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Her Secret Thrill

Page 14

by Donna Kauffman

  “You’re breaking the rules,” she said on a stunned whisper. He was stroking himself through his pants.

  “Sue me,” he choked out. “Just don’t stop.”

  Natalie had never done this before, had always thought it would feel somehow demeaning to…perform like this, for a man. Only now did she realize it was the exact opposite. The power was heady, in fact. And seeing him like this…she wanted to see him stroke himself for real. He’d done it once, one stroke, but she wanted more. Just picturing it made her entire body blush and heat at the same time.

  “Take off your pants,” she instructed.

  His eyes widened a bit at the harsh command. But she was so needy now, she didn’t care. As long as he complied.

  And he did.

  Not as slowly as she had, but no less provocatively. He all but ripped them off—jeans, briefs, socks shoes, everything.

  “Shirt, too.”


  She was shuddering with need. He was rock-hard for her. “Don’t—” She had to gulp air. “Don’t stop what you were doing.”

  He grinned now, and there was something almost primal about it. “I won’t if you won’t.”

  Could a person faint from pleasure overload when she wasn’t even being touched? She wasn’t sure, but she might find out.

  He touched himself, watching her as he did so. She swallowed hard as he wrapped his fingers around the pulsing length and slowly moved his hand up, then down.

  She raised her hands to her breasts. His deep groan as she fingered her own firm nipples was one of the most gratifying sounds she’d ever heard.

  She somehow managed to climb to her knees again, the trembling in her limbs so strong, she felt almost clumsy with it. His smile was bold, encouraging, the desire in his eyes so wondrous a thing that she almost climbed on him right then. But this wasn’t over yet.

  She turned her back to him and slowly slid her panties down over her hips. She bent forward just slightly and heard him gasp. It made her bolder, so she slid them down to her knees, then kicked them away, affording him a complete view of her most intimate self. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen up close and personal before, but somehow, displaying herself for him this way made it seem far more intimate…far more erotic.

  His stroking increased and his hips were moving, as she peeked over her shoulder at him. And somehow her hand ended up between her own legs. She wanted to push him further, harder, higher. She let him watch her stroke her fingers along herself.

  “Dear…God…Natalie.” His groan was more a growl this time, his jaw clenched so hard, his throat so tight, she thought he was about to burst. And perhaps he was.

  She crawled to him, moving between his legs.

  “Oh,” he grunted as she replaced his hand with hers. “My,” he managed to say as she lowered her head. “God,” he finished on a long, satisfied groan, as she took him deep into her mouth.

  His hips rocked hard against her, but she didn’t care. She’d never felt so strong, so sure, so…sexual.

  Then his hands were on her shoulders, pulling her up. “Now, Natalie, for the love of Christ, now.” He all but plunged her on top of him.

  She shrieked as he filled her, thinking she’d never felt such a rocketing sense of pleasure in her whole life.

  “Hold on.”

  She gripped his forearms, and he gripped hers as he moved beneath her. She wasn’t even sure who rode who, and she didn’t care. Moans filled the air—hers, his, she lost track. She was panting, screaming, writhing. Her climax was right there, just beyond her reach. He’d move her back, then pull her up tight, knowing just where to rub and just what to do to prolong it.

  Until she couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed his hand and shoved it between them, pushing his fingers where she wanted them. Her climax was so powerful, she swore she saw stars.

  She fell against his chest, mind and body swimming. But he wasn’t done yet. He rolled her to her back so she was beneath him.

  “Roll over,” he said, his voice barely more than a rasp.

  Her body was still clenching from the aftereffects, and he was still deep inside her, setting off sparks with every breath. She didn’t understand what he wanted—hell, she couldn’t have told him her own name at that moment.

  So he did it for her. She whimpered when he pulled out. “But—”

  Then she was on her stomach, and his hands were on her hips. “You liked being on your knees before.”

  She almost came again, just hearing him say that.

