasons for it, and I'm sure you realize she and I will be discussing those reasons. But I know who the real enemy is. And you know how stubborn I am. Do you think I am going to let the enemy win?"

  She turned back to face me, not answering.

  "Christopher West wanted me disgraced and probably executed. There are other members of the council who, at the very least, wanted me put in my place. I knew when I started this Lara would be forced to punish me somehow. The punishment Daniel handed down is about what I expec
ted. I don't promise I won't turn moody. I don't promise I will respond well if the enforcers push me too far. But the worst you are going to get from me is a smart mouth."

  "And if I get a smart mouth from you, I am obligated to deal with it," she said. "Or worse, let Gia do it. How are you going to respond if she disciplines you?"

  "Good question," I said. "I don't know. Probably poorly." I looked out the window for a while. "Serena, do you think Daniel is punishing you along with me?"

  "Yes," she said. "I had the clues to know you weren't done with this."

  "I'm sorry," I told her.

  "I'm not."

  My head snapped back to stare at her.

  "Don't you dare repeat this," she said. "I am so proud of you, Michaela."

  I couldn't help but smile at her praise.

  "May I see the tattoo?" I asked her.

  She immediately lifted her leg and set her foot across my knee. I pushed up the hem of her jeans and admired the tattoo, brushing my fingers across it.

  "Scarlett did it for me," Serena said. "The second night you were gone."

  "The night I thought I was banished?"


  I leaned over and kissed her ankle. I didn't have any other words. She let me caress the tattoo once more before pulling her leg back.

  "You are going to need to look contrite," Serena said.

  I considered what she said. "I am sorry I couldn't find a way to do my duty without violating the alpha's orders."

  After that, we sat quietly. Once there was a commotion at the doorway, Serena rose from her seat and moved into the aisle, ducking from the low ceiling. She stood behind me, a firm hand on my shoulder.

  I looked up at her.

  "Get used to it?"

  She nodded.

  It felt nice.

  * * * *

  I waited until we were in the air before I turned to Lara. "Why the duplicity?" I asked her. "Why couldn't you be up front with me?"

  Lara frowned before unbuckling her belt and standing up. She turned backwards to address Elisabeth, Serena, Angel and Scarlett. "I am giving all of you a direct order," she said in her best Alpha voice. "None of you are to talk to Michaela about any of this. Not a peep. Not a hint. Nothing. Do I make myself clear?"


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