  Then he pulled her back onto him, and she shuddered so hard she thought she might come. He pushed into her, again and again. God, he was so deep. Then his hands were sliding up her waist as he bent over her. She braced their weight on her hands, then cried out as his fingers rubbed her nipples. “Oh God, oh God.” She’d thought herself wrung out, but Jake always seemed to realize there was one more waiting.

  One hand stayed on her breasts, his thick fingers moving from one nipple to the other until she was begging him to finish her. From this position there wasn’t the right friction, wasn’t the right—

  And then his other hand slid down over her belly. His hips were like pistons now, the entire bed was rocking. Her body seized up, every muscle tightening, as she silently begged his hand to get there. Now.

  “That’s it,” he said, panting himself. “Hold on.”

  “Now,” she begged. “Now, dammit.”

  And damn him if he didn’t laugh. Breathlessly and with a little groan of his own. “God, you are so tight, so wet, so mine.”

  Yes, she thought. God help me, I am. “Jake.” She was pleading.

  “I want…to be…together…this time.”

  “Just…touch…me.” They were both panting in the rhythm of his thrusts.

  “Come for me…Natalie,” he said in a rush. “Now!” And he slid his fingers over her just as he pushed as deeply into her as he could. He shouted as his climax finally thundered through him. Her shout was muffled by the bed as they fell forward, burying him more deeply into her, his fingers pushing into her pulsing wetness, both of them shaking and shuddering, until finally he rolled off her.

  Natalie couldn’t move. Wasn’t sure if she ever would. Their heavy breathing filled the room, as did the sultry smell of their bodies. The air was heavy with it. She saw the muslin flutter and remembered the open balcony doors, but was so satiated she didn’t care.

  “That is possibly the most satisfied smile I’ve ever seen,” Jake said, his voice gravelly and wonderful.

  She turned her head to find him propped up on one elbow, looking at her. “Yours is pretty damn satisfied, as well.”

  “Appropriately so,” he said, then sighed and rolled to his back.

  “I’m surprised we didn’t get a cheer from the street.”

  He laughed. “Are you sure we didn’t? It was so loud in here, we might not have heard it.” He moved. “I could go check.”

  Her hand came out to stop him. “Jake.”

  He laughed even harder, making her finally move enough to prop herself up on her elbows. She’d been with this man now in every way she could imagine, but not until now had she felt so perfectly comfortable in her own skin around him. What she’d done today, taking control the way she had, at least in the beginning, had changed her. Them. Again. As they seemed to change and grow every time they were together.

  Sadness threatened to overwhelm her, as the reality of the fact that this was their last time— No, she wouldn’t do that to herself. Not now. Nothing had changed. Just because everything felt like it had didn’t mean it had.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked, forcing her mind back to the moment.



  He rolled to her and kissed the tip of her nose, then tugged her closer and kissed her mouth. It was a lingering kiss filled with such tenderness that it made her eyes water.

  “What about me is funny?” she asked, rolling to her back and pushing her hair from her fa
ce, giving herself a moment to clear her eyes.

  “You are this unbelievable siren one moment, then so proper the next.”

  “What, because I didn’t want you parading onto the balcony in your birthday suit, I’m a prude?”

  “Trust me, this street has seen far more provocative displays.”

  “I don’t even want to imagine.”

  “See?” He laughed again.

  But she truly didn’t mind his teasing. In fact, she liked it. Too much. She laid her head down and let her eyes slowly shut. Maybe if she just drifted off to sleep, when she woke up she’d have her sanity back, along with the strength she’d need to walk away from him. Because right at this moment, she simply couldn’t imagine it.

  JAKE HELD HER HAND as they walked through the French Market. He was surprised they were both walking and not limping. Explosive didn’t begin to describe what had taken place a few hours ago.

  Then Jake had seen the clouds shadow her eyes and decided it might be best to get them up and out. Besides, his plan wasn’t to make love to her until she couldn’t walk away from him. Although, he wouldn’t have minded her using that tactic on him. Except, she didn’t have to. He wasn’t going anywhere. He certainly wasn’t walking away from her and what they might have together.

  But he wanted them to spend time together outside the bedroom, the way they had that morning in the museum. He ignored the fact that their trip to the museum had led them directly back to bed. They were combustible. He wouldn’t be surprised if they were still dragging each other off to bed fifty years from now. If he were that lucky.

  He tucked her hand more deeply in his and let her set the pace. She enjoyed the vendors, sampling the food in some, examining the artistry of the wares in others. He simply enjoyed her. He’d heard it said that falling in love opened your eyes to a whole new world, but he’d never believed it. Until now.

  He’d always thought himself very aware, but it was as if everything was amplified now. He smiled. Life in Dolby stereo. But that was how he felt, and he was be ginning to understand where the feeling came from. Now when he saw something, felt something, even smelled something, he thought of her, wanting to share the moment with her. So yes, everything was in fact amplified. By two.

  His stomach chose that moment to growl.

  She looked sideways at him, blushing a little because they were standing at a booth where she’d been trying on bracelets, and clearly the artisan had heard the rumbling sound, too. Jake just shrugged and grinned. “I’m a growing boy.”

  They were at the end of the market, and the lady pointed up the block. “You might want to try Otto’s on Decatur.” She beamed. “My nephew’s place. He makes the best muffelattas.”

  “Thanks,” Jake said. “I’ve never tried one, but I’m into trying new things lately.” He squeezed Natalie’s hand, making her blush again. She’d likely make him pay for that comment later. He couldn’t wait.

  “You two enjoy.”

  “I’m sure we will,” Natalie said, and Jake saw she was trying not to laugh.

  He scooped up the bracelet she’d been admiring and said, “How much?”

  “Jake, no, really.”

  He ignored her. The vendor’s eyes narrowed as she sized him up. In the end he didn’t haggle and paid her named price. She merely shook her head and said, “Love. Makes men’s heads go thick.”

  “Yeah,” he said with a grin, “but it’s good for business, no?”

  She laughed and started to carefully wrap the trinket, but Jake shook his head. “Not necessary. She’ll wear it.”

  “Oh, she will?” Natalie asked, but there was a teasing light in her eyes.

  “Yes,” he said, looking directly into them. “She will.”

  He enjoyed watching her pupils dilate. She fumbled with the bracelet. “So she will,” she murmured, as he pushed her hand aside and clasped it together himself.

  He shot a wink at the vendor as they turned to go.

  “You keep that one,” the lady called out as they left. “He is good for you.”

  Jake wanted to agree with her, but he restrained himself. “So, you up for trying a muffelatta? If I’m not mistaken, they’re huge. We can share one.”

  She looked up at him from beneath her lashes and said, “Why, I’m sure I can handle a huge one all by myself.”

  Jake almost choked. Natalie laughed outright.

  It was right on the tip of his tongue that very moment to tell her he loved her. That he loved how she kept him guessing, kept him wanting more.

  He actually had to force the words back. But he would tell her, when the time was right. They walked up the block, the sun bouncing off the bracelet, almost, but not quite, as bright as her smile. He was thankful the clouds were gone from her eyes. For now.

  And if he had his way, forever.


  EVENING FOUND THEM boarding the Natchez steamboat for a dinner cruise down the Mississippi. They ate amongst the general chaos of the other couples and families aboard, then wandered out back to listen to a zydeco band. There was a small dance floor, and Jake headed right for it.

  “Jake, wait.”

  He paused. “Come on, it’ll be fun. All you have to do is shuffle and wiggle a little.”

  “That’s just it. I’m not a good wiggler.”

  He looked at her. “I say different.”

  “Not that way,” she retorted.

  “Hey, wiggling is wiggling.”

  She pulled him close. “If I wiggle with you out there the way I do in private, we’ll be thrown off the boat.”

  Jake pretended to think over the idea, then laughed when she swatted him again. “Yeah, okay, there are children on board, after all.” Then he kept on toward the dance floor.


  He loved it when her voice got low and warning like that. It usually just meant she was nervous. He could help her with that. He swung her around in front of him and took both her hands as they hit the dance floor. “Just follow me. If you’re not having fun by the time this tune ends, we’ll quit. Deal?”

  He was having to shout to be heard over the raucous singing and fiddle playing. She nodded. But only after sticking her tongue out at him.

  He swung her around so her back was to his chest. “Be careful with that. We are in public.” Before she could take aim at his shins, he swung her out again.

  Three songs later, he was the one pulling her off the floor.

  “Can we come back later?” she begged, still swinging her hips.

  “Water” was all he managed to say.

  She laughed and tugged him toward the gift shop. “Come on, I want to browse.”

  So they browsed, and he swigged a soda, and then she was tugging him back for more dancing.

  “You’re a quick study,” he said, as she swung around him. He grinned. “I like that in a woman.”

  Her smile faltered, but just slightly. Enough for him to notice, even in the waning light. He’d been joking, but somehow it had reminded her of the tenuous nature of their relationship. He drew her close and shuffled her to the edge of the dance floor. He leaned his lips down to her damp neck and kissed a trail to her ear. “I like that in my woman,” he amended.

  He felt her pulse trip beneath his lips and felt the soft gasp against his skin. But she said nothing. He guided her off the floor altogether. “Come on, I want to show you something.”

  She laughed. “I thought we’d discussed doing that on board.”

  “Very funny.” She rebounded quickly, another thing he loved about her. But she also used that sharp wit to mask whatever else she might be thinking. He’d have given a great deal to know what she was thinking right now. He tucked her hand in his and led her to the side railing. “Look—”

  “Oh, wow. It’s stunning.” The sun was setting, painting a golden crescent above the city. They passed the RiverWalk with the white lights outlining the waterside shops, and he pulled her back against his chest and simply enjoyed feeling her against him
as they watched the sun set.

  “This is nice,” she said quietly, after some time had passed.

  It can always be like this, he wanted to say. It was getting more and more difficult to not press his case more directly. Time was drifting past as quickly as the river beneath them, and he wasn’t at all sure she was even thinking about changing her mind.

  “Tell me about your family,” he asked, holding her more tightly when she stiffened against him. But dammit, he just couldn’t stand there, holding her, smelling her, feeling her heart beat against him, and do nothing.

  A moment passed, then she said, “You already know most of it. I have two sisters, one brother and a very stubborn father who I’m trying to keep from killing himself.”

  “Why don’t you work for the company?”

  Another long pause, then a short sigh. “I suppose I chafe under being told what to do.”

  He grinned, and leaned down and kissed her hair. “I don’t know. I think you take direction really well.”

  She tilted her head back so she could look up at him, but she was smiling. “Don’t be smug.”

  I love you. It was right there, burning the tip of his tongue. “So, you’re the black sheep,” he said, forcing it out over the sudden lump in his throat.

  She settled back against him and watched the passing riverside. “I suppose. My sisters never minded having Dad direct them, but that was because they want the life he picked out for them. I guess that just rubbed me the wrong way. Probably because I’m too much like him instead of like my mom.”

  “I can’t imagine losing a parent,” he said quietly.

  “It definitely sucks.” She squeezed his hands at her waist. “She was sick for a long time. Cancer. I don’t really remember a time when we weren’t taking care of her, rather than the other way around. Of course, we had nannies and the like, anyway. I think my mom was always pretty fragile. Probably having four kids didn’t help any, no matter how much help she had after we were born.” She sighed a little. “Which is probably what my dad saw in her. His own parents were pretty tough on him, and here was this lovely, fragile Southern flower who wanted only to be taken care of. I think he enjoyed being her sun and moon. He did love her tremendously.”


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